Licentiate of Medicine (MD) | Studies at University of Oulu

Studies at University of Oulu 2013-2014

The University of Oulu offers study opportunities with a solid academic foundation ranging from 5-6 year degree programmes and master’s programmes to doctoral training. There are also several possibilities such as open university studies, executive training and continuing education for developing and maintaining skills and competencies.

In addition to a variety of student exchange programmes, international master’s degree programmes in English are offered in six fields of study, making the university an international study environment.

5-6 Year Degree Programmes

Licentiate of Medicine (MD)

Profile of the Degree: 

The degree programme in Medicine leads to the degree of Licentiate of Medicine (lääketieteen lisensiaatti), which Corresponds to an M.D (Doctor of Medicine) degree in Anglo-american countries. The instruction in the degree programme in medicine emphasizes the regular updating of knowledge and has a strong connection to scientific research. The contents of instruction are fully in line with the intended learning outcomes, and they are under constant evaluation and development. Since 2011, instruction in the degree programme in Medicine at the University of Oulu has been organised according to a new curriculum.

Graduates of the degree programme in medicine become experts in demanding tasks on both national and international level. Studying in an academic community of diverse scientific fields and high standards is challenging and rewarding. Our programme offers graduates a range of career opportunities on different professional paths as well as in research.

The training has strong connection to diverse and cross-disciplinary scientific research at Faculty of Medicine. For students, it is possible to begin scientific research work in research groups before graduation.

Courses Required for the Degree: 

Further information: see Course Structure Diagram.

Learning Outcomes: 

The learning outcomes of the degree are based on the competences described in the publication of Cumming AD, Ross MT (2008): The Tuning Project (medicine)- learning outcomes / competences for undergraduate medical education in Europe. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. Available online:

Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning: 

The recognition of prior learning follows the main principles as defined by the University of Oulu.

More information: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

University of Oulu Education Regulations gives information on recognition of prior learning in article 27.

Modes of Study: 

The minimum extent of the Licentiate of Medicine degree is 360 ECTS credits. Medical studies are pre-scheduled and the training is organized in such a manner that with full-time attendance the degree can be taken in six years. One Finnish credit equals to one ECTS credit. The average input of 1600 working hours needed for studies of one academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits. The degree programme consists of basic, intermediate and advanced studies, language studies and compulsory practical training. Studies are carried out as contact teaching.

Language of Instruction: 


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading: 

Medical studies are pre-scheduled and organized according the order presented in curriculum.  The training is divided to two phases. The preclinical stage lasts for two years (Semesters 1-4) and mostly consists of general studies. The completion of clinical studies takes four years (Semesters 5-12). Studies have to be accomplished according the pre-scheduled order. Exceptions can be made only based on the accepted personal study plan.

Assessment is based on examinations, exercises, essays, field work, clinical work, reports or any other method determined pedagogically appropriate for the particular course. Additional information is given in study unit descriptions. 

A numerical scale 0-5 in whole numbers or verbal grading Pass or Fail is used in assessing a completed course. When assessing theses, verbal grading hyväksytty (Approved) tai hylätty (Rejected) is being used. In numerical scale zero stands for fail.

Separate provisions have been laid down for assessing the proficiency in Finnish and Swedish language required in accordance with the Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004).

Occupational Profiles of Graduates: 

The goal of the degree programme in medicine is to prepare students for a career as a physician as well as for professional and scientific post-graduate education. In addition to the traditional work as a physician, the training enables graduates to work in the fields of teaching and research as well as in other positions as an expert in the field of medicine. The goal of the degree programme in medicine is to provide the students with the knowledge, skills and psycho-social abilities that will enable them, after graduation, to successfully function as physicians, experts, developers and team participants and leaders in hospitals as well as in primary health care. An additional goal is that a graduate will have the prerequisite skills for research work and post-graduate study as well as the ability and motivation for lifelong learning.

Access to Further Studies: 

After completing the basic degree, students may apply for the post-graduate professional education that leads to a specialist degree and/or pursue the Doctor of Medicine degree as a scientific post-graduate degree.


Graduation Requirements: 

The minimum extent of the Licentiate of Medicine degree is 360 ECTS credits. The degree programme consists of general, basic, intermediate and advanced studies, language studies and compulsory practical training (24 ECTS). The thesis (20 ECTS) and a maturity test are included in the advanced studies of major.

Doctor eligibility (Government Decree on University Degrees 794/2004, 93/16/ETY) and language proficiency (Government Decree on University Degrees 794/2004, Section 6):

1. The student must demonstrate in studies included in education for a degree of Licentiate of Medicine or otherwise that he/she has attained:

  1. profiency in Finnish and Swedish which is required of civil servants in bilingual public agencies and organizations under Section 6(1) of the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003) and which is necessary for their field; and
  2. skills in at least one foreign language needed to follow developments in the field and to operate in an international environment.

2. The provisions of subsection 1 do not concern a student who has been educated in a language other than Finnish or Swedish or a student who has been educated abroad. The language profiency of such students shall be determined by the university.

3. For special reasons, the university may either totally or partially exempt a student from the requisite language skills referred to in subsection 1.

In order to gain a degree certificate the student has to supply an application to the faculty’s office according to instructions given by the faculty.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations: 

All education in the University of Oulu is based on the principles of the joint European credit transfer system (ECTS) which facilitates the transparency of education and the recognition of degrees at an international level. All degrees awarded from the University of Oulu are recognised by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

The degree provides doctor’s eligibility. National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) grants, upon application, the right to practice as a licenced medical doctor.

More information: Professional Practice Rights

Basic information

Level of the Degree: 
Licentiate's Degree
Duration of Studies: 
6 years
ECTS Credits: 
Language of Instruction: 
Graduate Profiles: 
Physician / Doctor
Location of Instruction: 
+358 (0)294 485864
olli.vainio (at)


Applying Information: 
The degree is applied for through the joint application system at