NPR exec: tea party is ‘scary,’ ‘racist’ - On Media -

NPR exec: tea party is ‘scary,’ ‘racist’ - On Media: NPR exec: tea party is ‘scary,’ ‘racist’

March 08, 2011

NPR exec: tea party is ‘scary,’ ‘racist’

James O’Keefe, master of the video sting, targets NPR this time, in a pretty damaging interview with Ron Schiller, NPR’s senior vice president for development, and Betsy Liley, senior director of institutional giving.

O’Keefe’s compatriots, Shaughn Adeleye and Simon Templar, posed as members of a Muslim group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood that wants to give NPR $5 million in light of the recent Republican threats to defund public broadcasting.

In the course of a lunch at Café Milano, Schiller presents himself as a liberal who thinks the tea party is “scary” and that there are not enough Muslim voices on the American airwaves, nodding as his lunchmates say they are glad NPR allows Hamas's and Hezbollah's views to be heard.

He claims the Republican party has been “hijacked” by the tea party, and when one of his lunch partner’s suggests that they’re “radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people,” Schiller says, they’re “not just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

He also veers pretty wildly off the script that NPR CEO Vivian Schiller clung to during her address to the National Press Club Monday, saying “it is very clear that in the long run we would be better off without federal funding.” Vivian Schiller (no relation) was very careful to make the point Monday that while federal funding is only about 10 percent of NPR’s budget, it’s essential.

It was announced yesterday that Ron Schiller is leaving NPR to take a job at the Aspen Institute.

He came to NPR from the world of university fundraising and became NPR’s top fundraising official in late 2009, not long before discussions began for the $1.8 million gift from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations that, along with the Juan Williams firing, helped make NPR such a potent political target for Republicans.

I've reached out to NPR for comment and will update when I hear back.

UPDATE: NPR media reporter David Folkenflik tweets NPR's comment: "We are appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for."

UPDATE: The full NPR statement from Dana Davis Rehm, senior vice president of Marketing, Communications & External Relations:

“The fraudulent organization represented in this video repeatedly pressed us to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept. We are appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for. Mr. Schiller announced last week that he is leaving NPR for another job.”

Reader Comments (177)

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  1. You would think at this point that people would get that video cameras are everywhere and you better be smart and careful before you speak in public places.

    Posted By: Dan | March 08, 2011 at 10:26 AM
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  2. Further NPR statement: "We are appalled that Ron Schiller got caught on tape saying what NPR's heads really believe. Being honest and admitting our Liberalism is contrary to what NPR stands for."

    Posted By: Laughing | March 08, 2011 at 10:45 AM
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  3. Just finished reading this at the Daily Caller and watched the video. Looks like NPR just verified what all the Republicans have been saying that they are just a liberal progressive mouth piece that takes MY tax money to operate. Time to cut the cord folks.

    Posted By: Dave | March 08, 2011 at 10:51 AM
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  4. Did they accept the check?

    Posted By: Did they accept the check? | March 08, 2011 at 10:56 AM
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  5. For Jim @ 10:41 I don't think you're looking at all. You've bought into the caricature of the Tea Party and not the reality. There was more violence and arrests at a single left-wing G-20 protest in Canada last year than there has been at the HUNDREDS of Tea Party rallies combined. Further, you follow the manufactured and unfair regard towards Tea Partiers without acknowledging the truly unhinged behavior displayed by the Unions in Madison. You want to know the difference? In Madison, the left trashed the Capitol building. Tea-Partiers showed up to clean the place after the angry protestors dispersed. Your projecting your own angry pathologies onto the Tea Party. Please stop.

    Posted By: JDW | March 08, 2011 at 10:56 AM
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  6. Did they accept the check?

    Posted By: Did they accept the check? | March 08, 2011 at 10:57 AM
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  7. Those who acuse others of being racist are usally racist themselves.This is one proven case.The left is it's own worst enemy.

    Posted By: Those who acuse others of being racist are usally racist themselves.This is one proven case.The left | March 08, 2011 at 10:58 AM
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  8. What would these going out of style parrots do without their pathetic racist rhetoric? They are an embarrassment.

    Posted By: your mama | March 08, 2011 at 10:58 AM
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  9. I'll tell you what' scary, Schiller!...along with what npr does with hard earned tax $.

    Posted By: frog8375 | March 08, 2011 at 11:05 AM
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  10. When the facts don't fit your template, always scream RAAAAACISSSSSM!

    Posted By: Loopy Left Strkes Again | March 08, 2011 at 11:06 AM
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  11. Just pointing out that this guy, Schiller, is not a journalist at NPR. He's a fund-raiser. He shouldn't shoot off his mouth, but he was at NPR only a little more than a year before taking another job, and is hardly the voice of the organization.

    Posted By: Reader | March 08, 2011 at 11:08 AM
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  12. So when a liberal fraudulently represents himself as a Koch brother, it is excellent journalism; but when someone poses as part of a group with Muslim ties, it is fraud. The hypocrisy form the left is sickening.

    Posted By: MikeRight | March 08, 2011 at 11:10 AM
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  13. Once again a liberal showing the world that liberalism is a mental disorder.

    Posted By: Toxic Avenger | March 08, 2011 at 11:13 AM
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  14. If this video doesn't seal the deal for ending NPR funding, nothing will. I am so sick of progressive holier than thou talk and then watch the liberal slime in full view. Hypocrites.

