Exoskeletons in Neurological Diseases–Current and Potential Future Applications

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An exoskeleton is a distinctive kind of robot to be worn as an overall, effectively supporting or, in some cases sub-stituting for, the user's own movements. The development of exoskeletons can lead to important changes in the rehabilitation of disabled people by introducing an alternative to wheelchairs. Exoskeletons can be an efficient tool in gait re-education and in the restoration of upper limb functions, and they can support therapists and caregivers in tasks that require major physical effort. The functionality of exoskeleton can easily be extended by a "disabled person integrated IT environment", described by authors. Exoskeletons can also be easily adapted to the needs of severely ill or aged people (Adv Clin Exp Med 2011, 20, 2, 227–233).
E M, D M
Exoskeletons in Neurological Diseases
– Current and Potential Future Applications
Egzoszkielety w terapii schorzeń neurologicznych
– zastosowania obecne i przyszłe
1 Rehabilitation Clinic, Military Clinical Hospital No. 10 and Polyclinic, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2 Division of Applied Informatics, Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics,
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
An exoskeleton is a distinctive kind of robot to be worn as an overall, effectively supporting or, in some cases sub-
stituting for, the user’s own movements. The development of exoskeletons can lead to important changes in the
rehabilitation of disabled people by introducing an alternative to wheelchairs. Exoskeletons can be an efficient tool
in gait re-education and in the restoration of upper limb functions, and they can support therapists and caregivers
in tasks that require major physical effort. The functionality of exoskeleton can easily be extended by a “disabled
person integrated IT environment”, described by authors. Exoskeletons can also be easily adapted to the needs of
severely ill or aged people (Adv Clin Exp Med 2011, 20, 2, 227–233).
Key words: neurological diseases, rehabilitation, robotics, exoskeleton, hospital care, home care.
Egzoszkielet to szczególny rodzaj robota zakładanego na użytkownika w formie kombinezonu skutecznie wspo-
magającego lub, w wybranych przypadkach, zastępującego jego ruch. Rozwój egzoszkieletów może doprowadzić
do zmian w rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych dzięki wprowadzeniu alternatywy dla wózków dla osób niepeł-
nosprawnych, wykorzystanie egzoszkieletów jako skutecznych narzędzi do reedukacji chodu i czynności kończyn
górnych oraz jako wsparcie terapeutów i opiekunów osób niepełnosprawnych, ciężko chorych i w podeszłym wieku
przy wykonywaniu czynności związanych ze znacznym wysiłkiem fizycznym. Funkcjonalność egzoszkieletu może
zostać zwiększona dzięki włączeniu go w przedstawione przez autorów „zintegrowane środowisko teleinformatycz-
ne osoby niepełnosprawnej”. Prezentowane rozwiązania mogą w łatwy sposób być przystosowane do potrzeb osób
ciężko chorych lub w podeszłym wieku (Adv Clin Exp Med 2011, 20, 2, 227–233).
Słowa kluczowe: choroby neurologiczne, rehabilitacja, robotyka, egzoszkielet, opieka szpitalna, opieka domowa.
Adv Clin Exp Med 2011, 20, 2, 227–233
ISSN 1230-025X
© Copyright by Wroclaw Medical University
An exoskeleton is a distinctive kind of ro-
bot to be worn as an overall or frame, effectively
supporting, or in some cases substituting for, the
user’s own movements [1–4]. The aim of this ar-
ticle is to discuss the possible use of exoskeletons
in the treatment of neurological diseases, including
neurorehabilitation. The authors have reviewed
publications in the PubMed database (Figure 1);
the keyword “exoskeleton” does not occur in the
MeSH database.
Exoskeletons are still at the early stages of
their development. They need detailed technical
and clinical research not only in the area of safety,
but also in terms of their influence on the human
body, biomechanics and mind. It seems that in the
future exoskeletons may become a form of therapy
in neurological diseases and neurorehabiltiation.
Exoskeletons can be divided into two catego-
ries: those for all four extremities (arms/legs) and
those for the lower extremities only.
Exoskeletons are controlled by the user’s
movements and do not need any external control
terminal (with the exception of a service terminal).
The main parts are: the frame; the power system,
including engines, actuators and batteries; and the
control system with sensors.
