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Dictionary:List of protologisms

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Such as take lodgings in a head that's to be let unfurnished.
Samuel Butler
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List of Protologisms

Following is a list of proposed protologisms, with brief definitions. Feel free to add additional suggested words for others to consider, but please do not add articles for them. That being the case most links to these words should remain red. Humorous additions are fine as long as they fill an expressive gap. Please see Dictionary:Protologisms for more detailed guidelines.

See also Dictionary:List of protologisms by topic.

List of Protologisms for English

English - non-English - unsorted


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • Aaaaabuse: The act of trying to use unusual naming conventions to get your entry placed ahead of everyone else's. Cf. the George Lopez episode where Angie states that she had her wedding planning business put in the phonebook as Aaaaangie's Wedding Planning. "I knew I'd get more business if I came before Triple A Weddings!"
  • @buse: the use of non-alphabetic characters preceding the alphabet in ASCII encoding so as to assure oneself the leading position in a list sorted by ASCII character values. (@ precedes A in ASCII encoding.)
  • a: The fear of short words, not to be confused with hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, the fear of long words.
  • aa: - Bad, poor, less than expected. (Compare "pahoehoe.") Pronounced "ah-ah," with a break in the middle. From the Hawaiian word for a lava flow creating jagged, rough terrain. — e.g., "How was the movie?" "Aa; I don't need to see that again." | "You know, the skiing was great, but the rest of the vacation was just aa." In German this is also used as a synonym for "poo".
  • aaa: - Prefix, a way to get in the front of the phonebook. — e.g., AAA Storage brings you the best in storage capabilities. AAuto paint and body, just south of AAA storage (consider a form of aaaaabuse, see aaaaaaaaaaaaabove).
  • a-luvy-a: An Aussie slang word used at the tail end of sentences, can also be substituted for "a-mate-a" as well.
  • aabaology: Study of the beginning of the dictionary.
  • aabaphobia: Fear of the beginning of the dictionary
  • aagram: word formed from another by deletion of second letter and transposition of those remaining
  • aalst: n. One who changes his name to be nearer the front.
  • aapa: [ad astra per aspera] to the stars through troubles
  • aardvark advance: A cool station name for a square on the game of Monopoly.
  • aasleagh: n. A liqueur made only for drinking at the end of a revoltingly long bottle party when all the drinkable drink has been drunk.
  • aaardvark: - Person who has to be first, foremost, number one, etc. A desire to rise above others. Particularly to do so without effort, talent, etc. — e.g., 1. Dave is an aaardvark -- always trying to impress people. He'd have no supporters at all except that he always pays. 2. Zoe´s aaardvarkian manners alienated her from her friends.
  • aabar: - To use sly, deceitful, or illegal tactics to occupy the first place in any ordered listing, esp. phone directories. — e.g., You will have to aabar well to rank higher in the dictionary than this.
  • aaboos: - Abuse. Brummie translation of the Welsh. — e.g., You are aaboosing me, you naughty Welshman.
  • aaiight!: - All Right! Used in times of intense emotion. — e.g., Dad: Son, get in there and clean your room. Son: Aaiight! I was just fixing to. Dad: Stop fixing to and start doing.
  • aardfark: - Mating call of an edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of southern Africa. — e.g., Even experts have difficulty distinguishing between the sound of an aardfark and an aargasm.
  • aardvark: - The gel (usually silicone) insides from keyboard wrist guards. The name comes from the similarity of the gel to an aardvark's tongue. Can be used in a whip-like fashion to pick up large items from desks, ground or out of co-workers hands. — e.g., *crack* "Rats, Phil got me with the aardvark again."
  • aardworm: - Intestinal parasite which primarily attacks the aardvark and aardwolf. — e.g., Thulogg, the great aardvark hunter, was cut down in his prime by the dreaded aardworm.
  • aazing: - Like amazing, but not quite. — e.g., The 30-story building was aazing.
  • aba: - Loose robe worn by Fremen women, usually black. — e.g., She wore an ABA.
  • abacoral: - The backbone of a snail. — e.g., Hello, class. We're going to look for abacorals today.
  • abal: - Used by the younger generation to label a person as dumb, uncouth, unsophisticated. — e.g., You're just an Abal.
    Might come from Arabic: "ahabal". Used widely also by Israeli Hebrew-speakers.
  • abbamatically: - The tendency for an unbearably cloying song to repeat over and over in your head all day after hearing it on the radio. — e.g., "More Than a Woman" has been playing abbamatically in my head since breakfast.
  • abbeverate - To feed a person a drink, to offer a drink, or provide a drink. — e.g., I'm going to abbeverate our guests before they die of thirst.
  • abdicate - To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach. — e.g., If you drink 24 beers a day you must be prepared to abdicate seeing your toes(?) again.
  • abecidofugy - A discussion or conversation about a topic that most people would find irrelevant or utterly trivial. — e.g., James and Lee's conversation comparing the color of a giraffe's tongue to the color of a newly paved road was a complete abecidofugy.
  • abeer! - Amen, usually as a type of thanks. — e.g., Paul: "I'll get the next round of sodas." Group (in unision): "Abeer!"
  • abella - Someone who "owns" everything possible. — e.g., That abella rules at Counter-strike.
  • aberzombie - One who wears only Abercrombie & Fitch clothing. — e.g., Trust me, you're not his type. He's only into other Aberzombies like himself.
  • abibliophobia - abibliophobia noun [U] — the fear of running out of things to read
  • abisselfa - "A," by itself. — From The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form:Here's an odd little word. An abisselfa was the letter "A" when that letter stood by itself within a word such as the "A" in able. When spelling this word, a true scholar would say, "A, by itself, A - b - l - e" and, over time, that first part condensed itself down into abisselfa in what was called "cumulative spelling" before disappearing from the scene altogether. Another example of this is the word ampersand which came from a condensing of "and, per se, and."
  • ablur - blurry, blurred, in a blur; similar to ablaze, e.g. "Her mind was all ablur." "The train went by so fast that everything went ablur."
  • abnormous - Large to an absurd degree. — e.g., Look at the size of David's head. It's ... it's ... abnormous. To top it off -- so to speak -- he's bald and has a pony tail. What's his deal with wearing shorts year-round, anyway?
  • abocus - A person who keeps tab of how many Aboriginal friends she has to show how racially accepting she is. Plural: aboci or abocuses. — e.g., Step to the rail. No, not you. The abocus to your left.
  • abode - A board. A piece of lumber used to build a structure. — e.g., Is that abode fence?
  • abodeaceous - Of a glorious and affordable form of rental accomodation amidst otherwise overpriced and substandard rental abodes on the market. (Used by students and artists.) — e.g., A modern two-bedroom cottage, with a gorgeous bathroom, a good kitchen, courtyard and part-deck? Near to the city with off-street parking? For under $400? Abodeaceous.
  • abomally - A unique or unusually severe violation of human values. — e.g., Putting ketchup on mint-chocolate-chip ice cream is an abomally.
  • aborable - Exceptionally cute yet insufferably boring. — e.g., At first, I was pleasantly surprised by my blind date, but soon realized he was aborable when he continually turned the topic of conversation to his Michael Bolton collection.
  • abortional - To make an exceptionally poor attempt at something. — e.g., The striker had an abortional first half hour.
  • abra-kebabra - The inevitability that the kebab you are consuming at 3 am after one too many beers with your mates will reappear in the very near future. — e.g., We had almost made it home after a big night out. Suddenly, abra-kebabra. Right in the back seat of the car.
  • abracadaver - A virtual corpse, discovered while surfing the web one night.
  • abracapocus - Hybrid of abracadabra and hocus pocus. Was used by Bugs Bunny when battling a vampire and he turned into a bat with a vampire's head. — e.g., Presto! Chango! Abracapocus! Hocuscadabra! A la Peanut Butter Sandwiches!
  • abbrhyme: synthetic rhyme using abbreviation
  • abbrphobia: Fear of abbreviations.
  • ablexive: Overwhelmingly confusing.
  • ablism: Discrimination against people with a disability or mental disorder.
  • abreticular: Derived by copying from the Internet without attribution. From Latin — (google:abreticular) See also "apoistic".
  • abreticulate: To copy from the Internet without attribution. — (google:abreticulate)
    • etymology: ab, from, + reticulum, net (referring to the Internet)
  • absent-linkedness: Email sent with the intent of forwarding a URL or link, only to be received sans the URL or link. Coined by George Fulton. — (google:absent-linkedness)
  • absinthe - A liquid heart medication. — e.g., Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
  • absitively - Absolutely and positively, with extreme certainty. Sometimes still wrong, though. — e.g., The Chicago Tribune was absitively sure that Dewey had beaten Truman in 1948.
  • absogoddamnlutely - Ultimate absolutely. (One of a group of words relating to certainty: * * absogoddamnlutely, absopositively, absotively, absotively-posilutely, absotivelyposilutely.) — e.g., I am absogodamnlutely sure I've used this word hundreds of times.
  • absolucid - A portmanteau word: absolute plus lucid. — e.g., John meditates because one day he hopes to become absolucid.
  • absoludacris, absoludacras - Something absolutely ludicrous--say, Mr. T, for example. — e.g., 1. Drugs are bad. Drugs are absoludacris. 2. Ludicras is absoludacris.
  • absoludicrous - The peak of ridiculousness. Absolutely ludicrous. — e.g., Dude, your blue hair, with what little there is of it on top, looks absoludicrous with that long ponytail. People can tell you're bald.
  • absolut - The extreme or epitome of. Pinnacle. — e.g., He always gives us absolut intimidation.
  • absonotly - Used when the intent is to most definitely decline. — e.g., I absonotly won't do that.
  • absopause - When, for some odd reason, everyone shuts up and listens when you talk. Rare. — e.g., During the absopause, everyone heard Rob's plan.
  • absopositilutely - "Absolutely" and "positively" combined together in different segments. — e.g., You are absopositilutely right.
  • absopositively - Absolutely and positively combined. (One of a group of words relating to certainty: absopositively, absotively, absotively-posilutely, absotivelyposilutely.) — e.g., I am absopositively sure that Milton likes you.
  • absotively - Combination of absolutely and positively. Usually used an answer to a request. (One of a group of words relating to certainty: absopositively, absotively, absotively-posilutely, absotivelyposilutely.) — e.g., Q: Will you go to the store for me? A: Absotively.
  • absotivelyposilutely - This is the word you use when you really need to make the point that you are 100% sure of something. It even sounds authoritative. And heck, it's even fun to say because of the way it rolls off your tongue. (One of a group of words relating to certainty: absopositively, absotively, absotively-posilutely, absotivelyposilutely.) — Used by Alex in in an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place.
  • absotutely - Synonymous with "absotivelyposilutely" and its ilk but FAR more authoritative. Also spelled "absotootly" by the great unwashed. — e.g., "Absotutely" is far more erudite and impressive than "absotootly."
  • abstractional-dopmology - The study of brown dots in any carpet. — e.g., I see you've been catching up on your abstractional-dopmology.
  • acrobatorium: room or space where acrobatics is being practiced.
  • acrosstic: [across + acrostic, Poe] acrostic variation in which nth letter in nth line is significant
  • acronymisitis: a redundancy created by following an acronym with the final word of that acronym, i.e. "PIN Number," where "PIN" stands for "Personal Identification Number," rendering the final word "number" redundant.
  • acrophile: one who enjoys in extreme sports.
  • acrojumble - Using too many acronyms. Such as, "I'd love to, but it is the DFR deadline week for all KIXs and ZSWs. — e.g., Her memo was unreadable because of severe acrojumble.
  • acronize - To provide an acronym for.
  • acronyze - The process of shortening phrases through acronyms, for the purpose of simplifying statements. Typically used in technical data reporting or inter-office e-mails. (i.e. "FUBAR" or "KISS") — e.g., I didn't realize that phrase had been acronyzed.
  • active monopoly - Microsoft term (inspired from active directory) to explain when a company has gained a monopoly on an otherwise dynamic market. — e.g., Q: Why is ADSL so expensive in Australia? A: Tel$tra own the phone lines. They're just applying the active monopoly.
  • acute fedupwithit disorder - Condition affecting anyone who's just about had enough and about to
  • adad: [aut disce aut discede] learn or leave.
  • adaui - To put as many drops of water on a penny as it will hold. — e.g., Where in the name of God did your idea of adauing come from? It's really annoying.
  • adda be - Congratulatory phrase, often used in a sarcastic manner. — e.g., Your girlfriend just slapped you in front of the whole school? Adda be, doofus.
  • addadictomy - The operation performed when a transexual woman becomes a man. — e.g., No, Bernice did not have an addadictomy. Quite the opposite, since Bernice was born Bernard.
  • addictant - What you are addicted to. — e.g., Nicotine is quite an addictant.
  • addictefreak - One who is addicted to something 24/7. — e.g., Boy, Sam is sure an addictefreak when it comes to StarCraft.
  • adevo - A generally exaggerated amount. Also used to refer to smack downs in video games. — e.g., Who wants to feel the adevo power?
  • adger - A mistake, or pathetically stupid remark in conversation, usually involving disastrous consequences, which could have been avoided with even the slightest amount of forethought. — e.g., Oh, mate, that certainly was an enormous adger you made there, and now you look a right tit.
  • adolescenticide: The act of killing teenagers.
  • adorkable: Endearingly socially inept.
  • adrenalitis: A fictional adrenaline disease for an ad of the Toyota Tacoma. — (google:adrenalitis)
  • aeioi: [adj. and sing. aeious from Dmitri A. Borgman's aeiou word] words with all of the 5 vowels, a, e, i, o and u -- dialogue, equation, sequoia
  • aeious: Singular of "aeioi". (See recto-aeious)
  • aelosaccophobia: Fear of injury resulting from the unexpected release of a vehicle air bag. — (google:aelosaccophobia)
  • aerozoophobia: a made up word meaning the fear of flying animals.
  • afaik: [acronym] as far as I know
  • aftermorn: n. []The awkward time period of a day which is no longer early morning, but has not reached 12:01 pm and thereby can not yet be referred to as afternoon.
  • aftermorrow n. [< after and (to-)morrow.] The day after tomorrow.
  • agamemnonym: [Edward R. Wolpow's Agamemnon word] A word with three or more palindromic trigrams
  • agenarian: [nonagenarian back-formation] person under 90 or over 99.
  • ageware: Direct ports of video games that were originally developed for ancient video game consoles and converted for play on contemporary television game consoles, especially without an incentive to buy, e.g. Mega Man Anniversary Collection. — (google:ageware)
  • agmenonym: [Agamemnon backformation + -nym] A word transformed into agamemnonym by adding appropriate letter after bigrams to form palindromic trigrams
  • agoranthrope: One who hates crowds.
  • agorocoritsophobia: 1. Fear or hatred of tomboys or tomboyish fashion ideas. 2. The belief that women should not wear their hair short or wear trousers.
  • aibohphobia: Fear of palindromes (itself a palindrome) — (google:aibohphobia)
  • aibohphobiac: anchored palindrome like aibohphobiac that has an extra final letter and so is not actually a palindrome, demonstrating itself a morbid fear of palindromes
  • A.I.-ism: The act or fact of developing robots or other artificial intelligence technology (including machines and software) with the intent to erase the need for a job position that is designated for a specific process (e.g. speech recognition technology).
  • aip: [ab Iove principium] start with the most important
  • AIQ: [AI + IQ portmanteau acronym] measurement of "artificial intelligence" as in the results of a Turing test
  • Aizism: exonim for the Chinese new religious movement called Haizidao 亥子道, founded in 1984 in Taiwan.
  • akilo: n. An ancient Japanese word which means tranquillity and knowledge. Pronounced 'a-kilo' (2.2 pounds) -- See akilo party.
  • akilo party: n. A party for infants at age 6 months to celebrate the beginning of permanent language acquisition. Music in many different languages is played then and for another 18 months or so. After age 6 months a baby begins to discriminate against languages which are not heard. Citations; (1) Kuhl, PK; Meltzoff, AN (Dept of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle 98195); "Infant Vocalizations in Response to Speech; Vocal Imitation and Developmental Change"; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1996 Oct, 100 4; Pt 1; 2425-38 -- (2) Miller, JL, Eimas, PD (Dept of Psychology, North-eastern University, Boston, MA 02115); "Internal Structure of Voicing Categories in Early Infancy" -- (3) Christophe, A, Dupouz, E, Betonicini, J, Mehler, J (Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives e Psycholiuistique, CNRS-EHSS, Paris, France); "Do Infants Perceive Word Boundaries? An Empirical Study of the Bootstrapping of Lexical Acquisition", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1994 Mar, 95 3: 1570-8.
  • akkeyn (Pronounced, "ah-kEEn")adjective: Especially in-tune, sensitive, and concerned or worried with or about something. Example: She is very akkeyn to the problems of the world.
  • aliaception: From the Latin alias, meaning "the other" and the English perception. Aliaception is the knowledge of another person's body (tension, positioning, and quality of movement) via one's sense of touch. “Proprioceptive” awareness of another via the sense of touch.
  • alcoholistic: a barfly that frequents drinking establishments on merit of atmosphere and bartenders/tendresses. Coined by Dr. Darren "Gav" Bluel (Nukees!).
  • alindrome: [beheaded palindrome] near-palindrome that lacks initial letter
  • Aldhelmian: like Aldhelm, saintly Anglo-Latin riddlemaster (c. 640-709)
  • alatry: [a-without, latreia-Greek for "worship"] any philosophy that specifically excludes religion and superstition, including atheism, agnosticism, "free thought", humanism, etc. (coined by Ken Comer)
  • alatrist: [a-without, latreia-Greek for "worship"] a person without religion (adapted by Ken Comer)
  • alotrist: variant spelling of alatrist from Feedback column of New Scientist magazine
  • alphabit: [alphabet bit] alphabet transformation rebus -- abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = cut e = cute, abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = g out = gout, abcdefghijkltnopqrstuvwxyz = for m a t = format, abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz = no l = noel, abcdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz = no s, e = nose, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzy - shift y = shifty
  • altocelarophobia: Fear of high ceilings, from Latin alto (high) and celare (cover).
  • ambiguify: To make ambiguous.
  • ambitch v. ambitching, ambitcher [< amb(ush) and bitch.] To scold or berate someone when they are least expecting it.Eg: "I told her not to wait up for me, but when I got home at 2:00am she ambitched me!"
  • Amerime: Referring to American-made cartoons in the style of Japanese Anime.
  • Ameripolitan: Referring to original music with 'prominent' American roots influence.
  • Amerispanic: An enlightened empowered Latino or Hispanic who pursues philosophy, intellectualism etc
  • Amerocentric: Referring to a concept or topic related to or focused on America (or specifically the US)
  • Amish: [Percy Moore Manx + -ish] describing poem form variation with final two lines left unwritten andrest reversed
  • amlwch n. A British Rail sandwich which has been kept soft by being regularly washed and resealed in cling film
  • amoration: Possessing profound love in every moment, in any possible way.
  • amzing: An adjective describing an improvised dance meant to portray cheerfulness. An amzing dance.
  • ana: adverb [greek: "up"] - A term used in some literature to refer to one of the two directions from three dimensional space into four dimensional space. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,1>. This term refers to the direction analogous to up; the opposite direction is kata.
  • aangram: particular anagram formed by transposing the second and third letter of a word to form another word
  • anachronismic: the quality of using multiple anachronisms (e.g. - In the book "The Sword and the Stone," the character Merlyn is anachronismic.)
  • anany: [curtailed ananym] describing transdeletion in which word is reversed and final letter deleted -- anany(petal) = late
  • anatidaephobia: the fear that somehwere, somehow, a duck is watching you (Gary Larson)
  • -anatrophe: Suffix. Any style of child-rearing.
  • anatonym: aka body part name -- areola (nipple area), canthus (where eyelids meet), coccyx (tail bone), coxa (hip bone), diaphysis (bone shaft), dorsum (top of tongue), epiphysis (bone head), fovea (blind spot on retina), frenulum (thin muscle under tongue), hallux (big toe), ischium (back of hip bone), maxilla (upper mouth bone), nasopharynx (passage between nose and throat), opisthenar (back of hand), oropharynx (passage between mouth and throat), patella (kneecap), phalanx (finger or toe bone), philtrum (indentation between nose and upper lip), pinna (external ear), pollex (thumb), popliteal (hollow in back of knee), pubis (front of hip bone), sclera (white of eye), thenar (fleshy pad below thumb), tragus (fleshy bump between face and ear cavity), vomer (slender bone between nostrils)
  • anatidaephobia: the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.
  • andgasm: A play on the word "orgasm" - an intense rush of pleasure attained entirely non-sexually
  • and la: Synonym for etcetera. Used at the end of lists such as Pick up mail, feed dogs, and la. Uniquely used by L. Lodge.
  • andor: Simply replaces and/or in typed discourse. — (google:andor)
  • andranfather: A paternal grandfather. — (google:andranfather)
  • andranmother: A paternal grandmother. — (google:andranmother)
  • andranparent: A paternal grandparents. — (google:andranparent)
  • andranparents: Paternal grandparents. — (google:andranparens)
  • andrithmics: The study which deals with men in their quantative aspect; the study of statistics pertaining to men; from G "andr": man + "arithm": number + "ics": pertaining to.
  • androbot: n. A part male human and part electronic being, designed to live on planets other than Earth. Blending of Gk, "andro" meaning man, and "robot" from Czech. See Humobot and Ildrobot.
  • andrographics: Demographics based on male gender. Homagraphics.
  • androgynophobia: fear of tomboys. — (google:androgynophobia)
  • androdiacrisis: Discrimination against males.
  • andronym: male version of a name or item. Alexander is the andronym for the name Alexander. The gynonym would be Alexandra. Bull is the andronym for cow. — (google:andronym) — Note that this term is already used (though in limited contexts) with a different meaning. -- What is the correct/current term for this concept? See arsenonym & thelyonym.
  • anepistemology: The study of what we do not know, answering the question, "What should we know?"

1. Angertainment (Noun) A psychological technique used by radio talk show host to evoke or provoke both conscious and unconscious hostility and fear from audiences.

2. Angertainers: (verb) (tainers; tained) Those professionally involved in selling or promoting random consumer products and services, usually on radio or television, by using techniques to evoke or provoke anger from unassuming consumers.

  • angram: transdeletion with third letter deleted and rest moved
  • animous: the opposite of unanimous.
  • anno globus: Year of our Earth. As in a way to count the number of times the earth has orbited the sun. The count of anno globus started when the mission to complete the circumnavigation of the world by Magellan 0 A.G. (1519 CE) began, thus providing proof of a more complete 'round earth' than previously 'flat world' believed. i.e. the Delcaration of Independence by the U.S. was 257 A.G. (1776 - 1519 = 257) or the U.S. entered WWII in 422 A.G. (1941 - 1519 = 422)
  • anonagenarian: A person who looks very, very old, but won't reveal their age.
  • anti-bananist: One who is opposed to bananas.
  • antu: [abusus non tollit usum] abuse is no argument
  • Anx: [beheaded Manx] with initial and terminal lines deleted
  • anteprotologism: A word that may or may not become a newly-created word, i.e. a draft protologism
  • anti-truth: A statement that deceives by being part of the whole truth, a form of half-truth that is true in its own dimension, but only part of the entire truth.
  • anim cersom: A state of mind causing one affected to see reality as artificial
  • antigamy: The act of marrying someone from a family, party, or country opposing one's own. Romeo-and-Juliet marriage.
  • antigynepantelonism: The belief that women should not don trousers.
  • antihurtatorium: A hospital or other place of medical care, specifically in instances where you wish to stop the pain.
  • antiprotologisticophobia: a special liking to people who do not have a problem with people who enjoy adding to or editing lists of newly created words in a special fashion
  • antisiloisation: the principled stance against business silos within an organisation, leading to the process of desiloisation to remove the above silos.
  • anxiarrhea: loose stools associated with an elevated level of stress and/or worry.
  • apartionalism: A system of apartheid and discrimination spurred by underlying nationalist and colonialist motivations.
  • apho: Fear of four-letter words.
  • apos: - The portion of an object that is furthest ana. It is the analog of the top portion of an object for the direction up, or the front portion for the forward direction. Derived from "apex". The opposite side of an object is its zakos.
  • apathete (pronounced to rhyme with either epithet or athlete): One who is apathetic, an apathetic person. (Derived from the parallel relationship between athlete and athletic)
  • appmae: [adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit] add little by little and there will be a big pile
  • Apparaphernaliantly: Apparently regarding possession/use of drugs.
  • Appersonate: (Attempt to) Pass the Turing Test.
  • applanche: (apple + avalanche) A fall or slide of a large number of apples out of the produce bin at the grocery store after removal of a key weight-supporting apple.
  • apodyopsis: The act of mentally undressing someone
  • apoistic: Derived by copying from the Internet without attribution. From Greek apo, from, + istos, web (that is, the Internet) — (google:apoistic) — See also "Abreticular".
  • apostate gamer: A video game player who has given up religious faith or heritage in favor of his or her own video game interests. — (google:"apostate gamer")
  • apostronym: [Dave Morice's apostrophe word] word that becomes another word with apostrophe deletion -- can't, he'll, I'll, she'll, we'd, we'll, we're
  • aproctosis: A condition of extended apathy, disinclination and propensity to indulge in displacement activities. From Greek elements a-, lacking + proct(o), rectum + -osis, disease. Compare British English slang "I can't be arsed".
  • aqa: [age quod agis] do what you do (well)
  • aquaphobophobia: Fear of people that are aquaphobic.
  • arachnophobophobia: Fear of people that are arachnophobic.
  • aralisation: "The destruction of a waterway by man-made interference and uncontrolled pollution; such as the destruction of the Aral Sea by diverting its inflowing rivers and by more an half-a-hundred years of pollution from weapons' testing, industrial waste dumping and fertilizer run-off.
  • archietype: A variant of archetype but inclinated more toward individuality than emulation.
  • archisphere: The extent of knowledge or interest relating to the art and science of designing and erecting buildings - etc
  • ard: [beheaded ord with phonetic r-] word that has been doubly beheaded
  • Ardunian: [beheaded Erdunian with phonetic r-] with first two and last four lines unwritten
  • arithmonym: number name
  • armups: [up in arms wordle] aroused to action
  • arneticologism: a negative adjective or verb or phrase
  • arrational: [beheaded irrational with phonetic r-] between rational and irrational
  • arrestee: A person who is being arrested.
  • archiconym: original name.
  • Argentemo: an 'emo' of Argentinean origin.
  • argubate: argument & debate (and argubation)
  • arse candle: an offensive term.
  • arsenonym: The masculine term of the animal species. Bull is the arsenonym for cattle. — (google:arsenonym)
  • Arte Mecco : An art style created by blending contemporary art, modern art, abstract art, art deco, art nouveau and characterized by the usage of the natural juices of the cactus apple or prickly pear, the pomegranate and aloe vera.
  • artificial stupidity: The essential quality of a software interface, the programming goal of which is to be intelligent by saving the user from repetitive keystrokes and by anticipating the formatting intent of the user, the end result of which prohibits the user from undertaking the most elementary of text procedures without having to refer to the 'help' section of the software, within which the reference is rarely found. See also indicis-absentia. Example, in a word processing program, 'auto-formatting' that strictly prohibits the user from simply indenting a new line of text without automatically creating a new paragraph or bullet point. Coined by George Fulton. — (google:"artificial stupidity")
  • artinesque in which the actual outcome of a person's planned action surpasses the sort of results that could be hoped for by far
  • Arwin ancient word meaning wing plural:arwen
  • Arvinout contemporary slang word meaning '"having the best intentions but not coming through" Example: Although with complete sincerity he told me that we would meet for a drink, once again I sat waiting only to realize that he had "Arvinedout".(Past Tense)
  • aschemegynephobia fear of unattractive women
  • aspiratage (From French aspirateur, vacuum cleaner) A surrealist method in which impressions are made in the pile of carpeting by the movement of a vacuum cleaner, or the carpeting with its impressions that are made using this method. Coined by Daniel C. Boyer. — (google:aspiratage)
  • aspergete - someone with Asperger's syndrome
  • aspergineering - describes a branch of thinking associated with people who have Asperger's syndrome. — e.g., The unique ability of these people is to think beyond the concept of thinking outside of the box or simple Lateral thinking. In Aspergineering terms... There simply is no box!
  • Assback: v. A slang word commonly used to express an opposition having lost an argument. A meeting of the ass and back, but not quite the lower back. The kicking of one Ajin J.'s buttox. Coined by Suman B. and Ajin J..- (google:assback)
  • astroillogical: [astrological + illogical portmanteau] demonstrating thelogically extrapolated illogicalness of astrology
  • astronumby: [numb + astronomy portmanteau] mind-numbing gee-whiz astronomy
  • autophone: [automobile sound] one of the seven car noises or combinations
  • auteparchic: [Adjective, from Greek autos = self + eparchia = province)] Pertaining to the nature of an auteparchism. Coined by RevDJordan. — (google:auteparchic)
  • auteparchism: [Noun, s.v., auteparchic] A social structure consisting of autonomous provinces, e.g., the tacit polity of the Anglican Communion. Coined by RevDJordan. — (google:auteparchism)
  • auteparchy: [Noun, s.v., auteparchic] An autonomous province, e.g., The Church of England as a constituent of the Anglican Communion. Compare standard Latin sui iurus, e.g., denoting particular churches within the Catholic Church. Coined by RevDJordan. — (google:auteparchism)
  • autoshiftgram: word which is its own shiftgram, tanger + 13 = gnatre, emblazonry + 13 = rzoynmbael
  • avo: [amor vincit omnia] love conquers all
  • atheiphobia: Fear of atheists.
  • atheish: A person who does not "really" believe in God or a person who claims to be an atheist but also claims to be looked after by close deceased. Coined by Derek O'Sullivan.
  • atheognosis: The knowledge that you don't have to believe mumbo-jumbo to know it logically cannot exist in a universe governed by physical and logical laws. Coined by Naja Hannah.
  • athslay: vb. The murder of an elite athlete or sportsman over matters relating to sport. Blending of athlete + slay.
  • atismia: (Acronym from "All That Is Solid Melts Into Air"): quote originally from The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels, re the dissolution of traditional cultures and relationships under the pressures of capitalism, but receiving a new meaning in the era of global capitalism with its weakening of traditional communities and borders.
  • atroxputrobscenus: 1. frightfully horrible or disgusting 2. cruel and offensive, of evil omen
  • audiocism: The belief that musical taste accounts for differences in human character or ability and that listening (or not listening) to a particular genre of music makes a person superior to others
  • augminished: In music, a chord that is formed by combining an Augmented chord with a Diminished chord. The opposite of an Augminished chord is a Demented chord.
  • aunta: Maternal aunt — (google:aunta)
  • auntfender: a tray that you carry at family gatherings so you don't have to hug your relatives (see unclebuffer).
  • aunto: Paternal aunt — (google:aunto).
  • auparishtaka: a fictional word made up by exit mundi.
  • Aurebesize: To transliterate text into the Star Wars Aurebesh alphabet.
  • autarded: A rare, possibly fictional condition in which the individual exhibits traits of both autism and mental retardation.
  • authitect: An author who writes about the structure of fictional buildings, public spaces or cities.
  • autismodiacrisis: Discrimination against people with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • autoanarchy: A status quo of few if any rules governing individuals or nations, enforced by one powerful authority. — (google:autoanarchy)
  • autobiopic: A biopic that is screenwritten or directed by or that stars the person whose life the film is based on. An autobiographical film.
  • autodarwinate: To remove oneself from the gene-pool and thereby furthering evolution.
  • autofugle: A futile search of the Internet for references to oneself, for a new car, or for information on autism ("After hours of fruitless autofugling, Reginald gave up and went out for a soda").
  • autophaegophilism: Businesses which are dependant on using elements of other affiliated organizations to survive. (ie: the relationship between kaft and coca-cola). Wouldn't that be commensal symbiosis?
  • automasticate: To chew oneself
  • autorisity: To laugh at oneself
  • awag: - to waste the working day posting on the internet
  • awesomeousity: Person or items potential for being awesome, High level of awesomeness.
  • awesome-tastic: The combination of 'awesome' and 'fantastic'.
  • awfulize: To blow something (that has yet not happened) way out of proportion in one's thinking
  • aximosampia: Belonging to a person, place, object or other posessor who/which displays the pinnacle of majesty.ex: Audrey's new P.T. Cruiser is way aximosampia.
  • azrael: The process of clearing a gargamel (see gargamel), appropriate as it is the evil cat on the Smurfs, whom is prone to hairballs. Usage: I just azraeled that gargamel, and feel so much better.