    Posted By: Estaban | March 08, 2011 at 11:14 AM
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  15. Sounds like what happens at a lot of fundraising meetings in the world: Cater to the views of the potential donor. I'm glad NPR didn't take the check. By the way, I think these stings are great. I'm on the left, but this kind of stuff needs to be sussed out - for everyone. And the right will have their turn again. I'm sure we'll see more candid racism, for example, from the TeaParty. Not that the signs aren't candid enough.

    Posted By: Geoz | March 08, 2011 at 11:16 AM
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  16. "They are the "worst and dumbest" of an American citizenry which has been dumbed down for decades. They are entitled to their opinions, of course, but should not be entrusted with powers of government." Funny, JTSpangler, but I have the EXACT SAME views of liberals.

    Posted By: "They are the "worst and dumbest" of an American citizenry which has been dumbed down for decades. T | March 08, 2011 at 11:20 AM
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  17. NPR is the Best source of truth and knowledge in this country. They don't push propaganda of any political base. Those who want power at the expense of the truth, will always attack NPR. However NPR is a human entity, and humans will make mistakes.

    Posted By: John | March 08, 2011 at 11:20 AM
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  18. Schiller's ties to Leftist billionaire and convicted fraudster George Soros, via the Soros-funded Aspen Institute, are there for all to see. Even Politico "journalists."

    Posted By: Laughing at the media | March 08, 2011 at 11:23 AM
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  19. Just defund them already. We've known their left leaning ideologies for a long time. Just stop giving them my hard earned tax dollars.

    Posted By: Illinoisian | March 08, 2011 at 11:24 AM
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  20. for JTSpangler: The point of the report was not whether tea party members have been "dumbed down for decades" (if true, thanks to the teacher union supported Democratic Party) The issue is whether tax payers should subsidize NPR and its slanted broadcasts. I'd take Schiller up and find out how well they do minus 10% of income.

    Posted By: wasigo | March 08, 2011 at 11:25 AM
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  21. So, what did Schiller say that was egregious?

    Posted By: Janie | March 08, 2011 at 11:25 AM
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  22. We're broke! We need to cut all obvious bad investments, which means it's time to cut National Propaganda Radio loose. And, Schiller said they would be better off without public funding. This one is a no-brainer.

    Posted By: Sheila | March 08, 2011 at 11:34 AM
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  23. This video is anti-semitic and O’Keefe is using his "under-cover" tactics to subliminally get across the media is somehow controlled by the "Zionists" and jews. O'Keefe thinks he is clever but we see right through him.

    Posted By: sam madino | March 08, 2011 at 11:36 AM
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  24. You notice when liberals throws the racist card, they are frustrated. The problems with them calling the tea party racist is a form of discrimination on their part. They should give up as I gave up on their socialistic show years ago.

    Posted By: Bluejack | March 08, 2011 at 11:36 AM
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  25. I listen to NPR and have contributed in the past. I'm also a conservative. NPR's journalism has become more and more liberal over the past several years. While listening, I find myself pointing out important facts that are omitted or glossed over and questions that are not asked of interviewees. Softball questions to liberals and leading questions to conservatives are now commonplace. The firing of Juan Williams was just one incident in a long string of problems in the NPR culture and point of view.

    Posted By: Neal5x5 | March 08, 2011 at 11:39 AM
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  26. NPR should be deep-sixed.A liberal piece of kaka.

    Posted By: petey | March 08, 2011 at 11:43 AM
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  27. In response to JTSpangler: Recent surveys have shown the average Tea Party supporter is better educated and has higher income than the median American. I am trying to reconcile that to your (apparently) uninformed caricature. Can you help?

    Posted By: JustTheFacts | March 08, 2011 at 11:44 AM
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  28. The tea party is not scary or racist. It's just a group of citizens politely and without prejudice protesting the radicalization of this country. The comment about "dumb" describing tea party supporters is a good example of prejudiced or "racist" rhetoric. I agree with the tea party, dumb engineer with a masters degree that I am, because I see a federal government that is over-reaching, overspending, and using tactics like the executive order or bureaucratic edicts to bypass the legislature. As for NPR, count the number of radio stations and TV channels available to all, and tell me how to justify any federal funded media when our deficit equals the GDP. NPC is nice at times, but nice is not good enough. End the taxpayer funding.

    Posted By: The tea party is not scary or racist. It's just a group of citizens politely and without prejudice p | March 08, 2011 at 11:46 AM
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  29. For those who say that Schiller was an anomaly at NPR, please note that Betsy Liley, current senior director of institutional giving, doesn't contradict Schiller's comments at all. She's a quiet accomplice to Schiller, but no less responsible and no less an example of the bias at the core of NPR leadership.

    Posted By: Neal5x5 | March 08, 2011 at 11:51 AM
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  30. BUSTED. The truth is out for all to see. Not another taxpayer dime to NPR.

    Posted By: Bugjackson | March 08, 2011 at 11:56 AM
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  31. Sure, let's cut funding for NPR because they have a liberal bias (the truth does have a liberal bias). Let's also cut tax exempt status for religious organizations that have a much more pronounced conservative bias - sound like a deal?

    Posted By: Jim | March 08, 2011 at 11:58 AM
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  32. What is the problem with any part of the conversation.

    Posted By: The Educated Poor | March 08, 2011 at 12:02 PM
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  33. I am pretty sure a great number of the Tea Party members are NPR and PBS supporters. I would image if this video and/or article gets wide distribution the contributions will start drying up. Only we can hope.

