Pacific Island Niue To Become World’s First Dark Sky Nation

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Pacific Island Niue To Become World’s First Dark Sky Nation

Valerie Stimac

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) has announced that the tiny island nation of Niue will become the world’s first Dark Sky Nation. At just 101 square miles, Niue has received certification as both a dark sky sanctuary and a dark sky community, ensuring the entire island will maintain standards of light development and keep light pollution limited even as the world’s astronomy community turns eyes toward the area.

“Following a rigorous application and approval process I would like to formally congratulate Niue on becoming the newest addition to IDA’s International Dark Sky Places Program,” said Adam Dalton, International Dark Sky Places Program Manager, in the official announcement on the IDA website.

Like other islands that are ideal stargazing destinations, Niue is far from major land masses and continents and the light pollution that comes with them. Niue is over 1,700 miles from New Zealand, and it takes 3.5 hours to reach by plane from Auckland; flights are currently offered twice weekly.

“The people of Niue are understandably proud and delighted to receive such an important acknowledgment from the International Dark-Sky Association. To be the first whole country to become a dark sky nation is a massive accomplishment for a small Pacific nation with a population of just over 1,600,” says Felicity Bollen, CEO of Niue Tourism.

She adds, “The stars and night sky have a huge significance to the Niuean way of life, from a cultural, environmental and health perspective. Being a dark sky nation will help protect Niue’s night skies for future generations of Niueans and visitors to the country.”

Like other island nations throughout the Pacific Ocean, Niueans have a heritage of star navigation. The knowledge of the night skies, held by the elders in the community, has been passed down through the generations.

For those ready to book a trip to be among Niue’s first dark sky nation astrotourists, Bollen advises that “Visitors will be able to enjoy guided Astro-tours led by trained Niuean community members. They will witness the wonder of a night sky illuminated by thousands of stars.”

“Viewing sites which are currently used for whale-watching and accessing the sea are already established on the island. In addition, the dark interior provides spectacular views of the sky and the roads that cross the island make ideal viewing locations,” she continues.

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I specialize in covering space tourism and astrotourism experiences around the world – and above it. My first book, Dark Skies: A Practical Guide to Astrotourism, was

I specialize in covering space tourism and astrotourism experiences around the world – and above it. My first book, Dark Skies: A Practical Guide to Astrotourism, was published by Lonely Planet in September 2019, and I am the founder and main contributor for Space Tourism Guide. You can also find my stories in Lonely Planet, the San Francisco Chronicle, and my travel blog, Valerie & Valise.