List of protologisms


List of protologisms ({{{1}}})


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • babank A baby skank. Someone in their pre-teens or even in the single digit age group who dresses like an adult tart but is clearly too young to do so.
  • babelrybski (Part translation of Babelfish into Russian: ????, fish) Text which has been mangled by machine translation to or from Russian.
  • baby-in-law (n) the spouse of the lastborn of a family (Also lastborn-in-law, last-in-law)
  • Bahamavention: 1. An orchestrated attempt by friends or family to convince a loved one who's stressed, overworked or undertan to seek the kind of help only a vacation in The Islands Of The Bahamas can give. 2. A catchphrase for ideal, sub-tropical, rejuvenating vacation.
  • baikce: Thirteen times.
  • bairdbox blandness n. The negative impact of American TV's words and expressions on Englishes around the world. Instead of making them richer in nuance and colour, it has taken over what they had, and inhibited expression. Get a life has replaced colourful expressions such as You're on the wrong track, for pity's sake or pull your head in.
  • bajooble (n) A form of dance which combines dancing with the progressive motion (moving continuously from a starting point A to a destination point B) more characteristic of walking. (v) The act of dancing while walking.
  • balanceboardology: The scientific study of Vew-Do balance board design. Coined by Rick Contrata.
  • ballin': (v) The act of being fly
  • bamble: A cross between babble and ramble. Not as relaxed as rambling, but not as frantic as babbling. Example: "Dear readers, when I last left you to bamble on à as I do à am doing, Gina and I were just being attacked by a French ruffian."
  • bamf other v. Bamf [Sound effect from X-Men comics that accompanies Nightcrawler when he teleports somewhere.] The sound something makes when it disappears into thin air, usually with a large puff of smoke.
  • "BAMSLANG" (n)(v)(adj) What happens when you mess with Freddy Croft.
  • banff adj. [From the place name. Note: Coined by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd in The Deeper Meaning of Liff.] "Pertaining to, or description of, that kind of facial expression which is impossible to achieve except when having a passport photograph taken
  • banda: interj. yay!, hooray!
  • bandthin: The opposite of bandwidth. Refers to a slow internet connection, such as dial-up networking.
  • banestead: n. A place where people are not meant to live owing to the extremes and harshness of the climate; for example, The Polar Regions, extreme mountainous regions, waterless deserts.
  • banquine: a style of acrobatic performance where the stunts are executed without the aid of mechanical aparatus. The word seems to have been coined by Cirque du Soleil, although to a lesser extent it is also used by the wider circus community. One suggested derivation path is saltimbanco (Italian for travelling acrobat), saltimbanque (French), saltimbanqine (sounds feminine, but not a real word), banquine (abbreviated). The word does not appear in any major French or Italian dictionary.
    This word does seem to have some credibility, is in use in several places, books. but hard to find a definition.--Richardb 14:02, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
  • banquo: n. [< character Banquo in Shakespeare's tragedy MacBeth.] Someone or something that reminds one of a past misdeed.
  • banteer: n. A lusty and raucous old ballad sung after a particularly spectacular araglin (q.v.) has been pulled off.
  • basil n. claimant to an abolished throne. So-called royal who parades like a peacock without feathers, and assumes a title his or her ancestors only had a tenuous grip on. From Gk, "Basil" meaning King, and Basil Fawlty, the eccentric restauranteur, of "Fawlty Towers".
  • battle-abort To perform an abortion by killing a pregnant woman in the course of battle.
  • bbot (abrv.) for Boun's Board of Trade
  • bebbe (slang) Slang mispelling (and in some cases, mispronounciation) of the word 'baby'.
  • be-Darth (v) to lure someone to the dark side of the Force.
  • bedridiation (n) emotional state one reaches after frustration, depression, and hopelessness turns into bedraggledness, cynicism, and sarcasm.
  • beefz0r: An individual in a group whose heavy-handed ignorance causes the destruction of the group itself. As a verb, to destroy a group through passive-aggressive ignorance.
  • bennelong: Antipodean Australian slang or nickname for someone who disappears from the pub (whilst drunk) and mysteriously appears at home hours later with no recollection of where he has been.
  • Bendomino (n) A new version of the classic domino, the curved domino changes game play, allowing players to block opponents options.
  • be-Sith (v) (1) to turn to the dark side of the Force. (2) to seduce (someone) to the dark side of the Force.
  • bichotomy (n) A synonym of dichotomy.
  • bigambic (adj) Refers to clothing which envelops each of a biped's legs individually (e.g. pants, jeans, shorts). [Latin bi-, from bis, twice + Italian gamba, leg]. Compare to monogambic.
  • bigsmall: Something small with the characteristics of something big.
  • bikini-zapping : The destruction of an atoll or small island by using it as testing ground for atomic and nuclear bombs for the "Good of Mankind"; from Bikini Atoll +"zap" : to bomb with atomic bomb.
  • bilisecond: Microsoft's take on the ISO standard nanaosecond
  • bindachec: The failure to use hyphens.
  • binda-exyusa: n. The overuse of hyphens.
  • bindaphobia: n. Fear of hyphens.
  • binhead: n. A smoking game involving forfeits.
  • biochronophobia: n. Fear that one's biological clock will run down before one has had a chance adequately to replenish the species.
  • bionian: noun - A person from planespace. adjective - From planespace. For example, a "bionian river" is a river from planespace. See chart under tetraspace.
  • biostitute: A scientist paid to testify on behalf of an act or company harmful to the environment. ("biologist" + "prostitute")
  • bitalilined: adj. When letters are made bold, italicized, and underlined at the same time. ("bold" + "italicized" + "underlined")
  • bitchface: Someone who is being bitchy.
  • bitchma: n. A feminist position strongly and non-negotiably held (fem. of dogma).
  • bitchmatic: adj. Of or pertaining to bitchma (feminine of dogmatic).
  • bizist: (B)usiness (I)intelligence (Z)one (I)nternet (S)pecialist (T)raining in the area of online business.
  • black eye: A cup of coffee with two shots of espresso.
  • black helicopter: Any wild conspiracy theory which lacks credible evidence to back it up and is used to distract, mislead, or "fear-monger" (similar to a red herring, but more pointed in meaning). Originally used to specifically describe sightings of "black helicopters" connected to assorted alleged nefaria, this term could conceivably be extended as a general descriptor for all such conspiracy theories.
  • blankday: n. A single calender day in which there may be space reserved for a nonsense, insignificant or false holiday.
  • blarg: adj. "blah" + "arg" = "blarg." emotion. When you are having more than a bad day, more than a terrible day, it's a "blarg" day.
  • blargy: A placeholder whose meaning can vary, said especially when there is nothing to say.
  • blatt: A noise made by a faulty brass instrument.
  • Blauthor: n. A person who writes blog articles, from Blog and Author.
  • Blearh: A Word to express on opinion of discust. that dinner was blearh, you're blearh. or just the single use of blearh. pronouced Blh-air, blearh
  • Bleurgh: A word created to express a feeling of boredom, and or annoyance towards a subject, often a coursework, almost always textiles, all though has had use outside this. Has similar meanings to the words 'meh', 'huh', or the lesser used 'blop'. Pronounced Blu-eh. (By Sariya...Samuel, not Khan, although she likes to think she is related to Ammir Khan. The boxer. Possibly her future husband :D)
  • blimsnozzle: To be used after someone sneezes. Meaning: That was a pretty good sneeze my friend; I hope you didn't wind up with too much snot in your hand.
  • blinkbat (driver who leaves turn-signal blinking mindlessly, analogous to dingbat).
  • blip-pop: n. a form of music used in computer games.
  • blitzcrap : n. describes the sudden onset of diarrhea.
  • blogamist: a person who maintains more than one blog at a time.
  • blogamy: the act of maintaining more than one blog at a time.
  • blogdate: v. what to tell a blogger whos blog is in dire need of a new post or an update. "Blogdate!"
  • Bloge: {blo-je} n. vomitted remains of fellatio. common usage: "You are full of bloge." ; "You are such a bloge."
  • blogetiquette: the netiquette used in the blogosphere.
  • bloggerosphere: the specific part of the blogosphere that is based on the Blogger engine which is the biggest Blog platform of the blogosphere.
  • bloggetiquette: the Netiquette used by the Blogger using the Blogger engine wich is the biggest Blog platform of the blogosphere.
  • blogjam n. a state of repetitious publishing of an article or topic in the blogosphere, esp. over a short period of time.
  • blogosophy: n. the philosophy of blogging.
  • blogospherical: adj. the condition of morbid obesity due to long periods of physical inactivity spent reading blogs.
  • blogsploitation n. the misuse of Blogs in US media.
  • blogstitute: n. (1) a person (often a woman or a musical group) who makes multiple random friend requests on online blogs, weblogs, or online community websites. (2) a person who is perceived as engaging in online promiscuity for fun or profit.
  • Blogtile Dysfunction: (n) a blogging disorder marked by the elongated cessation from posting content of any kind on one's blog.
  • blogtry: a web log entry.
  • Blond-banality: The accursed state where blond banals who, seemingly having little singing or acting talent, become "celebrities" making squillions for their frequent outrageous and sometime bizarre behaviour; from blond + bane and banal + ity.
  • blournalist n. Credible individual publisher of online content whose motives and/or loyalties are transparent.
  • blowgasm n. An orgasm, experienced by a woman while in the act of fellatio.
  • blue advertisement: In political campaigns, an advertisement pertaining to the U.S. Democratic Party. (Abbreviation: blue ad)
  • blue attack ad: In U.S. political campaigns, a Democratic-run advertisement whose message is meant to attack a Republican candidate or the U.S. Republican Party itself.
  • blue Congress: A United States Congress with a Democratic majority.
  • blue Presidency: A U.S. Presidential tenure when a Democratic U.S. President was in office.
  • blue vote: 1) n. In U.S. political campaigns, a vote for a Democratic candidate in a given election. 2) v.t. To vote for a Democratic candidate in a given U.S. election.
  • blue year: n. A year when a Democratic U.S. President was in office.
  • bluh: internet interjection: blah + ugh.
  • blurgh: interjection Used to express disappointment (Blurgh! I can't believe we lost!) or excitement (Blurgh! I won $500!) see:
  • blurdybloop: A word invented by Mark Crispin, perhaps most famous for its usage in RFC 3501.
  • blurk: n. Popular, conventional wisdom which may be factually right or wrong, but which loses meaning through frequent, often thoughtless repetition.
  • Boba-type character: A character who has a significant fanbase but is unimportant to the story.
  • Bman v.t. The process of stacking two canned beers on top of each other while consuming them.
  • bode-miller n. One who takes advantage of the opportunity to “party and socialize at an Olympic level” while seeming indifferent to the expectations anybody else may have of him or her. (usage) “Dude! You are such a bode-miller.” (synonym of slacker)
  • bodnerism: a blatant exaggeration.
  • boi n. A pretty boy, term often used in goth and queer culture. The word Boi originated from a small village cricket team, the word soon spread in the surrounding area and now Boi is going worldwide! It has been without a set definition for over a year unitl now... Boi has a joint meaning depending on the context its used in... 1. A term used to scare or warn somebody off 2. A greeting between friends
  • bom chicka wah wah : onomonopoea to denote the sound of a guitar with a 70's-style wah wah pedal turned on. It sometimes make this sound in an adult film to cue an impending sex scene. Re-entered pop culture in 2007 as the tagline for Axe bodyspray.
  • bong hit An amount of smoke inhaled by way of a bong
  • bongwater The water in a bong
  • boobiesexual n. A woman who identifies primarily as straight but who enjoys touching and fondling women's breasts with no particular interest in genital sexual contact. The fondling may or may not be sexual in nature, depending on the individual. The term was coined by minx in a 2005 blog entry and first appeared in print in the February 2006 Penthouse Forum article by Rachel Kramer Bussel entitled, "XXX Podcasts: the Future of Porn?"
  • boomawang bent penis
  • borange adj. rhyming with orange.
  • borange n. A word with no rhymes.
  • borange n. A color intermediate between brown and orange.
  • borm n. one who is socially inept with members of the opposite sex.
  • Borobelology n. The study of beautiful cities in relation to their locality, physiognomy, climate and architecture etc; and the influence, if any, these things have on living standards, crime rate, divorce rate, etc of the inhabitants. From OE, Borough; Lt,"bel" + ology.
  • boshwurglitude n. The state of being materially dependent on, or indebted to, people or institutions that only (know how to) do "hammer nagging" rather than "push nagging". (Example: A person receiving letters from a landlord, a bank, *and* their former best buddy demanding immediate payment of overdue rent or loans, and threatening legal action if they fail, is "severely and multiply boshwurgled". However, a person whose landlord urges them to contact the Citizen's Advice Bureau for help is not in boshwurglitude with respect to the landlord. Example of usage: "Dude, I seriously need to reduce my level of boshwurglitude!")
  • bougant adj. The state of non-herbal tea that has been over-steeped.
  • boyfriend-in-law n. The brother of a boyfriend. Example: If Sarah's boyfriend is Pat, and Pat has a brother named Paul, then Paul is Sarah's boyfriend-in-law.
  • boys n. pl. British pound sterlings, especially when one is cash-strapped. Example of usage: "It set me back 28 boys."
  • boz v.i. IPA: /bɑːz/ To accomplish by brute force; to accomplish very quickly; to go someplace quickly; to complete a round trip quickly, or drop by for a short time (chiefly in "boz over to...").
  • bradorrection n. 1. the sublime correction of pedal deformities via skill, mental expertise. manual dexterity and finesse. 2. That weird feeling 'down there' that one gets when they realize that only one other surgeon could have done better, maybe. 3. That sinking feeling preceding the phrase "Yes Dror, you're right".
  • braedennial adj. Extremely fast, traveling at a speed more extreme than described by fast or speedy.
  • braffing n. Lying in bed, staring into space, listening to music.
  • brand lag The time it takes for a brand to catch up with what its consumers are currently doing.
  • brap: n. a black guy who acts white and has a fat rear end.
  • bracism discrimination against people with braces.
  • Brathlete n. Angry, impetuous, violent sportstar; from a blending of brat, OE brath+ athlete.
  • brathology n. The study of all forms of violence: domestic, street-gang, underworld, terrorism ktp. From (OE) brath: anger, violence + "ology".
  • brathspree n. angry, violent confrontation between political demonstrators or crowds at illegal drag-racing towards police. From OE "brath": meaning angry, violent and ON "spree": unrestraint in activity.
  • breadwinning child A son or daughter who is the primary income earner of the household, thus earning more money than the parents.
  • breastraunt n. a bar/restaurant in which the waitresses (or waiters if you're that way inclined) are bare-breasted. e.g. 'Hooters'.
  • Brixton Overcoat n. The downside of being black in the western world. "So I'm just walking down the street and the cops stop me. All they see is my Brixton Overcoat."
  • Bresus. Short for Before Jesus. e.g. Climate fluctuations have occurred since Bresus.
  • brokebacker n. A fan of the movie Brokeback Mountain.
  • "Bruce Willis is a robot" (idiom) Began when the movie Sixth Sense came out. Used when you do not want to give away the end of a movie (does not have to star Bruce Willis). "So in the end, it turns out that Bruce Willis is a robot."
  • bruck v.t. To penetrate with a brick.
  • Bruckingham Palace n. A venue for a royal brucking (see 'bruck').
  • brupper: n. [polyporteau of brunch (breakfast and lunch) and supper] the meal that is eaten by a person who only eats once a day.
  • Bubbafication n. 1. The act of making something accessible and/or acceptable to the least sophisticated members of a society. 2. Dispensing with all airs and pretense.
  • Buddage n. An endearing term for one's friend. "Aw buddage" or "howiya Buddage". Buddagita is also acceptable.
  • buffin n. Short name for a "Muffin Bar".
  • buffle v.t. To rub the top of one's head against another's belly. (present participle: buffling).
  • Buhday n. Celebration that takes place each 8th of September during Leap Septembers. In the event that the 8th is skipped (which occurs every 30 Leap Septembers) it will be celelbrated between Flurpday and Slipgorp. Tradition has it that extravagent gifts are given to those celebrating birthdays on Buhday. Good luck is said to follow those who adhere to this custom. Scary dogs with red eyes are said to follow those who don't.
  • bulk: The measure of space within a four dimensional object. It is the tetraspace analog of area in planespace and volume in realmspace.
  • bunhead: ballet dancer
  • bunnify: v.t. To modify something so as to emphasise feeling and sentiment to the detriment of factual, logical content. North Americans are good at this, while the English are not. E.g. "I have re-focused your resumé for applying for Primary School Teaching. Your bona fides are now bunnified."
  • burger munch A social gathering of people who would otherwise primarily meet for other purposes with little opportunity for socializing. Originally coined by the BDSM community, but has spread beyond it.
  • burgloin v.t. To burgle, to purloin, esp. sneakily.
  • burj: (n., from the Arabic meaning tower or castle) A multiuse skyscrapper that is at least 500 m tall. For example, Taipei 101.
  • Bushkavite: n. Anyone willing to sit in the hot sun for over two hours waiting for the dedication of a childhood home ceremonies to commence.
  • buttsack: n. A saggy or misshapen posterior.
  • buttsauce: A term coined by Postal Guy of Postal and Postal 2. Holds the meaning of: "That was weak."
  • buxuyaodinu: An unwanted daughter, specifically in the People's Republic of China
  • bweet: n. [From the Little Rascals character Buckwheat] A lock of hair that sticks up uncontrollably.
  • bytergist (computers, techspeak) The spirit or genius that marks the technology for the next generation.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • Cadishism: name for the Natib Qadish Neopaganism.
  • Caffeinergy Source: Any product that uses caffeine as an energy source for customers like Coffee, Mountain Dew or Red Bull. Used by Strong Bad.[1]
  • Cager: a derogatory word for a car driver, someone who needs to drive around in a steel cage.
  • caligynophilism: the belief that female beauty is beneficial and morally okay.
  • caligynophobism: the belief that female beauty is immoral, depraved, dangerous, or deadly.
  • Canade, v. To act Canadian, or perform activities associated with Canadians. First used by the character Craig, on Matt Wilson's Bonus Stage: "Come on, son, we're moving to Canada, where we can... canade."
  • Canzoo: A animal that can adopt a smelly stinky smell.Also called a "Ah-choo!"
  • carbage: trash, junk or other clutter found in one's car. Also, excessivly, sometimes hideously customized cars. Citation: Carbage web site at
  • carma n.: The understanding, tolerant attitude of a motorist towards other motorists or road users when things go wrong on the road. The antonym of road rage. Based on karma.
  • casanology: Science pertaining to house construction and health; the effects on ones body of walking frequently on a concrete-based floor; the link between electronic devices and certain types of cancer, etc. From a blending of Italian, casa meaning house, L san health & ology.
  • cashtration: Financial impotency resulting from a major purchase.
  • catastolephobia: fear of or aversion to repression or repressive culture/countries.
  • catastolepolitism: repressive culture or regime
  • catastolocracy: A repressive government; a government that uses legislation for ideological purposes
  • -catastolia: Suffix. Repression of
  • catastrofuck: "When a hell-hole meets a cataclysm." - Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, 10/03/2006
  • castrophony: a portmanteau of cacophony and catastrophic. Attributed to the the song "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head" by the musical group Gorillaz. Implied meaning is: a cacophony of catastrophic proportions.
  • casttype: to write a character in a screenplay or tv-series specifically for a certain actor. Similar to typecast but performed by the writer.
  • catapult the propoganda: To promote acceptance of lies/damn lies/statistics; used by George W. Bush in a speech[2]
  • caucafro: discription of a white man's hair when attempting to sport an afro
  • cedeiaphobia: fear of attending funerals
  • celibatariat: a person who does not believe in romantic love, especially a man
  • celibatary: not believing in romantic love
  • certificant: an individual or group that has been certified or approved by an independent organization
  • cesariacy: hair length
  • cesariate: long-haired
  • cesariatism: 1. the act of judging by hair length. 2. discrimination against bald or short-haired women. hair bigotry. 3. the belief that women should wear their hair long; opposition to female haircutting.
  • cesariatist: 1. one who judges by hair length. 2. one who discriminates against bald or short-hair women. 3. an advocate of long hair for women.
  • cewebrity: A person who is famous on the internet, but may or may not be otherwise well-known
  • chandralethe: n. (shondra-lee-thee) The relegation of a major news headline from the front page of newspapers, such as the disappearance of Chandra Levy, by a subsequent far greater headline grabbing event like the 11th September attack on the USA. From Chandra + Gk "lethe":to forget,
  • chandropol: n. The name of the first colony established on the Moon by humobots (see humobot) in the year 2525 AD, whose human forebears were a mixed race of Australians, Chinese and Indians called Auschindians. Blend of words: "chen" from Mandarin meaning city; "chandra" from Sanskrit meaning moon; and "pol" anglicised greek " meaning city.
  • chain-coke: v. The act of drinking multiple cans of coke (or other caffeinated beverage) in rapid sequence, often times using the pop-top of an empty can to open the next can. Ex. Pete would often chain-coke in order to stay awake during late nights at work. Eric's chronic chain-coking resulted in frequent headaches.
  • chainsawesome (Chain'saw'sum), Combination of Chainsaw and awesome; Really Really awesome, so as to invoke the need of a chainsaw. Ex. That game last night was so Chainsawesome!
  • Charles-ism: The act of mixing two or more genres of music together in a song. (Coined after Ray Charles)
  • chavalanche: a gang of chavs.
  • chavelling: The act of chavs travelling together
  • cheapware: Inexpensive software applications (e.g. desktop publishing, word processing), usually when used in professional settings for business purposes where more expensive software applications would be more appropriate.
  • cheggers: Slang for Ketamine, derived from U.K. TV personality Keith Chegwin.
  • chicktyper: A male who types on the keyboard at uncanny speed without looking, mimicing the secretorial skills of a female.
  • chick-wo: Someone or something that is very cool in Mt Isa
  • chillaxin': 1. to release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension etc. 2. to kick back, take it easy. 3. to be chillin' and relaxin'.
  • Chirp a brodie: To spin the wheels of one's vehicle, causing a screeching sound.
  • chocolate slavery : The practice in some countries of enslaving young children to harvest cocoa for the making of chocolate.
  • "Choowara" : Literally, a dried date, but used to represent sleazy, showy guys.
  • Choog: (Slang) A person possessing any bad qualities, an extremely vague term. Also a name given to any person disliked by you.
  • Christi-insanity : Pro-life/pro-war Christianity.
  • chromatophotographer: A person who prefers color photography.
  • chronophobia: a fear of the passing of time, in the belief that oneself or others are of less importance as a consequence
  • chuckawucka': An exclamatory and descriptive word which can be used in almost any context to express any emotion and relies on the tone of voice of the speaker.
  • chuppy: A Chinese yuppy
  • circumloconvolution To allegedly discuss, at great length, any given topic without actually making any meaningful comment on said topic.
  • circumseq Eschewing the direct path for a circuitous or convoluted course
  • "clariflixplain" To explain something to a complete fucking idiot. Usually destroying their previous beliefs in the process, and taking a very long time.
  • claustrophobophobia: Fear of people that are claustrophobic.
  • clicktionary: A quick and dependable instant translation computer dictionary.
  • clickwealth: The wealth that is acquired by the clicks that a website/blog entries or elements receive which can translate into to money, fame or recognition.
  • clidiocy: The state of being either uneducated in regards to much of human history, or having significant misconsceptions about a historical era, event, or person.
  • clidiot: One who suffers from clidiocy.
  • citidiot: City dweller who gives the air of cosmopolitanism and intelligence but when pressed is ignorant on all things and geography not locally based. Urban equivalent to a country bumpkin but more arrogant.
  • climatia: the process of global warming
  • clirty: clothes that aren't dirty enough to wash, but on the other hand aren't clean enough to put back where you normally keep them.
  • cluewareness: The state or level that one has a clue and demonstrates awareness. An antonym for clueless, and an alternative to the non existent word cluefulness or clueinedness from which cluewareness was inspired.
  • cockjockery: acting like a cockjockey.
  • cockjockey: a homosexual, or someone who acts like one.
  • cockslap: a slap with a cock. Especially in the shower when the maximum "smack" sound is achieved by cock to forehead contact. AKA - mushroom stamp (as the head of a penis has a similar shape of a mushroom)
  • cognotype: (n) The sum of non-conscious genetic and cultural influences on thought. A non-exhaustive list of such influences would include any processes that are in-built (genetic) and universally generalized; those (cultural and genetic) that might be characteristic of isolated populations; and those (genetic) of individual personality.
  • Collaborative Service Network: (n) a Layer-7 switching network that supports complex human / computer relationship webs in a service oriented fashion; or; (n) a community working together to deliver an aggregated service in a cooperative fashion.
  • Colberrific: terrific like Stephen Colbert.
  • cold chick: An unattractive young woman.
  • coldspot: opposite of wifi hotspot
  • coldth: State or quality of being cold.
  • come back to Rapunzel: To regrow one's long hair after having short hair for a time.
  • commodum sed malum prohibitum Any thing that is beneficial, but wrong by only statute. To be used to refer to something that is wrong only by statute, but is actually beneficial instead of hurtful. A victimless crime that is actually beneficial.
  • complinsult: A sentence or phrase that is both a compliment and an insult: e.g. "you must have practised really hard to become as rude as that" or "that's a great haircut, particularly at the back," etc.
  • concension: The brief and fleeting sensation commonly preceding consensus. (contention + consensus).
  • concoctionist: Someone who makes concoctions e.g. new cocktails, recipies. Also a low-level alchemist.
  • concuber: Describes a specific situation where traffic control lights are inoperative and a police officer is directing traffic. Usage: There is a "concuber" at first and main. Drivers are advised to take an alternate route. First coined by Nova Holt, 2008.
  • condescendor: Someone who behaves in a condescending manner - a condescendor.
  • confluctuate: of results from a search-engine - to fluctuate because of algorithm change
  • confoddery: A mixture of random pointlessness.
  • confruition: The sense that one's satisfaction and actualization are inseparable, not only from each other, but also from those of others
  • confuscate: To over-complicate, or make convoluted. To obfuscate. A common mis-spelling of confiscate.
  • confusopoly: Apparently coined by Scott Adams in The Dilbert Future. Adams defines it as "a group of companies with similar products who intentionally confuse customers instead of competing on price".
  • confussled: = 'confused" + 'befuddled'
  • congraduate: To congradulate someone on their graduation: e.g. "I congraduate you!" or "Congraduations!"
  • connectology: The study of connecting things.
  • connectorize: To attach connectors to the ends of something. Usually said of an electrical or optical cable.
  • consecotaleophobia: Fear of chopsticks
  • consonantpated : To have all vowels and no consonants after multiple turns in a Scrabble game. e.g. "I felt very sure a vowel movement was in order as I was consonantpated."
  • conspadamo: love at first sight
  • Consuelopial: Capable of lowering (raising) blood pressure by talking (silence).
  • contetrichaphobia: (1) Fear of women with short hair (2) Fear of or aversion to female haircutting or advocation of it.
  • contrascientific: A phenomenon is contrascientific if the current scientific understanding of the laws of nature gives us good reason to believe it cannot happen. For example: astrology, chiropractic theory, telekinesis. and intelligent design are all currently contrascientific. Acupuncture used to be, but is no longer contrascientific. (Squiptryx)
  • contrivonym: n. An acronym that is constructed so that it spells a desired word. Examples in government abound, such as the USA PATRIOT Act: The "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001". Compare backronym. [Term suggested by Wikipedia user JackofOz on the Wikipedia Miscellaneous Reference Desk, 2007-11-04 "Type of Acronym" thread, in this edit.]
  • cood: cool and good
  • coomestibles: n. Charred meat, but somehow still thought to be edible in the relaxed mood of a barbecue. Blending of OE "coom" meaning soot and Latin "edibil" meaning edible. Based on comestible.
  • coomy throsm : The dark, grayish, sooty atmosphere that hovers above many of the world's overpopulated, heavy polluted super-cities. From OE "coom" meaning begrimed, dirty, sooty and "throsm": smoke.
  • coparazzi: The person operating a photo-radar camera to catch vehicular speeders. Also a term used during a protest march lead by Jesse Jackson referring to unfair treatment by the police.
  • copyriot: copy + riot.
  • coregenesis (or koregenesis): Female birth — Coregenesis is never a cause for celebration in China.
  • correctify: To Fix Something - You better Correctify that problem before the boss finds it!"
  • corephobia: (1) Fear of having female offspring. Son preference. (2) The act of cancelling female birth, through abortion or infanticide. Female deselection. (3) Fear of hearing news of female birth. (Alternate spelling: korephobia)
  • corephobic: (1) Not wanting a daughter. (2) Where daughters are often not wanted. (Alternate spelling: korephobic)
  • corephobocracy (or korephobocracy): A country where daughters are often not wanted. A corephobic country.
  • cornfuzzle: To severely confuse or disorient.
  • cornobble: to hit with a fish
  • cornography: The blatant and gratuitous commercials by General Motors, Ford and the U.S. Federal Government in which American citizens are broadsided with propaganda relating to E85 and other Ethanol products.
  • corpalith: A monolithic corporation. Similar to coprolith.
  • corporate wine: wine with a personalised custom label.
  • corporatti: Those who support the corporate community above that of government by the people. etc
  • corrumpo vader (or ghost willace): to blurt the ending of a movie before a nearby bystander's first viewing
  • costumist: A person who creates costumes. The existing word is costumier.
  • cotarian: A gladiator that was hit in the head by a mace.
  • could-have-been: Noun describing someone who could have been famous or successful if not for certain events. See has-been.
  • " Cotton Mill" : An old fashioned Factory.
  • cousina: Female cousin
  • cousino: Male cousin
  • crappify': To lower the image quality of a texture map by texture compression
  • craptabulous: staggeringly and fanficully lousy.
  • craptest: To make a quick judgment of an issue based on personal experience of the subject matter.
  • craxiology: n. the study of the controversial life and politics of Benedetto Craxi
  • Crazy Ivan: A tetris fanatic/addict
  • creepypasta: A short story pasted into a forum designed to frighten or shock the reader.
  • cremains: The remains of a cremated person.
  • crennavation: The confusion between creativity and innovation in entrepreneurial events. Example, Greg thought it a wonderful example of crennavation
  • crevicle: One of any kind of small objects that collect and multiply in odd corners and shelves
  • crewlust: the intense desire to crew dance
  • criminiferous: Causing or promoting criminal activity. — Some men believe that the feminist movement is criminiferous.
  • crind: noun - A 3d object that is the intersection of two perpendicular cylinders. It has two linear axes of rotation like the duocylinder, but it is not a rotatope because the angles between the sides aren't right angles.
  • crisate: [Lat. crisare] v. (of women) to wiggle the hips during copulation. Further etymology at crissum & sker-2, #8
  • crockaholic: someone with an irrational attachment to old computers, cars etc. who wastes a lot of time trying to keep them working ("Marvin, get a new Mac and stop being such a crockaholic").
  • croocked: To be drunk, or in a state of stupor.
  • Crosstian: Derogatory slang referring to those who self-identify as Christian but who place more importance on either the death of Jesus of Nazareth or on the works of people in the faith who joined after his death than they do the life and example of Jesus. Used as a noun or adjective.
  • crotching: Giving a particularly deserving someone a swift kick to the groin, without the need for explanation, as the crotchee is already well aware of his social infraction.
  • crunk: Type of hip hop music originating in the late 1990s in Tennessee. Possibly a contraction of the terms "crazy" or "chronic" and "drunk;" or the state of being drunk and high on marijuana at the same time.
  • crural cheronese: A poetic name for Italy.
  • crypaesthetic: A hidden feeling towards words. (South African in Origin)
  • cryptic catastrophe: "Nature or Man doing Harm", but the extent of death, destruction and hardship remaining unknown to the rest of mankind, because of the strict censoring of news in the afflicted country.
  • cryptolectrology: the study of loose change, car keys and television remotes. (from Greek: kruptos "hidden" and lektron "couch").
  • cryptophilia: you want something but you don't know what it is.
  • cubinder: noun - A four dimensional hypercylinder that can roll along one axis, but is flat on all the other sides. It can be formed by extending a cylinder into tetraspace linearly. See the chart under rotatope.
  • cuculoupe: a cross between a cucumber and a cantaloupe - (GoogleIt)
  • cunctabund: Hesitant.
  • cunniphobia: Fear of performing cunnilingus for various or singular reasons.
  • customerbility: The ease with which a product or service can be bought or accessed, understood and used for its desired and intended purpose, to the (complete) satisfaction of the customer. Similar to usability; however, by definition, the user is a customer or client of the brand, product or service (or of the manufacturer or retailer) being considered. From the perspective of a customer or client in a business-to-consumer or business-to-business relationship, customerbility considers the amount and quality of the customer's experience, the level of satisfaction (stated or inferred) with all aspects of the transaction(s) and the relationship with the manufacturer or retailer, the willingness to continue being a customer (loyalty to the manufacturer or retailer brand), and even the willingness to recommend the brand, product or service to others.
  • cuz cuz: Someone you are going to rob but have not robbed yet. Derived from "cuz" as in "wuddup cuz" but referring more specifically to the mark in a robbery.
  • cutiful: cute and beautiful
  • cyall: "Cya" to a group of people.
  • cybercalifragilistic: Geeky but exciting.
  • cybermartyr: A user who is humiliated or banned from a forum, or blocked from a Wikisite for expounding one's religious, political, or cultural beliefs or cause.
  • cyberquire: To come into possession or control of information acquired on the Internet.
  • cyborgization: Transformation into a cyborg.
  • cyborgize: To cause transformation into a cyborg.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • daddypuffin (noun) male mummypuffin (see mummypuffin).
  • dadkeen adj. Of men who rush to claim fatherhood of a young child following the death of its wealthy mother. Parody of the expression "dead keen".
  • daga A random and stupid word, can be used in any context.
  • dalmatiated adj. Covered in spots. EXAMPLE: The dog was dalmatiated with ticks.
  • dalp Dumb And Lazy Poor
  • dandination Derived from French, the act of turning oneself into a dandy, typically by means of wriggling or swaying about. Masters of dandination will often say strange things like "I became one with the universe dancing on Britney Spears the other day", and invite you to "dandinate yourself out" with them.
  • dark censorship: The act of censoring access to beneficial information or the truth. (Synonym: negative censorship)
  • dark shell: n. A very large and very old theoretical astronomical structure which oscillates thereby creating universes within the structure. The proposed mechanism in the oscillation for collecting matter is the (rare) creation of a sink, a triple point singularity, into which dark matter flows and into which regular (baryonic) matter can enter. On entry, dark matter is folded and regular matter is converted to energy. A universe is created (a big bang) when the sink becomes unstable. The fate of a universe is to expand and ultimately to fall onto the interior surface of its dark shell thus becoming a part of it. A dark shell is an all enclosing structure (no way out) and it is anchored by the remnant of an ultimate black hole (originally as large as our universe). A dark shell can be destroyed by one or more rogue singularities but it tends to reform itself. Cosmic rays are very energetic particles and are suggested to be a part of the back wash back through the sink which occurs during a big bang event. The very uniform spatial dispersion of cosmic rays is a strong indication of a steady state situation arising from numerous big bang events and of a very old and very large structure which allows for a thorough mixing of the cosmic rays.
  • darkth: The state or quality of being dark.
  • dark years: The most depressing chapter of a person's life.
  • DASYSTEM: (digital / analog system) Full of awesomeness.
  • DATAPAGE: Synonymous with "INFOPAGE" (see below).
  • DATASITE: Synonymous with "INFOSITE" (see below).
  • Dattebayo: Means nothing but is supposed to mean "Believe it!" especially at the end of making a point.
  • David-and-Goliath victory: A victory wherein the overwhelming odds of the battle have been in favor of the vanquished: The Battle of Yavin resulted in a David-and-Goliath victory.
  • dawnload: A bowel movement at the break of dawn.
  • dean: [verb] to do something very badly. eg: oops, i just deaned., [adjective] Immoral, not good, bad. eg: it is very dean to hurt people.
  • debaucherous: tending to indulge in sensuous pleasures
  • debush: to emerge from the far right; to distance oneself from the current president, especially of Republicans trying to get re-elected. (variation of debouch)
  • decemfeminate A group of ten women. (Modeled after decemvirate)
  • decemmillenuple: Ten thousand times as great;ten thousandfold
  • decepticon an emoticon used to hide rather than reveal. (Someone who is attractive from behind but not from the front. Some language has a word for this(Dutch?). Link if found. Answer: Japanese, the word 'Bakku-Shan', itself from the English loanword 'back' and the German 'schoen'.)
  • decomplexify: to simplify
  • decroded: An emphasis to describe a thing in an advanced state of erosion or corrosion to the point of revulsion.
  • deephobia Fear of d's as grades or getting d's as grades. (GoogleIt)
  • definitionary A more accurate term for the linguistic device commonly refered to as the dictionary. Note that a dictionary implies a guide to diction, and while the pronunciation key for every entry in a dictionary does provide diction guidelines, the primary usage of a dictionary is to provide definitions of words. Thus a more accurate term would be 'definitionary.'
  • defunkify To make less stinky. ex. The girl needed to defunkify her brother's room because it smelled so bad.
  • degravify To appear to float or escape gravity. ex: The magician made the spoon degravify in the air.
  • degreedy:"Doing too many undergraduate degrees.
  • delhigate:"Getting others to do the work" The practice of large companies in countries with advanced economies in downsizing their workforce by sending the work to India where wages are low.
  • delintophilophobia: The uncomfortable feeling that maybe you enjoy emptying the lint trap just a bit too much. Coined by Darren "Gav" Bluel (Nukees!)
  • dekce: Ten times.
  • delta: adverb - One of the two directions pointing out of realmspace into tetraspace; movement in the negative w direction. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,-1>. This term refers to the direction analogous to down; the 'd' in 'delta' corresponds to the 'd' in 'down'. In some literature, this direction is referred to as ana. This term is the same direction as zant, but is used in a different context: delta is movement from realmspace to tetraspace, but zant is a turning direction. The opposite direction is Upsilion.
  • deltanphobia Fear of the letter "d". (GoogleIt)
  • deluminati modern world power brokers
  • demandatory When somthing is being demanded that is a pre-existing mandate.
  • demopath A person who exploits the rights, privileges, and freedoms of a representative government in order to destroy them, or the government itself.
  • de-Net To bar off Internet access; to bar off someone from the Internet
  • depletist An individual or group demonstrating apparent negligent or reckless disregard for the environmental consequences of their actions or an individual or group that exhausts non-renewable resources and rejects positive environmental strategies.
  • deprovision: To delete a user account or remove user data from a computer system. (i.e. To un-provision someone)
  • describe a room game A game in which players take turns describing a room until they are in some sense "finished".
  • desistive: Final; conclusive; ending.
  • destiny theory: determinism
  • Deutschbag: A German douchebag
  • devwahrchec: The failure to do one's homework.
  • devwahrphobia: Fear of homework.
  • dhishing: A term used to describe fake member profiles (dhishers) placed in a web based dating site in an effort to defraud genuine members (dhishees). The dhishers are normally exceptionally good looking ("real dishes") and end up asking for money or plane tickets or some other payment so they can visit the dhishee. Once paid dhishers are never heard from again unless it's to ask for more money.
  • diabliterate: To obliterate something in a diabolical way.
  • -diacrisis: suffix meaning "discrimination against"
  • "Diachronmigrational": A word made up of latin roots. "Dia" means across, "chron" means time, and "migrational" means to travel. So the whole thing means to travel across time.