    Posted By: RetiredSarge | March 08, 2011 at 12:08 PM
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  34. The post incorrectly states that "It was announced yesterday that Ron Schiller is leaving NPR to take a job at the Aspen Institute," implying or at least leaving open the idea that the move was the result of this video. In fact, Schiller's exit from NPR preceded this eruption by several days. I'll look forward to Politico updating the post with the correct information. Aspen Institute announcement, from March 3:

    Posted By: Pete | March 08, 2011 at 12:11 PM
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  35. Schiller says in this video that NPR would be better off without federal funding. Have to say I agree with him on this.

    Posted By: Schiller says in this video that NPR would be better off without federal funding. Have to say I a | March 08, 2011 at 12:11 PM
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  36. The NPR is what is scary!!

    Posted By: Donna | March 08, 2011 at 12:14 PM
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  37. It is time some one told the truth as it is about the corporate funded fake Tea Party, which is nothing but extreme right wing GOP. GOP should be ashamed for trying to gut funding for NPR, which is the ONLY decent source of objective information on the radio.

    Posted By: John | March 08, 2011 at 12:18 PM
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  38. I'm guessing if they secretly taped a NASCAR fundraiser who also takes government money, you would get an equally entertaining description of the left.

    Posted By: I'm guessing if they secretly taped a NASCAR fundraiser who also takes government money, you would g | March 08, 2011 at 12:19 PM
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  39. Another reason to cut all funding to npr. This left-wing organization is ruining our country and tax payers should not be paying these loons to spew hate and lies!

    Posted By: Lola | March 08, 2011 at 12:20 PM
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  40. But they are Blanche, they are.

    Posted By: Alex | March 08, 2011 at 12:22 PM
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  41. Naturally the far white eats up stuff like this. However, when the Koch brother/Walker prank happens that's dirty pool. Typical far white hypocricy.

    Posted By: John Cuckt | March 08, 2011 at 12:24 PM
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  42. You have to love all these rabid liberals on here bashing the tea party without one shred of noted evidence in their comments while people with high level degrees agree with them. This is a sad sign of the times. You're racist, stupid, ignorant comments all remind me of the old saying, "One finger pointed at someone just means there are more pointing back at you."

    Posted By: Adam in KC | March 08, 2011 at 12:25 PM
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  43. So, what did Ron Schiller actually say that wasn't true? I am not surprised that NPR did not defend him even though the house want to cut funding to NPR-I suppose they still hold out hope that they'll get something. Thanks Ron Schiller for speaking the truth!

    Posted By: Nonis | March 08, 2011 at 12:26 PM
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  44. If NPR wants to spread hateful, biased, and bigoted propaganda, they can do it on their own dime. Time to strip Public Broadcasting of federal funds!!!

    Posted By: Tony | March 08, 2011 at 12:26 PM
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  45. I would love to see Joe leave MSNBC and let Mika take over. I think she has a lot more to offer than we see. Joe S is a foolish man and loves to hear his own voice. Mika allows the guests to talk,

    Posted By: Nonis | March 08, 2011 at 12:29 PM
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  46. He should have been FIRED! (like Juan Williams was). And those babes getting over 1 million $ per year running PBS, CPB, and NPR should be fired as well. They were all on the Diane Rheem a month or so ago, and what they had to say was a pathetic and ignorant defense of NPR and PBS. Do they ever listen to their own stuff? Most of their programming is marvelous! I have been listening to WGBH in Boston, and now local stations, since the 1950's. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry. But it's pretty easy to "sniff out" the Liberal bias, and I just choose to ignore it. There is much more GOOD than BAD there, in my view. But it's time to cut the Federal Teat and stand on their own. I can hardly watch network television anymore with all the commercials. PBS will have some, but look at the one for BNSF Railroad on the News Hour. Maybe the best commercial on TV, for Warren Buffet's railroad. How about someone doing the top jobs for $1 dollar per year, kind of like what Romney did for the 1992 Olympics to get them back on track? I think current leadership just loves the Washington Lobbying and schmoozing scene, and seems to have lost touch with the country. But their reporters have not. Fire the leadership and find someone who will take these jobs for $1 per year and get the leadership back on track.

    Posted By: bobsr | March 08, 2011 at 12:29 PM
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  47. I guess I am one of those so-called "racists" because I agree that NPR should be defunded and now! I read so many here calling the Tea Partiers racists and many can't even type English correctly. So, who are the uneducated? Some people would not recognize wrongdoing, bias, critical errors if they slapped them in the face. Anything goes and no one has a right to object. Well, I for one will keep up the good fight for our Constitution. Journalists need to wake up because if they follow in the steps of the main stream media much longer, nobody will watch, listen or read them. Wake up people, all that is going on in this country affects your rights as well as mine.

    Posted By: samsgrandmom | March 08, 2011 at 12:30 PM
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  48. far as i'm concerned, Schiller just called a spade a spade. we've all seen the racist, xenophobic signs at tea party every tea partier racist? no. Is there a contingent of racists amongst their ranks? you'd have to be willfully ignorant to see it any other way. It'd be nice to see NPR back him up and not distance themselves from his opinion. otherwise, they legitimize the contingent of the tea party that thinks it's ok to carry a sign with President Obama dressed as witch doctor and a bone through his nose to protest healthcare reform. Kudos to Schiller, I don't think he has a thing to apologize for.

    Posted By: dalvs413 | March 08, 2011 at 12:31 PM
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  49. So, they find no issue from taking money from an organization that is on more than a few terrorist watch groups? And these posers were stated that they are for Sharia Law in the USA and this tool found no issue with that? I would not only defund NPR, but I would want to see who else is giving this outfit money that may not have our nations best interests in mind. And then I would pull their license to broadcast. This reeks of treason to me.

