DNSSEC is Officially Enabled in Saudi Arabia’s TLD

As part of CITC’s activities for enhancing and protecting the national domain name space (.sa and .السعودية), SaudiNIC (part of CITC), on Thursday 22 Jun 2017, officially activated DNSSEC for Saudi domain names under the Saudi TLDs (.sa and .السعودية). By this Saudi Arabia became the first gulf country that enabled DNSSEC in its domain names space. Now, Registrants can benefit from this and increase the level of trust and security of their domain names registered with SaudiNIC, for more information: www.dnssec.sa

What is a DNSSEC?

The domain name system security extension (DNSSEC) is a set of technical specifications that uses digital signatures for securing and protecting data provided by the Domain Name System (DNS).
The initial design and use of the Domain Name System (DNS) did not incorporate security at all. However, with the increasing intrusions and the presence of some security holes in the existing DNS, the Internet Engineering Force (IETF) has produced a set of RFCs (Internet standards) to overcome these deficiency and called domain name system security extension (DNSSEC).

DNSSEC Benefits

  • It puts a mechanism for verifying the source of the information, and its validity.
  • It validates the existence or nonexistence of the information.
  • DNS Security protection of known attacks, e.g., Man in the middle attack, or cache poisoning.