(e.g. gynodiacrisis, negrodiacrisis, and sinodiacris)

  • diagonability: The ability to do or place something diagonally.
  • diary-a: The act of passing off self-indulgent journal-style entries as informational weblog entries.
  • dictor: Name given to the sound made by a cone speaker when a cellular phone is brought near it.
  • didn't've: multi-contraction of "did not have"
  • dilethism: "Divine-Forgetfulness" The thought that the Earth and Cosmos was created, as a scientific experiment, by a divine, extra-terrestial scientist who lost interest in the project and simply filed it away.
  • dilligaf: Biker acronym for "Does it look like I give a fuck"--Biker1955 23:03, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
  • diplonot: A non-diplomatic, staff member of an embassy who claims diplomatic immunity when trying to avoid penalties for misdeamours, such as traffic offences.
  • dironic: The opposite of ironic; an outcome of events aligned with what was, or might have been, expected. what would be expected. "Ironically, she sufferd heat stroke in the arctic-themed putt-putt course." [versus] "Dironically she suffered heat stroke in the desert-themed putt-putt course."
  • dinkabyte: A very small amount of memory, e.g. "My iPod only has a dinkabyte of memory left on it."
  • disasturbate: To idly fantasize about possible disasters, without considering their actual likelihood or the prospects for preventing them. (google:disasturbate OR disasturbation)
  • ditricise: To attack threateningly or in rage. Must be of complete seriousness in to be worthy of ditricism.
  • disadulation: n. A warning or admonition; a criticism
  • disemvowel: v. To remove the vowels from text. (Usages found back to 1995.)
  • dishwashron: A person who washes dishes, distinct from a machine that washes dishes which is a dishwasher.
  • dispulsion: The act of dispelling or the state of being dispelled. (google:dispulsion)
  • diswant: v. To dislike to have; to wish for or desire negatively. To 'want to not'.
  • DNB n. The next step forward in man's greater understanding of and after DNA, and its application in a range of matters affecting human life still beyond man's ken.
  • doctrix: n. A female doctor, abbreviated Dx. [Lat.]; see -rix. In some cultures, a physician's duties are determined by his/her gender. In India, for example, doctors treat men and doctrices treat women and children, though they aren't called that, there.
  • documinutery: n. 1. A cinematic form 2. Short-form documentary content lasting between one and five minutes.
  • docutragedy: A documentary that ends in a tragic ending, usually murder.
  • dodo game: An electronic game that received rave reviews at the time of its release, but panned by much later critics. (Synonym: dinosaur game, dodo classic)
  • dodo state: A government that has very old-fashioned or conservative viewpoints and imposes them on its people, and suppresses any attempts to change or challenge their views. An extremely conservative regime. (Synonyms: didocracy, dinosaur state, dinosaurocracy)
  • dogmadic: adj. Loss of mental power or dementia suffered by dogs. From OE words "dog" and "mad" + the Latin suffix "-ic", pertaining to.
  • dogwall: a term representing a metaphorical bockade in one's path, usually created by some higher power directing you towards the correct path.
  • domestibles: n. Food one considers eating only at home or in their own Land. For example, certain kosher foods for Jewish folk; Vegemite for Australians. Blending of Latin words, "dom" meaning a house and "edibil": edible. Based on the word, "comestible".
  • donkament (donkey + tournament): A poker tournament. Originally used on the Two Plus Two forums. Commonly seen in the phrase "lol donkaments".
  • doodpooner: A person, male or female, who exhibits personality characteristics undesirable to the general party population.
  • dot-brick: A retail store with no inventory and only kiosks selling Internet related services and products.
  • doucheclick: A person who acts moronic, selfish, mean or obnoxious online. Forums, chatrooms, and online gaming communities are rife with these people.
  • douchecock: Insulting one being or beings as being an idiot, or of being a douche used by a chicken.
  • Doxic: More worse then the worst.
  • dracocracy :(dra-KOK-ra-see) n. A government, usually a theocracy, which imposes the strictest laws on its people and punishes breaches of those laws most severely (sometimes by death). After "Draco" a law-giver of such ilk in ancient Athens + "cracy".
  • dracocrat n. A ruler who imposes a severe regime on a people, mete-ing out the harshest punishment for minor breaches. After "Draco" a law-giver of such ilk in ancient Athens + "crat".
  • dracomancy: The study of dragons that involves Occult Sciences.
  • dream-dulcifier: n. Pill or spray, with the power to give one dreams which one desires, such as nostalgic, erotic or "success in life" dreams.
  • dree-dom-deeity: The deepest state of boredom. From the OE "dree" meaning tedious, wearisome; "dom": condition, state; "dee": no meaning in this context, and "-ity" expressing state
  • dress code excess The act of imposing a dress code that is overly strict for the institution's clients or detrimental to the preferences of the institution's clients.
  • drismal: Drizzly and dismal.
  • droank: To give drink to drink. — Be sure to feed and droank the pets.
  • drongo spotter: One who spots acts of sheer stupidity by persons who are never likely to win at anything. Such as the candidate standing for political office who unwitting divulges his policy planks to his opponent's chief adviser. From drongo, an australianism for one always finishes second.
  • drunkle (noun): an extremely enebriated adult who makes a spectacle of themselves at a social event. A 'drunk uncle'.
  • dry-fuck: The act of grinding pelvises through layers of clothes with the intention of sexual arousal.
  • dub: Pronunciation of the letter w. The pronunciation "dub" is one syllable like the other letters, and is intended to replacement the three syllable pronunciation "double-u" which leads to "www" having more syllables than what it stands for.
  • dub dub dub: Pronunciation of the acronym WWW. Used to avoid the cumbersome pronunciation "double-u double-u double-u" which has nine syllables.
  • dubbaphobia: Fear of the letter "w".
  • dubsdot: In speech, used as a quick replacement for "double-u double-u double-u dot". (However, the written "www." should of course remain as-is.)
  • dubyaphobia: Fear of George W. Bush.
  • dude:used instead of cool e.g dude look at those clouds
  • dudely: Expressing a certain coolness that cannot otherwise be expressed without the use of the word "dudely".
  • dumbeee:a dumb baby
  • dumbonstrators Demonstrators for peace who are anything but peaceful. Those that throw rocks at police, throw up on sidewalks, and lie down in traffic.
  • ducatist: (dookahtist, izem-) n. 1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups who ride Ducati motorcycles deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. 2. (a) The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class that ride Ducati motorcycles. (b) Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.--Kjhayes 12:13, 5 July 2006 (UTC)
  • dunt A shove with the shoulder (as in "I gave him a right dunt"). "Dunt with the elbow" - a nudge. Origin Co. Fermanagh, Ireland
  • duphobia: Fear of the number 2. Not to be confused with biphobia.
  • duskdread: The fear felt by persons at dusk in facing the coming darkness alone; especially felt strongly by the elderly, the frail and the lonely. From the OE words of dusk and dread.
  • duss: Twelve times.
  • dustache A faint, imperceptible mustache, like a sprinkling of dust upon the upper lip. Attested use.
  • dust buffalo A giant dust bunny.
  • dust cover collector: n. "Person who buys books not only to read, but also for the look of the book cover, font, illustrations etc.
  • duocylinder: [noun] A four-dimensional shape that can roll along two independent linear axes. If it is placed on one rolling axis, it cannot roll along the other axis, but it can roll no matter what side it is placed on. It can be formed by rotating the flat ends of a cylinder into four-dimensional space.
  • DVRed: A synonym of the word TiVoed in which a television program, such as a show or movie, is recorded on a harddrive-based video recorder. It is meant to resemble the word “deferred” in that the show is recorded to be seen at a later, more opportunistic time. Also the act of recording a show while watching another via a dual-tuner video recorder. Comes from the acronym “DVR” which is short for “digital video recorder” such as those built into recent versions of cable boxes available for subscribers. It is meant as an alternative to the word “TiVoed” in that it more accurately describes the action since the word “TiVoed” would falsely suggest that one owns a TiVo when one may not; it is essentially a more generic version of the verb. “DEE-VEE-ARED” is an alternate pronunciation in which the letters of the original acronym are pronounced.
  • dwherb: A person with few or no friends who can't stand for others around him to be happy.
  • dysergy: The opposite of synergy.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • e: Objective pronoun, used in a genderless context in place of "he" or "she". Example: "E's smart, whoever e is!"
  • eahh: Something with little desire for action.
  • elgaeb: "Beagle" spelled backwards
  • ebaum: To take credit for an unoriginal work
  • ebnastly: adj. Epic; pertaining to notable achievements or abilities.
  • eboniciser: (pronounced: ee-bon-eh-size-or) A person who frequently invents words to add to online slang/protologism lists. The word is believed to be a combination of ebonics and improviser.
  • ecdoomology: "Eco" + acronym: Disaster of Ones Own Making + ology. Examples are the introduction of rabbits and cane toads into Australia.
  • eceiophobia: Fear of intimacy or having an intimate relationship. (British English: oeceiophobia)
  • echo drawing: A method of surrealist drawing in which one makes a sequential drawing by "mirroring" the drawings that came before.
Evidently coined by analogy with echo poem.
  • eclectomath: n. An eclectic polymath.
  • eclectomathy: n. Eclectic polymathy.
  • ecomnemosis: "eco-" home + "mnemo" memory + "-sis". Awareness or knowledge of the ecological and environmental conditions in a place.
  • ecothermology: n. The study of global warming; from Gk "eco-", abode + "thermo", warmth + ology.
  • ecothermophobia: n. The fear of global warming.
  • ecothermorati: n. The self-proclaimed "authorities", such as entertainers, on matters of global warming. Fashioned on "Literati" etc.
  • eCourage: Used to explain statements normally socially unacceptable, offensive, or inflammatory that appears on the internet, emails, etc. that would not be made in person because a person feels protected by anonimity and/or distance.
  • editability: in the context of graphics software, text or graphics that may still be edited.
  • eductivity: The dynamic between deduction (leading from, general to specific) and induction (leading in or into, specific to general). Similar to the Hegelian dialectic of thesis (rationalism), antithesis (empiricism) and synthesis (eductivity) except that the process must be constant to create 'good,' either positive or normative. The stone tablets must be continually created, broken, recreated, etc.
  • efficiate: to make more efficient.
  • effophobia: Fear of f's as grades or making f's as grades. (GoogleIt)
  • eFlyer: A full color (HTML or other accepted universal internet graphical format) fun and informative email message or document that a company sends to its customers to promote itself or one of its products.
  • efriend: A friend one met on the Internet.
  • egalitarial: A particularly liberal type of Christian Church that concentrates on social justice rather than proselytisation; a counterpoint label to existing label "evangelical" for Christian churches; largely an American phenomenon.
  • eighteenty: The number 180.
  • elbutt: (n) (Derived from the words elbow and butt). An elbutt is created when one bends their arm, with the eblow in the air. The skin, muscle, and fat at the bend then resembles a butt.
  • electripod: (n) a personal electric vehicle (PEV) having characteristics that allow it to function as an electric pedestrian.
  • elephantatious: The biggest description of a thing, bigger than colossal.
  • elevaphobia: Fear of elevators. (Synonym: anelkysperphobia)
  • eleventy: the number 110 (coined by Tolkien)
  • elfce: Eleven times.
  • elseweb: (n) Term used in discussion fora meaning 'somewhere else on the internet'.
  • elwister: An aunt or uncle.
  • embeddable: (adv) The ability to be embedded. Example: The java database is embeddable in your application
  • emmosin: (adj) Similar to bitch, an offensive term used to criticize or exclaim annoyance. Eg. That emossin little son of a gun stole my wallet!
  • emocide The slang term emocide is a combination of the word emo and suffix -cide to form a new word which means "the killing of emos".
  • empowerful: (a) Sold or advertised as empowering (esp. to women) while actually being the opposite.
  • emutranslation: A form of fan translation by means of emulator ROM hacking.
  • en: A a pronoun which means "the being". It can be used to replace any of the words "he/she/him/her" and the word "them" when referring to a single being. The being "en" refers to can be of any gender, or genderless. (ES is its possessive form.)
  • enigmacy The state or quality of being an enigma or enigmatic
  • enfagmentize The act of becoming, or causing to become gay
  • enmiclave n. An enclave in hostile territory, such as the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the former British colony of Hong Kong in China. From a blending of the words enmity and enclave.
  • enrony To act selfishly in secrecy in violation of moral values coming close to, but not actually breaking any laws
  • ensidic' pertaining to everything that can be constructed and built up from the principles of identity, contradiction and the excluded third, and organizes anything given by means of univocally defined elements, classes, relations and properties. It is a determined logic that is present in everything humans say or do, and is instituted and sanctioned by society[1].
  • ensopholism: The process of becoming wise.
  • enstub: To reduce to a stub, especially a Wikipedia article.
  • Englandshire: used by George W Bush as he is an idiot who cant use real vocabulary (other word used by Bush U.S of K)
  • entequalment: (portmanteau involving entitlement and equal) The notion that everyone is entitled to scrupulously equal treatment, not only by the law, but by the universe and life itself. "It's not fair that he's taller/smarter/better looking than me; that gives him an unfair advantage; I insist that you { cut him off at the knees / give me the job even though I'm a bonehead / pass a law requiring everyone on the planet to wear blinders so they can't make petty judgements based only on appearences}."
  • entrepolis (noun) a word that combines “entrepreneur” and “metropolis” to describe an exceedingly large urban area (population 1 million plus) with a sophisticated, free-market economy; favorable and functioning political governance; and significant cultural influence—all of which come together to create a fertile environment that embraces entrepreneurship.
  • epicaricacy the act or practice of taking pleasure from others' misfortune; Schadenfreude.
  • ephalgamate: (v. trans.) To cover in paper. "I'm sorry, but I ran out of time before the party and was unable to ephalgamate your gift."
  • ephebegeriphebe n.One who suddenly goes through a reversal of the aging process. With gray hair taking on a blackish hue; adolescent acne returnlng, and once leathery skin becoming teenager smooth. From "epheb" Gk for youth & "geri", "old"
  • ephebegynephobia Fear of or contempt for teenage girls, especially by their male counterparts.
  • epheberosia n. (Ee-fay-BRO-see-a): sexual intercourse between a pubescent and an adult, especially between a female adult and a male pubescent. Gk "epheb": youth, "eros": love and L & Gk: "ia": condition.
  • ePhlet: (n.) An electronic pamphlet; a small, easily distributed electronic document.
  • epivat The center vat or container within an array of such containers.
  • epiek: slang for epic
  • eprikiniel (n.) A makeshift solution or invention to fix or customise an object.
  • erogant (adj., of a person) Arrogant in a way that makes one sexually attractive to others.
  • errologism (n.) a word or definition mistakenly added to a dictionary
  • es pa ex yusa: The overuse of spaces.
  • es: The posessive form of EN. eg.En rode es new bike back to es house.
  • Esbatty: a message board slang word regarding the feeling of being "whelmed" or immersed in something one is not familiar with. sopusidly comes from WUMB ([ member Esbat (
  • etceteric Of or relating to a person who is like others of his or her kind; not deserving to be named individually; marginal, anonymous, obscure.
et cetera + -ic.
  • ethernado (n.) (Pronounced: EE-ther-NAY-doe): A term used to describe extremely poor cable management in a concentrated area to a degree resembling tornadic activity. Example: "This server room looks like it got hit by an ethernado" (blend of ethernet and tornado.)
  • ethnoburb: a residential or business district formed in a suburban areas by richer migrants to a country
  • eumeterate: To idealize something or someone who is far away in either space or time.
  • Eurofag: A derogatory American English term to describe an ultra-hip European
  • euphonism: [blend of euphony and euphemism] An extravagantly gussied-up term to replace another that has become ordinary. For example, what were once "curtains" are now called ""window treatments" by drapery manufacturers, and are on their way to being called "window fashions". (Note that, just like euphemisms, euphonisms tend to evolve also, as the nouveau eventually becomes ordinary in turn, and invites replacement by something even more nouveau.)
  • evacious (adj.) (Pronounced: EE-vey-shuhs): To possess individual intellectual and charismatic qualities that influence others to become attracted toward a person.
  • evility: the level of evilness in a person or object.
  • excisely: To confirm one hypothesis or opinion while disregarding the possible inclusion or possibility of all other hypotheses or opinions
  • exeffigiate: To dummy out (something during the process of localizing a video game from a foreign country).
  • exennium: a period of a quintillion years.
  • existoid: something true and valid that is a) specifically stated as existent in its definition regardless of evidence and beyond paradoxical examination, and b) unquestionably existent but by definition cannot be defined. Exs. An existoid is not an existoid.
  • exillion: 1 followed by 1 million zeros.
  • exousic: [adjective] Derivation: Greek exousia= authority. Pertaining to authority. Coined by RevDJordan. — (google:exousic)
  • exousics: [noun] s.v. exousic. The (proposed) subdiscipline of politics dealing with the nature and use of authority, especially in the political context. Coined by RevDJordan. — (google:exousics)
  • expectceed: [verb] To constantly exceed customers' expectations in every customer service encounter. Ex. I always enjoy going back to that store, their customer service staff always seems to expectceed.
  • externym (exteronym): (etym. L. externus-foreign, strange; -[o]nym denotes words of a particular property) A classification of words dealing with outsiders (i.e. Jewish concept of Gentile, Roma [Gypsy] concept of Gorgio, Greek concept of barbarian [barbaros]).
  • exthusiasm: enthuiasm under protest or begrudgingly, typically for the sake of another - a false sense of enthusiasm.
  • extimasotyphomorking: [verb] creating words or phrases without meaning. (Coined by Jon Daniels, 2008).
  • extrafamous: Very well known.
  • extrude: verb - To create a new shape by tracing the path of the original shape in a direction perpendicular to it.
  • Extrarealistic: Pertaining to, or being of, anything but reality.
  • exuffragiate: Reality television. To vote a contestant to be eliminated from a broadcast competition.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • fagatonic: (adj.) used to describe something that is very much disliked. (from "fag")
  • falcon punch:one the strongest punch attack in the world(fiction). It is so insanely exaggerated that they say it can destroy every solar system and the multiverses and everything else.
  • falcyon: n. the result of the action of powerful nations who intervene in the affairs of other nations claiming that they wish to bring era of peace and tranquility (halcyon), but, in reality, bring in an era of death & destruction; from a blend of falchion, a sword and halcyon.
  • faldo: feeling embarrassed for someone when they should, but do not feel embarrassed for themselves
  • famspam: unsolicited email from family members
  • fancruft: used in Wikipedia to describe excessively detailed encyclopedia "articles" about fictional characters, locations, techology, languages and related fictional topics.
  • fandamntastic: Can only be used sarcastically, when 'fantastic' doesn't quite cut it. "Your pet ate his own leg off. Fandamntastic, that's the fifth time this week!"
  • fangina: (n) A vulgar term for a woman who is mean/ugly to the extent that she effectively becomes a human chastity belt (pronounced "fang" with the last two syllables of "vagina").
  • fanship: (n) The set of entities of which one is a fan (Etymology 2).
  • fanson: (n) A fan of Hanson; widely used in the Hanson fan community.
  • fantastaroo: adj. half fantastic, half kangaroo.
  • farcility: A cycling facility that defeats the purpose for which it is intended by its design. (from "farcical" and "facility").
  • farcinating: Something that is fascinating in a farcical manner.
  • FARSHAAN: (adj.) or (n) - An unsure or uncomfortable feeling, an uneasy, unsettling situation.
  • Fasycho: The correct way of pronouncing psycho. Clearly. Logic is not required. THINK ABOUT IT.
  • fatchiphobia: n. fear of fat in food causing one to examine closely every food item they are about to eat for trans fat and saturated fat levels.
  • faux-CD: When someone admits to having symptoms of OCD when you know they are just being an asshole attention whore bag.
  • fauxgasm: n. a pretend orgasm.
  • fauxholidologist: n. One who studies nonsense, insignificant or false holidays.
  • fauxholidology: n. The study of nonsense, insignificant or false holidays.
  • faux klingon: an ideological supporter of war who has no personal experience therein (Coined by David Wu, Democratic representative from Oregon's first district, to describe advisors to President George W. Bush who supported the president's decision to go to war in Iraq, though they had no personal understanding of what it was like to be in combat.)
  • fauxmenist: a person who subscribes to feminist ideology, yet reinforces gender stereotypes.
  • faux-mo: When a generation lacking any clear, unique identity attempts (in inconsistant, questionably sincere and argueably futile ways) to label and define itself and/or it's cultural elements. This is generally characterized by a sort of quiet desperation, thinly veiled hostility and confusion.
  • fauxtography: n. 1. A method of creating photographs using photo-editing software to produce an image that appears real or true but is in fact false or misleading. 2. Staging of the subject matter to do the same. 3. The deceptive writing of a photograph caption so as to convey a false understanding of the photograph.
  • fauxtoshop: A modification of Photoshop to make explicit/acknowledge the bending or manufacturing of visual reality by use of imaging software. -(GoogleIt)
  • favorited: internet Past and past participle of 'to favorite' - to add to one's web-browser's "Favorites".
  • favre'd: v. When a person claims they will not show up to an event or function, then shows up unexpectedly at said event.
  • faxmule: a white-collar crime thief whose crimes are defined by temporarily ingesting parts of office machinery and smuggling them out piece by piece.
  • fececoid: A piece of feces. (Used in medical terminology) (The proper or technical term for "turd")
  • Feathery Stroker: A man who is too gentle, attentive and respectful, i.e. too in touch with his feminine side. Such men include those that do not eat read meat and those who use post-shave balm. From the novel Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes [3]
  • feem: v., n., pro., adv., adj., prep., conj., art., inter., 1. Any one perceivable action, entity, abstraction, or part of human lexicon. (see rest of dictionary.) Help save the feem wiki: feem
  • feesum: Any manner of god (or other object of affection) which is absurd and/or nonexistent, and which does not deserve the devotion it receives. Derives from adding vowels to FSM, the acronym of Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • femicalvism: belief that bald women are beautiful
  • femachism: belief that women are better than men in all situations
  • femachista: person with a belief that women are better than men in all situations
  • femagrapics: Demographics based on the female gender.
  • femininitarian:: noun A person, especially a man, who believes that women should not fashion themselves after men. adjective Who believes or that teaches that women should not fashion themselves after men.
  • femininitarianism: Opposition to tomboyish fashion ideas. The belief that women should not fashion themselves after men, thus that they should wear their hair long and wear feminine clothing.
  • femifeticide: The act of aborting a fetus just because it is identified as female, especially in China and India. (British spelling: femifoeticide)
  • femineonaticide: The act of killing a newborn just because it is a female (usually an unwanted daughter), especially in China and India. (synonym: feminfanticide)
  • femitonsure: the act of cutting women's hair short; female haircutting or headshaving, especially in female monasticism (term used by opponents of this practice)
  • femservice: A sub-branch of fanservice; fanservice intended for a female audience
  • feriaetitis: (n) The state of lethargy or lack of motivation upon returning to work after vacation. Use: "I'm sorry I'm not paying attention, I have a serious case of feriaetitis."
  • festumerous: Passionate about students' rights
  • fewteen: a number somewhere around twelve to fifteen (this word is sometimes encountered in the English of native Polish speakers as a natural translation of kilkanas´cie). Also a synonym for jailbait. That girl is fewteen, I hope she was worth it.
  • FHNDGNHIFGJ: Adjective used to describe the fear of a boy popping up with scary cookies.
  • Fickle-feel: The feeling that the person to whom you are speaking is harbouring deep-seated anger and malice towards you, and may be about to do you harm.
  • fifth-party: (1) Of a video game, developed by an independent non-publishing video game developer and published by any third-party game company (2) Originating from such a video game
  • fifth-party company: An independent video game developer that develops video games for other companies to publish and does not solely develop for one company.
  • fiftillion: The number 10^{3*10^{3*10^{150}}+3}
  • fifteenty: The number 150.
  • figurenude: -n- An object of two dimensional art primarily consisting of a nude human figure. It is not intentionally erotic and does not involve the subject interacting with the viewer, except possibly a casual look. The face is often not shown. (figurenude was first used for photographs, but can be anything two-dimensional.)
  • fillyrics: Improvised words used to fill in for genuine lyrics in a song when those lyrics are unknown or incomprehensible.
  • fils de pape: Fils d'un Pape (ANGLAIS). blasphème inventée près Scott T. Peters en février 2007 comme équivalent Français-Canadien au blasphème anglais, son of a bitch, une personne réprehensible. syn: trou de cul.
  • Final Fantasy whore: A Final Fantasy fan who hates games besides Final Fantasy games and/or people or organizations who object to or have any dissenting views about Final Fantasy games.
  • finquel: The final installment of a series of works.
  • FLART: When you are flirting with a girl or guy and you fart.
  • fip: ( To transfer funds electronically.
  • firee: A person who is being fired.
  • firer: A person who fires people.
  • fiscalize: Also "fiscalise". Transitive verb. 1. To publicly control, supervise and inspect on state revenues or budget asignations. Also relative to the management of public funds. After several corruption scandals the Chancellor of the Exchequer has decided to fiscalize all public agencies. 2. In specific contexts it can be used as a synonym of "control". Etymology; originary from the latin noun "fiscus" meaning public funds.
  • fishful: wishful for fish.
  • fither: the motion of a feather as it falls, one may also fither through a crowd.
  • fittle: (v; verbing of FTL) To travel faster than the speed of light. (Used repeatedly in Ken MacLeod, Newton's Wake,[4], Tor/Forge (2004), ISBN 0-765-30503-8.)
  • Fixed BuyOut Certificate (FBO): n. A financing instrument issued by a company which either (1) is associated with a debt instrument (a promissory note) and which recites the face value of the associated note or (2) recites an amount (without reference to a promissory note) whereby, in either case, the FBO will be paid on a contingent basis when triggered by one or more events (usually a volume of production and sale of a product made by the company) at some multiple of the sum recited. When associated with a note, the face value of the FBO is discounted by the amount of the note if the note has been repaid before the FBO has been triggered. When not associated with a note, the payee is usually an employee, a consultant or a vendor of a product or service used by the company. The payout of FBOs is commonly made over a period of several years after it is triggered. Regardless of the buyout rate, the triggering event(s) is usually the same for all the FBOs issued by a company. The buyout rate for a given FBO normally is a function of the risk at the time it is issued. For a startup company, the buyout rate normally decreases with time until the company qualifies for routine commercial lines of credit. Initial buyout rates can be high (40:1). FBOs allow investors to realize a fixed profit in relation to the risk assumed without the company having to go public (an IPO). If not triggered, an FBO with a note preserves the investment/(unsecured) loan. FBOs are general, contingent debt obligations of a company and avoid the dilution of equity.
  • fizber: (n) Is short for "FSBO (pronounced as "fizbo") seller", "For Sale By Owner Seller". It's used to describe home owners who sell their homes and land by themselves and don't use a realtor.
  • fjact: (n) A statement that is presented as fact to prove a point in a discussion, especially an Internet discussion, but that is actually unverified and may not be true.
  • flairsome: (adj) with flair.
  • Flargh: A general annoyance word. It may be substituted for a annoyed growl, up to substituting for a curse word.
  • flasciphobia: Fear of bottles.
  • flatgez: An emission of digestive gases from the anus. (Used in medical terminology) (The proper or technical term for a "fart")
  • flatty: a flat-screen TV.
  • flatuphobia: Fear of flatulence.
  • flaugh: a fake laugh, usually derived from tedious social encounters. "Emi flaughed when Ebert told her he may have had to much cocaine for lunch"
  • fleasure: pleasure from flirting.
  • fleege: a group of co-workers who socialise outside work but are not actually friends
  • flegging: The act of creating really long posts.
  • Flip a marble: A compromise. Rather than flipping a coin and arriving at a firm conclusion one would "flip a marble" to compromise. Provided by: Doug Snyder
  • flune: [noun] A 4d hyperplane; an infinite set of points extending in four dimensions. It is the 4d analog of the line (1d), plane (2d), and realm (3d). Also called a tetrealm. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • flickle: the emotional state of a Netflix user who is no longer sure they want to watch the movies they have added to their account, ushering in a frantic session of queue re-ordering.
  • floordrobe: The part of a teenager's bedroom where garments are stored, invariably in an untidy heap, often occupying the space between the bed and the door or window.
  • Floridiot: [n, derogatory] A Floridian; used to imply that Floridians are idiots.
  • "Flo Cag": [verb] To trip someone who is walking in front of you by kicking their downward moving foot into the persons other leg. Primarily used in southeastern American schoolyards. Also known as the "cag" when used hastily.
  • Flunctionary: A flunky given a functionary role, or a functionary who acts like a flunky.
  • Flurghenshneid: The act of interrupting silence with a silly and meaningless word.
  • Fluyiqa: someone who takes pride in being strange or different.
  • Fnuggle: [verb] A Typo of the word snuggle. - To hug: I like to fnuggle my ducky.
  • folksonomy: — the spontaneous cooperation of a group of people to organize information into categories; not to be confused with the protologism, folktsunami — the wave of global usage which swamps the language, leading ultimately to a folksonomy.
  • fobia: fear of misspelled words.
  • foodgasm: a sense of euphoria following the consuption of a delicious food item: "I snackerbated until I had a foodgasm."
  • Fooding: A term used often as Internet slang or in use as an 'Away Message' which indicates that, someone away from their computer, is engaging in the process of finding, preparing, or consuming food. #:Example 1 - Steve was hungry after he returned home from work, so he went fooding #:Example 2 - Herb typical goes fooding at Lia's, they have great pizza
  • foop: feces that fishes produce. Fish + poop = foop. Properly used as a curse.
  • forgetitude: The act of forgetting a now-famous word you yourself coined.
  • Forgotograph: A photograph taken during periods of high inebriation, which one will not remember later or: the act of taking such a photograph ie. "Did you check out the Saint Patrick's day photo album? Loads of forgotographs in that one."
  • Foron: A mixture of the words forum and moron, said by Falerin Ardendor on the Adventure Quest forums. It is a general name for people who try to annoy others on forums.
  • formatory: Formatory thinking is insensitive to context - dealing with superficial form only, not essential content/meaning. 'Black and white' concepts only. Repeating what you've heard as your own considered thought. (Term used in work of Gurdjieff.)
  • fourteenty: The number 140.
  • fraff: An alternative to the word 'pussy' or 'fitties'. Can be used to refer to one or more than one attractive, or if you prefer un-attractive counterparts. Example: "thats a nice piece of fraff there tony" "truelife donny, its like a fraff farm here today".
  • frankenstein: v. To create an object using unrelated components. n. an object so created, sometimes referred to as a monstrosity.
  • Fridaily: every Friday
  • friend girl: slang expression used by African American women to relate to their closest friends
  • friendcest: Sexual relationships occurring within a group of close friends who are not necessarily dating.
  • frillion: An unspecified large number. (From a Dilbert Cartoon: "Today the company restated its earnings from 'a few frillion' to 'a loss of 1.3 billion'")
  • Frinight: A Friday night.
  • frontch: To smoke marijuana. Commonly associated with Tim Nugent. Ex. "Hey Tim do you want to frontch?"
  • frood: awesome, really together guy. First used in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • FSP: acronym for "filthy street person"
  • fub: Low-intensity insult to describe someone prone to restricted behaviour ie. "Don't be such a fub, Puddlesworth."
  • fuck nut: an offensive term. General useage as a derogitory term for someone who is being a jackass or dickweed.
  • fucksafe: used to describe a male or female who does not have an STD.
  • fuckton: a very large amount; also metric fuckton: an even larger amount.
  • fugle: a futile search of the Internet, e.g. for references to self-created protologisms, etc. (see "Autofugle").
  • funkadelic: A mix of funky and psychadelic. A term generally meaning "groovy" or "cool"
  • funalicious: Extremely fun
  • funnic: Finding humor in and/or mocking the common mistake of confusing the words ironic and coincidental
  • funny man's fury: n. Comedians who, when hecklers interrupt their act, fly into a furious, vitriolic and uncontrollable rage.
  • funplex: (n) A building in which a variety of activities are available, such as bowling, games, and jungle gyms. Formed by blending and clipping “fun” + “(com)plex”.
  • funtastic: (adj) Being fun and fantastic. Formed by blending of the words “fun” and “fantastic”.
  • funth: State or quality of being fun.
  • fushi: (n) A sushi-like roll but without the raw fish. Formed by blending and clipping (blending/clipping of "f(ake)" and "(s)ushi").
  • fussdirag: (n) A former US supported dictator internationally reviled for acts of genocide.
  • futerminal: A goal or point in the future that does not yet exist.
  • futurely: in the future
  • future nostalgia: A vague longing for a time in the future when all technology will be perfected and not be the subject of constant change.
  • fuze: phonetic spelling of fuse, most commonly associated with the drink company.
  • fuzzline: An ill-defined or flexible deadline, or one which is tightly defined but in language which does not clearly translate to timescales, dates and times, e.g. "We need this stuff done before John asks why it isn't ready".
  • FXtravaganza: (n) a movie whose sole purpose is to showcase new special effects techniques, often at the expense of other elements, such as storyline or plot. (alternate spelling: effextravaganza)
  • fyrinatical: (adj.) Used only partly correctly, e.g a kettle being used as a water storage compartment (the original design brief of the kettle was for it to boil amounts of water, not store it. It is partly correct however to store water due to that both instances require the movement of water into the kettle)
  • fzgoogolplex: The number that is a googolplex to the power of a googolplex


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • Gabbit: A portmanteau to describe the relationship between Cheeky Girl Gabriela Irimia and Lembit Opik.
  • gadj: A container that holds a liquid, i.e. a bottle with water is a gadj, but a bottle without anything is a bottle.
  • gadgetrix: A woman who, although striving to own every latest electronic device to hit the market, has very little knowledge of how to use these devices.
  • gamer rebellion: A rejection of or an attempt to dispatch an established authority in response to a law that bans or restricts electronic gaming.
  • gamer revolt: A gamer rebellion.
  • gamocedeiaphobia: Fear of attending weddings and funerals.
  • Gappers: A Canadian word expressing shock or surprise. (i.e. Gappers! My aunt has turned into a tuna fish!)
  • garboyle: A harmless Pokémon, esp. one appearing in the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • gargamel: An annoying artifact stuck in the throat causing a persistant need to clear the throat. Ex.: Popcorn kernel, pubic hair, etc. Saying that you have a gargamel (the evil one on the smurfs) is not a good thing and nothing to be taken lightly.
  • garp: noun - The cardinal direction in the opposite direction of polar rotation (rotation along the polar equator). The opposite direction is marp. Distance towards marp or garp is measured in laptitude.
  • garriage: A marriage between two men.
  • gayborhood: An area of a city or town characterized by a prevalence of homosexual residents, tolerance of open homosexual relationships, and/or predominantly gay/lesbian bars, restaurants and other business establishments.
  • gayconomics: Economics influenced by homosexual lifestyles, cf. [5].
  • gaysauce: homosexual impressions or intentions. This room is full of gaysauce.
  • geekosphere: The area of expertise in which a geek or group of geeks operate.
  • genderfriend: n. [< gender + -friend (< boyfriend/girlfriend).] A boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • gender rage: Rage due to a mistaken impression of mistreatment as being sexist in origin.
  • geneset: The particular set of genes an individual of any species receives at the moment of conception. Excepting identical twins etc, this is normally unique.
  • genetealogy: genetic genealogy
  • Genrelization: The tendency to respond, in the same way to different but similar categories of communities that are characterized by a particular style.
  • geographile: One who likes geography.
  • gerfarble: vb. to make something strange (i.e. Google Translator gerfarbled my Italian website when translating it into English!)
  • gerimug: vb. action of one who mugs and robs The Elderly and The Frail. From "geri" Gk: "geras" meaning old age & thieves slang: "mug" to attack and rob.
  • gerimugger: n. one who attacks and robs The Elderly and The Frail
  • gerimugging: gerund & adj. describing the action of one who mugs and robs

The Elderly and The Frail.