    Posted By: MW33 | March 08, 2011 at 12:31 PM
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  50. James O'Keefe is a criminal and a liar. Why does this article start by saying he's a "master"? A real journalist would state the facts: that he is an amatuer who lost all credibility by falisifying his videos and was recently arrested for trespassing, and that he employs entrapment-style right wing hack type methods which only serve to degrade the political dialogue via manipulative editing. Simple. Everyone knows its true. Another things everone knows is true is that the Tea Party is filled with ignorance and racism. Boo Hoo-- NPR actually tells the truth about politics in this country instead of the Roger Ailes party line and so must be labelled "Liberalism" as if that was something bad instead of the core beliefs of this nation. Politico-- the hack's best friend.

    Posted By: salve_sons | March 08, 2011 at 12:31 PM
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  51. Have come I have not seen any republican-libertarian-conservative or tea partier, demand that we build a new highway, a new airport, that we create a new source of jobs. What are these people doing for the United States? During the last 10/11 years the loss of jobs due to republican policies are counted in the millions. They have taken the country in the direction of destruction, because that is their ultimate goal. Just keep having conservative mentatility and ideology to speed up the demise of the good old US of A.

    Posted By: RQ | March 08, 2011 at 12:33 PM
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  52. Also, it's pretty funny that NPR would call anyone racist when they fired their only black commentator without merit.

    Posted By: Tony | March 08, 2011 at 12:35 PM
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  53. Neal5x5 is right. Understanding up front that O'Keefe's work shouldn't be accepted at face value and needs to be checked backwards and forwards, the real scandal here is how mainstream Schiller's thoughts are among the circles he travels in. The real scandal is that beliefs that seem shocking to many people are common knowledge in the midtown/georgetown liberal media bubble. Schiller's attitudes are not particularly controversial at Cafe Milano. True, a good dose of brown nosing is always on the menu in a fundraising situation, and it's not at all uncommon for fundraisers to politely go along with the rantings of a potential donor in an effort to secure major donations. The problem here is how much Schiller voluntarily divulged. This was not a case of some donor going terrible twos about something, with the fundraiser staying quiet and giving an unenthusiastic grin. The conversation, again presuming O'Keefe preserved the true spirit of the discussion in his editing, comes across much more as two people who are totally in sync about their beliefs and are equally eager to give voice to it. The fact that Liley is just sitting there taking it all in can either be interpreted as her being uncomfortable but not wanting to rock the boat, or that she's entirely comfortable with the tenor of the conversation and doesn't see anything out of place about it. Either way, her conduct utterly fails the MLK Jr test, "We will have to repent not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but also the appalling silence of the good people".

    Posted By: vajent | March 08, 2011 at 12:38 PM
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  54. Hey remember that fake Koch bro call and you libs all had a good laugh? Well, fu

    Posted By: your neighbor, the tea partier | March 08, 2011 at 12:43 PM
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  55. About Ian Murphy, who tricked Walker in Wisconsin when pretending to be a Koch brother? Read this rant he wrote quaintly titled "**** the Troops": "So, 4000 rubes are dead. Cry me the Tigris. Another 30,000 have been seriously wounded. Boo f***ing hoo. They got what they asked for—and cool robotic limbs, too." The link for this is at Murphy's own site.****.the.troops.Ian.Murphy.html But, yeah, O'keefe is the despicable one. Yeah, right.

    Posted By: JDW | March 08, 2011 at 12:44 PM
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  56. So what do you call an organization that sleeps with George Soros?

    Posted By: Dave | March 08, 2011 at 12:45 PM
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  57. Just another reason not to believe the NPR management; just yesterday she said there was no bias; it's all perception. Time to cut funding and time to picket this Aspen Institue if they hire this vile human being.

    Posted By: Dean | March 08, 2011 at 12:48 PM
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  58. Ok. What's the controversy? It's not like the NPR exec isn't telling the truth. Why is the media so afraid to confront the realities of the tea party and its true agenda?

    Posted By: paul | March 08, 2011 at 12:49 PM
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  59. Fire the leadership and find someone who will take these jobs for $1 per year and get the leadership back on track. There. I just saved them 3 million dollars a year. Cut the Federal Teat and go back to doing what you have been doing well since the 1950's. We can sniff out the liberal bias pretty easily, but there is much more GOOD than BAD on any given day, and there is no one even a close second on the airwaves. But no one is perfect. Critical listening, thinking and criticism is the LISTENER'S JOB as well. Do you need to be reminded of what country we live in?

    Posted By: bobsr | March 08, 2011 at 12:50 PM
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  60. @ Susan - "The teabaggers are racist!!" What are you trying to say about the sexual proclivities of some homosexuals, and how exactly does that make them racist? Oh, you were just trying to be disgusting and insulting to tea PARTIERS. Your bigotry is showing, madam. From my own experience, those who scream "racism" the loudest, are usually the MOST racist of people. When you point the "guilty finger", remember the other 3 are pointing back at you.

    Posted By: EyesWideOpen | March 08, 2011 at 12:53 PM
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  61. O'Keefe has ZERO credibility. He's proven he plays fast and loose with the facts all the time in order to create a message of his choosing. If he told me it was sunny outside, I'd reach for an umbrella.

    Posted By: Kate L | March 08, 2011 at 12:54 PM
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    Posted By: FREEDOMFIGHTER | March 08, 2011 at 01:03 PM
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    Posted By: FREEDOMFIGHTER | March 08, 2011 at 01:03 PM
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  64. If NPR is such an un-biased credible organization, then they should be able to stand on their own without taxpayer funding. The truth is that they are afraid they will go the way of Air America without it.