E. M, D. M
frequency of specified keywords
częstotliwość występowania
poszczególnych słów kluczowych
key words
słowa kluczowe
number of
(not useful
in the case)
exoskeleton +
exoskeleton +
disabled people
N. Jagn (USA)
patents an
"apparatus for
running and
19th century 20th century 21st century
R. Heinlein
(USA) writes
the novel
Troopers, which
GE Research
(USA) produces
the first
J. Dick of
Applied Motion
Inc. (USA)
patents the
Body Amplifier
The Defense
Projects Agency
(USA) develops
including XOS,
HULC and
The Defense
Projects Agency
(USA) develops
version of XOS
since 2000:
HAL5, Re
Walk, WPAS
and RoboKnee
researched in
USA, Japan,
Great Britain,
Germany Italy
and elsewhere
Fig. 1. Results of investigation of the PubMed
database (U.S. National Library of Medicine) [5]
Ryc. 1. Wyniki przeszukiwania bazy danych
PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine) [5]
Fig. 2. Milestones in the history of exoskeletons
Ryc. 2. Kamienie milowe w historii egzoszkieletów
medical military multipurpose
HAL5, Y. Sankai,
University of Tsukuba
and Cybercyne Inc.,
ReWalk B1 and B2, Argo
Medical Technologies,
WPAS (Wearable
Power Assist Suit)
K. Yamamoto,
Kanagawa Institute of
Technology, Japan
RoboKnee, B.T.
Krupp, C.J.
Corporation, USA
BLEEX 2, H. Kazerooni,
University of California,
ExoCarrier, Berkeley
Bionics, USA
ExoClimber, Berkeley
Bionics, USA
XOS Exoskeleton,
Sarcos Research
Corporation and
Raytheon, USA
HULC (Human
Universal Load
Carrier), Lockheed
Martin and Berkeley
Bionics, USA
Fig. 3. The main current exoskeletons
Ryc. 3. Najważniejsze współczesne egzoszkielety
Exoskeletons in Neurological Diseases 229
Generally, the main features that are impor-
tant for exoskeleton users are: the means and level
of support; the ways the device is controlled and
how the user conveys intentions: EEG, electromy-
ography (EMG), angle sensors, pressure sensors,
etc.; the weight; limitations due to the user’s height
and length of limbs; the time and effort needed
for fitting and pre-setting the exoskeleton before
its first use; convenience and comfort in all-day
use; the time needed to recharge batteries; in some
cases, the possibility of folding and transporting
ready-to-use (programmed) exoskeleton; the exo-
skeleton’s self-diagnostic capabilities; compatibility
with local intelligent systems (smart home, i-wear,
Ambient Intelligence, etc.) at home, at work, in
the hospital, etc.; trends in the development of
exoskeletons, including their integration into dis-
abled people’s wider environments, including the
need for sufficient levels of home care and therapy,
telerehabilitation and distant supervision (distant
measurement of parameters, alerts, etc.).
Further technical developments are needed to
solve current limitations and problems with exo-
skeletons: longer-lasting power batteries; lighter
and stronger materials for the frame; more powerful
actuators; more sophisticated control systems, such
as EEG instead of EMG, advanced neuroprostheses
and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), more effi-
cient processes of fitting and customizing.
Support for User Intent
in Exoskeletons
Information for the exoskeleton control sys-
tem can usually be provided by several sets of sen-
sors: EMG sensors or sensors of other bioelectric
activity attached to skin; angle sensors, pressure
sensors, gyroscopes, accelerometers, etc., attached
to the frame of the exoskeleton: in the future, EEG
sensors, pulse rate sensors, etc., attached to the
skin or implanted. Additionally, the power system
provides information about the working load in
each part of the exoskeleton and about the power
reserve. Generally, the procedure of assisting the
user with an intended movement is as follows:
1) analysis of the current situation: posture, limb
positions, etc., based on signals collected from
EMG or other sensors (muscle contraction, etc.);
2) when the user attempts to move: the exoskel-
eton control system analyzes the sensor signals and
determines the user’s intended movement; 3) the
control system selects a pre-programmed move-
ment pattern, adjusts it to the user’s current po-
sition and supports the movement with actuators
using the appropriate force; 4) after completing the
movement, the control system analyzes the new
situation – posture, limb positions, etc. – assessing
and preparing for the user’s next possible move-
ments [7–9].