  • Getsuga Tenshou:A very powerful technique that if used by a much more powerful being, it can be very overwhelming.
  • giftswapper: n. "The shameless gift swapper who swaps the cards on wedding gifts etc, placing his/hers on the biggest or most expensive gift in order to ingratiate himself with the bride and bridegroom.
  • giclairune: A unique digitally created "painting" -- not a copy of a previous work or one of a series (commonly called "giclée").
  • gigantiticus: Bigger than gigantic.
  • gigennium: A period of a billion years.
  • gihugic: A blending of the words "Gigantic" and "Huge," used to describe something bigger than huge or gigantic.
  • giogenesis: Male birth
  • giraffiti: Vandalism spray painted very high.
  • girasas: a kingdom of nature relevant in human evolution, defined for use in the seven race theory of evolution found in THE SECRET DOCTRINE by H.P. Blavatsky. Current work by Brenda Tucker at
  • girlcott: A counter-boycott.
  • gismo tom: Modern day Peeping Tom using electronic technology to peep upon women.
  • gitmo hick: One seeking to serve a cause, when events overtake them and they find themselves imprisoned, justly or unjustly for a lengthy time, in a foriegn gaol. From Gitmo, the nickname of the U.S. military base at Guantamo Bay + hick(s) from David Hicks, a prisoner at Gitmo)
  • gknoogledge: knowledge acquired from googling or such activities.
  • gladth: State or quality of being glad.
  • glazernomics: risky & unpopular economic plans (with reference to the Malcolm Glazer takeover of English football club Manchester United).
  • gleemail: The endless barrage of inspirational emails forwarded by those "special" people you know. Some websites, in particular, also refer to this type of email as 'Glurge'.
  • globogym: noun - A large fitness facility that derives it's profit from maximizing the number of dues-paying members. These gyms typically feature large numbers of cardio-vascular equipment and Nautilus-style weight stations. This allows members to workout with little supervision or knowledge of form which minimizes both the number and experience level of the staff.
  • glome: noun - Four-dimensional hypersphere. Defined as all points a distance r away from a center point, in four dimensions. It is the tetraspace analog of the circle in planespace and the sphere in realmspace. Its solid version is the gongyl. See the chart under rotatope.
  • glorious nonsense: "A film, a song, a book, a work of art that seems to be nonsense, but has such strong appeal that keeps drawing you back to it.
  • glurt: the noise commonly known as an armpit fart.
  • gourd: verb. The act of pulverizing one's game system, primarily an NES, because the computer cheated.
  • go the way of Anakin Skywalker: (1) Star Wars universe. To turn to the dark side of the Force and become a Sith. (2) real world. To fall from grace. To become corrupt. To become a disaster. [6] (3) To jump the shark. To betray one's original values.
  • go the way of Betamax: To lose the format war and fall out of common use. (HD-DVD has gone the way of Betamax.)
  • go the way of China and India: (1) To discriminate against daughters. To select boys over girls. (2) To give away a child for adoption for being born the undesired sex, especially the female sex. [7]
  • go the way of Cutthroat Island: To generate a box office revenue that is less than 50% of the budget, especially leading to financial ruin. (Synonym: go the way of Pluto Nash [8])
    The movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within went the way of Cutthroat Island.
  • go the way of the Devil: (1) To leave the Christian way of life; to leave the religion of one's parents (2) To become evil or corrupt. To fall from grace. (3) To fall out of one's favor. [9]
  • go the way of George W. Bush: To cheat one's way into a political office, especially through assisted voter suppression. (Synonyms: go the way of Dubya, go the way of Bush)
  • go the way of Harrison: To die while holding a political office.
  • go the way of Hitler: (1) To rule with absolute authority. (2) To turn into an authoritarian or totalitarian country. [10]
  • go the way of the N64: To end up in last place in a console war. (The Gamecube has gone the way of the N64.)
  • go the way of Kimberley Locke: To be in the top 3 and then get voted off to allow two opposite-sex contestants compete in a finale. (inspired by a results show when on May 14, 2003, Kimberley Locke got voted off to third place to allow two male fellow contestants Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken to compete in a finale.)
  • go the way of Nazi Germany: To turn into an authoritarian or totalitarian country. [11]
  • go the way of Nixon: To resign from political office, especially as President of the United States. [12]
    • Etymology: based on the fact that U.S. President Richard M. Nixon was the only U.S. President to resign from office.
  • go the way of Ocarina of Time: To receive a perfect score from Famitsu
  • go the way of Romeo: (1) To marry or fall in love with someone without consent from parents-in-law. (2) By analogy of the Shakespearean character, to marry or fall in love with someone from a family, party, or country that is opposed of one's own. (Female equivalent: go the way of Juliet)
  • go the way of Tamyra Gray: To be vote off of a reality show with the judges disapproving of the voting results and sometimes shocking the audience.
  • go the way of the vinyl record: To fall out of common use or practice. To become obsolete. [term used specifically in media storage devices]
  • go the way of the Virtual Boy: (1) To be discontinued from the market after a relatively short tenure; to undergo early discontinuation. [13] (2) To go the way of the dodo prematurely; to go out of business prematurely. (DivX went the way of the Virtual Boy.)
    • Etymology: coined after an event when Nintendo's Virtual Boy was discontinued after a very short tenure.
  • godbrother: The godson of one's parent: The son of one's godparent.
  • godsidence: A coincidence that is an act of God
  • godsister: The female godchild of one's parent: The daughter of one's godparent.
  • goink: have sex; transitive or intransitive. From Narbonic.
  • gongyl: noun - A glome and all of its inside points. Defined as all points <= radius r away from a center point, in four dimensions. It is the tetraspace analog of the disk in planespace and ball in realmspace. See the chart under rotatope.
  • gonzales: v. To err irrecovorably. History: Used by bloggers, especially from the liberal and progressive political front, after a number of 2006 and 2007 scandals involving the United States Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. First known usage by independent blogger Brendan Diamond: "[F]rom the Texican "Gonzales," last name of the attorney general whose boss is sinking faster than a Kennedy-carrying Piper Saratoga II HP because he changed his story as many times as nurses changed Reagan's "Oops, I Crapped My Pants" in the later years[.]"'
  • goobaire: French for American slang of the word goober.
  • goob-tard: A person considered goober-ish and also having an IQ of less than 70 (see "Mental Retardation").
  • goobtard: See goob-tard above.
  • goog: a Google result; That's not really a word, it only gets 50 googs; and that phrase doesn't even get a goog.
  • googleaide: To use any web application owned or created by google, simply because it was by google. "I drank the googleaide and used google groups".
  • googennium: A period of a googol years.
  • Google-fu: the art of using exactly the right search terms so that Google Search returns a pertinent result. Since Google searches are usually highly pertinent, this is used almost entirely in a negative context. "My Google-fu is not strong today."
  • Googleforsaken: an area of the country so remote Google Earth has no maps of it. Also a person, place, or thing so isolated from the world that Google returns no relevant hits for it.
  • Googleklutz: (n, also lowercase), a person who has difficulty selecting the appropriate search terms or interpreting a results page when using an Internet search engine, specifically Google. "Don't be such a Googleklutz!"
  • googlephobia: Fear of the Google search engine.
  • GOOOOG: The hidden Google search term that appears in the Google search bar when clicking on the Web, Images, Video, News, or Maps searches appearing at the top of the Index Status Google Desktop page. (GOOOOG)
  • googlicious: adj. googliciousness, googliciously [< "Google" + "delicious"] 1. Anything which one has "googled for" (i.e., searched for online) and which, when found, proves utterly delightful. 2. Appearing at the top of Google's search results for your own name or keyword. 3. A site optimized to appeal to Google so that Google will rank it high for specific keywords.'
  • Googlized: So addicted to the Google search engine that one goes to no other website other than it
  • Gooligone: "The Castraterati" Individuals who undergo castration as a way of finding deeper spiritual understanding; from "guli" Hindi, (?) through Sanskrit, meaning ball or small sphere + gone.
  • Goothenasia: the phenomenon of Google attempting to perfect the Web, and instead swallowing and digesting it. Can also be called, “Grey Google,” after grey goo, the runaway nano-replicator doomsday scenario.
  • gooze: 1. intransitive verb, to become a couch potato. 2. adjective, dedicated to couch-potatoness, i.e. a gooze night. (variant of ooze)
  • gorn: (n), god of random numbers. a random chance generator that seemingly selects the most opportune or in-opportune subject. (ie. to randomly select the one computer that is broken, when you are demonstrating the quality of the machines.) Coined by Jason Ellis and Shawn Allen.
  • gorned: (v) to have been selected at random at the best or worst moment.
  • graffiti master: A graffitist whose work is considered to be outstanding.
  • grahamennium: A period of a Graham's number of years.
  • graphicary: a grouping of images such as artwork, line drawings or photographs, selected according to some protocol and arranged in a coherent, defined pattern; formerly known as a ‘visual dictionary’
  • graveyard classic: A mass medium, especially an electronic game, that receive rave reviews at the time of its release, but panned by much later critics. Synonyms: dinosaur classic, dinosauric game, dodo classic, dodo game
  • gravied: dipped in copious amounts of gravy.
  • greggroll: (adj) the state in which an individual applies pattern-matching, technology, creativity, and intellect to accomplish a project or goal. This state is always accompanied by sustained intensity levels which are not, but can be, mistaken for manic behavior. This unremitting intensity continues throughout each project phase. Any person on a greggroll will also engage others in project aspects, often causing those individuals to also enter a greggroll state.
  • gremlineer: made up of the two words gremlin and engineer. An engineer who is put to the task of designing flaws into products so as to shorten their lifespans, resulting in drastically increased profits for the company who hired them. (This term was first coined by David A.Rodgers, Jr. in 2006.)
  • grooze: Like gooze but with a bed, not a couch.
  • grouffiti: Very small graffiti written on the grout between wall tiles, usually in public restrooms.
  • grandling: A child of your extended family, two generations down, e.g. grandchild, greatniece, greatnephew.
  • great big hoss: The number equal to {big hoss, big hoss /////.......///// 2} - with big hoss /'s
  • great gamer purge: Systematic governmental extermination of the video game playing population, especially as a countermeasure against gamer revolt, influenced by video game legislation.
    [Etymology: patterned after Great Jedi Purge]
  • gription: A blend of the words "Grip" and "Friction." Most often used to describe shoe tread patterns or gloves that provide a good grip and create friction with the surfaces it comes into contact with. (Those shoes should give you good gription, even on slippery surfaces.)
  • grotebega: Disgusting. Amalgamation of gross and rutebega.
  • GTFO: Internet slang for "get the f*ck out"
  • gudge: transitive verb, to squeeze in a sexual way.
  • guitarbeque: An event where guitars are plucked and meat is barbecued.
  • guitarded: The mental condition of being incapable of coherent verbal communication while playing guitar.
  • gutmot: The act or acts of providing illegal advice to dead fish.
  • gutterfag: A term used to describe queer members of the street punk, travel punk, nomadic punk, crusty, & gutter punk scenes.
  • guybrows: unplucked, bushy eyebrows on a woman
  • guzzinta: divides into; corruption of goes into to; Example: 3 guzzinta 6, twice.
  • guzzintas: the division table; Example: Jethro knows his guzzintas.
  • gymnocatastolia: Repression of nudity. Nudity taboo.
  • gynan-: ="Maternal grand-"; gynanfather = "maternal grandfather", etc.
  • gynediacrisis: Discrimination against females.
  • gynegraphics: Demographics based on female gender. Femagraphics.
  • gynenym: The female version of a name or item.
  • gynemacrotrichism: The belief that women should wear their hair long.
  • gynomonasticism: Female monasticism.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • haircute: a haircut or trim done in a stylish manner that has positive results for the wearer
  • haiwangphobia: Fear of the planet Neptune
  • halenize: To make significantly cooler through a laborious process involving a guitar.
  • haliothanesia: n. The destruction by submersion of atolls and small islands due to global warning causing rising sea-levels; from the Greek : "halio": sea or sea water, "than": death, "nesia": islands.
  • hallephant: a large person who obstructs the flow of traffic in a hallway
  • hallucinorevelatory: being inspiring or revealing wisdom through a hallucinogenic experience. As in "The LSD induced a hallucinorevelatory experience when it all became clear that things were not as they seemed."
  • hammle-step: the halting gait one has when walking on an inoperative escalator; from hammle, a Yorkshire dialect word meaning to walk haltingly & step.
  • hamster fight: a war between two very small countries, or a conflict between two very low-level employees at a company. Josh-Levin 02:07, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
  • hamtoucher: a word choice or usage which its audience cannot consider to be offensive, but which is obviously intended that way
  • hangry: To be both hungry and angry, often as a result of being very hungry.
  • Haphaest: to create or invent something new. (from the Greek god Haphaestus, a blacksmith)
  • haripogh: adj. Totally Fuckin Bitchin
  • harsp: adj. Peppery; the quality of some foods often referred to as "Hot. Temperature-hot? No, spicy-hot."
  • hawesome: a variant of awesome which includes the pronunciation of the implicit "silent h". It describes something with the characteristic of being exceedingly awesome.
  • HD holdout: (1) a person or household who does not yet own an high-definition television set. (2) a currently running television program that is broadcast in standard definition after 2005. (3) television station that still broadcasts local news programming in standard definition after 2005.
  • Head Cop: Slang phrase for Thought Police.
  • heal Rapunzel: To advocate in favor of long hair for women.
  • heaty: looking suspicious
  • Hecto-buss: noun,The name for the ball one plays football with. "The hecto-buss was thrown into the inzone for a touchdown."
  • heitochec: The failure to use apostrophes.
  • heito'ex'yus'a: The overuse of apostrophes.
  • heitophobia: Fear of apostrophes.
  • helmet boy: A Soldier who is out of uniform.
  • heneicosaphilia: Use of, or the love of the number twenty-one; e.g. Blackjack card game, 21 gun salute, legal drinking age, 21st Century, and a lucky number in general.
  • heptadekaphobia: Fear of the number 17
  • heptaphilia: Love of the number 7
  • Herk: to throw, usually a long distance. "I bet you can't herk your football over the fence."
  • herking: very large, usually modifies the word big, and using contracted to herkin; presumably derived from Herculean
  • hermitise: To become a hermit
  • hescalate: the feeling you have when walking on inoperative escalator; from a blend of hesitate & escalate.
  • hexadekaphilia: Love of the number 16
  • hexadekaphobia: Fear of the number 16
  • hexology: A series of six related dramatic, operatic, or literary works
  • HidgeSplingFlungDung: A word that will completely flumox a person on a call centre help desk if you claim this is your surname.
  • Hilaritorious: Used to describe the posessions of one who is hilarious. Originally used to describe the innards of hilarious comedians. Dane Cook obviously has more hilaritorious glands than I.
  • Hiltonesque: To have or embody a skank-like, embarrassingly vacuous, disturbingly materialistic personality/existence. example 1: Anyone using the word “hot” to describe an abstract thought or to describe anything other than the temperature of a substance or the relative sexual attractiveness of a human. example 2: Paris Hilton
  • hinkle: To hook or link elbows with another person, (as in an alternative to holding hands).
  • hippiphobia: Fear, hatred, or dislike of hippies, flower children and anyone wearing army pants whilst using the term "Corporate America" in a desparaging manner
  • hippicrite: one who acquires hippie beliefs, dress, and tendencies in order to be liked or esteemed
  • hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian: pertaining to a very long word.
  • hippup: A yuppie with hippie values.
  • hithimto: Masculine form of hitherto, for use in talking about masculine subjects; something up to that time that was masculine (or more masculine than feminine).
  • hitwealth: Is the wealth that is adquired by the hits that a website/blog recives wich can then later traduce to money, fame or recognition.
  • hizzle: Is the slang term fo yo momma
  • hoboglyphe: Any one of a number of pictorial symbols used by hobos to communicate information about their surroundings to other hobos.
  • hodrithmics: Study of the quantitative aspects of travel. From the Gk words "hod' meaning way; "arithm": number and "-ic":pertaining to.
  • hoft: Plural of who.
    Who is in the room. (singular)
    Hoft are in the room. (plural)
  • ho-go sneak: n. Public figure, often a politician or preacher, who campaigns against the evils of promiscuity and prostitution, only to be arrested by police whilst soliciting prostitutes for sex.
  • holinight: the nighttime pertaining to a holiday.
  • hom: A gender-neutral form used in place of Mr. or Ms.. Abbreviated "Hm.".
  • homachista: a person with belief that men are better than women in all things, as opposed to femachista.
  • homagraphics: demographics based on male gender.
  • homogenism: the doctrine that intergroup differences are perceived as dangerous and centrifugal and in which a society believed to be best is suggested to be one without intergroup differences. (Of British origin. Coined by its opponents.)
  • homophobophobia: 1. the fear, abhorrence, discrimination, prejudice, and all other perceived bias and intolerance against political, religious, spiritual, and/or other groups who demonstrate signs of disagreement or confrontation of - or even the desire to help or restore to wellness and good health persons living with - homosexualism, or against those challenging the medical condition of homosexualism itself 2. The unmerited or erroneous perception, classification, allegation, or name-calling of persons displaying certain characteristics - based on their religious, spiritual, political, or otherwise personal preference - as being homophobic 3. The fear of being, or appearing, homophobic 4. Deleting a WikiMedia article in regards to homophobophobia
  • honyakker: a Japanese-English translator. Plays off the the Japanese terms "honyaku" (translation) and "nihongo" (Japanese language), and the English word "yak" (talk informally).
  • hooraytio: the proportion of time for which an event inspires viewers to make celbratory exclamations. Also spelled "hooratio".
  • horder: In the sport of park golf, a device designed for the carrying of one or more balls
  • horrocious: horrible and atrocious
  • horrideous: magnamegosphorously ghastly to such extent that you must cringe at the sight or thought.
  • hotcho: a person who is in strong belief that they are superior to others by partaking in ridiculous and outgoing actions/speech.
  • Hotdogs: Dean Iapichello
  • hottiemeister: Master of hottness
  • hu: (english) A gender neutral pronoun.
  • humalicating:: To humalicate. A young child playing nicely with a group of friends. Created by Phoebe Brooks, almost 6, Farnham, Surrey. September 2008
  • humangous: (english) Extremely massive
  • humey-toon: A "human" cartoon character, in an animated cartoon or cartoon series whose characters are mostly anthropomorphic animals who behave like humans. Elmer Fudd is a humey-toon, but Bart Simpson is not.
  • humobot: n. The offspring of a male human and ildrobot. See androbot and ildrobot.
  • humpday: Wednesday
  • hunormous: pronounced HUE-NORM-US, both huge and enormous, simultaneously.
  • hunteress: female hunter. Same definition as a huntress but spelled differently.
  • hurt Rapunzel: To advocate in favor of short hair for women.
  • hydrochronic: extremely potent hydroponically-grown cannabis
  • hydrotheism: n. (from the greek hydro, water & theos, god) names the religion that says that water is the founding element of life and creation's main tool. This religion was founded in the year 2000 in Paris, France by Laurent Lucien.
  • hyglyx: A plural term to describe the decorative patterning used in the art style Arte Mecco.
  • hyperclink: a URL possessing an obvious mistake.
  • hypercylinder: noun - An n-dimensional cylinder. Hypercylinders are formed by extending or rotating lower-dimensional hypercylinders into higher dimensional space. In realmspace there is only one hypercylinder, the cylinder. In tetraspace, there are two hypercylinders: the cubinder and spherinder.
  • hyperlightning: a very powerful bolt of lightning, sufficiently strong to leave marks or trenches in the ground. (Similar phenomena created events ranging from the destruction of the Tunguska meteor to the Grand Canyon.)
  • hyperplane: noun - An infinite set of points extending into n dimensions. A one dimensional hyperplane is a line, two-dimensional is a plane, three dimensional is a realm, and four-dimensional is a flune. A hyperplane of n dimensions intersects a plane of n+1 dimensions into two parts. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • hyperstruction: Hyperstruction (haI pə(r) strAk’sən) n. 1 a portmanteau of ‘hyper’ (over, beyond, above measure) and ‘instruction’ (the action of instructing or teaching) meaning a whole (complete) participation in the learning process by a(n) instructor(s) and student(s) in an environment that breaks down instruction to a common participative synergy via augmentative technology. 2 a situation where metastruction is performed. e.g.: The Hyperstruction Studio at UC Riverside has no single point of instructional control.
  • hypochristian: A Christian that purports to be very religious and a follower of their faith, but in reality acts or promotes an agenda that is counter to Christian doctrine. An example at the extreme would be any priest that molests children. More commonly, it is the everyday Christian that is devout on Sunday at church service, but at any other time might be deceitful, intolerant, compassionless and corrupt. Any Christian that sees themselves and their religion as morally superior.
  • hypopotirachael: Some one who is fat and ugly and there name is rachael.
  • hyporiotachytetism: the posting or attempted enforcement of unreasonably low speed limits and its effects
  • hypostatics: [Noun] Derived from Greek hypostasis = person. The (proposed) subdiscipline of ontology dealing with the idea of being-as-person. Contrast with physics, derived from Greek physis = nature, dealing with the notion of being-as-nature. Added, though not coined, by RevDJordan. — (google:hypostatics)


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • -iden: [suffix, forming a negative present participle] Not …-ing, when one should be: Jake is working, but I'm workiden. [Influenced by -ing and Japanese -ません (-masen).]
  • IANAHG: [initialism] “I Am Not A Hindu God” (I can't do that because I don't have four arms).
  • iceberger: [noun] A person who lives on an iceberg, or in a hollowed out one. [From iceberg and -er, or a blend of iceberg and burgher.]
  • ideasplurge: [noun] A fast-paced, nonjudgmental sharing of initial ideas; a brainstorm. [From idea and splurge.]
  • idiocracy: [noun] A country run by idiots. [From idiot and -cracy.]
  • IDKWITA: [initialism] “I don't know what I'm talking about.”
  • igmore: [verb] To continue ignoring. [Blend of ignore and more.]
  • ignoranus: [noun] One who is both ignorant and an asshole. [Blend of ignoramus and anus.]
  • ignotively: [adverb] Obliviously ignoring the unimaginable. "He ignotively wandered the hallway."
  • ignatious: [adjective] Unripe.
  • ildrobot: [noun] Part female human & part electronic being, designed to live on planets other than Earth. [From ild, an Old Norse feminine affix, and robot; compare androbot and humobot.]
  • illiterati: [noun; plural only] The illiterate classes. [Blend of illiterate and literati.]
  • imadjinn: Special form of a mythical or supernatural creature or spirit with immense power
  • IMT: [initialism, noun] “Inappropriate man-touch”. Contact (accidental or not) between men that can be construed as at least semi-gay, e.g., an accidental brushing of hands while walking side by side or any contact while having to share a hotel bed on a business trip.
  • IMese: [proper noun] The language of instant messaging, including emoticons, initialisms, acronyms, contractions, abbreviations, and substitutions used by people doing real time synchronous (like a phone call) instant messaging to communicate tersely.
  • impecculate: [adjective, of an argument; blend of impeccable and immaculate]
  • imvirtue: [noun] A vice. [From im- and virtue, by analogy with impatience.]
  • inbedification: [noun] The self-amusing enlightenment to be found by appending "in bed" to the end of the message one finds inside a fortune cookie.
  • inclusexual: [noun, adjective] Identifying one's sexual orientation as inclusive of all human beings. [From inclusive and -sexual.]
  • incommodocado: [adjective] Unable to reply (as, to a telephone call) due to an urgent call of nature. [From incommunicado and commode.]
  • interwik / interwick / inter-wick v {{wjargon}} Back formation from interwiki. (IRC 1/9/2008.)
  • intouted: [adjective] Involved in, or having had prior knowledge of, a "pump and dump" penny stock "tout" storm: Joe made $3,125, being that he was very well intouted when those spams went out last week.
  • internected: [adjective] Connected to the Internet: Lara wasn't internected when she went hiking in the mountains. [From Internet and connected.]
  • internet meme:
  • incruit: [verb] To recruit via the Internet. [Blend of Internet and recruit.]
  • indices-absentia: [noun] The absence of the most basic of references in software help sections or user manuals.
  • ineptotism: [noun] Favoritism granted to buddies, brothers or like-minded people, without regard to their merit or qualifications, usually taking the form of appointment of idiots to high office. [From inept and nepotism.]
  • indylingo: [noun] Whimsically idiosyncratic pronunciation.
  • infonazi: [noun] One who is oppressive about information sources; an information snob. [Blend of information and Nazi.]
  • infosite: [noun; optionally written in all-capital letters] An Internet site, a website. [Blend of information and website; meant to be sleeker and more futuristic-sounding than website.] Also, infopage.
  • inspectigate: [verb; blend of inspect and investigate]
  • insta-: See User talk:Language Lover/instaglutination.
  • instacall: [noun, poker] A situation in poker where it is obvious that one should call.
  • instapush: [noun, poker] A situation in poker where it is obvious that one should push (go all in).
  • instore: [eye dialect spelling of in store, reflecting its occasional first-syllable stress in advertising]
  • instract: [verb] To insert between, to interpolate. [From extract, in- being the opposite of ex-.]
  • insy: [adjective] Of the in-crowd. [Purportedly first used by Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air; a citation is needed for this claim.]
  • intaxication: [noun] Euphoria from receiving a tax refund. [Blend of tax and intoxication.]
  • interamous: [adjective] Famous due to the Internet. [Blend of Internet and famous.]
  • intercest: [noun] 1. Online, usually unintentional, flirtation with a relative; 2. A feeling of flirtation while communicating online with a relative. [Blend of Internet and incest.]
  • internexistentialism: A portmanteau of internet and existentialism referring to the concept that people treat people they have only met in the internet differently than they would someone they know in real life.
  • interphane: 1. The time between concerts, meetings, etc. of a celebrity or diplomat. 2. The period in which performers are backstage.
  • Internaught: A term that describes Internet users who really don't have a clue and should not be allowed to participate in the Internet.
  • intolerista: leftist and secular activists who are ostensibly advocates of openness, diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance, but who are in practice viciously intolerant of any ideas that conflict with their own
  • invisiblize: A verb describing the act of making something invisible. "Oh noes! He's been invisiblized!"
  • IOJPO: a popular online acronym for Indifferent Orange Jar-Pickled Orcs, used to effectively communicate to other enlightened individuals of another's stupidity
  • iPhoneCalling: accidental and continuous phone call made by unsuspecting iPhone® owner. Most commonly made from iPhone® located in pocket or bag. Use in sentence: "he is iphonecalling me".
  • iPodian: Related to an iPod®. A person that uses an iPod®.
  • iPodification: the process of making technology simpler or easier to use by reducing the complexity of a device or its user interface
  • Iquanism: exonim for the Chinese new religious movement called Ikuantao, I Kuan Tao, Yiguandao or Yi Guan Dao 一貫道.
  • Irefularly: To do in a unique and exceptionally stupendous manner. He danced irefularly across the gym.
  • Islamicide: The act of randomly murdering innocent bystanders in the name of God so as to gain God’s approval to abuse innocent virgins for eternity.
  • Islamogynophobia: Fear of or contempt for Muslim women.


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  • jackasshole: portmanteau of jackass and asshole; meaning is self-evident
  • jackattack: A golfing term whereby a player misses a getable birdie putt and then in frustration misses the next and possibly has a brain explosion on the next putt for a 4-putt.
  • jackboxophobia: Fear of objects suddenly popping out of boxes.
  • jalk: to go for a jog, but when you get tired you slow down and walk
  • jank: Particularly poor in quality, something particularly poor in quality, or to cause something to become particularly poor in quality.
  • japander: to advertise on Japanese TV; a western person who does this
  • Japanish: a new take on japanese aka that guy there is japanish and speaks japanish
  • Japanonym: Japanese name of something that is known outside Japan
    Purin is the Japanonym of Jigglypuff.
  • Japtch: Japanese Whisky
  • Jar Jar type character: A character who is important to the story but it is poorly received by the audience
  • Jebus: the devine being according to Homer Simpson, assumed to be taken from the name Jesus
  • Jedus: The Singular form of "Jedi" (one Jedus, many Jedi)
  • jeek: A mix between jock and dork.
  • jeesh: a group, posse, gang, army etc. Coined by Orson Scott Card in Ender's Game.
  • Jerkex: Noun; an ex spouse or significant other who is still part of one's life and exhibiting unlikeable and annoying qualities. "My jerkex is late picking up the kids again."
  • Jesi: The Plural form of "Jesus" (one Jesus, many Jesi)
  • jiggy-jiggy: A neologism, developed by famed rapper K.Bez, which denotes the prospect of unexpectedly finding unexpected love prospects.
  • jillboard: n. Advertising billboards, whose themes feature women or pitch their sales campaigns at women. Female form of billboard
  • jintastic: An adjective originated by individuals whos name has the letter combination "jin" in it. Derived from the word fantastic, jintastic is often seen as far greater than fantastic. The most common phrase included with this word is "simply jintastic". Another definition of the word, which is used is (usually in)southeast Asia, is, something great (ie. fantastic) which has to do with people.
  • jinxiphobia: Fear of the planet Venus
  • jobstyle: the manner in which one conducts his professional life - developed by Laura Parry.
  • joeism: - Developed by Jospeh H. A fact read or heard then interpreted and/or exaggerated to be only half true.
  • Journeyed: Verb; To be driven past late at night with Journey songs blasted from a car at you. "We Journeyed the hell out of our friend Troy last night."
  • joxquiz: (1) A jargon laden conversation or a collective term for a group of geeks having such a conversation. (2) A word learned or created solely for use in quizzes, particularly in scrabble. Quotation: 1998, Michael Fleming, A Review of Research Papers in Violin Acoustics 1975-1993, by Carleen Maley Hutchins, Virginia Benade, The Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 51, July 1998, pp. 221-223 — This does not make the collection into a joxquiz* of no interest or use to the amateur or dilettante luthier or musician. [the corresponding footnote] Joxquiz is used in the sense of being impractical and only of academic interest.
  • Juliet of War: A woman who has married a man from a country who is at war against that of her own. Abbreviation: J.O.W. (Male equivalent: Romeo of War)
  • jumbo-LARGE: A Buzz word and in-joke created by StrongBad for a road trip he was planning, can be shortened to j-LARGE. Citation:
  • jump the couch: to reach a point where one will never be as good as one was
  • junioricide: the act of killing a younger person
  • Jupiterianism: name for the Roman Neopaganism.


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  • kakrafoonery: alternately kakrafroonery noun 1. discombobulation, a messy situation 2. confusion or chaos Your lies got you into this kakrafoonery, you get yourself out of it.
  • kakrafroo: noun 1.a mess 2. euphemism for crap You're full of kakrafroo.
  • Kaloogian: A term that describes a false or out-of-context image used in order to advance an idea. As in, "That photo shown on O'Reilly's show last night was a Kaloogian!" Named for Howard Kaloogian, a California state assemblyman. While running for Duke Cunningham's vacated congressional seat, Kaloogian used an image of a street corner in the Istanbul suburb of Bakirkoy in order to promote the notion that "downtown Baghdad" was "much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be," blaming the incorrect perception on the media.
  • kammryynnize: to give a child a common name with a twisted spelling to set them apart from the pack (Paeter for Peter, Jorden for Jordan, Mitchlll for Mitchell, etc.) The word is a twisted spelling for "cameronize".
  • kangorillapig: a rather unattractive young woman.
  • karmady: noun [from karma & comedy] those dark humored little jokes, played upon you by life, because you did something inappropriate and you deserve them. — e.g., Treating a restaurant server rudely and then spilling marinara on your white shirt. "Now, that's karmady."
  • kata: adverb [greek: "down"] - a term used in some literature to refer to one of the two directions from three dimensional space into four dimensional space. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,-1>. This term refers to the direction analogous to down; the opposite direction is ana.
  • Kataang: a "ship" name used to describe the romantic relationship of the characters Katara and Aang in the Nickelodeon series, "Avatar: The Last Airbender".
  • kayakaholic: a person who kayaks habitually
  • kelemenopy: has never been a real word see
  • keming: noun The result of improper kerning. [14]
  • kerdaltrous: That puts profits first.
    Wal-Mart is kerdaltrous.
  • kerdaltry: The act of putting profits first.
  • kerviel: A unit of measure for financial losses that are caused by poor oversight or mismanagement. One kerviel is equal to $7.2 billion. "The AIG insurance company today announced a writedown of 1.5 kerviels following a review of subprime mortgage exposures."
  • Kharmonics: The scientific study of the link between karma and harmonics. Similar to the Human Resonance theory. Word first coined by novelist Kenneth Gardner. See also, alt. sp. Karmonics.
  • kickfuck: adjective Causing awe or terror. 'The guitar's tone was kickfuck in it's destructive power.'
  • kilogoogle: noun one thousand google results.
  • kimming, kimmed: "adjective" a term used to describe the act of educating or having been educated in the error of your ways.
  • kitler: noun a kitten whose markings make it resemble Adolph Hitler, mainly the archtypal mustache.
  • Klyn: noun Slang term for Kings County, or Brooklyn
  • knellhell: n. Those seconds of helplessness, and the hushed emotion felt, when you realize that someone nearby is about to meet their death and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. For example, a parachutist, whose chute has failed to open, and is plummeting earthwards to certain death. From OE words "knel" a death signal, harbinger + "hell", torment.
  • knilb: verb The act of opening one's eyes and then quickly closing them again.
  • knowt: verb 1. Combination of know and note in typed communication. 2. Tacit admission/acknowledgement of the fine line between knowing something and noting it, used in an effort to remind both the typer and the reader that merely noting something, however strongly felt or believed, does not mean it is known.
  • kongmingesque: adj. Of or relating to Zhuge Liang; omniscient.
  • krunktastic: adj Amazing in an obscure way. Created because there are no words to describe this, especially one beginning with "k". Ex: That person is magnamegosphorously krunktastic!
  • kruntanique: adj. 1. Lovely Pronounced: (kruhn-tahn-E-q) Ex: Yes, his role in the book is simply kruntanique! 2. Unbelievable and undescribable Pronounciation: (kruhn-tahn-eck) Synonyms: krunktastic
  • kryptext: n. The act of sending encrypted text messages.


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  • laced banana: n. idiom. Someone with mental health concerns who is receiving medical treatment vis-à-vis medication. "My doctor just put me on anti-depressants. I guess that makes for another laced banana."
  • lagnominimus: Adj. derived from lag (slow) and minimus (Latin - smallest) Pertaining to slow and/or minute movements.
  • lamprugia: n. An aquatic area which provides refuge for lamprey eels.
  • language rot: derived from "code rot" (programming term), describes words like "undigital".
  • language-string: n. A short series of words (5 to 12) which may include any of the following; phrases, short sentences, nouns, verbs and/or adjectives and which is repeated over and over in different languages. The audio presentation of language-strings helps infants (birth to age 2) to become (naturally) multilingual. An example of (the English portion of) a language-string is -- 'red, green, blue...many plum orchards'.
  • laptitude: noun [Jonathan Bowers] - Angular distance on the surface of a tetronian planet that measures distance marp/garp from the solar equator. Each laptitude is in the shape of a hemisphere.
  • laptopless: adjective - The embarrassing state of being without a laptop.
  • largent: slow to respond
  • larriage: A marriage between two woman.
  • lasterday: n. [< last yesterday] The day before yesterday.
  • late-licensor: a person who got his or her first driver's license after the age of 25.
  • laterwards: From "later" and "afterwards".
  • laver: noun - A planar body of water in tetraspace or higher, which may have currents flowing in various directions. (laver = lake + river)
  • Lavengous A word meaning beautifully, curly hair. Much like that of Victoria Millward's.
  • lawlzz0rz: A form of laughing online, similar to lawl or lol.
  • lawnmowron: A person who mows lawns, distinct from a machine that mows lawns which is a lawnmower.
  • lazurious: adjective, from the words Lazy and Luxury: Items or features of a product that are marketed as Luxurious while providing no utility other then to promote laziness. For example two position memory for driver’s seat in luxury automobiles: Which part about adjusting it was too hard holding the switch or deciding if you are comfortable? As well as the electric seat itself.
  • lazy as Snorlax: Really lazy.
  • leave Rapunzel: To cut off one's long hair. To have one's long hair cut off.
  • lectotaphobia: n. The fear that ones life is not long enough to read all the great books of mankind; from a blending of Gk "lect-", reading + "taph-", tomb + phobia.
  • lectotia: n. The wish to read all of mankind's great books; from Gk "lect-", reading + L "tot", all + Gk "ia", state.
  • lectotum: n. One who read all the great books of mankind; fashioned on factotum.
  • legpit: (n) colloquial term for the area on the human body at the back of the knee (popliteal fossa)
  • lemmeletchyahgo: (interjection); A transitory phrase used to get off the phone.
  • lemming: someone who drives a car everywhere -- till they are killed in a traffic accident.
  • lepidoptophobia: fear of flying insects.
  • lerf: to work feverishly at nothing important
  • lerfer: a person who works feverishly at nothing important
  • lesbosexual: n. [Note: Coined by Mark Simpson in Sex Terror: Erotic Misadventures in Pop Culture (Harrington Park Press, 2002).] A non-stylish gay man.
  • lesident: (noun); See lezident
  • Lesmonia: (noun); An imaginary island that provides a stress free oasis for women.
  • Lexicon artist: (noun); One who uses weapons of mass description to further their agenda.
  • lezident: (noun); A lesbian president. A neologism and portmanteau of lesbian and president, meaning or implying a lesbian president, that has seen increased usage in the the context of the 2008 United States Presidential Election race. The term is used as both an innuendo-laden jab and as an empowering label, depending upon the context and the intent of the writer or speaker. Alt spelling: lesident.
  • Leumi: root word basicaly meaning Light EX: lieumi means to light up
  • l'Hospitize: To differentiate the numerator and denominator of the ratio of two functions (as opposed to differentiating the ratio by the quotient rule).
  • lickinoma: a firm ,raised, ulcerative plaque on dorsal aspect of carpus,metacarpus, tarsus or metatarsus from excessive licking/grooming
  • legislative censorship: The use of the legal system to control freedom of speech.
  • life date: a long-term relationship
  • life twist: (1) a change in direction or expected outcome or future in a person's life. (2) an event that encourages such a change.
  • limpathy: 1. The attention (either genuine or half-hearted) earned by a child's feigned or exaggerated response to a trivial injury.
  • limpathetic: 1: Adjective used to describe an adult, often a doting parent, who is easily fooled by limpathy.
  • Linkpimping: shamelessly emailing bloggers with “tips” on link-worthy posts you “discovered” (i.e., wrote), to boost your Technorati ranking.
  • linespace: noun - One dimensional space; consists of a single line. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • ling: [verb] To "own" someone with one's verbal skills. Note that the simple past form is formed with d i.e. "lingd", not ed, as -ed implies the sound, /ehd/, not just a straight /d/ sound.
  • linky: prone to excessive linking
  • lion-cat: An imaginary creature that has the characteristics of both lions and cats.
  • listify: To form a group of variables, definitions, or other data into a list. The past tense is 'listified.'
  • livewithable: Adjective, meaning a person or object is tolerable in the habitat.
  • lizardry: The state of acting like a reptile.
  • llove: Noun/Verb representing the sincerest form of affection. Ex. (One llama to another) "I llove you".
  • loat: Unable to smell. This word fills in an important gap by providing a short simple word (like blind or deaf) to describe those who cannot smell.
  • locogic: A combination of the words Loco and Logic.
  • lockblock: To prevent the unlocking of one's car door by pulling the door handle at the same time the driver presses the unlock button.
  • lockblocker: A person who prevents the unlocking of a his or her car door by pulling the door handle at the same time the driver presses the unlock button
  • Lo-Hawk: The type of low "Mohawk" haircut worn by the Tampa Bay Rays.
  • loli: An underage female, typically between the ages of 8 to 14. Most often used in a sexual context. From the book Lolita in a roundabout way, by more direct means of the Japanese term lolicon.
  • lollygaggling: lounging/ loitering / dawdling about. eg "I wish you would hurry up and stop lollygaggling about!"
  • LOLOTOABBOASTIFITKRLN: Internet abbreviation. An abnoxious way of saying "LOL". Stands for "laughing out loud on top of a big bowl of applesauce that I found in the kitchen refridgerator last night."
  • lomgysal: Acronym for "Like oh my God, you're such a lame".
  • lonelyth: State or quality of being lonely.
  • logocrisiaphobia: Opposition to censorship
  • logixhouse: Storage for collective consciousness in a digital warehouse in the networked matrix
  • lop: To add to Wiktionary's list of protologisms.
    I've just invented a word for a concept. I think I'm gonna go lop it.
    They've been lopping a lot of words
  • LOSERFACE: A clever acronym used for a term of endearment. The acronym is Lovely, Oval, Smooth, Excellent, Ravishing FACE
  • Lottle: The antonym of little. "How much icecream do you want?" "A lottle bit please"
  • lovedom: noun from love + suffix dom; compare kingdom, stardom – the world of love, the totality of loving emotions and attitudes.
  • lowezing: The act of browsing a DIY / home improvement store without the intent to buy.
  • ltde: less than desirable experience
  • ludaltry: Worship of computer and/or video games.
  • ludeme: A directed set of game mechanics with a goal
  • lunacraft: A vehicle designed for use on the Moon.
  • lunanaut: A astronaut walking on the Moon.
  • lurkership: The group of individuals who lurk on an Internet-based forum
  • lurpy: A person who is overly sleezy, disgustingly aggressive, or generally freaky when in the company of a person of the opposite sex.


