Instagram goes after Pinterest with saved post collections

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Instagram goes after Pinterest with saved post collections

You can gather Instagram posts into themed albums.

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Now that Instagram has overtaken Snapchat by emulating its features, the service is taking aim at another social networking heavyweight: Pinterest. Instagram is rolling out an update to its Android and iOS apps that introduces saved post collections. If you want ideas for your next vacation, you don't have to sift through your entire save history to find memorable travel shots. The feature lets you both add posts directly to new collections and organize those you've already preserved.

The addition isn't going to sway hardcore Pinterest fans, since that service is clearly focused around collecting -- it's really an incidental bonus with Instagram. However, it might scoop up casual users who only visit Pinterest for the occasional inspiration. Why bother if you can get enough ideas from your Instagram feed? And of course, this could be crucial to Instagram's plans for ads and shopping. If you can create your ideal outfit by saving posts into collections, you might be more likely to buy that outfit.

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