Genentech’s Levinson replaces Steve Jobs as Apple chairman | Ars Technica

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Genentech’s Levinson replaces Steve Jobs as Apple chairman

Apple has named Genetech chairman Arthur Levinson as Steve Jobs' replacement …

Genentech's Levinson replaces Steve Jobs as Apple chairman

Apple announced on Tuesday that it has named long-time board member Arthur D. Levinson as a non-executive Chairman of the Board. Levinson, who has served on Apple's board since 2000, most recently served as its co-lead director along with Avon CEO Andrea Jung. The company also announced that Disney CEO Robert Iger will also join Apple's board, and will serve with Levinson on the audit committee.

Levinson is a former CEO and research scientist at Genentech, and also serves as its board chairman. He has a long list of board memberships within the biomedical community, including Roche, Amyris, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics.

"Art has made enormous contributions to Apple since he joined the board in 2000," Apple CEO and board member Tim Cook said in a statement. "He has been our longest serving co-lead director, and his insight and leadership are incredibly valuable to Apple, our employees and our shareholders."

As Levinson steps up to replace the late Steve Jobs, former Jobs colleague Bob Iger is joining Apple's board to round out its membership. Iger, as president and CEO of the Walt Disney Company, oversaw the acquisition of Jobs' award-winning animation studio Pixar, which made Jobs a Disney board member.

Iger also has an impressive list of board memberships outside of Disney, including serving on boards for National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the US-China Business Council, and President Obama's Export Council.

"We think [Bob] is going to make an extraordinary addition to our already very strong board,” Cook said. "His strategic vision for Disney is based on three fundamentals: generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and utilizing the latest technology, and expanding into new markets around the world—which makes him a great fit for Apple."

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