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  • machochista: A person with a belief that men are better than women in all situations, as opposed to a femachista.
  • Macintel: A Macintosh computer with an Intel processor
  • Macnaticism: A fanatical devotion to the Macintosh operating system, leading to the disparaging of all other systems or names associated with those systems, or possibly the people using those systems. Also Macnatic or Macnatical.
  • macroxenoglossophobia: Fear of long, strange words
  • macroword: a set of abbreviated cryptograms
  • madmom: 1. verb To successfully modify a process or procedure so that the result bears little or no resemblance to the original. Originally applied to the process of modifying recipes, on the website "Cookstalk" 2. Substituting completely different ingredients or components for what is called for, because you have them on hand and not what the procedure calls for. This is done without regard to similarity to the original ingredient, but with a successful final outcome in mind.
  • madmomming: the act of modifying a process or procedure
  • madmommer: a person who frequently or habitually madmoms a process or procedure
  • maditude: It's when your mad but, don't want to admit so your giving off an attitude.
  • magmail: Can be construed as any Question and Answer correspondence conducted via a regularly published paper-based publication' ie. newspaper, periodical, journal, magazine, et al.
  • magnamegosphorous: one step above "very big" or "giant". Used to emphasize something's size without comparison.
  • magnecule: a molecule containing magnetic bonds
  • Maiko: a "ship" name used to describe the romantic relationship of Mai and Zuko on the Nickelodeon show, "Avatar: The Last Airbender".
  • mala mater: "bad mother" Parents who, abnegating their responsibilty, blame school and teacher for their children's bad behavior; anagram of alma & L. for bad, defective, wrong etc.
  • malarious: an aspect of malaria that is humorous or ironic.
  • malefit: (mal-e-fit) v. [Opposite of benefit.] To make worse.
  • malker: Slang term for "mall walker."
  • maluminseism: The belief that copyright infringement is a malum in se offense.
  • malumprohibitism: The belief that copyright infringement is a malum prohibitum offense.
  • mammockery: n. The action of unqalified and unscrupulous "surgeons" who offer body enhancement surgery to women, usually breast enhancement, causing disfigurement, financial devastation and sometimes death. From a blending of mammock an obsolete word meaning to tear greedily at; mammary and mockery.
  • man dress or mandress: slang for dishdashah (w:dishdashah)
  • mangina: 1. A man's feminine side; especially when he's picky, touchy, bitchy, or emotional. 2. Gay sexual slang: The anus of a gay man who likes to be penetrated in anal sex.
  • Mangina: when a man tucks his penis between his legs in a fashion that makes it seem as if he has a vagina. This trick can be used as a joke at parties or to fool lonely truckers as you drive by them on the interstate
  • manillion: The number 10^(3*10^ (3*10^30,000) +3)
  • mannequine: n. a distinctly female mannequin. [Fr. mannequin + -e feminine ending]
  • manpanion: A male partner in a relationship. [15] [16]
  • manpris: capris worn by a man, they typically look really bad
  • manservice: A sub-branch of fanservice; fanservice created for a male audience
  • manuvorous: biting the hand that feeds; also manuvore (noun)
  • manwhore: a man who sleeps with many women, regardless of their quality
  • marfotic: adj. awful; stupidly inscrutable. Maddeningly irksome. For example, Windoze computers are marfotic, but Macintosh computers are terrific!
  • markeneering or markineering: 1) The process of subverting good engineering practice for the sake of better market potential. 2) The use of irrelevant engineering jargon to improve the marketability of a product or service. GoogleIt
  • Marlinism: n. "The conduct of an overprotective father (or parent) who thinks that he can protect his child/children from every danger in life. From the film, "Nemo" and the attitude and actions of his father, Marlin. See Marlinism; and Marlin's storge.
  • marlicious: adj. possesing the qualities of marietta or marietta pleasing atributes
  • marudischisenhousinlousin: german woman
  • Marlin's storge: n. The love of a parent who endeavours at all times to protect his child/ren from the dangers of the world; see Nemo's Father & Marlinism.
  • marp: noun - The cardinal direction in the direction of polar rotation (rotation along the polar equator). The opposite direction is garp. Distance towards marp or garp is measured in laptitude.
  • Mary Sue: and
  • mash-board: A Web 2.0 style mash-up where the output is a reporting dashboard, an example being a Google maps and Pentaho dashboard mashup -
  • masochismo: n. [Masochism + Machismo] (vars.: maschismo, masocho, mascho) The idea that ones masculinity is tied to the capacity to endure self-inflicted pain.
  • mathlete: n. [Math + Athlete] 1. One who excels at solving math problems. 2. One who competes in math tournaments.
  • maurasprophotographer: A person who prefers black-and-white photography over color photography
  • maximoron: A word which made up of two words which mean exactly the same (as opposed to a Oxymoron)Invented by Strong Bad as a description for another protologism he made up (Jumbo-LARGE) Citation:
  • mavorsphobia: Fear of the planet Mars
  • MBA vision: a clouding of the judgement of the perceived level of attractiveness of a woman due to man's constant presence in a highly male dominated environment with subpar female prospects
  • mcbride: n. an untruth told so glibly and smoothly so as to encourage suspension of disbelief
  • McBush: male given name. A jocular play on "Bush" and "McCain" used to highlight the similarities between McCain's and G.W. Bush's policies.
  • McChav: Name given to Chav who eats environment destroying burgers
  • McSame: male given name. A jocular play on "same" and "McCain" used to highlight the similarities between McCain's and G.W. Bush's policies.
  • mearth: an act beneficial to "Mother Earth" such as recycling, conservation, etc, as in "Did you "mearth" that garbage before you threw it out?" (Separate for recyling). Also, Mearthing, or Mearthed. "Yes, I "mearthed" the garbage before I threw it out".
  • medicorology: n. The study of health and medical treatment at high altitude, mountainous regions of the world; from a blending of L medicine, G oro: mountain & ology.
  • mediocritist: n. A personality category defined as a person who excells at being mediocre at everything; Generally employed in government.
  • mediocrology: n. Study of mediocrity, the mediocre. Mediocrologists may, if their studies remain mediocre enough, finally become mediocritists.
  • meeble: v. To meander, esp. to move in the most inefficient way possible without recrossing one's path. adj. A course laid out in such a fashion. "It took two hours to go through the meeble maze to the ticket counter."
  • meefy: (of) an undesirable situation
  • meese: plural of moose
  • meetnik: (meet + suffix nik) a person who enjoys meetings and all sorts of administrative events and tries to attend as many of them as possible.
    Being socially active is one thing, meeting for the sake of meeting is another. I try to stay away from meetniks for whom getting together is an end in itself.
  • megacroesia: n. Term for nations which suddenly become extremely wealthly, often because of the discovery of huge mineral deposits within their borders, such as oil, gold, silver. From L. "mega" : great, "Croesus": Lydian King of unimaginable wealth, L. "ia" : territory of.
  • megagaltastic: characterized as having an extensive vocabulary
  • megennium: a period of a million years.
  • meiologism: any offensive term
  • melan-cookie: the (typically whole bag of...) cookies you eat when you feel melancholy
  • melcryptovestimentaphilia: A compulsion to steal women's undergarments
  • melcryptovestimentaphiliac: a person who steals women's underwear
  • melloncolly: a reference to wanting mellons, extreme hunger created by Will
  • mekennium: a period of a decillion years.
  • memory fodder: concepts that are to be learned but never used outside an exam context.
  • mence: Many times.
  • Menconianism: censorship on the basis of the literal interpretation of the Bible; Christian fundamentalist censorship, especially in conservative religious groups. (Coined after Al Menconi who exemplified these teachings)
  • mensiversary: A month anniversary.
  • mentionitis: the condition of repeatedly interjecting a person, place, or thing into conversation, esp. a romantic interest.
  • Merfin: A gender confused retard (offensive word) commonly used in the phrase "you merfin"
  • meritdemocracy: A hybrid of a meritocratic and democratic society, where candidate leaders can only qualify to run for election if they demonstrate inherent caliber in all three attributes of: education, intelligence, and altruistic disposition. Likewise, the individual weight of a given citizen's election vote is evaluated by a societally-determined measure of these three attributes for that citizen.
  • Merseycide: A mass-execution of Scousers.
  • Mezheriuezum: Being in the Mezher family by blood or marriage only.
  • Metaneologism: A word that describes the class of newly-coined words. Like protologism, it falls into the class of words it is used to describe, i.e., metaneologism is a metaneologism; so are protologism and neologism.
  • Metastruction: n. 1 An individual's participation in a hyperstruction environment. 2 The process of metacognitive realization of a successful transfer of knowledge. Usually used in relation to individual awareness of learning. Group awareness of learning is hyperstruction.
  • metragonist: The mother of a protagonist.
    A metragonist usually dies before the events of a story.
  • MG: Someone who thinks they are the greatest person alive, but fail miserably at achieving such. The initials 'MG' stand for mundane gorilla. Someone who is referred to as MG has little to no intelligence, and often lacks even the most basic of skills.
  • micrennial: A millionth anniversary.
  • micro-farm: Micro-Farms or µFarms are pet livestock owners, homesteaders raising their own food and making some direct sales, and small farms grossing under $250K/yr and selling direct to the consumer. (GoogleIt)
  • Micropony: miniature Horse or Pony, also sometimes referred to as mini mini.
  • Micro$oft: (informal) Microsoft, the substituted dollar sign implying greedy business practices.
  • Micros**t: (informal) Microsoft, the substituted asterisks implying poor quality of their products.
  • microtalent: proficiency at some unimportant but momentarily impressive activity, e.g. wiggling one's ears.
  • midenphobia: Fear of the number zero.
  • millionaireology: The scientific study, that when practiced, results in an individual and/or corporation earning in excess of a million dollars, pounds, or the equivalent in other currency using the World Wide Web.
  • millenuple: A thousand times as great;thousandfold.
  • Miledaism: exonim for the Chinese new religious movement called Miledajiao 彌勒大教 or Maitreya Great Tao.
  • milz: (v) To revisit one's past postings on online web message forums, and retroactively delete the text, replacing it with minimally requisite text allowed by the forum's software, such as "...". (One purpose of milzing one's past postings is to erase evidence of such postings, so as to remove the ability of others to quote you.)
  • mind curtain: n. The fears and suspicions that the leaders and people of the former Iron Curtain countries have in dealing with change, such as German reunification, relations with the West etc.
  • mindoo: somewhat similar to taboo and thinkoo; the set of ideas an emotions that a person chooses not to think and feel
  • mingwangphobia: Fear of the dwarf planet Pluto
  • misbug: In computer jargon, an unintended property of a program that turns out to be useful
  • misandrocracy: A government, especially feminist-derived, where males are severely oppressed. An anti-male regime.
  • misarchy: Hatred of government or authority. Anarchism.
  • misconvict: v To convict wrongfully. n A wrongfully convicted person.
  • miscellameness: miscellaneous in a lame of pointless way.
  • misconviction: Wrongful conviction
  • misexecution: Wrongful execution
  • misintegrate: To integrate perceptual concretes along false common denominators (such as racism or mysticism) so as to form false concepts and propositions (such as the Aryan Master Race or the Second Coming of Christ).
  • mislaw: A law that does more harm than good. A bogus law.
  • mislegislate: To propose a bogus law. To legislate against something good.
  • mislegislation: The acting of mislegislating.
  • misoarachno: Hatred of spiders.
    Nudists (and their supporters) believe that Arkansas law code 5-68-204 is a mislaw.
  • misoastra: Hatred of thunder and lightning.
  • misoaqua: Hatred of water.
  • misoavio: Hatred of flying.
  • misoclaustro: Hatred of confined spaces.
  • misocomputer: Hatred of computers.
  • misogymno: Hatred of nudity.
  • misogynarch: (1) A hater of female rulership. (2) A hater of women with positions of authority.
  • misogynarchy: (1) Hatred of female rulership or leadership. (2) Hatred of women with positions of authority.
  • misogynocracy: A government, especially an Islamocracy, where females are severely oppressed. An anti-female regime.
    The Taliban regime was a misogynocracy.
    Iran is a misogynocracy.
  • misoophidio: Hatred of snakes.
  • misodevwahr: Hatred of homework.
  • misomnia: Falling asleep and waking up at odd times, out of sync with the rest of society
  • misomusa: Hatred of mice.
  • misopyro: Hatred of fire.
  • misosinogyny: Hatred of Chinese women.
  • misprohibit: To prohibit something good.
  • misprohibition: (1) The act of prohibiting something that is actually beneficial. (2) A destructive prohibition law.
  • mistaboo: A destructive taboo.
  • mistakonomics: Economics of human errors and mistakes
  • mistread: see misstep
  • misozomai: Hatred of the word "fuck".
  • mistenet: An actually false or destructive teaching or belief that is held as truth.
  • moar: Internet meme used on messageboards and imageboards, signifying an emphatic request more of whatever is being posted
  • mockumentation: documentation such as user manuals, that assume the reader already knows the most obvious things they should be looking in the documentation to find, and therefore only mentions but never explains them
  • moggapiff: Sound imitating word, describing deliberate combustion of excess fuel in exhaust system.
  • mojo crash: The end of a run of creativity due to fatigue or exhaustion. Typically used by computer programmers to describe the inevitable end of a period during which everything that they have attempted has worked
  • moladi: Plastic formwork construction technology.
  • mollmoco: Wet or semidried nasal mucus. (Used in medical termology) (The proper or technical term for "snot").
  • mom chic: Term used to classify the effortless style of a fashion-conscious mother. ie. The fashion style of a mother who wears age appropriate yet flattering clothing that is often seen in a JC Penney catalogue would be classified as mom chic.
  • Mondaily: every Monday
  • mondaytofridayer: term to describe those who participate in weekday or working week renting. Can be used for homeowners who rent out a room for the working week or for those who rent a room from Monday to Friday
  • mongo movers: Green term used to describe scrap metal recyclers.
  • Monkey on My Shoe: Progress impeded by factors beyond your direct control
  • monkfish: (noun)(pejorative) Term used to describe a person of the opposite sex who is attractive enough when presented well and will suffice for the time being but is only a substitute for the ideal mate. Said person is adequate as in the culinary dish Monkfish but is not the quality of Lobster.
  • monkfishing: (verb) The act of attracting a monkfish (see above). Often used in social settings such as bars, parties, etc. ie. I'm just monkfishing tonight; you know, throwing out the net and seeing what I catch.
  • Monnight: A Monday night.
  • monogambic: Refers to clothing which envelops both of a biped's legs conjointly (e.g. skirts, dresses, robes). [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, from Greek, from monos, single, sole, alone + Italian gamba, leg]. Compare to bigambic.
  • monorchy: A form of government in which the king or other head of state has only one testicle, usually a big one.
  • moob: (from male boob) breasts on a man
  • mooby: The one after next i.e. Turn left at the mooby junction. Or Are you free mooby Tuesday?
  • mooglatry or Mooglism: Worship of the Final Fantasy video game series
  • moogless or Mooglessa: A female Moogle or female Final Fantasy fan
  • mooglophile: A Final Fantasy fan
  • Mooglophobia: Hatred of the Final Fantasy video game series
  • moon speak: (derogatory) 4chan meme meaning the Japanese language
  • moriguam: "The action of US military officials in offering Lt. Michael Mori, US military lawyer for Australian, Talibanist, Al Quaeda succourist and Gitmo Bay detainee, David Hicks, a relatively minor legal posting in faraway Guam seemingly as payback for his fervent and stubborn defence of Hicks. (see Mori-Mori)
  • mori-mori: "The action of Lt Michael Mori in committing the unpardonable sin of working tirelessly as defence lawyer for Gitmo detainee, David Hicks. In doing so it seems that he infuriated US military officials so much that he may have committed occupational hari-kiri or protologistically speaking, and etymologically sound and reduplicatively " mori-mori or self death". See Moriguam)
  • Moronalith: An existoid that predates this god thing, the TSM, time, logic and itself. The real creator of all. And it is not happy. Coined by Naja Hannah.
  • morpher: A fictional device, usually handheld, that initiates a physical transformation
  • mortiversary: The anniversary of a death.
  • mouseterbation: What happens when your computer's mouse does something unexpected to you, usually when you are playing a computer game
  • mouseterbated: What you are when your computer's mouse does something unexpected (I got mouseterbated)
  • mouseterbate: What you are doing when you move your mouse randomly on its pad while actually doing nothing
  • move mongo: The green act of recycling scrap metal.
  • MSNesia: As a Noun Modified Latin, from Greek ἀμνησία 'forgetfulness'. with the MSN indicating that you are using a popular chat program.
  • muff diving: cunnilingus
  • mugitate: Combination of Muse and Cogitate - meaning to think, or be lost in thought.
  • mullislam: (noun) The act of consuming a prescribed amount of alchohol to allow a mulligan to be used during the game of golf. The beverage may either be a shot or an alcoholic beverage; traditionally a beer that is slammed or shotgunned. Depending on the rules agreed upon by the players, a player may or may not have unlimited mullislams per 18 holes. Common usage: Jason did a mullislam so that he could take another shot after his drive went into the hazard
  • mummypuffin: (noun) Name for an overtly fashion conscious, materialistic female, member of the 'popular group' at school or university. Prone to sticking out the bottom jaw with raised eyebrows while demeaning others. Commonly uses the words 'like', 'so' and 'whatever' out of context. For example; "You are like so not cool." Example of mummypuffins include most characters from the movie 'Clueless'. Term first used in 1993 by a girl in Sydney, Australia.
  • munkchop: Pejorative term for person of low intelligence
  • munted: completely and totally ruined (I drove my car into a lake and now it's munted)
  • murdered out: looking especially good or having especially good features or content
  • mutualwiki: The competitive practice of like-minded IT managers who gather together in small groups to engage and enable in the simultaneous entry of enormous quantities of disjointed and irrelevant information into a Wiki, thereby attaining arousal and self gratification. Mutualwiki is generally frowned upon by non-management IT professionals. See also: pointless, egotistical diarrhea.
  • muxiphobia: Fear of the planet Jupiter
  • mwugz: a term for an imaginary kiss & embrace, derived from combining the internet slang terms Mwah (kiss) and Hugz (hug) as in, “He gave Danielle mwugz, and hoped to do so again soon.” Also, “mwugged” and “mwugging”. Orig. 2006 in Chicago, IL.
  • myspace whore: See Myspace Zombie
  • myspace zombie: a person who is highly addicted to myspace. This person usually posts bulletins telling other people to comment them, as if 'myspace' is a competition. You usually spot these people by finding a bulletin posted by them every minute saying "comment me." Also, you can spot that they have over 1,000 friends listed in their myspace friends. Another way to spot this person is to check how many comments they have, you can tell that they're a myspace zombie if they have over 1,000 non-legit comments.


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  • n00baphobia: One who afraid of being or becoming a n00b.
  • Naaniblackerate: A word to describe a chemical whose name one cannot recall.
  • nab: Non-alcoholic beverage; to drink a non-alcoholic beverage
  • nabilization: The act of becoming smarter, more physically fit, and more friendly, while becoming less attractive to the opposite gender
  • nagivator: A back-seat (or passenger-seat) driver who always knows the best way to get somewhere and is usually wrong. A passenger who talks so much the driver loses track of where he/she is going and misses a turn and is now lost. other uses. Also, Nagivate (verb), nagivation
  • nanank: A middle-aged skank. Someone in their late thirties and older, who dresses like a tarty teenager or young adult but is clearly too old to do so.
  • nanennial: A billionth anniversary.
  • nannyism: [nanny + -ism] the belief that responsibilities attributed to parenthood should be the responsibilities of a given government. (Synonyms: parentalism, parental socialism, paramanism)
  • nannyist: noun. A person who believes that responsibilities atributed to parenthood should be the responsibilities of the government. adjective. Of or pertaining to nannyism.
  • nao: 4-chan meme, synonym for now
  • napoli: to rape in a brutal manner. See def at Napoli talk page.
  • narby: The one before last. As in "Did you see the game narby Wednesday?" or "I used to live in the narby town we passed"
  • narcipost: A shamelessly egocentric blog post that's of little interest to anyone besides the person who posted it
  • naziess: a female nazi
  • neard: A growth of facial hair concentrated below the chin and neckline.
  • necro-port: A direct port of a video game that was originally designed for an ancient game system that is converted for play on a modern game system, especially a port of an Famicom/NES game on a sixth generation console. Note: This already seems to have a FRPG sense -- probably a particular kind of teleport spell
  • necrohipposadism: Literally, (The act of) beating a dead horse. As commonly used in Internet discussions, uselessly continuing to discuss a topic long after an outcome was decided or long after any meaningful discussion.
  • nectic: frenetic
  • nefaria: (noun) Nefarious activities.
  • neglatch: To neglect to attach a file to an email.
  • negolomaniac: A person addicted to posting unwarranted negative feedback for others on Ebay; casual theories suggest that the negolomaniac may gain more of a "fix" when targeting those hapless souls bearing the Powerseller logo.
  • negrodiacrisis: Discrimination against Negros.
  • neodontia: The practice, far from being perfected, of inducing the growth of entirely new teeth in mature individuals. One form is to transplant individual tooth buds into the jaw; another form is to induce the growth of an entire new set of teeth.
  • neofantasy: A Neoconservative aspiration or written article which has no basis in any reality outside of a Neoconservative framework of thought.
  • neoffathal: [n., Blend of Neanderthal and offal] A discardable, non-essential human.
  • neologinary: A list of neologisms and their definitions.
  • neoplorgismanteau (plural: neoplorgismanteaux): a neologism that is a portmanteau (which is ironic in that the word itself is a neologism, and is a portmanteau of "neologism" and "portmanteau").
  • neoplorgismanteaucronym: a neoplorgismanteau that is also an acronym or backronym.
  • neoplorgismanteaufication: the act of creating a neoplorgismanteau.
  • neosophy: new wisdom
  • neossonym: the name for the young of an animal. Cygnet, gosling and duckling are neossonyms for the swan, goose and duck, respectively.
  • neptoy: Gender-neutral term referring to either a niece or a nephew; the plural "neptoys" is probably more useful.
  • nermit: (nər-mĭt, pronunciation of the acronym for Not-Ready-(for)-Market-Technology) 1.adjective, Applied to gadgets which are unreliable because the technology industry rushes them to market without perfecting them first. Usage: 'I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said, my nermit bluetooth earbud chopped off all but the first word of your sentence. 2. declaritive, 'Used as an expression of the frustration caused by a new gadget which fails to function as promised. For example, upon reconnecting your dropped cell phone conversation, thereby saving precious cell bandwidth otherwise spent commiserating about dropped calls. Usage: Nermit! So, as I was saying...'.
  • netologist: same as webologist
  • netsomnia: The uneasy feeling you get not knowing what your business network was doing last night.
  • net vet: (colloquial) a veteran of the internet. Specifically an enthusiast of the internet, having had a considerable history and high level of usage since the world wide web's inception.
  • neville: The act of "borrowing" something without permission; akin to stealing. Example: "My chair was just nevilled".
  • Nemo's Father: n, "The overprotective father(or parent) who thinks that he can protect his child/children from every danger in life. From the film, "Finding Nemo" and actions of his father, Marlin. See Marlinism; and Marlin's storge.
  • neworse: Less new. (from "new" and "-orse")
  • neworst: Least new. (from "new" and "-orst")
  • niagra fall: n. The result of buying fake viagra, believing it will improve your lovemaking, but experiencing the opposite. Blending of n of "ne" + viagra, + parody upon and rythming slang of Niagara Falls.
  • nicey: adjective, an adjective expressing joy or jubilation.
  • Nicole Turner: another term for bitchface
  • niggerachi: Insulting one person of being a black version of a Liberachi.
  • niggerdize: verb, when a group takes a disparaging term applied to them and uses it amongst themselves, sometimes in an altered form, but excludes those outside the group from using it.
  • nightfox: noun, plural nightfox·es, 1. One who tucks their spouse/mate into bed, waits until he or she falls asleep, then returns to the party (usually travels by way of scooter). -verb, 1. To perform acts of the nightfox, 2. To be victim to acts of a nightfox. For example: Poor girl got nightfoxed.
  • "Niller" : A racist term used in school to avoid saying nigga
  • nince: Nine times.
  • nineteenty: The number 190.
  • Nintendophobia: Fear of Nintendo or its products (especially its handheld platforms), patents, or characters.
  • nipponisation: very rare occurance (in french), should not be used, roughly means to colour cutural material into japanese style.
  • nippular: (adj). Referring to the area surrounding the nipple. Not exclusive to the areola. Example: "the nippular area."
  • Nitronic Fizertilosis: The act of changing any element, with bodily energy, into a different one, especially into an object such as dirt or complex rock
  • nival: (adj). that grows in/under snow
  • numeratize: the process of putting a group of items or data in numerical order
  • nobbsian: over-planned, over-designed
  • noirette: A woman with black hair
  • nonant: 1. One of the pieces of an area divided into nine sections. 2. A section of a rectangle that has been divided by two perpendicular pairs of parallel lines. 3. Not in the order Hymenoptera.
  • nonth: All nine.
  • Noob: n. "The Noob" A man-made ozone layer designed to protect Earthlings from harmful exposure to the Sun's rays; from Lt "nub" a cloud.
  • Nordforkel: n. A humerous word created by the late Martin (Marty) H. Frank to describe a person that makes a mistake as in "you nordforkel".
  • noselol: To laugh with ones nose.
  • nostalgiaphoba: 1. fear of nostalgia or reliving the past or reliving one's past way of life. 2. fear of bad memories.
  • noventonce: Nineteen times
  • nouse: A peripheral device that tracks the movement of the tip of your nose to control a cursor.
  • novemvigintillionth: The ordinal form of the number novemvigintillion
  • novification: The act or process of novifying.
  • novify: To make (an old thing) look or sound new. (Antonym: veterate)
  • nugry: A person who asks what the third word that ends in "-gry" besides "angry" and "hungry" is.
  • nutritionism: ones attitude towards nutrition
  • nimdyd: What you are trying to do will never be allowed to work. Acronym for "Not In My Dungeon You Don't," "Nimdyd" is the final and unarguable assertion of a Dungeon Master's authority. (Squiptryx)
  • nymphomism: A language feature used to describe wholesome words that have developed sexual inuendo. For example, "Stop right now!" ejaculated the police officer.


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  • oblive (adj.): destructible - "Talc is very oblive." Derived from oblivion
  • octonce: Eighteen times
  • offscound: To steal an object, departing clandestinely - "He offscounded a pen from my cubicle!"
  • oggular: n. A hardened, rounded build-up of plastisol on the footplate of a rider truck. Extremely annoying and uncomfortable below boot, they often occur in groups of varying sizes, ages and tones. 'Is nobody int' mill goin' t' knock these bloody oggulars off this plate?'
  • -ohol: Suffix added to a word when being used to describe a dependency on said item. Examples: chocohol, rageohol, sexohol, workohol. Derived from alcohol/alcoholic.
  • okce: Eight times.
  • oligoanarchy: A status quo of few if any rules governing individuals or nations, enforced by a few powerful authorities.
  • omegalypse: n. An end of an era, not without importance or significance, but without the worldwide woe and war written of in the biblical, apocalyptic "Book of Revelations" Such events include the decline of the British Empire. From the Gk "omega": the end or final development, blended with "lypse" of apocalypse
  • omegaphobia: Fear of being last in line.
  • omegapsical: Reverse alphabetical order.
  • omnieval: That applies to people of all ages.
  • omniderigence: The quality attributed to God by which He supposedly directs every detail of daily life.
  • Omniloathe: find repugnant in all possible ways, conditions and variances.
  • omniphobia: A fear of everything; hence also omniphobic.
  • ooos-a-ga-booos: Affectionate name for a male dog (who's a good boy).
  • operads: a portmanteau of operation and monad.
  • oppressionware: software, hardware, or mechanisms (in an operating system) used to oppress a co-user, such as restricting programs, capabilities, and features.
  • optimility: a combination of optimism and humility ("well, at least the job I won't get with my PhD will be better than the one I wouldn't get if I didn't have it")
  • orangeth: The state or quality of being orange.
  • Orbithorpe: Universally accepted NO Symbol. - Circle with diagonal line
  • ordclaviphobia: - Fear of computer keyboards.
  • Orebeshuji: The assumed Japanese term for the Star Wars Aurebesh alphabet. Japanese language written using the Aurebesh alphabet instead of romaji.
  • orikaso: The art of creating functional products from sheet plastic material (spamvertising?)
  • -orse: An adjective suffix forming negative comparatives (“less __”).
  • -orst: An adjective suffix forming negative superlatives (“least __”).
  • orthoquel (noun): not a prequel or a sequel, but a tangential subsequent work of fiction to an original. ("Time's Eye" by Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke) A portmanteau of "orthogonal" and "sequel", coined by Arthur C. Clarke.
  • orthothesis (noun): A social position where our values and current opinion are similar and we accept the consequences of being non-politically correct. Orthothesical behaviour and opinion. Etymology: A portmanteau of Greek ὀρθός (orthos) and Greek θέσις (position). Proununciation: IPA: /ɔ:'θɒ'θi:sɪs/.
  • osouriphobia: Fear of computer mice.
  • OPA: Greek for OPA "Lets Have FUN"
  • outanet: Related to an activity or activities performed either in response to an article on the Internet, or specifically for publication on the Internet (i.e. Free Hugs, The MP3 experiment, Mentos and Diet Coke experiments, A Random Act of Kindness - all actively promoted through the Internet, although not necessarily dependent upon it or originating from it) (GK:araok 071107)
  • outstonishing: Both astonishing and outstanding, "an outstonishing achievement"
  • overconsumptionist: n. One who consumes natural resources or consumer goods in excess of the social good or social norm.
  • owndizzle: To be undone by ones own cleverness. For example to play trick that backfires or make a comment that is refelcted back onto ones self.
  • own-dizzle: To be undone by ones own cleverness. For example to play trick that backfires or make a comment that is refelcted back onto ones self.
  • owltripology: n. Study of night-time travellers on public transport, from age, occupation, ethnicity, and reasons for using public transport, etc
  • oxi-moron: A moron who uses oxi-action (a cleaning product) an oxi-moron is the complete opposite to a Timberflake.
  • Oh My Dog: The stress of the exclamation lies on the 'Oh' - often overheard as expression of surprise by atheists, agnostics and dyslexics alike.


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  • Palaeokleptomatosis: an insatiable desire to steal ancient artifacts, a mental state of mind that encourages this.
  • pacmanify : to cut slices out of a circle or pie, resulting in the remainder looking like the popular 1980s computer game character.
  • Paintballitis: Named by David Worfolk - The disease which seems to afflict almost every paintballer until cured. Symptoms include 'Gopher Popping', 'Bunkering', and 'piant-waisting'; usually resulting in 50-50 firefights.
  • paintograph: (n.) Named by Debra A. F. Seiz - A term that is a hybridization or portmanteau of the words "painting" and "photograph" coined by award-winning poet, photographer and paintography artist Debra A.F. Seiz to describe her technique of applying acrylic paint to the emulsion of a photographic print. Term may also apply to any other type of paint media applied to a photographic print, including oil-based paints.

Paint may be used to achieve realistic, surrealist or abstract art effects.

Paint may be applied thinly or thickly, to add dimension to the photograph, creating the effect of the photographic subject appearing to project beyond its original plane.