    Posted By: SamAdams25 | March 08, 2011 at 01:05 PM
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  65. "He came to NPR ... not long before discussions began for the $1.8 million gift from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations ..." Anyone need any more of a reason to stop funding the anti-USA abomination known as NPR?

    Posted By: bubbabgone | March 08, 2011 at 01:06 PM
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  66. Mr. Schiller, Thank you so much for stating out loud what many in this country, including myself a highly educated minority, have noticed since Obama took office. If folks were to really look at what is best for their economic interests, they would fire every Republican in sight.

    Posted By: Perez | March 08, 2011 at 01:08 PM
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  67. Good for James O'Keefe.... Don't worry about the detractors, obamaphobia, jim, jt. etc. that's all they are. Sleight of hand artists whose sole purpose is to distract from the information contained within the video. Anybody have any doubt left as to National Public Radio being anything other than National Progressive Radio. And us poor "ignorant, racist, gun toting clods" being forced (through our tax dollars) to fund these "arrogant, intolerant, condescending morons". Who looks stupid now Mr. Schiller? Who looks stupid now NPR? How did such "intellectuals" make such stupid mistakes.

    Posted By: Sarpedon1 | March 08, 2011 at 01:08 PM
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  68. Silly, pathetic libtards. In their small, closed minds, they are intelligent.

    Posted By: Bigots are on the left. | March 08, 2011 at 01:19 PM
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  69. The day NPR goes belly-up will be a day to celebrate! Then these Marxist nerds might have to get a real job instead of sucking off the taxpayers and spewing propaganda!

    Posted By: Mike | March 08, 2011 at 01:19 PM
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  70. Leftists often use the Straw Man fallacy by reframing the opponents positions in terms of leftist dogma. The leftist only views the world through their imprinted narrative, nothing else registers with them. When a free citizen states publicly "I demand a fiscally solvent government", the leftist hears "I don't like people who look different than I do". When a free citizen cries "A government who disobeys its own chartering documents is an immoral government", the leftist hears "My skin color is different than yours, therefor your argument is invalid". The leftist is incapable of an intellectually honest discussion, they don't hear you. They only see and hear those bits and pieces of reality that fit The Narrative.

    Posted By: American Sharecropper | March 08, 2011 at 01:22 PM
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  71. What else would one expect sociopathic homosexual/bisexual projection to look like?

    Posted By: RJLigier | March 08, 2011 at 01:22 PM
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  72. So I just watched that whole video, and it seemed like they were having an intelligent conversation as NPR exec's trying to get some money. The guy took off his 'NPR hat' when he went on his republican spiel. I don't expect everyone at NPR to never have an opinion on anything, and I am not surprised that there are liberals that work their. I would also note that it appears he is not completely anti-Republican, rather he thinks the Republicans have gone in the wrong direction within their as they are being led by a certain part of their party-I'm sure many republicans would agree, especially if Huckabee got the nomination. I think there is a little hypocrisy with the Juan Williams, but I think I can see a distinction between comments that can truly offend a group of people because of there religion, as opposed to a comment on some news issue of the day. But again, I definitely see the hypocrisy. Throughout this video, the execs made it clear that though they and others may have opinions as persons, and donors may not agree with all coverage, the fact (in my opinion) remains that they are looked to as a source of info that provides multiple sides of an issue. And he didn't say that Jews ran the media, he said that there was Jewish owned newspapers, that have a pro-Israeli slant. If he is lying and doing this to be ugly, fine, but if he is just underscoring that NPR tries to prevent both sides of an issue, unlike other 'news' sources, that's another thing all together.

    Posted By: G | March 08, 2011 at 01:25 PM
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  73. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against islamofascism. But I have to say, if the islamofacists do eventually take over, it will be funny to watch them slit this m0r0n's throat while he begs them not to.

    Posted By: Islamofascism | March 08, 2011 at 01:41 PM
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  74. For JTSpangler: I am a self employed, jewish, conservative with an advanced degree who supports the tea party. So is my husband. I want to thank you for letting me know I am too dumb to understand the "complexities: of government and politics". And I thought I was doing so well. It is good that we can count on people like you to keep the rest of us idiots on the right track (or is that left). I guess I'll go sit on my front porch with my dog and chew some "tabacky" or maybe shoot some possums.

    Posted By: Denise | March 08, 2011 at 01:48 PM
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  75. Yup, no bias at NPR, just stating the facts as liberals define them.

    Posted By: Bill | March 08, 2011 at 01:48 PM
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  76. Weird how Politico CENSORS the part about Schiller calling the newspapers zionist because they are owned by Jews. What is the difference between Politico and NPR? Both deranged liberal gathering places. I wish the liberal would explain to me who their enemies are - is the ignorant, but oddly weathly, tea party republicans?

    Posted By: Karen | March 08, 2011 at 01:54 PM
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  77. "The Tea Party movement is appealing to archconservative folks with little education or understanding o f the complexities of politics and government. They are the "worst and dumbest" of an American citizenry which has been dumbed down for decades. They are entitled to their opinions, of course, but should not be entrusted with powers of government." Perhaps you should educate yourself as to the real nature of those who participate in Tea Party protests before spewing such unsubstantiated dreck. Your sancitmony is exceeded only by your ignorance.