This algorithm also includes balance control
(necessary for fall protection) [10] and co-ordina-
tion of several movements at the same time. An
exoskeleton can have two or more control systems
working together, e.g. the HAL5 exoskeleton with
Fig. 4. Examples of medical exoskel-
etons: a) HAL5 – version for four
extremities [1], b) ReWalk
Ryc. 4. Przykłady egzoszkieletów
medycznych: a) HAL5 – wersja
czterokończynowa [1], b) ReWalk
E. M, D. M
two control systems: Cybernic Voluntary Con-
trol, based on bio-electric signals observed on the
surface of the skin, and the Robotic Autonomous
Control System, based on a database of elementary
movements, allowing for exoskeleton movements
despite poor bio-electric signals from the user.
For patients with hemiparesis, it is important
to provide more support for the affected side. For
safety reasons it is necessary for the exoskeleton to
work properly even in emergency situations, e.g.
when the sensors unexpected malfunction. Also,
an exoskeleton being worn by user must not col-
lapse even if the battery is low. An easy-to-operate
emergency switch-off systems for disable people
(e.g. a puff/sip switch) is also necessary.
Medical Uses
of Exoskeletons
Generally an exoskeleton is a technical tool
that expands and improves selected abilities of the
user. From a medical point of view, it can serve as a
multi-purpose medical device: as an alternative to
wheelchairs (both powered and manual), provid-
ing mobility and increasing patients’ possibilities,
especially in climbing stairs. Using an exoskeleton
is closer to natural human mobility than using a
wheelchair; as an efficient supplementary tool in
gait re-education and as an option in restoring
upper-limb functions. Exoskeletons are perceived
as probably more effective than the traditional as-
sistance and support of therapists and rehabilita-
tive devices (e.g. rehabilitative robots) [13–15]; to
support therapists and caregivers in tasks requir-
ing major physical effort, e.g. patient transfer; as a
tool for gaining a better understanding of human
body posture and movement.
Because of this wide range of possibilities it
is important to develop medical exoskeletons, de-
signed for use in the therapy of patients with CNS
diseases, stroke or spinal cord injury (SCI). In this
kind of therapy exoskeletons can provide: all-day
supported mobility, with a full range of motions
and proper movement patterns; the possibility of
training in (or re-learning of) all functional activi-
ties: lying, sitting, standing, walking, transfer, stair
climbing, ascending/descending slopes and activi-
Exoskeletons and
walking assistive
devices as an
to wheelchairs
wheelchair with
GPS, mobile phone,
with intelligent
i-wear, bedside
robots, nursing
systems (artificial
agents) and other
e-learningCar with
assistive devices
Computers for
disabled people with
assistive devices
Fig. 5. Exoskeletons within
the concept of disabled
people’s integrated IT
environment [6]
Ryc. 5. Miejsce egzo-
szkieletu w ramach
koncepcji zintegrowane-
go środowiska osoby
niepełnosprawnej [6]
Exoskeletons in Neurological Diseases 231
ties of daily living (ADLs) in a way similar to nor-
mal life (some exoskeletons even permit the users
to drive cars); efficient support for weak patients,
improving their muscle strength, bone density,
cardiovascular system and endurance, to prepare
them for normal functioning; the possibility of
nearly-natural all-day functioning, with posture
and movements that are better for the digestive,
respiratory and urinary systems; a reduction in the
energy expenditure required for exercises [16–18].
Because exoskeletons are multi-purpose ro-
bots their wide implementation could decrease
the number of rehabilitation tools needed, and
the total cost of rehablitation. Generally, the use
of exoskeletons can: increase the possibilities and
effectiveness of rehabilitation, especially neurore-
habilitation, through intensive all-day functional
therapy during normal life activities; increase the
accessibility of rehabilitation, including home re-
habilitation and home care; increase the user’s
safety (fall protection); save money and time, de-
creasing the average hospital stay and the number
of therapists needed per patient (especially in gait
re-education); stimulate developments in other
branches, e.g. geriatric therapy and care.