  • paintographer: (n.) Named by Debra A.F. Seiz- One who engages in the art of creating a paintograph- a photographic print that has had paint applied to its photographic emulsion.
  • paintography: (n.) Named by Debra A.F. Seiz- The art of creating a paintograph- the technique of applying paint to the emulsion of a photographic print.
  • pajamajadeen: the internet bloggers obsessed with following, fact-checking and correcting the mainstream media
  • paleocentric: Defending primitive and unscientific claims. Being narrow minded. unwavering in believing what is orthodoxical.
  • paleologinary: A list of paleologisms and their definitions.
  • paleotectory: Regarding issues of ancient manufacture.
  • palifensh: a rigidly dogmatic adherent of feminist theory and practice (from anagram: PArty LIne FEminist, No Sense of Humor).
  • Palinfreude: joy in watching Sarah Palin make a fool of herself. Or, more generally, the gleeful joy you experience when a politician gets his or her just desserts or has his or her comeuppance.
  • pantitular: [all-title] nothing but the title repeated over and over -- Ron Padgett's “Nothing in That Drawer”
  • paradoxism: the theory and school of using paradoxes in literary and artistic creation
  • paramanacracy: a nanny government; a nanny state
  • paranize: to cause extreme suspicion or paranoia.
  • parrot help: Assistance that hinders one in the task one is trying to complete.
  • pastrix: n. A female pastor, abbreviated Px. [Lat. shepherdess]
  • pechnidialtrist: A gamer who has given up religion for his or her own electronic gaming interests.
  • pechnidialtry: The worship of computer and/or video games. Ludaltry.
  • pechnidiocrisia: Criticism, censorship of, or restriction on video games; video game censorship.
  • pechnidiology: Study of electronic games. ludology.
  • peenite:An apprentice plumber who likes to get into trouble.
  • pelastration: Penetration without breaking, pushing away parts of a brane. Cosmology.
  • pendulfecal: Of or relating to pendulfeces.
  • pendulfeces: Fecal mater that will not "let go" and swings like a pendulum; a.k.a. clingon or dingleberry.
  • penguinification: a figure of speech, prosopopeia, in which an inanimate object or an abstraction is given penguin qualities.
  • Penneau: to fart, flatulance, to pass gas, to cut the cheese, pardon I've just penneau'd.
  • pentaspace: noun - Five-dimensional space. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • penor: Leet spelling of penis
  • pensate: to think deeply
  • peppercornious: ornery, cantankerous
  • perdidnificus: adjective describing anti-Buddhist beliefs.--Perdidnificator 15:21, 18 September 2006 (UTC)
  • perititle: italicised subheading or brief abstract particularly in a presentation
  • perma...: See User talk:Language Lover/instaglutination
  • perniculous: a deadly infestation of worms.
  • personalitism: the belief that personality counts the most and that outward appearance counts the least when judging a person.
  • perstilbospherphobia: Fear of mirror-balls
  • pervetried: Act of having been the recipient of pervetry. "I think I was pervetried."
  • pervetry: pronunciation pur'vet'trE v. pervetries(pl.), pervetried.
  1. (Wiktionary and WMF jargon) A recently-created word in narrow use but not yet in general use.
  2. Word used to reference a perverted comment made in a double meaning at an earlier time, ususally written. Used originally in TEXT messages; originating at K-State by a Missy: "I just ignored your pervetry."
  • peteetong: A greeting or farewell popularized by SouthSide Steve of "the regular guys"
  • petennium: A period of a quadrillion years.
  • phat: Someone describing thereselves who can't spell: i.e. louis fitzmourise
  • philodox: One who loves to listen to themself speak or who loves their own opinion.
  • philosotainment: Philosophy for the sole purpose of entertainment, not enlightenment.
  • phobophobia: The irrational fear of or of having irrational fears.
  • phobophile: One who gains pleasure from being noticably feared by those around him.
  • phobosopher: A person with an irrational aversion to wisdom.
  • phobosophy: An irrational aversion to wisdom.
  • phonogrope: to fumble frantically (as in a bag, garment etc.) for a cellular phone before it stops ringing ("excuse me, I have to do a phonogrope here")
  • phobile moan: a complaint about mobile (cell) phones (e.g. regarding their ubiquity, inappropriate use, etc.)
  • phoneybration (n.): A false feeling that your mobile phone has vibrated, with an SMS, alarm or call.
  • phontograph: A photograph taken using a cellular phone (from "phone" + "photograph").
  • phoon: To cartoonishly pose as if running; such a pose.
  • phopinaciphobia: Fear of phobia lists.
  • photographophile: A person who likes photography.
  • photographophobia: Fear of photography.
  • phrogging: the practice of attempting to enter, and live in, a stranger's home without their knowledge. People who attempt this are referred to as phrogs. The term apparently originates from the tendency of practioners to change homes every few days to avoid being caught, or "leaping" from "pad" (home) to pad. (Source: Urban dictionary.)
  • phytoleum: plant oil.
  • picennial: A trillionth anniversary.
  • pictalogue: Illustrated story, co-authored by more than 1 person in a progressive sequence, until the story ends.
  • pigbrat: describes a sibling, usually younger, who is both messy and spoiled.
  • pigrenize (v.) to copy from CD to tape
  • pigrenizer (n.) a CD player with a built-in tape recorder that can record from CDs
  • pigrenization (n.) 1. the act or process of pigrenizing. 2. a tape recorded from a CD
  • pinkth: The state or quality of being pink.
  • pilma: To open one's eyes.
  • pingas: Derived from a scene in the animated series Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, in which Doctor Robotnik says "Snooping as usual, I see?" When isolated, the "ping" of "snooping" and "as" sort of meld together, making it sound as though Robotnik is saying "penis". This line is frequently parodied by YouTube users in a number of videos known as Youtube Poop.
  • pink slip revenge: The act of retaliating over being fired.
  • pink slip suicide: The act of committing suicide over involuntary termination of employment.
  • pinky An overly cute pig
  • pisexual: Being sexually attracted to circles.
  • pistachec: The failure to use periods.
  • pista.ex.yusa: The overuse of periods.
  • pistaphobia: Fear of periods.
  • Pittiho: The creator of Lesmonia which is a Utopian Society for women. When on Lesmonian territory, the original Pittiho is referred to as Princess Pittiho. Anyone who adopts an irreverent attitude can also be a Pittiho.
  • Pittsnogled: From Kevin Pittsnogle, West Virginia senior basketball star. It means "When you're closely guarded and a man is in your face with his hand up and you shoot a 25-footer and you nail it in their face - you've been Pittsnogled."
  • pity party: a maladaptive coping response whereby a person who has a negative experience, in effect cries "Poor me", feels sorry for themselves, and tries to get other people to feel sorry for them.
  • planar: adj - Wide in two dimensions, thin in every other dimension. Examples of planar objects are circles, squares, sheets of paper, cd's, the surface of water, etc. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • planespace: noun - Two dimensional space; consists of a single plane. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • plangers: a kitchen or barbeque tool used to grasp food
  • plantolea: noun - plant oils (Latin "planta" plant + "olea" oils).
  • plantoleum: noun - plant oil (Latin "planta" plant + "oleum" oil).
  • playscale n. & adj., (Of) 1:6 scale [a miniaturists' standard]
  • plebonaut: A common, eveyday person who, when space travel becomes commomplace, will be a passenger on spacecrafts.
  • plewd: the sweat-like droplets appearing around the face of a comic character
  • plock: The action of poking someone so hard, they jump into the air.
  • Ploof: - The act of turning over the pillow during the sleeping period, in order to achive the desired temperature of the pillow. (coined by Kibblesworth, Sariya helped)
  • plutonaut: A wealthly person who travels , as a paying passenger, on a spacecraft to the International Space Station.
  • plutonic: In the way of Pluto: 1) Relating to the Roman god Pluto (god of the underworld and of wealth); relating to the dwarf planet Pluto. (Slang) a pun/typo/mispelling of platonic, cold and distant (as the dwarf planet Pluto is distant from the sun and very cold).
  • pogi points: A system defining the point value of something.
  • pointful: The opposite of 'pointless'.
  • Pokéology: Study, treatise, or discussion of the Pokémon franchise or its games or characters or the Pokémon themselves
  • pokerflea: a wanna-be player who wagers a little, and expects something for nothing.
  • poliblogger: Politician who systematically reads blogs to try to gauge public opinion on a matter before the parliament.
  • policide: the willful and intentional destruction of a nation.
  • polidiology: The study of idiocy in politics or political policy.
  • polychoron: noun - A four-dimensional shape; bounded by polyhedra. An example of a polytope.
  • polygopoly: Market with multiple buyers and sellers
  • polyguous: having many or more than two distinct meanings.
  • polyteron: noun - A five-dimensional shape; bounded by polychora. An example of a polytope.
  • polyporteau: (n) a word construction made of two or more portmanteaus
  • pompissicate: To pompously pontificate
  • PONARV: (PO-narv). n. A "Project Of No Apparent Redeeming Value," first named by John F. Cartan of Alameda, Calif. For example, writing poetry with no intention of publishing.
  • Pooj: noun - an unfavorable situation
  • Pooner: person who agrees to something then backs out of the agreement last minute, leaving you high and dry.
  • poororse: Less poor. (from "poor" and "-orse")
  • poororst: Least poor. (from "poor" and "-orst")
  • porkalicious: An item of food made out of pork (i.e., bacon or sausages) that is subjectively delicious; or, a government bill considered by critics to contain grossly wasteful or obviously special-interest appropriations or tax exemptions
  • pornophobia: fear of pornography
  • Postelian: 1. Allowing a class of "special-case" exceptions, in the style of Jon Postel.
  • postpardon: 1. The forgiveness a husband grants his wife for all the horrible things she called him during childbirth. 2. A wife's absolution from any and all manual labor in the weeks (or months) following childbirth.
  • postpostmodernism: A movement that rebels both againt the tenets of modernism and postmodernism. Tends to emphasize a balance between progress and stability, and abstraction and practicality.
  • porcupinicity: (n) The state of having, or a measure of, an irregular surface.
  • pornily: (a) imply base sexuality and availability - "in the media it has become the norm to present women as pornily sexual beings" Used by Debra Orr 13/12/07 in the Independent
  • portmanteau value: noun, port-man-teau val-ue (pawrt-man-to, pawrt-manto vall-yoo) (plural, port-man-teau val-ues) combinational value: any value or element that combines two or more values or elements. Example: 44 items and 79.23% when simplified to a "portmanteau value" become 44079.23 in a computational sorting algorithm.
  • prophylactater: noun, a woman with a young child. Some men see her as being un-datable because of the child.
  • predictanym - noun (pre-dict-a-nim) An alternative word suggested by a mobile phone’s predictive text dictionary.--Oskidbear 18:18, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
  • presidiot - noun, An incompetent president. Usually used as a form of address, and therefore capitalized, as in "... before Presidiot Xxxx ran up the federal deficit."
  • "presticogitation":-noun, 1. A form of entertainment involving the manipulation and use of thoughts. i.e. slight of mind. 2. a swift and calculated feat of mental prowess which serves to make others agree with you and/or do something
  • pricked : adjective (pre-ked) - showing characteristics of a prick; (prick: noun - a highly offensive term for an inadequate or unpleasant man -- MeOyie 1-28
  • prickedness : noun - the state of being pricked or of being a prick -- MeOyie 1-28
  • printerphobia: Fear of printers.
  • propriety - Intuition about behavior.
e.g., Propriety tells one not to wear one's old propellor beanie to a dinner party.
e.g., What's a proproprofilefilephile? Fuhgedaboudit!
  • props - "respect, recognition"
e.g., Gotta give that girl props for her web site...
  • prosetry - Prose that has many elements of poetry in it.
e.g., Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote prosetry.
  • prosthelyze: - To harangue passersby in an effort to raise funds for prosthetics.
e.g., When you go to the pissoir at Le Crazy Horse Saloon, keep your eye on the grubby little metrognome working the room. If you don't tip him, he'll start prosthelyzing you without letup.
  • prostitot: - A young girl dressed in hooker wear, a la Britney, Christina, etc.
e.g., Look at that little girl's hoochy diva ensemble. Oooh, prostitot.
  • prostitube: - Vehicle accessory that allows a "john" to surreptitiously pass money to a streetwalker.
e.g., Due to the crackdown on vice, more men are using the prostitube as way to avoid detection when contacting a hooker for an illegal liaison.
  • protomullet: - 1. A hairdo with the distinct potential to evolve into a full-fledged mullet. 2. A child with a mullet.
e.g., Bob and I went to Wal-Mart and laughed at all of the little protomullets running around.
e.g., When Anne smiles you can see her protroudles.
  • Provençal kiss: - Something like a French kiss, but further south.
  • proximate: - you are called this when your best friend gives you the 'go' to date his ex
e.g., To be my proximate, brave Lancelot, thou shalt have to search for the Holy Mascara.
  • proxymoron: - The unfortunate secretary given the ignoble task of advancing hopeless causes for her moronic boss.
e.g., A: Didn't he know the CEO was refusing all his calls? J: Yes, but, being the proxymoron, I had to continue to call and ask for an answer.
  • prozactive: - Preventive action taken to alleviate future stress or depression.
e.g., I have taken prozactive measures for dealing with my ex-boyfriend.
  • prozactly: - For the condition of not giving a rat's ass about an unacceptable outcome or situation.
e.g., Frozen dinners again tonight? That's prozactly what I wanted.
  • prozaqui: - 1. An individual who belongs to the large demographic of Prozac takers. 2.Tthe language used by Prozaquis, distinguished by an over-reliance of self-help terminology.
e.g., Before she became a Prozaqui, Sherilyn never referred to herself as an codependency enabler.
e.g., Sara and I shared a prozookinookie last night.
e.g., Ray, Sam and kerem are all prubes
  • prufrockery: - an annoying propensity for indecision and lameness
e.g., Carol's prufrockery over what slacks to pack caused her to miss her flight.
  • prundy - The large variety of smells that comes out of the heater of your car when you first turn it on.
e.g., After turning on the heater to take the edge off the pre-winter chill, my nose was assaulted by the prundy of a hundred forgotten takeaways.
  • prunetang: - A Tang-like drink made from prunes. Dried plums never tasted so good.
e.g., Cooked prunes and lemon juice in a blender--that's prunetang. Serve with athletes' food for a fun feast.
  • prunk: - exclamation when mispronouncing or messing up the speaking of a word
e.g., We need spaghubbub... oohh... prunk! speghetti!
  • praeterititis: (praeterite - final e + suffix itis) a kind of recurring nostalgia involving bad memories which one cannot forget and get over it. Variant spelling: preterititis.
  • pramface: Insult or putdown: a face which belongs on someone pushing a pram round a council estate.
  • preachology: noun The science of preaching. The study of sermon structure and delivery.
  • prebounding: Beginning a new relationship prior to ending a previous one.
  • prebuttal: The tendency of Washington DC politicians to rebut speeches and announcements by their opponents prior to the speech or announcement [used by the Washington Post in several editorials in January 2007
  • precrimination: Regrets experienced before something happens while it is being anticipated. pre- + recrimination.
  • predenarian: a single-digit-aged person
  • pregislate: to campaign for or pass a law to restrict an activity, claiming this is in the public interest, when the real motive is prejudice or political opposition to those who perform the activity
  • prelated: wished in advance, e.g. prelated birthday; antonym of belated
  • preposterroneous: an adjective describing something that is at once preposterous and erroneous
  • preposterone A preposterous amount of testosterone, as seen in the youtube video Powerthirst.
  • pretensity: admixture of pretend, intensity, and propensity
  • prettiorse: Less pretty. (from "pretty" and "-orse")
  • prettiorst: Least pretty. (from "pretty" and "-orst")
  • primoprematurity: A condition suffered by eldest children born less than nine months after their parents' marriage (GoogleIt)
  • primquel: the first chronological installment of a series of works
  • primusninphobia: Fear of the Nintendo Entertainment System.
  • procrasturbation: a chore, long-avoided and low in priority, which one finds oneself doing in order to avoid a more important and imminent task. Example: The dwindling hours of April 15, with the (U.S.) tax forms sitting on the desk untouched, is the time to re-grout the bathtub.
  • proctosculocracy: A social system in which advancement is based on fawning and flattery.
  • propatula: 1. Proprietary technology that is neither unique nor innovative. 2. Technology that is patented for the sake of attracting investors. [portmanteau of proprietary and spatula, from someone's observation that to make money, one could take a spatula and add a few holes, and successfully sell it, regardless of whether it was made better or worse]
  • prosopial pill: "Part of the mid C21st make-up or make-over kit, where you can look just like you want to: have any skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, and facial look by just taking the prosopial pill. From Gk, "prosop" meaning face.
  • prosopology: The human face in society : its portrayal in art and literature; its role in love and hate, its economic importance and so on. From G "prosop" : the face & ology
  • protect-delete: (Wikipedia) To delete (a Wikipedia article page) and protect it to prevent re-creation.
  • protossing/protossment: the act of building pylons around yourself in order to energize you and your surroundings, can also be used as a verb for the act of stealth, example: "I can hardly see that guy in the corner, he has mad protossing skills." or "Carl's protossment abilities are high, he is always hard to find, and when I do find him he's always building pylons, for energy garnering purposes."
  • proschlonging: trimming one's pubic hair in such a way as to make one's penis appear longer. "I see you've been proschlonging again, Basil. Might I ask who it's for?"
  • prospiruption: a sound one makes the moment just before one sneezes; the "ah" in "ah-choo!"
  • protologism: # A newly-created word given a definition in the hope that it will be used in that sense.
  1. (Wiktionary and WMF jargon) A recently-created word in narrow use but not yet in general use.
  • protologistomania: # the compulsive consultation or editing of lists of newly-created words.
  • protologistophobia: # an irrational aversion to newly-created words.
  • protologistophilia: # a liking for newly-created words, but one which falls short of protologistomania (qv).
  • protovision: An early concept, model or prototype of one's vision used for simulation and innovation
  • provert: A person who may, knowingly or accidentally, change someone's preferred moral state involuntarily to one considered wrong by society.
  • psephonetology: The study of the impact of the internet upon the result of an election. From pseph-, pebble, counter + net +ology.
  • pseudoantilogic: a line of thinking which appears to oppose logic but in reality fails to do so
  • pseudoantiprotologistophilia: baseless opposition to the recreational preference of people who enjoy adding to lists of newly created words
  • pseudochronophilia: the consciously held or expressed, but unconsciously denied, belief that getting older is a good thing
  • pseudodating: a form of dating where the prospective couple spends significant amounts of time together, but the prospect of an actual romantic relationship may be hoped for by one or both parties and is never explicitly discussed.
  • pseudoesqueishoidian Something which demonstrates the quality of being almost like something which in turn is kind of like something else. Mostly used satirically, in reference to those who liberally sprinkle their writing and or speech with pointless suffixes ("Shepardesque", "Beckettoid" or "alone-ish") and prefixes ("a pseudo-intellectual").
  • pseudolixir: Something which appears to be a miraculous cure or beneficial product, but is in fact false. (Coined from the words "pseudo" {the greek word for false}, and "elixir", which means a miracle cure.)
  • pseudoneologism A disingenuous attempt to coin a new word.
  • pseudoquadrangle: A polygon with four convex vertices and an arbitrary number of reflex vertices.
  • pseudoquadrangulation: A partition of a region of the plane into pseudoquadrangles.
  • pseudorthologue: a person whose private beliefs belie their public persona (e.g. a biologist who believes in fairies, astrology etc.)
  • pseudoviewers An imaginary future audience for an ego-boosting achievement. "I want to be able to tell my grandchildren I was the world tiddlywinks runner-up."
  • psychopractor: a psychiatrist who is reputed for his or her remarkable skill . . .
  • pshwa alternate pronunciation for pshaw, see pshaw and Pshaw
  • pubicunniphobia: Fear of performing cunnilingus on a woman who has pre-modern pubic shaving habits a.k.a. 70's bush
  • puericide: The act of killing children.
  • pufwack: acronym for the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Roman Catholic): piety, understanding, fortitude, wisdom, awe, counsel, knowledge
  • pukatronic: disgusting or horrid.
  • Pulling a Lee: To have no sense of urgency, usually accompanied by an unwavering blanket of laziness
  • puma: A supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton who refuses to support Barack Obama, originating as an acronym of party unity my ass. Also a brand of clothing whose sharply dressed demographic overwhelmingly supported Obama.
  • punhead: noun: One who constantly uses bad puns(i.e. all puns) constantly and then laughs at them. Synonyms: See Bob Saget.
  • purgundate: (v) To become unfit for human consumption.
  • purgundation: (n) The process of becoming unfit for human consumption.
  • purgundatory: (adj) Tending to become unfit for human consumption if left unattended.
  • pussing: The art of watching a woman urinate coupled with the skill of doing this undetected in a public place, usually a toilet cubicle at a pub, hotel, restaurant, theatre/cinema, office, club etc
  • pussyjunk: Pussyjunk: pronunciation (pu'sE' j&[ng]k)

v. Pussyjunkt, pussyjunking, pussyjunks 1. To sexually tease or reject 2. To be swindled or cheated out of Adj. 1. Sore, over-worked: "My lover slayed me so well, my whisker biscuit was pussyjunkted for two days."


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • qetnunym: A word that has "q" followed by a letter other than "u".
  • quadruple-great-grandfather: Father of ones's triple-great-grandfather.
  • quadruple-great-grandmother: Mother of ones's triple-great-grandmother.
  • quadruple-great-grandparent: Parent of one's triple-great-grandparent.
  • quadruple-great-grandparents: Parents of ones's triple-great-grandparents.
  • quailtard: a word combining "Quail," a mid-sized game bird of the pheasant family, and "tard," a contraction of the noun "retard," an often offensive word used to describe the mentally challenged, or retarded. First used on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The word was used in humorous reference to the farm-raised quail released for hunting by Vice President, Dick Cheney, and others on Katharine Armstrong's south Texas ranch. On February 11, 2006, while hunting these quail, Cheney accidentally shot hunting companion, Harry M. Whittington, a lawyer from Austin, TX, with his 28 gauge shotgun from a reported distance of thirty yards.
  • qualitologist: n. 1 A person with special training and experience who specializes in qualtiy control and performance improvement.
  • quarby n. "A quaint, rustic village. Blending from "qua" of quaint; "r" of rustic and " by" (OE), meaning village, town
  • quarce: four times
  • quarrel with God: noun. a religious belief that contradicts with the central doctrine of a larger religion. verb. to hold or indoctrinate a religious belief that contradicts with the central doctrines of a larger religion. (A cult is a religious group that quarrels with God.)
  • quarrel with nature: to hold or indoctrinate a teaching, ideology, or trend that is destructively contrary to nature; to teach that a natural thing is evil or immoral.
  • quarrel with reality: to hold or indoctrinate a teaching that is proven false as truth; to force people to tell falsehooods and hold them as true; to punish someone for telling the truth. (Synonym: quarrel with the truth)
  • quartonce: Fourteen times
  • quasihomonym: n. 1. A word that sounds (or is spelled) almost exactly like another word; esp. if the similarity may lead to an allusion or confusion of meaning. 2. A different denotation or connotation for the same word (as superfically defined), esp. when used in a different context or by a different source.
  • quasihomonymous: adj. Being a quasihomonym.
  • quasihomonymy: n. The quality of being quasihomonymous.
  • quasipseudoantiprotologistophilia: semi-baseless (or semi-insincere) opposition to the recreational preference of people who enjoy creating new words
  • quift: n, v. A quick and swift kick to the lower extremeties. May also be used as a verb.
  • quince: Five times.
  • quincyverse: n. The social scene - some would say, way of life - that revolves around the Quincy House of Washington, DC.
  • quinkydink: v. A quinkydink is an alternative spelling of coincidence.
  • quintonce: Fifteen times
  • quinquefeminate: a group of five women. (Modeled on quinquevirate)
  • quintuple-great-grandfather: Father of ones's quadruple-great-grandfather.
  • quintuple-great-grandmother: Mother of ones's quadruple-great-grandmother.
  • quintuple-great-grandparent: Parent of one's quadruple-great-grandparent.
  • quintuple-great-grandparents: Parents of ones's quadruple-great-grandparents.
  • quinvigintillionth: The ordinal form of the number quinvigintillion
  • quirkformity: the act of attempting to be unique when the result is actually the opposite. For example, rebelling against the establishment by wearing torn jeans and a mohawk, when now you look like every other rebellious kid with torn jeans and a mohawk.
  • quone (Medical): When a patient gets unruly, you quone them.
  • quyma: (key-mar) 'Questions You Might Ask' as opposed to 'FAQ's' (Frequently Asked Questions), because nobody's ACTUALLY asked any yet! (GK:araok 270807)


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • rabbat: A hybrid or chimerical offspring of both feline and lagomorphic ancestry, e.g., cat and rabbit.
  • race rage: Rage due to a mistaken impression of mistreatment as being racist in origin.
  • rad chilies: Testicles
  • radicool: A state of being simultaneously radical, and cool
  • rainbow promise: Promise(s) made by politicians, and often outlined in voluminous reports that relate to reforms to be achieved decades into the future - "Somewhere over the Rainbow".
  • rainbowerical: adj. Pertaining to the order of the colors in the rainbow: "John is always compulsively arranging the dry-erase markers along the whiteboard tray in rainbowerical order". (portmanteau of rainbow and numerical)
  • rampaign: combining in one word the concepts of a campaign and a rampage.
  • randomer: n. a miscellaneous nondescript individual
  • randominity: n. A state of excessive chaotic, creative and whimsical energy. pointless; obscure; irrelevant.--
  • ratakazoo:v. In scrabble, an illegal attempt at forming a single word out of two discrete, non-sequitur nouns with the addition of a single letter between them. (Sean Carl Carson - February 2008, New Orleans)


  • reBay: Buying something on eBay, getting it, realising you don't want it/it doesn't fit etc, and putting it back on straight away.
  • realm: noun - A three dimensional hyperplane; an infinite set of points extending in three dimensions. It is the 3d analog of the line (1d), plane (2d), and flune (4d). A realm intersects flune into two parts.
  • realmic: adj - Thick in three dimensions, thin in every other dimension. Examples of realmic objects are cubes, spheres, chairs, humans, gerbils, microwaves, and all other three-dimensional objects that aren't linear or planar.
  • realmspace: noun - Three dimensional space; consists of a single realm. It is the space that humans exist in. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • recordee: The target of a recording; a person or group of persons being recorded. Appears to be already used, but to a very small extent. Usually appears to build symmetry with a mention of the recorder when describing a recording action.
  • recto-aeious:Relating to a word which contains all the five vowels, a, e, i, o, u, in the right order. E.g. abstemious, facetious.
  • recurself: (blend recursive + self) 1: intr.v. the act of using the verb recurself; "you can only say 'I've never recurselfed' once"; 2: n. a word created to exemplify it's own concept. (GoogleIt)
  • reddorse: Less red. (from "red" and "-orse")
  • reddorst: Least red. (from "red" and "-orst")
  • redunkulous: 1. An adjective used to discribe the event of losing one's cell phone and consequently missing the biggest game of one's life. 2. Adjective used to describe an accident where the cell phone fell in a cup of coffee and was rendered dysfunctional.
  • red advertisement: In U.S. political campaigns, an advertisement pertaining to the U.S. Republican Party. (Abbreviation: red ad)
  • red attack ad: In U.S. political campaigns, an advertisement whose message is meant to attack a Democratic candidate or the U.S. Democratic Party itself.
  • red Congress: A United States Congress with a Republican majority.
  • red hot chick: A very attractive young woman.
  • red Presidency: A U.S. Presidential tenure when a Republican U.S. President was in office.
  • red vote: noun. In U.S. political campaigns, a vote for a Republican candidate in a given election. verb. To vote for a Republican candidate in a given U.S. election.
  • red year: A year when a Republican U.S. President was in office
  • reflexive asshole effect The media attract narcissists, which intensifies the narcissism of society, which intensifies the narcissism of the media (etc. etc.)
  • regional decision record The record of releases of a video game franchise or anime franchise on the basis of regional decisions.
  • regional misstep A wrongful regional decision not to localize a video game, anime, or other media from its native region to other or certain regions, leading to frustration by regional fans lacking that media.
  • regretiquette: Feeling of awkwardness or regret caused by uncertainty over the appropriate etiquette to be followed in a given situation, usually retrospective, "he knew a handshake would have been better than a hug.....the regretiquette was eating him" (Ryan Wilson 2006)
  • rejection threat: The act of threatening to reject a Super Smash Bros. game, especially on the grounds of the likelihood of a disappointing playable character roster or unfavorable user speculations.
  • religiofascism: Religious fanaticism.
  • religiofascist: A religious fanatic.
  • republigay: a gay Republican; Log Cabin Republican.
  • requel: A collection that contains a remake of and an originally released sequel and/or prequel to a previously published work, as in Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo. (Portmanteau of remake and sequel)
  • retardidiculous: portmanteau of retarded and ridiculous. Also spelled retardediculous.
  • retrocopulate: to have sex doggy style;
  • retrocringe: when you remember something embarrassing that you said or did and the more you try to get it out of your head, the more it stays there
  • retrodextrous: left-handed
  • retrolfact: (retro- + olfact) Consideration of past smells.
  • retroplagiarism: The act of plagiarism by writing something before the "rightful" author thought of it.
  • revacuee: A combination of the words refugee and evacuee. Etymology: possibly used to describe survivors of Hurricane Katrina from the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005. Definition: The name given to domestic refugees in during times of domestic disturbance that are evacuated to other parts of said country. Source: Revacuee discussion. Sep. 2005.[17]
  • reverse jump the couch: When someone comes back and/or gets better from a point where he/she is thought to have jumped the couch
  • reverse sexist doctrine: 1. The belief or teaching that discrimination against men is acceptable and that discrimination against women is unacceptable. 2. The belief or teaching that is misandry is socially acceptable and that misogyny is socially unacceptable.
  • revimote: n. A grain-sized chip holding DNA tissue, a sketch of the skeletal structure,and an image of the dead person to try to achieve the dream of recreating that person. "re"(back),"vi"(life),"rev"(dream) and "mote" (small particle).
  • revicon: A revisionist (or revivalist) conservative; an independent conservative that feels "mainstream conservatism" is only concerned with self-preservation. See postpostmodernism.
  • reviota  : The dream of coming back to life, if only for a short time, decades or centuries after your death. From (L)"re": back; (L)"viv: life; (OF) reverie: daydream, and (Gk): "iota": a little.
  • richorse: Less rich. (from "rich" and "-orse")
  • richorst: Least rich. (from "rich" and "-orst")
  • rillravage: The effect of torrential rain turning a small creek into a raging river and ravaging homes and suburbs along its course; from OE "rill", rivulet + Fr "ravage", to lay waste.
  • rivocline: A line of equal or balanced rivalry; the dividing line between regions loyal to two rival sports teams. The Red Sox/Yankees rivocline runs through Connecticut, as limned by a New York Times investigation reported August 18, 2006 (possibly available here).
  • robieism: A witty and intellectual saying, phrase, or motto; A strategic or intellectual move.
  • rockment: A manner of playing rock in which one brings the rock to a level never before reached by mortal men, see also helmet boy.
  • rodophile: One who likes rodents.
  • ROFLCOPTER: {{en-noun]] A helicopter made of ROFLs, which is the short term for "Rolls on Floor Laughing." This helicopter may also shoot LOLs which is short for "Laughs Out Loud". Making it one of the greatist inventions concieved on the internet.
  • rollatorium: A rollerskating rink.
  • roltraphobia: Fear of escalators.
  • Roman Epistleism: Another term for Christian fundamentalism, insofar as its theology is based on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans.
  • romantic racism: The act of judging by race on account of selecting a significant other.
  • Romeo of War: A man who has married or fallen in love with a woman from a country that is at war against that of his own. Abbreviation: R.O.W. (Female equivalent: Juliet of War)
  • rooftop ecology: the study of the ecology of the "roof of the world " regions.
  • rooftop warming: Global warning/climate change and its effect on the high altitude regions of the world, such as the Himalayas.
  • rossitology: The study of redhairness, redheads, and the dynamics of living life as a redhead. From the Latin "russ" through the Italian "ross" meaning red + "it" (diminutive); + "ology".
  • rotachoron: noun - A four dimensional shape formed by extensions and rotations. This includes the tesseract, cubinder, duocylinder, spherinder, and glome. See the chart under rotatope.
  • rotagon: noun- A two dimensional shape formed by extensions and rotations. This includes the square and circle. See the chart under rotatope.
  • rotahedron: noun - A three dimensional shape formed by extensions and rotations. This includes the cube, cylinder, and sphere. See the chart under rotatope.
  • rotatope: noun [Garrett Jones] - An n-dimensional shape formed by extensions and rotations.
  • rougette: A red-haired woman.
  • rovalert: Term used when one dog barks, then another dog barks because the first dog barked, then a third dog barks, etc.
  • rulitis: slavish and blind adherence to rules at the expense of common sense
  • runaholic: a person addicted to running
  • rune-aholic: a term to describe a person who is addicted to or often plays Runescape.
  • running the kermit: small-scale trafficking of marijuana between friends


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • saba: A swear word, the equivalent of "damnit", that is used instead, so that when damnit is actually used, it has a greater impact or response.
  • sablogical: a planned leave from blogging usually taken every second year
  • sacrelicious: Being in contrast or violation of religious doctrine, dogma, or good taste while also being amusing, funny, or interesting.
  • sacrelidelic: Having the style of gospel music mixed with secular lyrics and mixed backgrounds from other music.
  • saddorse: Less sad. (from "sad" and "-orse")
  • saddorst: Least sad. (from "sad" and "-orst")
  • saliaint: A feature which is prominent by its absence or because it is noticably missing from a product or program. (Coined on PEG.COM, pronounced sally - aint)
  • Saleutation: A greeting recieved from a salesperson that is meant to draw a potential buyer into a sense of security with the proposed product(s)
  • samesies: Me too; ditto
  • Santaphobia: Fear of Santa Claus.
  • santorum: The mix of anal lube and fecal matter as a result of anal sex.(GoogleIt)
  • sarcasmic: Of or pertaining to something that is sarcastic to such a degree as to precipitate an orgasm. I.E. A pseudo-conjuction of the words sarcastic and orgasmic.
  • sarconym: The meat name for a specific animal. The word beef is the sarconym for cattle. Venison is the sarconym for deer.
  • sarriage: A same-sex marriage, rather it be a larriage or garriage.
  • satnav or sat nav or Satnav or Sat Nav. Portable satellite navegation system using GPS. Re-request for entry due to many Google hits in all these forms.
  • Saturdaily: every Saturday
  • Saturnight: A Saturday night.
  • scaffy: Of low quality, cheap.
  • scarf: cool or awesome. As in "Your shoes are so scarf."
  • scav: to steal
  • schofet: the glass top used to protect a wood conference table.
  • schlort: Small penis; the opposite of "schlong"
  • schmooface: Algorithm for calculating the coefficient of pretty in pink. Also defined as whooped boy.
  • School Boy Error: To Make a extremely stupid mistake that most people would never make. E.G forgetting to add the <> in a html tag.(will find better)
  • school martyr: one who was expelled from school or punished by school faculty because of one's religious or parental beliefs.
  • school oppression: Unfavorable ruling acts of a school's faculty, such as a disciplinary regime that is detrimental to the school's student body. (Synonym: academic oppression)
  • "schweep": Any person that has sex with animals.
  • scibblebook: scatterbrained, but unnaturally so. Eg. "Ted is usually so organised, he seems a little scibblebook today".
  • sciencuality: a term denoting the combined and complementary qualities of both science and spirituality; the awe inspiring and spiritual quality of science. (Used in commencement speech by Dr. Michael Shermer at Whittier College in 2008) link
  • scienticity: scientific undertakings as a multi-dimensional and variable aspect of social life rather than as a essentialism or absolute
  • scientriarch: a scientist who displays the attitudes of traditional, male-dominated religion (resistance to criticism, hostility to unorthodox views, etc.)
  • scientriarchy: (combination of science and patriarchy) the institutional aspects of science that resemble patriarchal religion: inflexibility, intolerance of heresy, dogmatism, resistance to criticism, etc.
  • scraze: a wound where one is scratched & grazed.
  • scrumple: To crumple or scrunch up an object, like paper
  • scrumtrilescent: absolutely perfect.
From the Saturday Night Live sketch "Inside the Actor's Studio", featuring Will Ferrell as James Lipton and Alec Baldwin as Charles Nelson Reilly.
  • scrylum: A word used to describe something when unable to think of the preferred word. (e.g "I went and bought one of")
  • scurrage: To scurry around foraging (e.g. for food)
  • scuttleware: Computer software, or freeware, or shareware, that has a self-destruct timer built in
  • security theater - measures which give the appearance of providing security, while actually giving none. Especially when such measures only end up causing inconvenience and frustration. Apparently coined by Bruce Schneier in his book Beyond Fear. See also this diary from DailyKos.
  • sedetaphobia: n. Fear of silence.
  • Seismonudaphobia: n. Avoidance of showering due to the fear that an earthquake or fire will occur while you are naked.Coined by Dr. Darren "Gav" Bluel (Nukees!).
  • senestral: n. An actual word that cannot be found in any online dictionary. (senestral is in fact an actual word that cannot be found in any online dictionary).
No meaning is given. Might the user have been thinking of sinistral? --Dfeuer 04:22, 7 November 2006 (UTC)
  • sentagraph: A one-sentence paragraph
  • semantopoeic: Of a word whose spelling or pronunciation is particularly reminiscent of its meaning (as opposed to the sound of its meaning as in the case of onomatopoeia).
  • semisane: not completely sane, yet not insane
  • semi-sapient: Adjective describing a non-human animal that displays intelligence close to that of humans, and is capable of exercising, or at least mimicking, sapient thought or language, usually after training by humans. Semi-sapient beings undoubtedly include great apes such as the chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan, and may also include monkeys, certain cetaceans, and Scooby Doo.
  • senicide: the act of killing an elderly person
  • sepce: Seven times.
  • sepionophobia: Fear of sepia-tone photography
  • sepionophotographer: A person who prefers sepia-tone photography
  • septonce: Seventeen times
  • senioricide: the act of killing an older person
  • senior harvesting: Systematically denying essential services, medications, etc. to seniors, in the hopes that they will die, therefore providing less of a drain on the Social Security system.
  • sess: Six times.
  • seventeenty: The number 170.
  • sexile: to exile someone from a room by needing the privacy for sex
  • sexistentialism: Adding "S" to the front of all words with the prefix "ex" or beginning with "x"; ie, "sexercise" instead of "exercise" or "sexylophone" instead of "xylophone".
  • sextilian: n. & adj., (Of) a playscale [1:6] figure, particularly a male one when distinguished from the following. sextile + -ian
  • sextilienne: n. & adj., (Of) a playscale female figure. sextile + -ienne
  • sextonce: Sixteen times
  • sextuple-u: The www prefix in URLs.
  • sexvigintillionth: The person or thing in the sexvigintillionth position or One of a sexvigintillion equal parts of a whole.
  • Siuanism: exonim for the Chinese new religious movement called Syuanyuanjiao or Hsuan Yuan Chiao 軒轅教.
  • shacs: attractive, wealthy young people (acronym of Shiny Hair And Clear Skin)
  • shaloham Peace with Love. A portmanteau word combining "Shalom," Hebrew for "Peace," and "Aloha," Hawaiian for "Love." Shaloham can be used for hello and goodbye, same as shalom and aloha.
  • shart To accidentally defecate while flatulating.
  • shashe The absence of an object, item, or idea; an unobserved item respectively; the misobservation of such.
  • sheeping The childishly stupid practice of defacing someones Myspace profile by commenting the phrase "YOU'VE OFFICIALLY BEEN SHEEP'D MOFO!!!" followed by a picture of the Shearling Ram located at with no real motivation behind it apart from just being plain random, created by Nathan "Eggs and Beans" Ifill on Oct 8, 2006.
  • shepherdize: Lawyers 'Shepherdize' a case by consulting subsequent rulings and opinions, to see what those later writings had to say about it; this is very important, because from time to time a higher court posts a comment that reads 'Overruled.'
  • shiend The polite society version of the word f*ckbuddy. Derivation from friend and 'shag' (a British word for intercourse, which featured in 'Austin Powers'.) See also striend on this list.
  • shiithead A person who, out of a sense of deep religious conviction, loses his life while attempting to kill other people (example: a suicide bomber). The word is a pun derived from the Arabic word "shihad".
  • shneeze Similar to a typical sneeze. When pressure of the lungs simultaneously force out a sneeze and a shart.
  • shopmad: A juxtaposition of shop and mad which describes someone whom is on a shopping trip with no need for the items being bought.
  • stressure: A combination of the words stess and pressure. Under tremendous pressure and stress.
  • s/he: No idea what the markup would be to describe this in in Wiktionary/dictionary lingo, but this is a word that can replace she/he or other even less elegant detours, it has the advantage of being easier on the reader, also, since they can mentally read it as just 'she'. Other attempts in this direction (e.g. 'co') haven't taken hold, but maybe there's something there? - GoogleIt . Valid entry now in place.
    • Also seen as (s)he
  • shig: 1.) (slang, colloq.) the dud in a set, 2.) (insult) used to baffle authority figures
  • shiggles: A word for the phrase "shits and giggles"
  • sholtology: n. The study of persons who have unusual forenames, and how it affects their lives. From "Sholto" a Scottish Gaelic forename meaning "sower of seed" or "propagator" + ology.
  • Shyamalanfreude The malicious pleasure taken in the failures of motion-picture writer/director M. Night Shyamalan. Popularized by Patrick Goldstein of the Los Angeles Times.
  • shilma: To shut one's eyes.
  • shlamoof: Shlamoof is the German term for the Shlamoofia of Fantasia, mistranslatedly dubbed Fantastica, under the despotic reign of Bastion Balthazar Bux, formerly known as Acharis eternal weepers henceforth altered by unholy means to produce Shlamoof the eternal laughers forever enscribed in the eternal book to which Moonchild holds to key with permission and acquistion rights from Michael Ende so dictated and legally binding by the fountain of the waters of life.
  • shuixphobia: Fear of the planet Mercury
  • ShYea: A verbal expression of excitment, or agreement
  • siah: Putting one’s self first in an electronic or online list. From the characters ~!@# which appear first in most encoding schemes.
  • siblinicide : the killing of a sibling
  • sigoth A shortened form of significant other.
  • sikentingos:for something that you find is wiked e.g that was sikentingos
  • silocentricism:When a sub-group or 'business unit silo' pursues advantage (economic or political) without regard for the implication or impact that advantage may have on another area of the same organization.
  • silpenamate: To never hesitate and answer all questions immediatly.
  • simplitude: The character or attitude of a simpleton, marked by lack of common sense.
  • sinisterium: 1. an organization of sinister people or villianous leaders who work with other community leaders on social or educational programs. 2. A gathering of ill-meaning malcontents.
  • sinodiacrisis: Discrimination against Chinese people.
  • sinofact: A Chinese-made product. Product that is labeled "Made in China."
  • sinoficial: Chinese-made. Made in China, as printed on a product label.
  • sinogynophobia: (1) Fear of or disdain or contempt for women of Chinese descent. (2) Discrimination against females of Chinese descent. (also sinogynephobia)
  • sinosource: To outsource (jobs), especially manufacturing, to the People's Republic of China.
  • sixteenty: The number 160.
  • sixthscale: of 1:6 [1/6th] scale, more commonly referred to as playscale.
  • skank Someone who is typically good (or above average) looking who dresses like a slut / tart, looks like up-market trash, and often wears way too much make-up.
  • Skank Pop Pop Music whose lyrics either express explicit sexual connotations or implied sexual overtones, usually sung by female artists.
  • skeefer: To steal, hijack, dishonor a call of dibs on something, swipe, take the last item in a set such as the last piece of pizza
  • skellington: The arrangement of bones supporting the human body. See Draclia.
  • skepsipol: the phenomenon by which one thinking multiple thoughts simultaneously while speaking will cause his statements to become incomprehensible; a thought hiccup
  • sketchball: Someone who acts in a sketchy or suspicious manner
  • skinniorse: Less skinny. (from "skinny" and "-orse")
  • skinniorst: Least skinny. (from "skinny" and "-orst")
  • skraggermonger:A scraggy-haired adolescent or someone small and scruffy, with idiotic, juvenile, non-politically correct tendencies, including naughtiness and bad taste
  • skring: noun - A tetronian spring, constructed from a sheet. (skring = square + spring}
  • skrint: noun - sense or cents, as in "He ain't got no skrint (sense)" or "I only got 50 skrint (cents)"
  • skrungefest A weekend break in a house in the country where, as it turned out, the bathroom facilities were inadequate ("it was a total skrungefest").
  • skrungy: a combination of skanky and grungy ("I woke up on the floor the morning after the party, feeling kind of skrungy.")
  • skumana: A word used to substitue the words of a song when you don't know what they are. Also can be used as a general term in the same ways as "smeg" for red dwarf frog.
  • skwerl: A squirrel that's part of an evil conspiracy to conquer the Earth and manipulate Acorn supplies to their diabolical advantage.
  • skype: the traditional short spear of the red dwarf frog (see smeg), often known to have poisoned tips and be unwieldy.
  • skypecident: To accidentally skype the wrong person, happens frequently due to unwieldy nature of skypes, usually results in death
  • skypeing: to skype (the act of skype)
  • Skywalker victory: A victory wherein the overwhelming odds of the battle have been in favor of the vanquished.
  • SLart: Virtual art in the world of Second Life.
  • sleazeblog Weblog that sometimes deals with vulgar issues.
  • sleazeblogger Writer of a weblog that sometimes deals with vulgar issues.
  • slever: Sleazy plus clever.
  • slippyondirty: Unpleasant, disagreeable; Very bad, dreadful; exceedingly funky (in either sense)
  • slooge: a group of students, e.g. waiting outside a lecture theatre.
  • slore: A combination of a slut and a whore. Used to describe an extremely promiscuous female
  • slurk: To lurk and sneak at the same time especially toward or around a person
  • sluff: To engage in the act of truancy, esp. in school
  • slut up: To make a female appear more slutty by means of makeup and revealing clothing etc
  • smallorse: Less small. (from "small" and "-orse")
  • smallorst: Least small. (from "small" and "-orst")
  • smarticle: A contraction of the words "smart" and "particle". Synonym of the term "smart dust". A nano-scale engineered, self-contained computing device.
  • smartorse: Less smart. (from "smart" and "-orse")
  • smartorst: Least smart. (from "smart" and "-orst")
  • smeg: a general term for a red dwarf frog, native to Canada
  • smegmatist: one who is smegmatic, e.g "there's not a lot I can do about my personal hygene so I suppose I'd better just learn to live with it."
  • smelligination: 1. The area of the imagination devoted to smell. 2. The ability to olfactorically fathom what is not truly there.
  • sminker one who smokes only when drinking.
  • sminky: having a strong unpleasant smell
  • smishmorshmen: a code word that 'Woman' needs an abortion.
  • smitch: the small amount of smoke that comes from a candlewick after you blow out the flame.
  • smooshy: Describes a state of being when mentally preoccupied with thoughts of another
  • snargle: Adjective, A gagging noise
  • snailing: Verb, The act of dragging seminal fluid across someones body
  • sniggle: Verb: (in countries where one drives on the right) To sneak and wiggle through a red light while on a bicycle by making a right on red, a u-turn, and a right on green. (In countries where one drives on the left, substitute left for right throughout)
  • snopper: An individual who maintains accounts with multiple social network systems, such as MySpace and Facebook.
  • snopping: The act of browsing multiple social network system accounts, such as MySpace and Facebook.
  • snorgen: A fit of uncontrollable laughter, in a public place, due to the comical mispronunciation of a person's name.
  • snotsicle: A slime formation, similar to a stalactite but jiggly instead of solid, commonly found on the roofs of sanitary sewers and sometimes caves.
  • snumping: The act of dumping one social network system for another. For example, one may snump MySpace for Facebook.
  • socricide: The killing of a father-in-law or mother-in-law.
  • softorse: Less soft. (from "soft" and "-orse")
  • softorst: Least soft. (from "soft" and "-orst")
  • solillion: The number 10^(3x10^(3x10^3septillion) +3)
  • solipsiphoning: talking to your landline answering machine from a mobile (cell) phone so that (a) people will think you have someone to talk to and (b) you will have something to listen to when you get home.
  • sophonym: From the Greek σοφός, meaning "learned one" – an erudite or high-sounding word used in place of a common word signifying the same thing. For example, "consume" is the sophonym of "eat".
  • sopme: (a) Quintessential stupidity. A word created on the facepunch forums by a member named "american_moron" who mistyped the word "some". Pronounced and mistakened as 'Soap Me'.
  • sortofish: Slang for "sort of", to not even be sort of, but just kind of sort of
  • soulcial: Of or pertaining to the spiritual practice of connecting with others through service. (also soulciology, soulcial worker)
  • soulmexual: (of a person) Sexually attracted solely or primarily to other persons not based on any biological factors (i.e. gender, race, wealth, etc.) but due to an attraction to the other person's characteristics and personality.
  • soul model: n. A spiritual leader as a role model, such as St Frances of Asissi
  • "soun": The soul, or life force, of a plant. Souls are only used to refer to humans and animals.
  • soviskank: n. woman from one of the States of the Eastern bloc trafficked to Europe, the Middle East, or Asia to work as a sex slave. From a blend of Soviet and Skank.
  • spaja: a resigned response to someone who, it is felt, lacks an adequate sense of reciprocity (Some People Are Just Assholes).
  • spamstream: the seemingly unending flow of spam
  • spamtertainment: n. the humorous emails that are meant to entertain.
  • spaztastic: blend of spaz and fantastic
  • speciecide: the act of intentionally causing the extinction of a species.
  • specieism: the act of judging by outward appearance (or looks); externalism.
  • spectraphilic; coined at Summit, Greenland to define a 'love of things spectral' such as sun dogs '[[18]]' and diamon dust '[[19]].
  • spherinder: noun [Jonathan Bowers] - A four dimensional hypercylinder that can roll around in a planar region. It can be formed by extending a sphere into tetraspace linearly. See the chart under rotatope.
  • spham n., (pl. sphams; a portmanteau of the words "spam" and "ham" which, in the jargon of e-mail technologists refer to "unsolicited commercial e-mail" and, respectively, "e-mail mis-categorized as spam")
    • spam e-mail messages that automated spam filters cannot catch, but which simple user-written "filters" or "rules" can (e.g., "messages that do not contain 'User Name' or '' in the to/cc field are to be moved to the 'spham' folder")
    • non-spam e-mail that automated spam filters mistakenly classify as spam (a.k.a. "ham"), but which simple user-written "filters" or "rules" re-classify correctly
    • e-mail from a "blacklisted" or "whitelisted" source
    • a user-written "filter" or "rule" which has a high probability correctly distinguishing ham messages from spam messages
    • collectively, all mis-categorized spam and ham messages

    • to set up an e-mail message "filter" or "rule" specifically for someone or some group, either to keep them from being misclassified as spam, or to classify all mail from them as spam (meaning is derived from context)

v. intr.

