Homosexuality to remain illegal in Samoa, Solomon Islands and PNG

Homosexuality to remain illegal in Samoa, Solomon Islands and PNG

Homosexuality to remain illegal in Samoa, Solomon Islands and PNG

Updated 29 February 2012, 19:30 AEDT

Samoa, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea have told the United Nations they won't decriminalise homosexuality despite pledges by Palau and Nauru to do so.

The two Pacific nations made the commitment following a review by the UN Human Rights Council. Fiji changed its laws early last year.

PNG UNAIDS coordinator Stuart Watson told Pacific Beat laws against homosexuality were a legacy of the colonial era.

Mr Watson said the organisation was aware of the "cultural and religious sensitivities" around people who have sex with members of their own sex.

"But we believe lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities should enjoy human rights as well as any other individual in society," he said.