St Helena celebrates the restoration of full citizenship - Telegraph

Friday 10 November 2017


St Helena celebrates the restoration of full citizenship

St Helena's 5,000-strong population on the remote Atlantic island staged a noisy double celebration yesterday marking 500 years since the island was discovered, and the restoration to the islanders of full British citizenship.

A Salvation Army brass band and the bugles and drums of the local Scouts played as Governor David Hollamby, in full ceremonial rig, represented the Queen at a march past.

As church bells rang out and a sun-drenched drizzle broke the heat, Saints - as the islanders call themselves - broke into applause at the news that the Princess Royal would visit in November. Islanders welcomed the news as recognition of their restored status.

"St Helenians suffered a great injustice when the British Nationality Act of 1981 effectively reduced all the British dependent territories to second-class citizens," Mr Hollamby said.

While the legislation was passed to protect Britain from a wave of immigrants before the handover of Hong Kong to China, "the baby was thrown out with the bath water," Mr Hollamby said.

Yesterday's events marked the high point of a week of celebration for the island.

The island, which has voted for an airport but is currently dependent on ships for contact with the outside world, was swollen by about 700 outsiders for the celebrations. Among visitors were the crew of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Grey Rover and the Albatross, a patrol vessel from the French Navy.

France pays for the upkeep of sites linked to Napoleon Bonaparte, who was exiled there in 1815 after defeat at Waterloo. He died on the island in 1821 but his body was returned to Paris in 1840.


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