    Posted By: gobnait | March 08, 2011 at 01:55 PM
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  78. The NPR is Scary and Racist. So are Democrats and Liberals. Extremely Racist and scary.

    Posted By: Apache | March 08, 2011 at 02:03 PM
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  79. "Ok. What's the controversy? It's not like the NPR exec isn't telling the truth. Why is the media so afraid to confront the realities of the tea party and its true agenda?" The realities of the Tea Party's agenda? Let me put it in terms that even a wild-eyed liberal can understand: its agenda is to see to it that your children have a country left to live in after progressives are done with it. It really is as simple as that.

    Posted By: gobnait | March 08, 2011 at 02:04 PM
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  80. All the more reason to de-fund this public boondoggle ...

    Posted By: BillStu | March 08, 2011 at 02:14 PM
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  81. Another "progressive" exposed as the ignorant, racist, bigoted, pseudo-elitist that he is. He makes Larry the Cable Guy look like a Rhodes scholar...

    Posted By: shweeet | March 08, 2011 at 02:17 PM
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  82. Schiller is exposed for the raw bigot that he is. Let the defunding begin!

    Posted By: Leftist bigot | March 08, 2011 at 02:20 PM
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  83. And yet, he was absolutely right even though not PC.

    Posted By: John | March 08, 2011 at 02:22 PM
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  84. MikeRight wrote: So when a liberal fraudulently represents himself as a Koch brother, it is excellent journalism; but when someone poses as part of a group with Muslim ties, it is fraud. The hypocrisy form the left is sickening. It is inaccurate to accuse everyone you disagree with as someone who would call the prank call to Gov. Walker as excellent journalism. Insightful, yes. So is the video that emerged this morning. Some of the differences being that Schiller was clearly non-commital when the O'Keefe associates tried to bait him with hateful and inaccurate information, unlike Gov. Walker. Futhermore the entire audio was released of the Walker conversation, not a manipulated segment as we've come to expect from O'Keefe and associates. Finally, regardless of whether I agree with everything that Schiller expresses or not, he spoke with integrity about the mission of the news profession, the work of O'Keefe being the exact opposite. It is not surprising that you are partisan toward O'Keefe - in fact, it speaks well for what Schiller recognizes as the ignorance and anti-intellectualism that has come to dominate the right in the U.S. Regrettable, but true.

    Posted By: crow | March 08, 2011 at 02:25 PM
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  85. Shiller says, "NPR would te better off without federal money". Then NPR shall have it! Shiller also says that the newspapers are controlled by jews. Two little gems from this interview.

    Posted By: tp517 | March 08, 2011 at 02:25 PM
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  86. what a hoot that it has to be a hidden camera to capture what this clown says daily to staffers at NPR. but since he is preaching to the choir, they just applaud! defund NPR and PBS immedialtely.

    Posted By: morphy | March 08, 2011 at 02:28 PM
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  87. The best part is that Schiller told the truth about the Tea Party - it's full of xenophobic, gun-toting, white racists.

    Posted By: RealKingMax | March 08, 2011 at 02:30 PM
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  88. The bigot Schiller is gone. Good riddance to another left-wing loon.

    Posted By: Bigot Schiller | March 08, 2011 at 02:32 PM
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  89. WOW, what a surprise, coming from the NPR, LOL!!

    Posted By: yamama | March 08, 2011 at 02:32 PM
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  90. Hmm... Mr. Spangler's unsubstantiated ranting stated, "...folks with little education or understanding of the complexities of politics and government." That is rather interesting because it sounds as if you are prejudging me. You do not know my educational background, nor my comprehension of (and participation in) the political system in America. Hell, you don't even know what color my eyes are! Prejudging is reserved for narrow-minded folks like yourself, so please save your ignorance for your own family members, Mr Spangler, and leave mine out of it. You also opined, "They are the 'worst and dumbest' of an American citizenry which has been dumbed down for decades." And, of course, you have the factual data to support your crazy assertion regarding the "dumbest of an American citizenry"? I'd love to see it. Otherwise, you would appear to look like a complete idiot. Finally, you said, "They are entitled to their opinions, of course, but should not be entrusted with powers of government." So I infer from your leftist leanings that anyone who holds an opinion contrary to yours should not participate in our government? That is rather odd, since our country was founded by brilliant people with differing opinions who could not even agree on how our Constitution should be framed, so they ended-up compromising, despite contradicting opinions. But, of course, the Constitution is probably not a part of your recent readings...

    Posted By: Big Mack | March 08, 2011 at 02:35 PM
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  91. About time someone spoke the truth on those teabaggers and the redubs that set them up as a political machine Aka..KOCH BROTHERS this is their political machine to run the goverment of the US and the supreme court rulings. I say koodos.

    Posted By: About time someone spoke the truth on those teabaggers and the redubs that set them up as a politica | March 08, 2011 at 02:35 PM
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  92. Tea Party presidential candidate, Herman Cain. What's his skin color Ron?

    Posted By: Charles | March 08, 2011 at 02:36 PM
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  93. Schiller proved what he is to all. The only people that should fear the Tea Party are those entrenched in one of the two political parties or living off the waste of government.

    Posted By: TD | March 08, 2011 at 02:39 PM
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  94. how about the lady, does she get fired? check this out:

    Posted By: In the Forest | March 08, 2011 at 02:41 PM
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  95. What did he say that was actually bad or incorrect? Most teabaggers are low brow, stupid, paranoid ignorant white people types, that is a fact. That is why Beck is so popular. So right wingers can spout their crackpot opinions all the time and that is okay but NPR people can't have an opinion?