These developments require additional clinical
research following the Evidence-Based Medicine
paradigm, to provide standards and guidelines for
prescribing, selecting and fitting the exoskeleton
and conducting the therapy; for effectivity assess-
ment, safety and troubleshooting; for the training
of medical staff, especially physiotherapists; and for
the training of users and carers. Clinical research on
the medical exoskeleton HAL5 (Hybrid Assistive
Limb 5) is being conducted at Danderyds Hospital
in Sweden and Odense Universitetshospital in Den-
mark; and on the exoskeleton ReWalk at the Chaim
Sheba Medical Center Neurological Rehabilitation
Department (Israel), and at the MassRehab Massa-
chusetts Rehabilitation Commission (USA).
The Prospects
for Clinical Use
The clinical use of exoskeletons requires the
co-operation of a whole multidisciplinary team,
including biomedical engineers. It calls for careful
preparation, and could consist of the stages de-
scribed below.
1) Patient preparation:
– explaining the procedures to the patient;
– assessment of the patient’s health status (in-
cluding secondary health problems, indications
and contraindications);
– functional diagnosis: what the patient can
do, hidden potentials, deficits and limitations;
– anthropometric measurements;
– clinical gait analysis;
other movement analysis: upper limbs and
spine evaluation;
– assessment of the patient’s way of life and
– discussion of the preferences, goals and mo-
tivation of the patient and caregivers (e.g. in the
area of home rehabilitation);
– assessment of the patient’s possibilities for
controlling the exoskeleton (cognitive and func-
tional deficits, limitations and weaknesses);
choice of exoskeleton type and features (di-
mensions, ranges of adjustment, modes of support
and control, etc).
It is important to emphasize the fact that an
exoskelton works with the user, so the user must
be able to control the exoskeleton properly. Using
the exoskeleton should help the patient to achieve
therapeutic goals, functional independence and an
improved quality of life more efficiently than tra-
ditional therapy.
2) Exoskeleton fitting and set-up:
– matching the exoskeleton features to the pa-
tient’s current health status and anthropometric
implementing patterns of the patient’s pos-
ture (lying, sitting, standing, etc.), transfer (sitting
to standing, etc.), gait and other activities such as
stair climbing, ascending/descending a slope and
– adjusting the level of exoskeletal support and
the exoskeleton control modes;
– trials with the patient and fine-tuning adjust-
Exoskeletons need to be comfortable, conve-
nient and functional for all-day use, and allow the
user to move in the most natural way possible.
3) Clinical trials with the patient:
training with the patient and caregivers, in-
cluding emergency situations;
– assessment of the effectiveness of the thera-
py, including the influence of other rehabilitation
methods used at the same time;
assessment of functioning, comfort and
convenience, and of the patient’s adaptation to
human-robot interaction;
– analysis and implementation of conclusions
in both the exoskeleton technology and the way
the therapy is conducted.
At present, stages 1–3 can last up to several
months. There is a clear need to reduce this time
span by introducing standards and clinical guide-
4) Normal clinical use:
– therapy with the patient (including the fam-
ily and caregivers if necessary);
E. M, D. M
– assessment of the goals and results of the
therapy, including the patient’s preferences;
– implementation of the conclusions;
if necessary, establishing a program of nor-
mal home use.
The use of an exoskeleton during acute rehabil-
itation and hospitalization is a only a supplement
to other forms of therapy, such as physiotherapy,
kinesitherapy and pharmacotherapy, However, if
a patient needs only exoskeleton therapy (e.g. in
gait re-education), this can be provided on an out-
patient basis or at home. Additional studies are
needed to establish standards and guidelines for
the safe and effective use of exoskeletons in home
rehabilitation programs under the regular over-
sight of a therapist.
5) Normal home use and rehabilitation (op-
– normal all-day home use of the exoskeleton,
including therapy (from simple exercises to telere-
– ongoing assessment of the patient’s health
status and functional abilities, including secondary
changes such as pressure ulcers;
– continued assessment of the goals and re-
sults of the therapy;
ongoing assessment of the technical condi-
tion of the exoskeleton;
– analysis and implementation of conclusions.
It is important to emphasize that in a sig-
nificant percentage of patients it may be possible
to abandon the exoskeleton after therapy and to
live normally without it, and the therapy should
be conducted in a manner that takes this into ac-
All of the procedures proposed above call for
more clinical research and detailed guidelines.