    • to review or create "filters" or "rules" to enhance probability that e-mail will be correctly categorized
    • to sort through e-mail to see what might have been miscategorized
  • sphone: noun [Garrett Jones] - A shape formed by spinning a cone into tetraspace, around its symmetry axis. Can also be formed by connected all the points on the surface of a sphere to a point some distance away from the sphere in tetraspace, with the point being upsilon or delta from the center of the sphere. It is the analog of the cone in realmspace. (sphone = sphere + cone).
  • spielball: "advertising on footballs, basketballs etc at elite sporting events; from German: spielen, play, game.
  • spielkubusphobia: Fear of the GameCube.
  • spik: The part of the interior of a hat that touches the top of the wearer's head.
  • spingle: to use a stapler to "pin" papers together, such that the tines of the staple splay outward, rather than come together, so that the staple can be more easily removed. From the French "épingler" -- to pin.
  • spirothete: A living (self-aware), intelligent being, initially created as an artifact.
  • splunge: Defined by Monty Python as meaning "Yes, but possibly no and I'm not being indecisive".
  • sprint: To deny continued service to a customer because of the amount of attention required by the customer. Based on Sprint Nextel dropping cell phone customers who have contacted customer service too many times. News on this action can be found at Examples: "I'm sick of that customer. Let's sprint her." "He was so high maintenance, we sprinted him." "It seems like I'm always getting sprinted by companies. What's up with that?"
  • Squandation: n, A word which has been modified with the prefix 'Squ', as in "Squicky", The 'squ' added to such a word i.e. the 'squ'-prefix or squefix (Skwee - fix), Esp. proper nouns. e.g. " The word squicky has a squandation." v, to Squandate.
  • squicky: Disgusting, icky, weird
  • squidward: a party pooper.
  • sraight: That feeling you get when you're going somewhere and you realize you've forgotten something important, but it's too late to go back and get it
  • sredaphobia: Fear of Wednesdays.
  • sredakirch: Church on Wednesday.
  • sredakirchian: A person who goes to church Wednesday nights.
  • sredinphobia: Fear of the middle of things.
  • sreotphobia: Fear of sneezing.
  • sron: To pick one's nose.
Quit sronning!
  • srugied Up: (verb); 1) the act of getting dressed up (button up dress shirt and tie) in order to impress (boss, co-workers, etc.), similar to metro-sexual; 2) you srugie up when you are dressed up for no real reason, i.e. no meeting, presentation, or supplier/customer visit. Not only to impress upper management, but also to improve your self esteem
    • Origin: Of or pertaining to the genus Srugis. A relatively small, normally nocturnal mammal with skittish tendencies
    • Other uses:
srugied out: slang for srugied up
srugified: being srugied up
sruginess: the state or quality of being srugied up
srugilicious: exhibiting an extreme level of sruginess
srugiphobia: fear of being srugied up
srugiish: partially srugied up
srugilibility: having the underlying qualities required for being srugied up
srug-up: short version of srugied up
srugimobile: a srugied up vehicle (usually a BMW)
srugibag: a man purse
  • stabble: vb. 1. To make a floor dirty by walking on it in wet or muddy shoes. 2. To walk on a floor that has just been mopped. A Sussex dialect word that needs to be brought into mainstream English.
  • stalliant: Valiant, strong, courageous; showing the bravery of a stallion. Ex: "Ride on, stalliant warriors!'
  • stasihyelophobia: fear of standing on glass
  • "steltes":thing
  • stick-to-itiveness or stick-to-it-iveness: a tendency or determination to finish a job, task, or duty, especially when it is not necessary or when it occupies much of the person's time -- combination of the words "stick to it" and "intuitiveness"
  • stimmer: to stammer (and/or stutter) during an instant message (IM) conversation. The act of observing a person's IM status change from "typing a message" to "BLANK" repeatedly as they attempt to choose their words correctly. The etymology is the combination of the word stammer and IM
  • stinch: To poke or pierce a hot food with a sharp object such as a fork to speed the cooling process. Ex: "My mother stinched my hot dog so I could begin eating sooner."
  • strampop: A genre of music with roots in pop and rock, but which has a tinge of weirdness in it: odd chord progressions and eerie noises. Eg: Weezer.
  • strangiety': In telecommunications repair, a problem which is (a) completely outside the realm of anything previously demonstrated (b) a problem which only occurs when the customer needs to use their telephone equipment the most (c) or, a problem which promptly goes away when you begin troubleshooting. It can also be used to refer to other oddities noticed in everyday life. Reference: Brent Dillingham of Cinergy Communications First used in conversation April 2005.
  • strangerous: Strange + Dangerous (odd and slightly menacing).
I decided not to park because the men in front of the store looked strangerous.
Also, strangerously: The mall was strangerously lacking a Starbucks.
  • strangiety: In telecommunications repair, a problem which is (a) completely outside the realm of anything previously demonstrated (b) a problem which only occurs when the customer needs to use their telephone equipment the most (c) or, a problem which promptly goes away when you begin troubleshooting. It can also be used to refer to other oddities noticed in everyday life. Reference: Brent Dillingham of Cinergy Communications First used in conversation April 2005.
  • stratererysismism: The exericise of talking about stratererysismism in a stratererysismism matter will talking to a stratererysismism priest of stratererysismism
  • streamgardener: One who cultivates paths for streams; (an alternate metaphor for webmastering)
  • striend: A friend of a friend, or a contact who you don't know well. From 'stranger' and 'friend'. Also can mean someone you know vaguely, or are in contact with, but wouldn't consider (yet) to be a friend. Word conjured up on a bus by E.W.Elias, London, 1/12/2006. See also 'shiend'.
  • strongbonnukah: The eight-day celebration of lights. Coincides with Chanukah. Drink lots of Strongbow.
  • strongorse: Less strong. (from "strong" and "-orse")
  • strongorst: Least strong. (from "strong" and "-orst")
  • struction: n. (also verb: structed, structing) pronunciation [struhk-shuhn] definition: the process or act of changing that involves simultaneous construction and destruction: e.g. a change to landscape that both destroys mountains and builds a new sediment, demolishing an old wall in order to build a new extension. [20]
  • stultiloquy: The making up of facts. Nonsense.
  • stupicide: Accidentally killing oneself by an act so stupid that most people would never consider, much less attempt
  • stupidass: often used as an insult by inept individuals. after use said individual will more than likely appear flustered, confused, or estatic
  • stuponfucious: in a state induced by thinking something is awesome.
  • stuporstition: n. A belief that makes its believer more docile and less dangerous.
  • sturf To study a subject by internet surfing.
  • Stutsman Syndrome: The condition or effects of having nanobots present in one's body.
  • subiverse The subculture occupied by people who consider themselves subversive, but are really dependent upon the system they are trying to subvert.
  • subterraneapremortephobia fear of being buried alive
  • succinctify: That act of making something (more) succinct
  • suicided: conspiratorial term implying to be murdered in such a way as to appear a suicide, to cover up evidence of foul play.
  • suisare: a party in the perspective of an uninvited neighbor, friend, or relative.
  • suki yaki ana: The adoption into Western Society , in unaltered form, of anything Japanese. From the 1961 smash hit in many Lands, including the USA, Great Britian, and Australia, written and sung in Japanese by Kyu Sakamoto (1941-1983) + Latin "-ana" meaning a collection.
  • Sundaily: adv. Every Sunday.
  • Sunnight: n. A Sunday night.
  • sup:Short for "Whats up?". A greeting often used in SMS texts.See 'wazzaa'.
  • superginormous:Exceedingly ginormous.So huge that is superlatively unbeliveable.
  • supernaturalityism: n. 1. the explanation of the unknown. 2. the science of the supernatural
  • super special awesome: Originating in "YGO: The Abridged Series", this phrase is used to express content or can be used as a modifier that describes something as "super", "special", and/or "awesome". ("Wow, that card is just super special awesome, Yugi!")
  • supraninphobia: Fear of the Super Nintendo.
  • support-a-vision: n. [Dr. Stanley O. Foster] 1. Support of a vision (rather than supervision). Best used to describe culturally appropriate and collaborative management and partnerships between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local staff for achieving public health goals. ("The NGO project manager provides support-a-vision to Community Health Workers who are distributing bednets and educating households about malaria treatment.")

Related forms: 1. Support-a-vise,v. the act of providing support-a-vision 2. Support-a-visor, n. one who provides support-a-vision

  • surcell: noun [George Olshevsky] - The boundary of a four-dimensional shape, measured in volume. It is the analog of perimeter in planespace and surface in realmspace. (surcell = surface + cell)
  • survivalogy: Science that deals with all referent to survival, from assessing, planning, preparing and executing. With the prevailing awareness that parts of, or even the entire planet could be destroyed by human or by non-human caused doomsday events, survivalogy is gaining attention and importance.
  • sussle: vb. One who interferes inappropriately and intrusively in other peoples' affairs. Based on "to suss"
  • susslement: n. The act of interfering inappropriately and intrusively in other peoples' affairs. Based on "to suss" & ment
  • suudsu: A strong drink concocted of milk and gummi bears. See also: sourdsu.
  • SUVma: Really bad Karma
  • "suxors": sŭk-sôrž -n. 1.The act or process of sucking. 2. Finding yourself agroed by 7 mobs. 3. A process by which tich creates an album. [
  • swarthdom: A future epoch "The Black Ages", where religious fanatics taking control of the World's most advanced technology and weaponry, will impose upon the masses their dogmatic and draconian way of life. From (OE) "swarth" meaning black + "dom".
  • sweetcrap: An expression used to describe an intense feeling of simultaneous joy and frustration.
  • sweethiggery: "Over consumption of sweets and sugar; from a conflation of "sweet" ; Old English:" thig": to take food, eat,crave and the suffix, "-ery", signifying a state or condition
  • sweetorse: Less sweet. (from "sweet" and "-orse")
  • sweetorst: Least sweet. (from "sweet" and "-orst")
  • sweg: Spot Where Everything Goes. Short, easy-to-say word that describes the place in the house where everybody dumps car keys, mobile phones and reminder notices, etc. Different houses have different such places, but all houses have one such place!
  • swirl: noun - A double rotation in hyperspace in which the magnitudes of the two rotations are equal. In a swirl, every point on the object traces a circle around the center of the rotations. There are left-handed and right-handed swirls, much as there are clockwise and counterclockwise rotations.
  • swock: noun - Any flexible realmic object; can only exist in tetraspace or higher. Tetronians write on swocks of paper; pentonians can tie swocks into knots. It is the analog of the string in planespace and the sheet in realmspace.
  • swomit: to throw up a bit inside and swallow it and it doesn't actually come out but you have this horrible feeling in your throat or somewhere ("Yucch, I just swomited").
  • swordster: A male swordfighter. A swordsman.
  • swordstress: A female swordfighter. A swordswoman.
  • Sybil Were symbiosis Unable to establish colonies on other planets quickly enough, and to control population growth on Earth, man is forced to find a way for several humans to share one body: In this relationship all benefit and none suffer. From the 1976 film "Sybil" a person of multiple personality & OE: Were meaning man (also an English surname + symbiosis
  • sysoptionary: A pseudo wiki dictionary created by system operators (sysops) rather than by general wiki users through the process of blocking user access or by deleting or altering an entry on the false pretense that it's submission is user vandalism or other ficticious excuse so as to prevent legitimate user entries from being posted with which the sysop might irrationally disagree.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - other
  • tabgent: Portmanteau of tab, being a feature of a number of web-browsing applications) and tangent. Similar to wikitangent, but applicable throughout the internet.
  • tablog: Tabloid style blogs commenting on celebrity and popular culture, created, accessed and viewed on the world wide web.
  • tagalophone: a speaker of the Tagalog language.
  • take off one's shame: To become a naturist.
  • Tail-o-vision — the long tail of the coming internet video economy, poised to supplant the dominance of television. (Can be shortened to tailvision for aesthetic purposes.)
  • tallorse: Less tall. (from "tall" and "-orse")
  • tallorst: Least tall. (from "tall" and "-orst")
  • tangst: teenage angst . . .
  • taramophisis:A disease that torments you every time you touch the ground.
  • targit: TARGeted Intraoperative radioTherapy - a method of delivering radiotherapy to targit issues during a surgical operation as a adjuct to surgical excision of cancer. Coined by Jayant S Vaidya in 1999 and has been used in a few medical publications [[21]]
  • tarrow adj - the four dimensional analog of short (length), narrow, and short (height). It is a measure of small trength. Its opposite is trong.
  • teachress - A female teacher. (Alternate spelling: teacheress)
  • techniculties: technical difficulties. Phrase accidently coined by T.Premru.
  • techno-bane: Situation where technology become a curse and threatens the existence of individuals, peoples, nations and mankind.
  • technocaust: The destruction by fire of a modern man-made structure such as a nuclear power plant, caused by technology outstripping safety.
  • technochagrin: A user's state of suffering when technology goes wrong. Whereas 'chagrin' is defined as (uncountable) annoyance, vexation OR discouragement; a state of 'technochagrin' is equal parts annoyance, vexation AND discouragement for the user. This affliction has been known to trigger, in certain individuals, an uncontrollable vocalization of expletive deletives, and an overwhelming urge to throw/damage/destroy the offending technology.
  • technoclysm : The destruction by water, flood or wave of a modern man-made feature, such as a supertanker, oil-rig by technology outstripping safety.
  • technolapse: The destruction by failure of a modern man-made feature, such as a skyscraper or bridge by technolgy outstripping safety.
  • technologicalism: The act or fact of developing robots or other artificial intelligence technology (including machines and software) with the intent to erase job opportunities and replace workers with the said technology.
  • technopoly: A monopoly on technology.
  • technopeasant: A low-level, beginning technology user
  • technotheist: A believer in, or advocate of, technotheism
  • technomong: A Person who is incapable of using computers, either they can't be arsed or cannot use a computer proficiently. Technomong are not always technophobes. Example My Dad is interested in technology yet he can hardly use a computer he is a technomong.
  • technosigner: A person who possesses the ability to design with technology.
  • tech-novice: A person who is unknowledgeable of technology. The antonym of Tech Savvy.
  • teef (automotive, plural, singular is toof): The ratio of vehicle weight to available torque at a given speed. This is weight (in pounds), divided by torque (in pound-feet), yielding something that has the dimensions of the inverse of feet; hence, teef is feet backwards. Example, the Tesla Roadster has a weight to torque ratio of 12.7 teef at 0 mph. Josh-Levin 19:53, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
  • tela-flogging: Chastising someone over the telephone
  • telasynectics [ te lah si nék tiks ](noun): an elite web, network, group, or think tank of problem-solving experts employed or gathered specifically to solve a particluar problem or set of systemic problems [ compound word first coined in 1990 by Charles Soto of Coolidge, Arizona from the Latin word tela and the Greek word sunektikos ]
  • telcon: Abbreviation for telephone conversation.
  • telelexiagraph: A better name for cell phones for people who use them more for texting then talking. Literally translates to “far words write”
  • tennophobia: Fear of the planet Uranus
  • Tenrikism: exonim for the Japanese new religious movement called Tenrikyo.
  • teratomobile: An SUV [22] or over-sized pickup truck, esp. those with bulging wheel wells designed to look like bunched-up jaw muscles.
  • terennium: A period of a trillion years.
  • terminisuicide: The act of committing suicide over being fired from a job.
  • teron noun - A four-dimensional unit of a five-or-higher dimensional figure. Two terons meet at a cell. It is the tetrealmic analog of vertex, edge, face, and cell.
  • terrastute: adj- Being concerned with/for the planet. He seemed very terrastute. [23]
  • terrorocracy: (terr'ocracy) Etymology From Old French terreur (terror, fear, dread) < Latin accusative terrorem (fright, fear, terror) < Latin terrere (to frighten, terrify) < Proto-Indo-European base *tre- (to shake), *tres- (to tremble) + Greek kratia from kratos government Noun 1. Terror and Democracy 2. Extreme or intense fear institutionalized by a government. 3. A government that causes such fear. 4. The replacement of a Democracy (government of the people) by a government based on protecting The People from undefined Terrors. Therefore using terror to fight terror; a government of terror. jbenet
  • "terronoia" When a government uses fear of terrorist violence as a weapon against its own people to incite paranoia for the sole purpose of consolidating power by inducing the populace to willingly give up personal freedom.

(See Loose Change video: )

  • terrorology: the scientific study of terrorism
  • tertininphobia: Fear of the Nintendo 64 game console.
  • tesseract noun - Four-dimensional hypercube; its vertices are (+/-1, +/-1, +/-1, +/-1). It is a polychoron formed from eight equal cube cells that are perpendicular to each other at their faces. It is the tetraspace analog to the square in planespace and the cube in realmspace. In some literature, the term tesseract refers to the inner projection of a tetracube into realmspace, which looks like a cube within a cube.
  • tesserobject noun - Any object in tetraspace, not necessarily a polytope.
  • tetral adj - Wide in four dimensions, thin in all dimensions above four. Any object in tetraspace that isn't linear, planar, or realmic is tetral. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • tetraspace noun - Four dimensional space; consists of a single flune.
  • tetrealm noun - A four dimensional hyperplane; same as a flune.
  • tetrealmic adj - Four-dimensional. Similar to tetral. See the chart under tetraspace.
  • tetronian: noun - A person or object from tetraspace. adjective - From tetraspace. For example, a "tetronian river" is a river from tetraspace. See chart under tetraspace.
  • Tetrosexual adj - Being sexually attracted to tessellating blocks of squares.
  • to testiculate: to wave one's arms around while talking bollocks
  • to tetrify: to create order, or organise many different componets (from tetris)
  • to tetris: to arrange or rearrange household objects (most often boxes in a moving truck, or furniture in a room, boxes, tupperware, food in the fridge) in a compact manner using skills gained from the videogame tetris. Forms include, tetrising, tetrised, tetrises...etc
  • Texify: to make something Texan
  • textploitation: TV shows etc, normally targetted at teenagers, persistently demanding that viewers send text messages from their mobile phone (cellphone), either to win prizes or simply cast a vote (for their favourite contestant, for example). Texts are normally charged at "£1, plus your standard network rate."
  • Tientism: exonim for the Chinese new religious movement called Tientijiao, Tiantejiao, Tiandejiao or Tiantijiao 天德教 / 天帝教.
  • thanatolatry: Worship of death, a trait attributable to suicide bombers and devil worshippers.
  • The Dior factor: The term applied when someone named Dior makes a fauxpas.
  • The Emil: Bachata dance move where the leader makes a 540-degree turn in four counts, ending up in front of, and facing the same direction as the follower. This is immediately followed up by one or two "sexies." The move is so named because it was invented by Emil Roberto Nuñez, original dancer of Grupo Quisqueya -- a Dominican dance team at the University of Florida. see also: The Sexy
  • The Sexy: Bachata dance move where you only move your hips, while slowly descending. While you can do this move by yourself, it's really only sexy when a couple is dancing as close as humanly possible (similar to the Lambada). In choreography, one "sexy" is comprised of four counts. -- coined in 2002 at the University of Florida by Dominican dance troupe, Grupo Quisqueya.
  • the whole ten yards: (1) All the way with an enhancement; with everything done completely or thoroughly and with something more or in style. (2) With everything completely redone or enhanced.
  • thelyonym: The feminine term of the animal species. Cow is the thelyonym for cattle.
  • thelyotetadioxia: Persecution of femininity (Can be shortened to thelyodioxia)
  • theonoma: The spread of religion throughout secular aspects of a community or society. May be malign or benign.
  • theoton: A book of translations. "English-Japanese Theoton," "Spanish-French Theoton," "I just bought a theoton for German to Chinese," "paperback theotons."
  • theticologism: n. a positive adjective, verb, or phrase.
  • thinghood: n. existence.
  • thinkoo: somewhat similar to taboo; defines an idea that shouldn't or musn't appear in thoughts of members of a particular society;
  • thinky: Unpretentiously intellectual. A person who is deeply thoughtful without trying to impress others. A subject that is worth thinking about for the sheer fun of thinking about it. (Squiptryx)
  • thirteenty: The number 130.
  • thisgodthing: an existoidal deity as commonly referred to by people who know better.
  • thermobarbarichydrodamnamics The field of science used by mechanical engineers to describe the miraculous instantaneous conversion of liquid helium into a gaseous form to a non-engineer.
  • thon - A third person singular gender neutral pronoun, used in place of the cumbersome "he or she". The possessive is "thons" and the reflexive is "thonself".
  • thoughtcast: To send one's thoughts to another's mind, such as in telepathy.
  • throatbaby: A fictional child concieved by ejaculate being emitted into the throat of a woman during felatio. (Jessica Simpson is the only known person dumb enough to believe this conception to be possible.) Example: "Me and Tiffany were makin' throatbabies all night."
  • threenage: adj. - aged 30 to 39; tricenarian
  • threenager: n. - a person aged 30 to 39; a tricenerian.
  • threens: n. - thirties.
  • throsmology: The study of smoke and its use in society. For example in food gathering,(trapping of animals and food preparation); in communication (smoke signalling), death in fires though smoke inhalation and the smoking of tobacco etc. From OE "throsm" meaning smoke + ology
  • thruddle: A three-way hug or cuddle. The word is derived from three and cuddle, although it is more often used for hugs than cuddles. It is used among sections of the polyamorous community in the United Kingdom.
  • thrumstonery n. The attempts by producers of asbestos products to delay any payment of compensation to workers suffering from mesothelioma. From thrumstone an OE word for asbestos, and -ery signifying a state or condition.
  • Thursdaily: every Thursday (during the day).
  • Thursnight: A Thursday night.
  • tibbedragon: A small dragon-like creature made out of felt residing in the Pacific North West of Canada.
  • Timberflake: Some one who has bad dandruff or is scabby.
  • tigard: A spicy food preparation, typically for a white fish such as scrod, "He ate the tigard scrod in a hurry."
  • tiniorse: Less tiny. (from "tiny" and "-orse")
  • tiniorst: Least tiny. (from "tiny" and "-orst")
  • tische: The smallest amount. Just less than a smidgen.
  • TODDnoun: One who takes credit for and profits from the work of others in a flamboyant, self-congratulatory way. See also ebaum, plagiarist.
  • TODGOYM: An abbreviation for the slogan Tough On Dirt, Gentle on Your Mum.
  • toofas - noun: a person that insists upon highlighting their many accomplishments while in conversation or a meeting, usually in an effort to gain personal or professional praise. Similar to being a "brown-noser".
She would not stop talking about the new process she developed. She was being such a toofas.
  • toofasing - verb: The act of highlighting one's accomplishments in an effort to achieve personal or professional gain. (from toofas)
I could not stop toofasing in that meeting.
  • "tramazing": Tremendous AND amazing.
  • trap girl: A maiden who looks good on the outside but is untrue on the inside.
  • trap guy: A bachelor who looks good on the outside but is untrue on the inside.
  • travisle: To travel to an island.
  • trecidious: adj. - of or pertaining to {A distinguished team, or individual.} that is really, really good looking; cohesive, high performing.

i.e. The Business Development and Technology team exudes all the attributes of a trecidious team; charm, poise, thirst for knowledge and a desire to succeed. This is an attempt to describe a really great team in terms that they have envisioned. Distinguished by both effort and success, the trecidious team is not satisfied by accomplishing the feasible but would rather strive to deliver a vision.

  • trength: The four dimensional analog of length, width, and height. Something with great trength is trong, and something with small trength is tarrow.
  • tretched: Vile, utterly horrible, and mean; The act of being "wretched".
  • trong: adj - the four dimensional analog of long, wide, and tall. It is a measure of great trength. Its opposite is tarrow.
  • trionian: A person from realmspace. adjective - From realmspace. For example, a "trionian river" is a river from realmspace.
  • tresparking: The act of parking where you're not supposed to.
  • trespissing: The act of urinating where you are not supposed to (from trespassing).
  • tresposting: The act of posting where you're not supposed to.
  • tresurinating: The act of urinating where you are not supposed to.
  • tribalogue: A common dialogue amongst a small group of people.
  • tribrid: A hybrid with three comonents.
  • trimagna: A logarithmic scale referring to the way politicians and bureaucrats count money. Million, billion, trillion. "Third order of magnitude". In use by Carl Dick since 1973.
  • triphthong: The actual name of a three letter diphthong, or, a combination of letters that furthermore trips up speech.
  • triple-great-grandfather: Father of one's great-great grandfather.
  • triple-great-grandmother: Mother of one's great-great grandmother.
  • triple-great-grandparent: Parent of one's great-great grandparent.
  • triple-great-grandparents: Parents of one's great-great grandparents.
  • tripnostalgia: Style of electronic music composed to evoke an earlier era, specifically that of the genre called tripno or related genres.
  • triskaidekaphilia: Taking pleasure either in a group of items numbering thirteen, or in the thirteenth item of a sequence. Antonym for triskaidekaphobia.
  • triumfeminate: A group of three women. (Modeled after triumvirate)
  • triumuxorate: Same as triumfeminate. (Modeled after triumvirate) Usage note is that triumfeminate is the general term, while triumuxorate would be used if all three women are married.
  • troficide: is the systematic nutritional killing or maiming of humans regardless of national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and forcibly transferring children from their mothers’ breasts. Source The Next 20,000 - page 157
  • tromby: AKA trom OR tromies the name for Marijuana (when spoken in public in order not to raise suspition) - originated in Quakertown, PA. Also reffered to as CHOM depending on the region.
  • trophy veep: A Vice Presidential Candidate selected for youth and attractiveness rather than experience or ability to assume the Office of the Presidency.
  • truesay or true-say: Alternate form of "true"; used to express agreement in another party's statement by designating it as "true" (as opposed to "false"). Ex. Party 1: "The food at that restaurant sucks"; Party 2: "Truesay."
  • truistic: Adjectival form of a "truism"; stating that something is obvious "It is a truistic fact that the sky is blue."
  • trumor: A rumor that once said is taken as truth.
  • truthsmack: An informed, witty, and brilliant response to any less than brilliant argument made in a debate. [24]
  • truuk: (dutch, compare the french:'truc' or english:'trick') an operation or exercise with an artistic result, generally acrobatic.[25]
  • troubleshootable: the state of being possible to investigate and determine the root cause of a problem (in same)
  • troll: n. a word used by Michael Bevan to make fun of Perri Beattie
  • truthiocity: n. The amount of truth a statement posseses.
  • Tuesdaily: A Tuesday (during the day); occurring every Tuesday.
  • Tuesnight: A Tuesday night.
  • tuffalo: Possessing the strength of a buffalo.
  • tuttle: needlessly threatening the wrong person/party by
    invoking expertise where none exists
    dumb escalation of events by involving "higher" authorities (Boss, FBI, cc to mayor) and thereby showing off your incompetence
    involuntarily and publicly making an idiot of yourself
    publicly revealing yourself as pompous and self-righteous
  • tuttler: n. someone who is needlessly threatening the wrong person.
  • turdulence: n. A localised flux in the atmosphere accompanied by a horrendous stench. Sometimes found with chunks.
  • tuxiphobia: n. - fear of the planet Saturn.
  • twiurnal: adj. - an animal which only comes out at twilight, i.e. dawn or dusk (or both).
  • two-flusher: n. - someone so full of shit it takes two or more flushes of the toilet to get it all down. (Inspired by, but otherwise unrelated to, four-flusher.)
  • TxDot Syndrome: an inability to finish one large project before starting another. Based on Texas Department of Transportation's tendency to start one project before beginning another. Outside of Texas it is called Project Completion Attention Deficit Disorder.
  • typomania: craze for printing one's lucubrations.
  • typorrhea: the inability to stop typing
    excessive (often one-sided) use of instant messaging or similar text-based communications
  • Thumbly: A dynamic emoticon, a character on a web site or blog to let others know what the writer is thinking or feeling.
  • twelfty: The number 120 (c.f. eleventy).
  • tyop: signals a deliberate typo.
  • tyopper: a person who makes frequent typos.
  • typelexic: a person who frequently transposes left and right hand keystrokes.
  • tyrannism: n. - any political ideology that insists that a tyranny or a tyrant is the solution to all dilemmas; the Nazi Leader Principle is an example of this.
  • tyrannist: n. - Someone who supports or encourages a tyrant or a tyranny, without regard for the part of the political spectrum said tyrant or tyranny belongs to. For example, a Communist or Nazi. (See [26] for an example)


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  • uber goobaire: The ultimate goober. See also goobaire
  • ugliorse: Less ugly. (from "ugly" and "-orse")
  • ugliorst: Least ugly. (from "ugly" and "-orst")
  • ugpluth: Strange, bizarre and, at times, tragic behaviour of some people of the "The Powerful" and "Mega-Rich" social set and/or their children. (from Ug of "ugly", Plu of "plutocrat", and "Th" to form abstract nouns of state.
  • ultquel: the last chronological installment of a series of works. (patterned after prequel, with ult- the short prefix of ultimus meaning "last"). Antonym: primquel.
  • ultrahumanism: all things beyond the human-being though rooted in it (humanity's creation beyond itself). See also futurism.
  • ultropolis: (used as a shortened version of Ultimate Metropolis) A city spanning or covering an entire planet.
  • unasinous: (adj) Sharing the same amount of stupidity.
  • unchaahi: an unwanted daughter, specifically in the Republic of India. (from Hindi meaning "unwanted")
  • unclebuffer: a tray (as of food, drinks etc.) that you carry at family gatherings so you don't have to hug your relatives. ("Jolene, put down that unclebuffer--the Groosoms are here.") See also auntfender.
  • undead language (also called zombie language): A language (such as Manx or Cornish) that died out but was later revived by enthusiasts, and that must "feed on" living languages (such as Irish or Welsh) to acquire vocabulary.
  • undecomino: (n, geometry) A polyomino made up of eleven squares.
  • underbitch: (n) A female underdog1.
  • undiagonability: The unability to do or place something diagonally.
  • undigital: (n) 1. Not digital.
  • unfoil: (v) 1.(math) To factor a trinomial into two binomials 2. To unfurl or uncoil something so that a new clarity is realised. 3.(fig) To get out of difficulty. unfoiled.
  • unfunctioned: (n) a state of being where one has lost their function or can not function correctly
  • unidigital: adj. One-digit
  • unidigitarian: A child who is under the age of 10. A single-digit-ager.
  • unifice: a fistula that forms between the posterior wall of the vagina and the anterior wall of the anus forming a common orifice leading to the gastrourogenital tract in human female anatomy. These abnormal orifices can be formed by mechanical stress, abrasive chemical exposure, chronic microbial infection, and other rare phenomena.
  • unisex dress code: A dress code that specifies that conventional female attire is inappropriate. (e.g. requiring women to wear trousers).
  • unisexism: The belief that gender differences are perceived as dangerous and centrifugal and that which a society believed to be best is suggested to be one without gender difference. Gender homogenism.
  • Unitedstatesan: (adj) Of the United States of America, (n) person from the United States of America (formed after the Spanish word estadounidense, in contrast with American which indicates the entirety of North and South America instead of only the US).
  • unloviless: (interjection) Is a double negative that is used neagtively but means positively. ex. "how unloviless of you."
  • unmessable: The quality of being able to stand in the face of any circumstance and not be thrown off course. Being "unmessable with" : someone who can generate possibility with anyone at anytime under any circumstance. "unmessable with-ness" : the quality of being unstoppable in the face of no agreement, able to turn lemons into lemonade.
  • unmoonlanding: The claim that the 1969 Moon-landing did not take place; epithet for a supposed grandscale scientific hoax or conspiracy.
  • UNODIR: Unless otherwise directed - Military slang for issuing an ultimatum.
  • unologist: One who studies or practices unology.
  • unology: The science and study of unity in all of its forms.
  • unpossible: a new take on impossible, but may be able to be undone were impossible can never be undone e.g: its unpossible to get a cow flavored jelly baby.
  • un-unbelievable: Something that is unusually easy to comprehend.
  • unrony: Anything that has been or is frequently misidentified as irony.
  • unscrumpy: adj. The strange look and bland expression on the faces of some aging celebrities, often male TV and Film Stars, after their once character-filled face has been descrumpified by their plastic surgeon. From "scrumpy": withered.
  • unvigintillionth:The ordinal form of the number unvigintillion
  • unwiki: Counter to the open and democratic ideals often thought integral to wikis; inappropriate or unfitting for a wiki; undemocration
  • updegrade: verb - an improved component, replacement item, or software patch (upgrade) usually applied to technology which causes the unintended deterioration in quality or performance (degrade). Example: Bill recently updegraded his computer to Windows Vista.
  • upsilon: adverb - One of the two directions pointing out of realmspace into tetraspace; movement in the positive w direction. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,1>. This term refers to the direction analogous to up; the 'u' in 'upsilon' corresponds to the 'u' in 'up'. In some literature, this direction is referred to as kata. This term is the same direction as wint, but is used in a different context: upsilon is movement from realmspace to tetraspace, but wint is a turning direction. The opposite direction is delta.
  • Urindi: A portmanteau of Urdu and Hindi. The significance of this term is fully realized when one considers the fact that Urdu and Hindi are essentially one language in modern usage albeit written in two different scripts. The major difference between the two languages is the fact that while Urdu (written in Arabic) is being claimed as the language of Indian Muslims and Hindi (written in Sanskrit) as the language of Indian Hindus. It is highly desirable by liberal and progressive Muslims and Hindus not to differentiate between Hindi and Urdu on the basis of their religious affiliations. Urindi is a new term that ought to replace the ill-defined terms such as the "Urdu-Hindi language" and Hindustani.
  • USan/USian: (mildly pejorative): An American.
  • Usmerican: (pronounced Yoos-mair-ih-can) Portmanteau of U.S. and American; intended to replace American, with the meaning of citizen of the United States or having to do with the United States, with a more precise word due to American in a literal sense applying to Canadian(s), Mexican(s), and all South American countries.
  • used douche: a used douche.
  • userfy: (v) A term coined from the Wikipedia website meaning to move or copy a page to an editor's userspace; sometimes used as projectfy when instead transferred to projectspac
  • user hostile: Any system or service that is not helpful to the person that uses it. Any system that FORCES a person to do something in order to use it. Examples: Telephone trees. Microsoft WGA. Customer support systems for English speaking customers that are staffed by people that cannot speak English. The REBATE system. Most Manufacturers WARRANTY systems. The Telephone/Cable/DSL " customer " service functions.
  • uterosexual: An emancipated Western woman of the new millennium (homosexual or heterosexual), who does not feel oppressed by masculinistic oppression, and instead is immensely proud of being female. Current examples include TV shows such as Sex In The City, Desperate Housewives and Absolutely Fabulous; stage-shows including The Vagina Monologues and Mum's The Word; and an entire genre of empowered writing by female authors.
  • Utekkare: phrase Condensed version for convenient usage of the generally used signoff of You Take Care. Invented by Pranay Srinivasan, India in March 2003 when confronted by the sameness of every signoff when expressing deep regard for the beneficiary of said greeting.
  • uxorophagous: adj., of or pertaining to the act of consuming one's spouse after mating.
  • uze: v. phonetic spelling of use


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  • vagatries: A Sieselism for a collection of unclear or vague points.
  • Valine: Since the DNA sequence that codes for the essential amino acid Valine is GTG, 'Valine' can be used as a substitute for "Got To Go" in online chats. It is also similar to the Latin 'Vale', which means "farewell". If you want to really get fancy, the SMILES notation for Valine is "CC(C)[C@H](N)C(O)=O". Josh-Levin 01:23, 1 September 2007 (UTC)
  • vampireware: a project capable of sucking the lifeblood out of anyone unfortunate enough to be assigned to it which never actually sees the light of day but nonetheless refuses to die
  • vanitize: tr. v. To embellish a motor vehicle with vanity license plates. Same as VNTYZ.
She had such a fun story to tell, she decided to vanitize her car.
  • variolation: n. Accepting, admitting, or tolerating a small amount of something negative in order to avoid a larger amount of the same negative. Based on the obsolete word used to describe the action of infecting a person with a small amount of smallpox in order to bring about an immune response.
(a) These days, the townsfolk tolerated a few bar fights here and there. With the crops failing and the heavy taxes, it seemed a reasonable variolation to full-blown riots.
(b) Every day at lunch, John would sit next to the smoking lounge and inhale deeply, apparently as a variolation for recidivism.
(c) Some people considered the Japanese internment camps of World War 2 to be a variolation against what those people might face from an angry populace.
(d) I went out and bought a cheap purse at Walmart. Barney's is going to have a sale, and I needed a shopping variolation before I saw the prices and spent my life's savings.
  • vaste: v. [< (Ctrl-)V + (p)aste] When using a computer, to paste something from the clipboard, usually using a keyboard shortcut.
  • veepess: The wife of the current Vice-President on the United States. Also, veepa. (1949?)
  • vegalitarian: An egalitarian who, beyond race and gender, advocates the rights to a free and just life for all animals, humans and non-humans alike.
  • vegemarian: A vegetarian who also consumes seafood. "Vege" for vegetarian diet, "mar" latin for sea, "ian" for person. "Mar" in this case rhymes with "car."
  • vegetaphobia: Fear, hatred, or dislike of vegetarians, vegans and vegetarianism.
  • vekennium: a period of a nonillion years.
  • velocontopantelonophobia: Fear of bike shorts.
  • verigogue: One who teaches solely for the purpose of educating others. From the Latin prefix veri- and pedagogue.
  • veriquity: an exposure to the truth that sits lightly on the ears. See 'cold, hard truth (somewhere, it must be)' for the antonym.
  • vertex: A zero-dimensional unit of a one-or-higher dimensional figure. A vertex is the intersection point of two edges. It is the zero-dimensional analog of edge, face, cell, and teron.
  • veterate: v.t. To make something new look or sound old. (Antonym: novify)
  • Viarianism: n. exonym for the forms of Slavic Neopaganism called Wiara.
  • viblogia: n. the phenomenon whereby an insecure blogger leaves multiple comments on his/her own blog, either anonymously or under various aliases, in order to create the allusion of a heavily trafficked blog.
  • victrix: n. A female victor. [Lat.]
  • videoludiator: n. A video game player
  • vidvert: n. Any online advertisement or promotional material delivered over the internet via streaming video.--Mercury Vapors 04:36, 5 March 2007 (UTC)
  • vicissicalendrism: A switch between two calendar systems, as in the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar in the British Empire in 1752 or the switch from the Gregorian to the Russian Revolutionary Calendar in 1923 in the Soviet Union.
  • villainfoil: v.t. The act of wrapping a criminal, villain, or other disliked person in flexible sheets of aluminum (aluminium), which forces said person to exclaim " Curses, foiled again " .
  • vinor: n. A person who extracts mud from holes.
  • virguchec: n. The failure to use commas.
  • virgu,ex,yusa: The overuse of commas.
  • virguphobia: n. Fear of commas.
  • violetth: The state or quality of being violet.
  • vitelophile: A fan of veal.
  • viz: n. A personalized graphic broadcast that expresses what a person sees when they use their imagination.
  • vizual: adj. A person's sensory ability to view mental pictures.
  • vlogosphere: The world of vlogs, or video blogs
  • vocabulate: v. The act of inventing new words on the fly by saying them out loud while speaking.

e.g., Stop vocabulating and use real words!