    Posted By: Morrisminor | March 08, 2011 at 02:51 PM
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  96. I don't see why anyone would be surprised at what this effiet NPR PLM (Progressive Liberal Marxist) said. This is exactly what every single person top to bottom think of the tea party and in fact everyone in "flyover" country. This Dana Davis Rehm is, in the words of the last good Democrat Harry Truman, a dam lier. She agrees with every single word that came out of Schiller's mouth. Defund this abortion of an excuse for representing the "public". It does no such thing.

    Posted By: retsubcpo | March 08, 2011 at 03:02 PM
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  97. Nothing more than elitist posing as intellectuals while trying to make up for their low self esteem. If anyone thought Charlie Sheen had a big head they should try having lunch with these jackasses.

    Posted By: Dave K | March 08, 2011 at 03:02 PM
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  98. I'll go NPR one better...The Tea Party is simply a reincarnation of the John Birch Society. Listen to what the Tea Partiers say. It's exactly the same as the Birchers. I'm old enough to remember how scorned the Birchers were in the '50's and '60's. They seemed to have been successful in disguising. Now they're the Tea Party.

    Posted By: jojitsu | March 08, 2011 at 03:03 PM
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  99. He is a leftist. NPR is a leftist organization. A tiger can't change his stripes. Defund NPR. Soro, Hamas & Hezbollah can pick up the tab. Defund Hamas also!!!!!!!!!! Soro can pick up their tab also

    Posted By: Cid 83 | March 08, 2011 at 03:19 PM
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  100. Truth be told ..they are racist!

    Posted By: binki | March 08, 2011 at 03:28 PM
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  101. Actually the racists are the black folk that voted for Obama because he

    Posted By: Actually the racists are the black folk that voted for Obama because he | March 08, 2011 at 03:30 PM
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  102. Listened... OK, so wants the BIG DEAL, we all know what he said about the RIGHT-WING-NUTTY-T-BAGS is true. Gotta do better than this folks.

    Posted By: nan | March 08, 2011 at 03:40 PM
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  103. JTSpangler The sad part of Libs is they do really care, but emotion based positions are wrong when based on fraudulent assumptions.

    Posted By: Fred | March 08, 2011 at 03:41 PM
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  104. It's unsurprising to read the defense of NPR and the attacks on O'Keefe here from the usual suspects. O'Keefe is doing the job NPR won't do, which is simply reporting what happened. The video tape tells all. NPR's fundraisers are revealed as racist bigots, and the leftists who post here rush to their defense. It makes sense, of course, since they share the same disdain for the truth, and the same brutish contempt for anyone who dares to disagree with them. Defund NPR now!

    Posted By: NPR lies... | March 08, 2011 at 03:42 PM
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  105. The tea baggers are scary and racist. This is a non-story.

    Posted By: James | March 08, 2011 at 03:42 PM
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  106. You guys did hear him say he's taking off his NPR hat and giving personal opinion. And so yeah he's a bit of a liberal snob, BUT, the recent tea party/republican movement maybe isn't racist, but is certainly anti-intellectual. Every conservative person i've debated with on Politico never has their facts straight about the founding of this country and what the founding fathers actually said of religion, etc. so yes, that's a little scary...

    Posted By: curiosity is american | March 08, 2011 at 03:51 PM
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  107. Yet another reason why NPR should lose ALL federal funding. I have no say in what NPR broadcasts. It is appalling that NPR should take taxpayer funds pay this jerk's salary and to broadcast lies from terrorist organizations and slander middle class American citizens who happen to disagree with NPR socialist management. I am glad Mr Schiller is leaving if he is under the mistaken belief that Republicans are racist, Islamophobic and gun toting. Perhaps if he had bothered to watch the Tea Party rally on something other than CNN,MSNC, or the national media he would have learned otherwise..

    Posted By: OATHKEEPER2010 | March 08, 2011 at 04:01 PM
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  108. Strange, the Tea Party was cofounded by a black man. In the last election, the Tea Party supported two black candidates who are at this very moment sitting on the Hill and doing a damn fine job. Not to mention two so-called minority governors who are now serving their respective states. Repubs/Cons/Independents/Libertarians = Dem/Lib/Progressive life support Such ingratitude from the spongiform whose existence is completely dependent upon the theft of another’s labor. Biting the hand that feeds you is not too smart, lefty. Are you insane? How will you survive once you have completely gnawed off the giving hand? Your stinking race bait is not going to catch a damn thing. From now on, we are spitting that hook out. Frickin gi’me gi’me parasites. Work or starve, blood suckers.

    Posted By: Strange, the Tea Party was cofounded by a black man. In the last election, the Tea Party supported | March 08, 2011 at 04:02 PM
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  109. Sadly, the comments made by Mr. Schiller reflect the GOP today. It shouldn't take a public official to say this, we all see it. And to answer if NPR accepted the check, the answer is no, they never did.

    Posted By: Lalo | March 08, 2011 at 04:23 PM
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  110. Our local NPR was around asking for money...I told her to kiss my azz and shut the door in her face!!

    Posted By: Our local NPR was around asking for money...I told her to kiss my azz and shut the door in her face! | March 08, 2011 at 04:24 PM
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  111. It seems to me that the Tea Party's motive is for smaller government and more responsible spending on their part. Protecting American freedom is another of their motives. I, personally don't think that taxpayers should pay millions to study polar bears or measure ice in Greenland, so I hope the Tea Party can help to alleviate a lot of this wasteful spending. As for NPR, I would like to see a bit more balance in their news programs.