Exoskeletons can significantly change the
model of therapy in neurological diseases and the
lives of disabled people, improving their quality of
life and their chances for independence, education,
work and entertainment. The further development
of control systems, especially neuroprostheses and
brain-computer interfaces, can significantly im-
prove access to this form of therapy for people
with severe deficits. Broadening the medical uses
of exoskeletons can stimulate development of oth-
er branches such as geriatric therapy and care.
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Exoskeletons in Neurological Diseases 233
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Address for correspondence:
Emilia Mikołajewska
Rehabilitation Clinic
Military Clinical Hospital No. 10 and Polyclinic
Powstańców Warszawy 5
85-681 Bydgoszcz, Poland
E-mail: e.mikolajewska@wp.pl
Conflict of interest: None declared
Received: 3.12.2010
Revised: 11.02.2011
Accepted: 24.03.2011
  • ... An exoskeleton is a wearable robot which is basically designed to support and protect its user from physical damaging tasks by generating appropriate assistive force(s) and torque(s) [1]. Study and investigation of exoskeleton robots have been initiated since 1890 [2]. Moreover, exoskeleton applications can be found in several industries domains such as military, medicine and rehabilitation [3]. ...
  • ... Particular attention is focused on new solutions (e.g. neuroprostheses) people with paralysis, people with communication disorders and ampu- tees for communication and control purposes [16,17]. ...
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    The development tendencies and sport progress in the area of tennis are particularly noticeable in the growth of complexity and the precision of elements of the game comprising tactical formations. In the last ten years time, speed and force of the game have risen significantly thanks to the better usage of technical and tactical abilities, as well as the comprehensive physical preparation of tennis players. Match actions are becoming faster and more dynamic thanks to the preferable offensive and aggressive style of playing. It is beyond doubt that the level of the players’ physical preparation has the fundamental role here. The aim of the research was to define the changes in special fitness of young female tennis players in a three-year training cycle. The research was conducted in the period of 2008–2010 and it concerned a group of girls aged 8–10 who played tennis in UKS “Return” Łomża. In order to evaluate fitness, nine tests have been used and all of them reflect the level of fitness. The results of the research have shown that there is a significant difference in the level of fitness. What is more, the analysis shows that there is a statistically important relation between the results of the tests and the position in the tournament classification.
  • Conference Paper
    While exoskeletons for paraplegic users are used nowadays only in laboratory environments for therapy, their use in less orderly environments or for climbing stairs is still troublesome for operators. One of the factors is the high step length variance. In this paper, the analysis of the influence of exoskeleton parameters calibration inaccuracies on the sagittal step length error in regard to the different dimensions and programmed step lengths is performed on CIE Exoskeleton kinematic model. Results show that the exoskeleton parameters calibration inaccuracies have a significant influence on the step length error. The exoskeleton segments lengths, have to be measured with at least millimeter accuracy, and special care is advised in case of the rigidity of the back segment of the exoskeleton.
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    Legged robots represent the bio-inspired family of robotic devices which has to perform the most complex dynamic tasks. It is essential for them to walk in unstructured terrains, carry heavy loads, climb hills and run up to a certain speed. A complete understanding of these performances and their optimization should involve both the control and the mechanics which has been ignored by robotic researchers for years. The solution we propose is a tradeoff between control and mechanics based on the Virtual Prototype Design Method. We build a simplified numerical model of a quadruped leg based on a hierarchial architecture. The proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical solution and the physical results coming from an extended campaign of experimental tests.
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    The exoskeleton-type system is a brand new type of man—machine intelligent system. It fully combines human intelligence and machine power so that machine intelligence and human operator's power are both enhanced. Therefore, it achieves a high-level performance that neither could separately. This paper describes the basic exoskeleton concepts from biological system to man—machine intelligent systems. It is followed by an overview of the development history of exoskeleton-type systems and their two main applications in teleoperation and human power augmentation. Besides the key technologies in exoskeleton-type systems, the research is presented from several viewpoints of the biomechanical design, system structure modelling, cooperation and function allocation, control strategy, and safety evaluation.