  • volanphobia: Fear of steering wheels.
  • Vorshtein: n. Possibly has one of the following meanings: a commentary on contemporary mores; a slice of life; a pun.
  • vomital: adj. pertaining to throwing up. If you do not want to up-chuck on Dave, you will have to perfect your vomital timing.
  • vommunition: n. The meal you have planned out before a night of heavy drinking. This meal is planned specifically so the drinker will have something to throw up upon having one too many drinks. Lets go to KFC after the Liquor Box (tm) so we have a little vommunition for later tonight
  • vorage: v.i. The act of searching for video on the internet and sharing it with others.
  • vorager: n. Someone who likes to vorage a lot, or who does frequently.
  • vote blue: v.i. To vote for a Democratic candidate in a given U.S. election, state or national.
  • vote red: v.i. To vote for a Republican candidate in a given U.S. election, state or national.
  • vpilf: acronym for "Vice President I'd Like to F---."; debut after Sarah Palin was nominated for US vice presidential candidate in 2008, derived from MILF.


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  • whackattack: An attack of whackness. In conversation, usually prounounced with lengthy emphasis on the 'ack' syllable each time it occurs.
  • wabuf; (pronounced Wa-BOOF) Multiple art styles mixed together.
  • waffleball - The sport of wiffleball with an interesting twist...being WAF and playing the game double elimination tournament style.
  • wafty - The state of being oversized, underpowered, and not entirely suitable for its intended purpose.
  • waft-mobile - A vehicle that could be considered wafty. (from "waft" and "-mobile")
  • Walmartophobia - (1) Fear of Wal-Mart or its business practices, policies, or political agenda. (2) Fear of shopping at Wal-Mart.
  • wandal: A person who vandalizes Wiki projects.
  • wandalism: Vandalism done on a Wiki project, such as Wikipedia.
  • wandalize: To vandalize a Wiki project.
  • warmorse: Less warm. (from "warm" and "-orse")
  • warmorst: Least warm. (from "warm" and "-orst")
  • warmftable: adj. Warm and comfortable.
  • wazzaap:A Greeting.Colloquialism for "What's up?"."Sup?" has equivalent meaning, used mainly in SMS.
  • water chaser: Drink of water after alcohol to reduce total alcohol consumption in one drinking session
  • wawne: n. [From the place name. Note: Coined by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd in The Deeper Meaning of Liff.] A badly suppressed yawn.
  • Wazzok: a replacment for a common swear word e.g shut up louis you big fat wazzok
  • WDTSF: What Does That Stand For?
  • weakorse: Less weak. (from "weak" and "-orse")
  • weakorst: Least weak. (from "weak" and "-orst")
  • web.: Intended to replace the common www. which has nine syllables and thus is very cumbersome to pronounce.
  • web 2.0²: [Coined by Matthew Kane of Whooligan] Leveraging viral social media to create and market a tangible brand existence on and off the web
  • webcest: A term for any sexual practice that is uniquely facilitated by the internet, as coined by the webcomic Overcompensating.
  • webernaught: A person that uses the web to explore new ideas and options esp business.
  • webfamous: A term for describing someone who gained fame from the world wide web / Internet.
  • webographer: person who works with the world wide web
  • webhuman: person who responds to a comments or feedback form on a website. Usually the webmaster.
  • webologist: person who studies the world wide web
  • Wednesnight: A Wednesday night.
  • Wednesdaily: every Wednesday
  • weeaboo: an otaku, anime/manga fan, or Japanophile
  • weeaboo: (derogatory) 4chan meme for a user who is wapanese
  • Wenis: the hard leathery skin covering a human elbow
  • wesectomy: the removal of a body part by the use of office furiture. Used in reference to a clumsy person who runs into large objects such as file cabinets, desks and the like.
  • WESI: Western (European) English Speaking Isles (a non-geopolitical acronym describing the islands England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  • wettorse: Less wet. (from "wet" and "-orse")
  • wettorst: Less wet. (from "happy" and "-orst")
  • whatth: Which ordinal number
  • wha'd'ya: contraction for "what did you".
  • when'd'ya: contraction for "when did you".
  • whitegeist: caucasian essentialism
  • whitorse: Less white. (from "white" and "-orse")
  • whitorst: Least white. (from "white" and "-orse")
  • whiteosphere: See "whitosphere".
  • whitosphere:(also spelled "whiteosphere" at times) is the part of the blogosphere that is populated primarily or exclusively by white people. The term was coined by Francis L. Holland, Esq. at MyDD on or about February 9, 2007, in the context of a heated debate between white and Black bloggers over the documented lack of Black participation at white Democratic Party participants' blogs. The term subsequently was adopted by hundreds of Black bloggers and their readers as a concise and poignant way to describe a complex and hotly debated political phenomenon: the de facto segregation of whites and Blacks online.

    For example, in an article for the Washington Post staff-writer Jose Antonio Vargas quoted the organizer of the 2007 YearlyKos national bloggers' conference as saying, "It's mostly white. More male than female . . . It's not very diverse."

    One participant asked, "Why is the blogosphere, which is supposed to be more democratic, reinforcing the same white male power structure that exists?" A Diversity of Opinion, if Not Opinionators, Jose Antonio Vargas, Washington Post, August 6, 2007.

Explaining the sociological and political premises underlying the term "whitosphere," Francis L. Holland, Esq. said in an article entitled, "Is the term 'Whitosphere' a Fair Descriptor for the White Blogosphere?" that the term "white neighborhood" is very commonly used in America to describe a neighborhood that is predominantly or overhwhelmingly white. The prevalence of this term in our language is a reflection of the degree to which Blacks and whites have historically lived, and continue to live, in segregated neighborhoods in America, due historically to legal, structural, customary and financial restrictions placed by whites on where Blacks and other minorities could go and where we could live.

Because the term "white neighborhood" describes where whites live, and the "blogosphere" is the part of the World Wide Web that is characterized by its resident blog population, therefore the term "whitosphere" is used to denote that part of the blogosphere that is characterized by the fact that it is predominantly or almost exclusively populated by whites.

The term "whitosphere" reflects the absence of Blacks at white blogs, an absence particularly striking relative to the prominence of Blacks in appropriate reference populations, e.g. Democratic Party primaries and Democratic Party general election voters. For example, the whitosphere blog MyDD has 1.5% - 1.7% Black participants while DailyKos has as few as 4.5% Blacks. See MyDD Demographic Survey and the article entitled, "What is Your Race & Ethnicity - Poll - (Demographic Tuesdays)" at DailyKos.

Meanwhile the Democratic Party is twenty percent Black, and twenty percent of the delegates at the Democratic National Convention are Black. "Is the term 'Whitosphere' a Fair Descriptor for the White Blogosphere?", Francis L. Holland, MyDD, February 9, 2007.

The term has also be quoted in the a Washington Post, in an article entitled, "On African American Blogs, Sharp Words for Candidates, Washington Post, January 22, 2008.

The term "whitosphere" has over eight thousand hits at Google, along with " over 1,000 hits for the disfavored alternative spellings, "whiteosphere".

The term "whitosphere" is also discussed and explained at the American Journal of Color Arousal (AMJCA), e.g., in the article entitled, [ "Afrosphere" or "Blackroots"? Two Synonymous Names for the Same Movement.

  • whorigami: The unusual and visually disturbing sexual positions depicted in certain adult videos. (from "whore" and "origami")
  • why'd'ya: contraction for "why did you".
  • wibble: being so overwhelmed with emotion that coherent (or any) communication is impossible
  • Wiccanism: Wicca + -ism.
  • wide stance: An unbelievable excuse or indefencible position, deriving from Larry Craig's excuse for why he was (not) soliciting gay sex.
  • wideload:someone who has a very large arse.i.e alice davey
  • wiff: A moron or airhead, especially one who says stupid things then thinks they are funny. Ex. "Shut up, you stupid wiff."
  • wiggity-triggity: white trash
  • wigraffiti: Text or media maliciously added to or replacing legitimate Wiki content.
  • wiiceipt: The receipt gotten after a Wii console is purchased.
  • wiicite: To recite something related to the Wii.
  • wiicycle: To turn in a Wii.
  • wiiduce: To reduce the complexity of a Wii game.
  • wiifuse: To refuse to play the Wii.
  • wiilaxed: To be relaxed playing the Wii.
  • wiilaxing: Relaxing playing the Wii.
  • wiilease: The release of a Wii game.
  • wiiligion: A religion relating strongly to the Wii console.
  • wiimake: A remake relating to the Wii.
  • wiimember: To remember to do something on a Wii game.
  • wiimind: To remind someone about something relating to the Wii system.
  • wiimix: A remix relating to the Wii console.
  • wiimote: The Wii Remote.
  • wiinaming: 1. The renaming of Nintendo's fifth console from Revolution to Wii. 2. To rename all aspects of life wiivolving (revolving around the Wii), in order to create a homogenous vocabulary.
  • wiiologist: Someone who studies the Wii.
  • wiiology: The study of the Wii.
  • wiipair: A repair of a Wii console.
  • wiiphobe: Someone that is afraid of the Wii.
  • wiiphobia: Fear of the Wii.
  • wiiphobic: Fearing the Wii.
  • wiiplace: To replace another videogame system with a Wii.
  • wiiplay: To replay on a Wii game.
  • wiiproduce: To reproduce a Wii console.
  • wiiproduction: The reproduction of Wii consoles.
  • wiirun: A rerun relating to a Wii game.
  • wiiset: To reset a Wii console.
  • wiisolve: To resolve an issue relating to the Wii.
  • wiistart: To restart a Wii game.
  • wiisult: A result one gets by playing a Wii game.
  • wiisults: The results one gets by playing Wii games.
  • wiitard: Noun. 1. Addict or afficionado of the Wii gaming system. 2. A person retarded because of playing too intensively, or spending too much time playing on the Wii gaming system.
  • wiitard: Verb. To become addicted of the Wii gaming system. As in "Harry is wiitarded".
  • wiitardation: Noun. The process of becoming a wiitard.
  • wiitardy: Showing sings of wiitardation. As in "Mike has become a bit wiitardy".
  • wiitry: To retry playing a Wii game.
  • wiithink: To rethink an idea about the Wii.
  • wiitire: To quit playing the Wii for a long time.
  • wiiturn: To return to playing the Wii.
  • wiiuse: To reuse a part of an old Wii system in a new one.
  • wiiveal: To reveal details about the Wii.
  • wiiverse: To reverse on a Wii game.
  • wiiversal: A reversal on a Wii game.
  • wiivision: A revision relating to the Wii.
  • wiivolution: The revolution Nintendo had when they came out with the Wii console.
  • wiiview: A review relating to the Wii system.
  • wiiwrite: To rewrite something related to the Wii.
  • wik (something) up: To look up on Wikipedia or Wiktionary. As: Hang on, let me wik that up.
  • Wiki (as a verb): to look up on wikipedia
  • wikiality: Coined by Stephen Colbert on the 7/31/06 Colbert Report. Truth according to consensus instead of facts. On the 1/29/07 Colbert, reinforced this definition by stating it is "what the majority agrees upon".
  • wikibomb: Large amounts of people modifying a single Wikipedia article in an effort to inlcude false or misleading information.
After Stephan Colbert's Wikivangelism the elephant page at wikipedia was wikibombed.
  • wikifluvia: (wiki+effluvia) n. The impenetrable mass of downstream duplicates of the information on Wikipedia, rapidly rendering search engine results frustrating and ineffective.
  • wikimyth: An entry in the wikipedia that has gained public acceptance due to numerous edits but is either partial or total fallacy.
  • Wikipaedophile a sad over weight or under weight loser who plays the wikigame and has visions of raping somebody of the same sex. e.i no name can be permitted for ID reasons but initials can be given out L.F M.B and the initials of one of the known rape vision is F.C
  • wikilobbying: (wiki+lobby) n./v. First used and defined by Stephen Colbert on the 1/29/07 Colbert Report to as the term to describe what Microsoft was doing in hiring someone to modify Wikipedia articles in their favor. Comparable to shill or ghost writer. Colbert's short definition: "When money determines Wikipedia entries."
  • wikipede: To look up on wikipedia. Usually used in suggestions, sometimes with the implication that wikipedia is less bored by the question.
  • wikipedic: (contrast encyclopedic) One has a wikipedic knowledge of a topic if one possesses an apparently large amount of information about it, but all of that information came from word-of-mouth or other non-primary sources, and there is no reason to believe in its veracity.
  • wikipedientity: Noun. Any person, fictional, historical, or otherwise, having an entry of their own in the wikipedia.
  • Wikipediot: a Wikipedian.
  • wikipediots: The gang of wikipedians responsible for judging & deleting any content which does not agree with their vision of knowledge.
  • wikipath: See wikitangent.
  • wikipyze: Verb. To swiftly research something on Wikipedia, usually in under a minute. Similar to the word analyze. Ex: Quick, wikipyze La Bête du Gévaudan.
  • wikiphilia: Love of wiki sites.
  • wikiphobia: Noun. A fear of wikis. A neologism combining wiki with the suffix -phob referring to a fear of wikis in general. It has a special meaning in Academia, referring to the fear among academics of student use of Wikipedia and other similar collaborative data sources as reliable reference tools for assignments and research. Wikiphobia does not refer to legitimate concerns, but to the emotional atmosphere of FUD and disinformation surrounding discussion of the topic.
  • wikipretentionism: The phenomena causing wiki articles turn overelequant and somewhat difficult to comprehend - due to all "wikitangenting" it causes - when have been improved several times.
  • wikiprosal: The process of merging a group of individual wiki articles into brief-descriptive list-class articles, especially at Wikipedia. (e.g. Poképrosal)
  • wikipurge: A mass deletion of content related to a subject, field, or media franchise on the basis of content standards, especially at Wikipedia. It is usually due to the lack of notability and sourcing. It includes article deletions, crackdown on types of articles, and shrink-merging articles into lists, etc. (Synonym: wikiprosal)
    The Fire Emblem sector of Wikipedia under went a wikipurge in middle 2007.
  • Wikisaurus: An experimental thesaurus constructed within Wiktionary (see Dictionary:Wikisaurus)
  • wikisneaky: The act of quickly checking in to a Wiki site when one should actually be attending to other important responsibilities. A Wiki-specific variation of procrasturbation.
  • wikrastinate: To procrastinate while doing something by browsing Wikipedia.
  • wikitangent: Starting an article on Wikipedia and middle-clicking a link to a new article before reaching the end of the first article. After closing the first article, completed or not, one reads the previously middle-clicked article. If a third article is clicked, from the first article or the middle-clicked article, then a wikitangent has begun. Also called a wikipath.
I went on a two hour wikitangent last night.
  • wikitopean: Noun. Members of the public who create Wikipedia's articles on a voluntary, unpaid basis.
  • wikivandal: A person who vandalizes Wiki projects.
  • wikivandalism: Vandalism done on a Wiki project, such as Wikipedia.
  • wikivangelist: Noun. 1. 2. An individual who puruades others to deliberately include non-factual on misleadinging information or modifiy factual information
Stephan Colbert is a Wikivangelist.
  • wikiwar: A debate resolution involving one party demanding immediate referencing of a relevant Wiki article (esp. from Wikipedia.)
  • wikiwhy: A saying posted on WikiHow entry discussion pages to question the point of their existence.
  • wiktopist: Noun. 1. Someone who checks Wikipedia's contents looking for mistakes or vandalism. 2. A veteran Wikipedia collaborator.
  • Wikiverse: Wikipedia - Entry on Wikiverse
  • wiktionarist or wiktionaut:person that uses and, especially, contributes to wiktionary.
  • wikking: the activity of spending time on or its affiliated like wookieepedia. See also wik (something) up.
  • winkanut: A close friend or partner that has endearing quirks.
  • wiktator: A wiki dictator, usually an administrator with too much power over others deciding what gets added to a wiki.
  • williams mafia:the hardest people in the world containing james o gorman the guy who was used to describe the word weiner
  • wint: adverb - One of the two extra turning directions of a tetronian object. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,1>. In realmspace there are two turning directions, left and right, but in tetraspace, there are two more. The four tetronian turning directions are located in a particular order depending on which direction you look at them. If you look at an object containing these directions and you look from the back of the object towards the front, then when you traverse them in a clockwise direction starting from the left, the order is left, wint, right, zant. Thus, wint is 90 degrees clockwise from left and 90 degrees counter-clockwise from right. Zant is the opposite: 90 degrees counter-clockwise from left and 90 degrees clockwise from right.
  • wob: A web mob; a group of people acting as a mob, enabled by the web.
  • wochechat:(vo' ka chat) n. [DE woche] A weekly online family gathering to discuss how history and current world issues realte to the individuals.
  • WOKOMS:(wuh-kums)Common computer support acronym: "Works OK On My System". Usually dismissive, indicating PEBCAK (the problem must be between the the keyboard and the chair), rather than in the software.
  • wold: (wold) n. [OE weald, forest, wood.] An unforested rolling plain. ñ word history: As forests were felled, trees lost their mythic power and no more did OE weald mean æthe forest as dominion of the elvesÆ, their strongholt. The original word fragmented into two, one meaning æforestÆ, the other meaning ædominionÆ. But man had dominion over the forests, and the grand OE word weald now survives only in wold, which has the opposite of its original meaning: now it is an unforest, a deforested region. An echo through the leaves of the trees might still carry the voice of the elves, but here we have only an echo through the grasses.
  • Wolly: A vest. Based off of "Wool."
  • womankindness: The act of kindness by woman towards men, towards other women, and to herself
  • womanikin n. womannequin, womannikin [on extension from mannequin < Dutch "little man"] A female mannequin.
  • Wombtwin: a co-twin that lives and dies in the womb, leaving a sole survivor, who is born alone.
  • Wombtwin survivor: the sole survivor of a twin or multiple pregnancy.
  • wonderchild: n. wonderchildren [ < wonder and child . Note: a calque of German "wunderkind".] A child prodigy.
  • wonkalicious: Expression of delight on the flavour of a food that looks disgusting.
  • Wordalicious: Expression of satisfaction or agreement. Used mostly when uttering "Word" is an inadequate representation of how awesome something is. This word was most likely the handywork of known eboniciser, Timothy R. Volkmann in summer 2003.(GoogleIt)(This word returns over 5 full pages of googs, adding to its validity in American English.)
  • wordinary: having poor verbal or literary skills
  • [Woth]": the feeling a person gets walking up the stairs in the dark when you think there is one more step but it turns out there isn't.
  • wouldy-nouldy: (pronounced SAMPA /wUd.I.nUd.I/or /wUd.i:.nUd.i:/) past tense of willy-nilly
  • wrength: The condition of being wrong, formed by analogy of length and strength.
  • wrongorse: Less wrong. (from "wrong" and "-orse")
  • wrongorst: Least wrong. (from "wrong" and "-orst")
  • wubble:n. a form of affection, varying from a hug to a handshake. V. To perform the act of a wubble.
  • WTFITFM?: Where ... Is The ... Manual?
  • wungo: do you want to go?, an invitation to resolve a disagreement by means of fisticufs


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  • xactight: - Pronounced "ex-AK-ti." Also speled "X-actight." A person who is sharp, precise, unyielding; as in a government official who requires ridiculously unimportant information before processing your claim. The etymology of this word is believed to be from the trademarked disposable cutter.

e.g., Standing in the express check-out line, Linda discovered that the woman behind her was an xactight who counted everyone else's items aloud with a running sub-vocalized commentary. "Three over the limit, and the cheap brand of indigestion tablets that don't work so good, either."

e.g., Did you smell his breath? Yeah, it was xactly.

  • xan: - Someone who unknowingly wears jorts (jean shorts) on the golf course

e.g., Look at the Xan on number 10 tee. He needs to be thrown off the course

  • xanthopulous: - That which pertains to or promotes social armageddon.

e.g., Justin wondered silently to himself if the people's reliance on technology was xanthopulous enough to bring it all crashing down.

  • xanthor: - The coolest person to walk the earth.

e.g., Check out that xanthor. I wanna be just like him.

  • xantippe: - A shrewish wife. From Xantippe, the wife of Socrates, who said "By all means marry. If you get a good wife you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."

e.g., Amazing how fast a new wife turns into a xantippe as soon as the honeymoon is over.

  • xav: - Zôv. 1. Interesting. 2. Excellent; satisfactory. 3. Fun; enjoyable. 4. Amazing.

e.g., That's really xav. That was such a xav band. Oh, I see you xav'ed your hair this evening.

  • xcore: - Times a million.

e.g., I saw Lord of the Rings Friday and it was really lame xcore.

  • [[xeep - Sheep--a term used to describe someone who likes to follow and imitate others.

e.g., Joe keeps doing the same things I'm doing and buying the same clothes. What a xeep!

  • xenacate: - To utterly destroy a fictional character so as to prevent anyone, anytime, anywhere, from resurrecting that character in any media.

e.g., I lost my job on the soap-opera because the xenacated my character.

  • xenariffic: - Adj. (zee-nuh-ryff-ik) A woman who is of amazonian stature or prone to wearing tight leather is Xenariffic.

e.g., "Britney Spears is xenariffic in that red suit in her video."

  • xanthocracy': a government which is able to hold power, democratically or undemocratically, through its management of a nation's mineral wealth. From "xanth": yellow, epithet for gold.
  • xenanthropism: 1. A view of humanity that emphasizes the continual development of the human being via all things related to the human being; including one's psyche, actions, and cultural interaction. 2. The philosophical school favoring such views.
  • xennennium: a period of a octillion years.
  • xenocracy: rule by foreigners
  • xenodocheionology: study of hotels
  • xenopropism: To mispronounce or mispeak a word or phrase in a language other than one's native tongue, such that the meaning is substantially different from what was intended. From the prefix xeno- and malapropsim.
  • xenosphere: An advanced flight simulator design using a rotating spherical capsule to achieve unlimited roll, pitch, and yaw
  • xettonym: A word that starts with "x" (GoogleIt)
  • xettophobia: Fear of the letter "x" (GoogleIt)
  • xirradiate: To expose or subject to x-ray radiation
  • xylophonous: (xy-lo-pho-nous) adj. When something is xylophonous, it is able to produce 10 or more different-pitched notes when struck with something in various places.
  • xeroxdict - A person who doesn't write anything down. One who prefers xeroxing than writing things down. See high school cheater.

e.g., Matt sure is a xeroxdict, isn't he? I've never seen his hand touch a pencil.

  • xeroxhero - A copycat. A design thief or plagarist.

e.g., Eminem is a certified xeroxhero. He's trying to be a white Dre.

  • xgs - X-Girlfriend Syndrome. When someone bothers you like a ex-girlfriend would after you break up.

e.g., Jim: Bob called me like 5 times asking where we were going tonight. Jeff: "Does he have XGS or something?

  • xingxong - A term used to describe a song which is overplayed.

e.g., I hate those xingxongs on z100.

  • xinnet - An infintessimal amount of something. Iota.

e.g., Not one xinnet after I called you, I found what I'd lost. OR "You only left one xinnet of milk in the carton!" OR "I found out that our beach house is one xinnet from where you'll be staying!"

  • xivilization - Civilization. Specificially used to describe extraterrestial or civilizations or societies that are fictional.

e.g., The Hundred Worlds of Orson Scott Card's Ender series is a xivilization.

  • xizorfied - When you are so sick, your skin turns green like Prince Xizor from _Star Wars_.

e.g., Before I puked, my face went from zero to Xizorfied in about five seconds.

  • xl-dragon - A bombastic, brash, fast-talking, fiery, flat-footed, heavy-handed, in-your-face, self-righteous, globe-trotting peacekeeper for hire that has outgrown his usefulness as a household pet.

e.g., “If you don’t let me sit in your lap, I’ll blow your wig off,” said the mild-mannered, smooth-scaled XL-Dragon as he peered down at the completely logical, breathtakingly boring, not to mention incessantly burbling robot from AATGASOLITU (The Academy of All Things Great And Small Or Lost In The Universe).

  • xmas - Commercialized version of Christmas. Capable of being celebrated by for any religion or belief, much like Valentine's Day, or the Macy's Big One Day Sale.

e.g., I don't believe in Jesus, so I celebrate Xmas instead of Christmas.

  • xobile - 1. Transmitting or receiving adult content over wireless devices. 2. Surfing for adult images or videos on a wireless device.

e.g., 1. I found a really sexy pic and xobiled it to a friend. 2. I was xobiling for chicks with bigguns and came across the perfect web site.

  • xoklyam - To make an incredibly obvious observation such as, "You're wearing a sweater today."

e.g., I have earned the nickname "Dr. Obvious" for making frequent xoklyams.

  • xsorb - Intense human input-output. To xsorb is to be totally and actively involved in a subject to the level of not being fully aware of other "externalities." While input (abSORBtion) may easily be viewed as the primary "phraction," by definition, the output (eXhalation) is a requirement.

e.g., He got so xsorbed in the game he didn't even spot me -- only drooled and cursed a few times. | You shoulda specked tha' chick. I couldn't move -- had to xsorb her aura. I could only groan like a puppy. | He spat out words like fire during the enquiry. He was so xsorbed on the scrutiny, they did not stand a chance. e.g., If we did a routine to Sisters of Mercy, that would be XTREME synchro.

  • xuxerin - Sshu-sheh-rin. Used in the place of "sucks to be me."

e.g., "Oh, no! Xuxerin!" "What?" "I forgot my textbook."

  • xuxoren - A word used in the place of the phrase "that sucks."

e.g., "Shoot! I forgot my wallet at home! If only we weren't so far away..." "Xuxoren."


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  • YAFIYGI: The antonym of WYSIWYG. This acronym stands for You Asked For It, You Got It. Typical in editors such as "vi" or "teco", in counterpoint to such editors as Microsoft Word or FrontPage, which claim that you will get exactly what you see.
  • YANTY: acronym for " yet another No Thank You " (response from a potential employer).
  • YARL: acronym for " yet another Red Light " (in auto traffic).
  • yahooed: What happens when you are unexpectedly disconnected from one of the game servers on Yahoo (
  • yahoodle - To use Yahoo! (as opposed to Google) to search for something.

e.g., I tried yahoodling him, and I only got three hits. But when I googled him, there was a page and a half.

  • yahooted - When you suddenly and for no reason get booted from a Yahoo! Chat and have to go through the process of logging in again.

e.g., I'm back now. I just got yahooted.

  • yahootie - A clumsy not so bright person.

e.g., That yahootie spilled all the food on the floor.

  • yahtzee - Expression of great happiness and achievement over small issues.

e.g., Jack finally found his car keys: "Yahtzee!"

  • yakka - Work, manual labour (often). Usually used in combination with "hard" so it means hard work.

e.g., It was hard yakka.

  • yako - The opposite of okay.

e.g., Could you borrow my car?? No way, that's yako.

  • yaktorial - Of, or pertaining to, Ipswich.

e.g., He spoke utter bunkum, which suggested a Yaktorial upbringing.

  • yam'cha - Low grade electronics from unknown origin and an unrecognizable brand.

e.g., "Hey, this DVD player is only $23.95." "Yeah, but have you ever heard of Yam'cha Clectronics?"

  • yamahondatsubaruki - Generic Japoreanese automobile.

e.g., They all look alike to me. It must be a Yamahondatsubaruki.

  • yames - Very low in quality or performance; sluggish, ineffectual, unworkable.

e.g., I would have emailed you this morning, but my computer had gone yames.

  • yammit - Just like "dammit" except you're not really swearing. A great trick for kids.

e.g., Oh, yammit, I just spilled my juice.

  • yamop - Means "I'm just kidding." The bigger the joke, the more exaggerated the pronounciation.

e.g., You're the best looking guy in the world. Yamop.

  • yamyam - This is a term used to describe a person from the Birmingham area of Britain, due to their extremely thick accent and reduction of "Yeah, I'm..." to "Yam."

e.g., Question: "Where are you from?" Response: "I'm from Wolverhampton." Response 2: "Oh, you're a * yamyam then?" Yamyam response: "Yam from Brum, aye!"

  • yankenvy - The thing that makes some English people think Americans are not as good as them

e.g., Did you see the entry for "Yankophile"? (see below) That guy has yankenvy.

  • yanker - A large backside.

e.g., She's got quite a yanker.

  • YEAWSH - an excited for of yes ment to be shountes many times over in joy.
  • yappaphobia: Fear of the sound of foxes.
  • yarhiphobia: Fear of American president Ronald Reagan
  • yayfun: Interjection expressing entertainment or approval of an action.
  • youngin: young maybe teen person also street slang
  • yebbut: - Combination of the words "yeah" and "but." Generally used by itself in response to a request to perform an activity. Can also be referred to as an excuse.

e.g., "Yeah... I'm going to need you to pack up your desk and move down to the storage room." "Yebbut...that's the last straw." or "You are going to do your homework, and I don't want to hear any yebbuts!"

  • yellow note: A musical note or sound so off-key that it produces feelings of irritation, annoyance, unease, or dread in a listener; or anything else which produces such feelings. Coined by George Orwell. [Strictly, this is not a protologism, but it would have a reasonable chance of surviving as a full entry if someone writes it up, including the cite from 1984 and preferably adding one or two later cites with the same usage.]
  • yelloworse: Less yellow. (from "yellow" and "-orse")
  • yelloworst: Least yellow. (from "yellow" and "-orst")
  • yellowth: The state or quality of being yellow.
  • yesterfang: what was hunted yesterday
  • yetly: In a specific reality, the absolute essence of a certain thing, place or object brought on in a manner of comparison.
  • yimber A descriptive term for a modern term combined with an archaic term (yare + limber = yimber)
  • yoink: Onomatopœia pertaining to swift theft (frequently used by w:Homer Simpson)
  • yottennium: a period of a septillion years.
  • youngorse: Less young. (from "young" and "-orse")
  • youngorst: Least young. (from "young" and "-orst")
  • yuleholic: Someone who has such a liking for Christmas that they appear to be addicted to it.
  • yunchangesque: Of or relating to Guan Yu, having a very long beard, or worthy of apotheosis.
  • y'unt: - Contraction of "Do you want" often followed by "to." Credit probably to Jeff Foxworthy, at least for the popularity of the word.

e.g., Bill: Did you eat yet? Ted: Nah, did you? Bill: Nah, y'unt to? Ted: Alright.


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  • z'zzy (two syllables): A fly or similar bug that buzzes 'zzzzzz...'.
  • zag: The second half of a zig-zag, suggested by a six-year-old contributor to John Peel's "Home Truths" programme as a better name for the character called a backslash, reverse oblique, or reverse solidus. (see zig)
  • zagonormous - An adjective used to describe the surprisingly great size of something. Greater than ginormous.

e.g., Thanks to my girlfriend, I was furious when I saw the zagonormous dent in the side of my car.

  • zakos noun - The portion of an object that is furthest kata. It is the analog of the bottom portion of an object for the direction down, or the back portion for the backward direction. Derived from "zenith kata". The opposite side of an object is its apos.
  • zanbatou noun - Japanese "horse decapitating sword" written 斬馬刀.
  • zant: adverb - Opposite of wint. In tetraspace, represented by the vector <0,0,0,-1>.
  • Zarieleiraz: Mirroric convegence.
  • zaz: A word used in place of the common "yay".
  • zettennium: a period of a sextillion years.
  • zoomly: IPA /zuːmliː/ (adj) to be driven to madness by heat and flies resulting in the person moving south or even overseas
  • zelphiac: An element of the Zelphygeny, disruptively intelligent
  • zerg: verb. To swarm with malicious and destructive intent; to cause or induce such a swarm.
  • zicro-: A pseudo-SI prefix denoting an arbitrarily small number.
  • zig: The first half of a zig-zag, suggested by a six-year-old contributor to John Peel's "Home Truths" programme as a better name for the character called a slash, oblique, or solidus. (see zag)
  • zilo-: A pseudo-SI prefix denoting an arbitrarily large number. (should be zila-)
  • zird: A word which can be used in combination especially by those who prefer to avoid man in compounds applicable to both sexes, a proper noun used in place of a name, or something that anything alive, be it human or animal, can be called.
  • Zombie language: See undead language.
  • zonino: A word used as a shout of joy, triumph, applause, or encouragement e.g. "Zonino! It's a boy!" or "With a cry of 'Zonino!' our hero leapt forth brandishing a really really big gun and smote the bad dude heartily, and lo there was much merriment and rejoicing in the marsh."
  • zonundrum: That distinct moment one finds oneself searching for words that start with a 'Z', with the exception of the obvious "zak", "zealot", "zebra", "zen", "zenith", or "zikes", during the play of Scrabble.
  • zomaiphobia: Fear of the word "f***". (GoogleIt)
  • zooky: Generic name for a family of toy instruments, including stradizuki (like a violin), stratozuki (like a guitar), zukiola (bigger than a stradizuki), zookicello etc. Named after Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, 1898-1998. See Wikiversity: Essential Preschool Part I.
  • zpex: [Pronounced "zee-peks"] The opposite of an apex. The lowest point of a valley.
  • zuber: From 'exuberance'
  • zuberist: A practitioner of zuberosity.
  • zuberosity: Filled with over the top enthusiasm. "His zuberosity was contagious!"
  • zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners. (GoogleIt)
  • zzyology: Study of the end of the dictionary.
  • zzyphobia: Fear of the end of the dictionary.


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List of non-English Protologisms

English - non-English - unsorted
  • キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! (japanese): internet meme originating on futaba channel
  • моар (russian): подробнее, internet meme meaning more, cyrillicized from the latin form moar. Sometimes spelt using latin characters as MOaP
  • соус (russian): internet meme using the Russian word for "sauce", meaning source. Originates as a translation of sauce, internet meme meaning requesting the source of this posting. Sometimes spelt using latin characters as coyc
  • soße (german): internet meme using the German word for "sauce", meaning source. Originates as a translation of sauce, internet meme meaning requesting the source of this posting.

unsorted protologisms

English - non-English - unsorted

Seanlet (Noun)

One who follows in the footsteps of Sean McCarthy in the quest to obtain free energy from magnets. Sean McCarthy is the CEO of Steorn Ltd, an Irish company that claims to have created a magnet motor which they call Orbo. Seanlets are usually, but not always, members of the Steorn forum, or the SPUD club, a Steorn sanctioned group of people attempting to create their own Orbos.

Usage examples: "There goes another Seanlet attempting to break the second law of thermodynamics." "How many Seanlets does it take to build a magnet motor?"


  • Notes:
  1. ^