
Science Fiction Studies

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Science Fiction Studies is published three times a year (March, July, November) by SF-TH Inc. at DePauw University. The Science Fiction Studies Website publishes abstracts of all articles, as well as the full texts of all reviews, historical documents, and selected essays appearing in the journal since its founding in 1973 by R.D. Mullen. We maintain a three-year blackout before reviews published in the journal appear on the website. Full texts of articles are posted only after an issue has been sold out and after the three-year blackout period has expired.

SFS # 137

with Special Section on Liu Cixin


Including Li Guangyi and Nathaniel Isaacson. China Turns Outward: On the Literary

Significance of Liu Cixin�s Science Fiction; Gwenna�l Gaffric. Liu Cixin�s THREE-BODY

TRILOGY and the Status of Science Fiction in �Contemporary China; Stephen Dougherty. Liu

Cixin, Arthur C. Clarke, and �Repositioning�; Val Nolan. Nostalgia for Infinity: Hard

Determinism and Hard Science in Alastair Reynolds�s REVELATION SPACE Sequence; Silvia

G. Kurlat Ares. Argentine Science Fiction: Between Everyday Politics and Dystopia; Hee-Jung

Serenity Joo. Racial Impossibility and Critical Failure in W.E.B. Du �Bois�s Darkwater; Siobhan

Carroll. Lost in Space: Surviving Globalization in Gravity and The Martian; Vitor Bonif�cio. A

Singular Novel�Amaral�s 1886 Os habitantes do planeta Saturno [The Inhabitants of the Planet


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��������Recent Issues (Contents pages of the most recent issues of SFS, with links to article abstracts; reviews subject to one-year blackout)�������

��������featured essays Past Issues (Abstracts, Articles, and Reviews from Past issues. Full Texts of Sold Out Past Issues)

��������Special Issues/Sections (Links to special issue topics, author interviews, and� author-specific articles, with links to contents pages)

��������xray Awards Page (Mullen Fellowship Winners and Pioneer Award Winning Essays published in SFS)

�������Authors (A guide to Author-Specific Articles)

������Author Interviews

������critics Bibliographies and Chronologies of Science Fiction

������ Documents in the History of SF�(Primary sf texts of historical significance that have appeared in SFS)��

������wormholes Wormholes�(A list of useful and interesting sf-related links) �

������wasf The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction

������ Subscriptions�and SFS Store (Information on Subscriptions and for Ordering Back Issues)���

j Archived issues of SFS (from 1973 onward) are available on JSTOR to participating institutions.

ISSN No. 0091-7729

SFS website designed and maintained by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay. This site is best viewed using Mozilla Firefox 14 or higher. Site last updated March 30, 2018.