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    Wheelchairs are basic equipment for many disabled people, providing them with independent mobility - usually their primary means of mobility. The purpose of this paper is to appraise them from the common point of view of physical therapists and biomedical engineers working on the development of wheelchairs. The paper expands on the concept of "the disabled person's integrated environment" and, as a part of it, "the disabled person's integrated IT environment". The premise is that this will improve physical therapists' understanding of wheelchair development, and enhance their ability to improve their patients' quality of life and functional possibilities.
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    In this paper, we present a method to calculate the intended motion of joints in the human body by analysing EMG signals. Those signals are emitted by the muscles attached to the adjoining bones during their activation. With the resulting intended motion, a leg orthosis can be controlled in realtime to support disabled people while walking or climbing stairs and help patients suffering from the effects of a stroke in their rehabilitation efforts. To allow a variety of different motions, a human body model with physical properties is developed and synchronized with data recorded from the pose sensors. Computing the intended motion is performed by converting calibrated EMG signals to muscle forces which animate the model. The algorithm was evaluated with experiments showing the calculated intended motion while climbing one step of a stair. The algorithm and the experimental results are both shown.
  • Conference Paper
    This paper proposes a standing-up motion support system for complete paraplegic patients who cannot stand up by himself/herself due to a spinal cord injury. The standing-up motion is the first step for us to move somewhere inside and outside in our daily life. Therefore, the standing-up motion support is indispensable for patients to promote his/her independent life. The proposed support system using an exoskeletal assistive system ldquoRobot Suit HALrdquo supports the wearer's weight during his/her standing-up motion so that he/she can stand up without any physical efforts. Besides, the support system controls the patient's posture for his/her stability to avoid falling down during the standing-up motion. The system also estimates his/her intention to stand up based on a preliminary motion of his/her upper body. The patient therefore starts the standing-up without any operations, just by bending his/her upper body forward as the preliminary motion. First, the system performance with respect to the weight-bearing and the balance control was confirmed through the experiment, by supporting a mannequin's standing-up. Then, the proposed system including the intention estimation algorithm was provided for a complete paraplegic patient in order to verify the performance of the total system. In consequence, we confirmed that the proposed system safely supported his standing-up according to his intention.
  • Conference Paper
    This paper introduces a cooperative control algorithm that designs a stable biped walk satisfying a wearer's intention relating to his/her walk such as a timings to start and stop walking, walking speed and waking direction. Using this algorithm an exoskeletal walking support system could help a paraplegia patient walking comfortablly. At first, a pair of gloves with several DOFs is developed to convey a wearer's intention to the walking support system. He/she swings both his/her index fingers as to simulate foot motions of his/her walking. The amplitude and period of the swing corresponds to a step length and period of the walk, respectively. Pronation/supination of the wrist joint of his/her right arm corresponds to a walk direction. The cooperative control algorithm based on a cart-table model designs trajectories of each joint for stable walking pattern that satisfies the intention expressed by the wearer's hand motion and then the designed walking pattern is executed in realtime by the walking support system. As the first trial, a small humanoid robot ¿HRP-2m¿ is used for safety as a control target that will be a combination of a wearer and the walking support system in the final situation. Through some experiments we confirm that our proposed algorithm enables the humanoid robot to start and stop stable walk with variable step length in the desired walking direction according to operator's intentions.
  • Conference Paper
    This paper introduces a cooperative control algorithm that designs a stable biped walk satisfying a wearer's intention relating to his/her walk such as a timings to start and stop walking, walking speed and waking direction. Using this algorithm an exoskeletal walking support system could help a paraplegia patient walking comfortablly. At first, a pair of gloves with several DOFs is developed to convey a wearer's intention to the walking support system. He/she swings both his/her index fingers as to simulate foot motions of his/her walking. The amplitude and period of the swing corresponds to a step length and period of the walk, respectively. Pronation/supination of the wrist joint of his/her right arm corresponds to a walk direction. The cooperative control algorithm based on a cart-table model designs trajectories of each joint for stable walking pattern that satisfies the intention expressed by the wearer's hand motion and then the designed walking pattern is executed in realtime by the walking support system. As the first trial, a small humanoid robot "HRP-2m" is used for safety as a control target that will be a combination of a wearer and the walking support system in the final situation. Through some experiments we confirm that our proposed algorithm enables the humanoid robot to start and stop stable walk with variable step length in the desired walking direction according to operator's intentions.
  • Thesis
    In dieser Arbeit wird ein Steuerungssystem für Exoskelette vorgestellt, das elektrische Signale von Muskeln als zentrales Kommunikationsmittel zwischen dem menschlichen Benutzer und dem Exoskelett verwendet. Diese Signale werden auf der Hautoberfläche oberhalb ausgewählter Muskeln aufgezeichnet und spiegeln die Aktivierung der Muskeln wider. Sie werden durch ein ausgeklügeltes, aber vereinfachtes biomechanisches Modell des menschlichen Körpers ausgewertet, um die gewünschte Handlung des Benutzers abzuleiten. Eine Unterstützungsbewegung für diese gewünschte Handlung wird berechnet und durch das Exoskelett ausgeführt. Das biomechanische Modell vereint Ergebnisse von verschiedenen Forschergruppen aus der Biomechanik und Biomedizin und wendet dabei einige für die betrachtete Anwendung sinnvolle Vereinfachungen an. Es beinhaltet dabei Parameter, die bestimmte Eigenschaften des menschlichen Benutzers und dessen Zustand beschreiben. Für diese Parameter wird ein Kalibrationsverfahren vorgestellt, das sich lediglich auf am Exoskelett befindliche Sensoren stützt. Es bietet außerdem noch einen tiefen Einblick in die Funktionsweise des Modells. Ein Exoskelett zur Unterstützung der Kniebewegung wurde entworfen und aufgebaut, um das neu entwickelte Modell zu validieren und die Interaktion zwischen dem Menschen und dem Exoskelett während alltäglicher Bewegungen mit Kraftunterstützung zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen werden ebenfalls präsentiert.
  • Article
    This paper proposes an algorithm to estimate human intentions related to walking in order to comfortably and safely support a paraplegia patient's walk. Robot Suit HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) has been developed for enhancement of a healthy person's activities and for support of a physically challenged person's daily life. The assisting method based on bioelectrical signals such as myoelectricity successfully supports a healthy person's walking. These bioelectrical signals, however, cannot be measured properly from a paraplegia patient. Therefore another interface that can estimate a patient's intentions without any manual controller is desired for robot control since a manual controller deprives a patient of his/her hand freedom. Estimation of a patient's intentions contributes to providing not only comfortable support but also safe support, because any inconformity between the robot suit motion and the patient motion results in his/her stumbling or falling. The proposed algorithm estimates a patient's intentions from a floor reaction force (FRF) reflecting a patient's weight shift during walking and standing. The effectiveness of this algorithm is investigated through experiments on a paraplegia patient who has a sensory paralysis on both legs, especially his left leg. We show that HAL supports the patient's walk properly, estimating his intentions based on the FRF, while he keeps his own balance by himself.
  • Conference Paper
    This paper proposes an algorithm to estimate human intentions during walking. Not only walk start or stop but walking cycle is considered as the intentions in this paper. The algorithm is embedded into a walking support system, a wearable robot "Robot Suit HAL-3", for paraplegia patients. The estimation of patients' intentions is indispensable for effective and comfortable motion support, but the biological signals such as myoelectricity which is used for the support by HAL-3 cannot be measured properly. The proposed algorithm, therefore, estimates patients' intentions from other channels such as a floor reaction force and a body posture. The effectiveness of this algorithm is investigated through experiments with two types of patients. One has a sensory paralysis on both legs, especially a left leg has severe trouble. The other has troubles in sensory and motor ability on both legs. We show HAL-3 supports patients' walk comfortably, estimating patient intentions.
  • Article
    In the nearly six decades since researchers began to explore methods of creating them, exoskeletons have progressed from the stuff of science fiction to nearly commercialized products. While there are still many challenges associated with exoskeleton development that have yet to be perfected, the advances in the field have been enormous. In this paper, we review the history and discuss the state-of-the-art of lower limb exoskeletons and active orthoses. We provide a design overview of hardware, actuation, sensory, and control systems for most of the devices that have been described in the literature, and end with a discussion of the major advances that have been made and hurdles yet to be overcome.