    Posted By: Andrew | March 08, 2011 at 04:26 PM
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  112. Wait until the tard fart NPR gets no taxpayer money....we shall see just how many liberals there REALLY are!!!!

    Posted By: Wait until the tard fart NPR gets no taxpayer money....we shall see just how many liberals there REA | March 08, 2011 at 04:27 PM
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  113. i am tired of hearing of this group, that group, address the issues that are at hand, constitutional civil and human rights vioaltions.. why should i be sleeping on the street when i am threatened by police and their words we are not giving you your keys to your houses or anything, why who the hell are these people --- they are public servants not theives not gods they are police officers and god damn the obama administration for allowing these actions of violations to occure

    Posted By: anonomous | March 08, 2011 at 04:39 PM
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  114. The tea party members are just like the GOP puppets of Big Business.

    Posted By: The tea party members are just like the GOP puppets of Big Business. | March 08, 2011 at 05:03 PM
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  115. Bravo, NPR! The nationwide Republican/Tea Party attacks upon our teachers is absolutely disgusting. The root of our bad economic situation is the Wall Street Bankers and Corporate greed, a fact that the GOP and Baggers are trying to distract attention from! The Republican Party has become the party of Corporate Greed and protectors of the wealthy while seeking to destroy the American Middle Class. The Tea Party stooges are their dupes........

    Posted By: Ewing | March 08, 2011 at 05:07 PM
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  116. I hold an advanced degree from Yale University with emphasis on philosophy and systematic theology, but only WISH that the Tea Party ran the GOP. Guess that makes me uneducated....And since I'm white I'm a racist of course! This effete sophisticate is one of the typical,arrogant, "overeducated" albino lemmings that run just about everything these days. He has none of the common sense or innate moral sensibility that can be detected in an intact kindergardener. Luckily,natural selection will remove this drone and others like him within the next few years.... What a wanker!

    Posted By: Michael | March 08, 2011 at 05:08 PM
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  117. NPR rocks and there is nothing the idiot fringe on the extreeeeeeeeeme right can do about it.

    Posted By: NPR Rocks | March 08, 2011 at 05:08 PM
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  118. Don'tcha just love how the lefties rationalize Schiller's bigotry and racism? "It was just his personal opinion!" Hmm, I'll try that one the next time a conservative comes under attack by lefties for expressing an opinion. I wonder if it will fly? "He was only telling the truth!" Yeah, that's the ticket! I'll try that one too...

    Posted By: NPR lies... | March 08, 2011 at 05:09 PM
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  119. Oops Schiller blurted out the truth. Watch em go nuts.

    Posted By: Eddie Murrow | March 08, 2011 at 05:16 PM
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  120. After the firing of Juan Williams NPR showed itself to be totally Left wing in addition to its growing anti-Semitism.

    Posted By: Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz | March 08, 2011 at 05:29 PM
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  121. NPR is blatantly liberal and political. It is an arm of the democratic party and does not deserve one dime of taxpayor money. No republican should support it.

    Posted By: Jay Davis | March 08, 2011 at 05:39 PM
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  122. FIrst of all, given the questionable antics used by O'Keefe in the past that has proven to be so manipulative, false and destructive, I question the purpose of the voice-overs @2:42. I suspect as the story unfolds, we'll gain better insights to the context of the comments and the pre- and post production antics involved in this re-presentation masked as journalism. Said this, NPR has throughly fumbled the ball again. Rather than announcing the departure of Shiller, NPR needed to have announced his outright dismissal. I care little about his credentials and his accomplishments. What he in fact was recorded as saying in the above interview unobscured by the voice-overs were crass, outrageous and thoroughly unprofessional. Given how poorly NPR has handled this situation, has failed to train their executive management to stay current with today's demand's and climate and given how little has progressed since NPR's series of bunglings with Juan Williams, perhaps more heat is precisely what is in store to clean house and right a ship that seems to be intent on stupidly and arrogantly accomodate the simple caricature public media's detractors have etched. Understand, the American public NEEDS shows like Frontline that are constantly struggling for funding due to corporate and private sector's unwillingness to fund such hard-hitting, quality programs. NPR may consider staying out of their way by so callously driving the public debate into the gutter and responding half-heartedly.

    Posted By: Richard | March 08, 2011 at 05:47 PM
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  123. So let's fund MPR the democratic way...Let's put a box at the top of our income tax reports which asks whether or not we want to give $2.00 to Public Broadcasting the way we fund public financing of political candidates.

    Posted By: So let's fund MPR the democratic way...Let's put a box at the top of our income tax reports which as | March 08, 2011 at 05:47 PM
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  124. We have a new target...

    Posted By: Hey.. | March 08, 2011 at 05:51 PM
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  125. Rob Shill = Terrorist Coddling Anti-Semitic Elitist LibLOSER. His side-kick Babs loved the "National Palestine Radio" remark. I wonder how much Babs would love wearing a burka and having her nose cut off for leaving her husband. So the libs are now siding with radical muslims, they really are in self-destruct mode. Stunning and highly entertaining to watch.

    Posted By: 20/20 Vision | March 08, 2011 at 05:54 PM
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  126. I didn't see anything wrong with it. They said they'll be fair and won't bias opinion based on funders. I think I'll donate some money to NPR after watching this.

    Posted By: Erik E | March 08, 2011 at 06:02 PM
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  127. Tally up the grammatical errors in this comments section along with political opinion and you come up with the same conclusion. Right=uneducated Left=Good grammar

    Posted By: Grammer | March 08, 2011 at 06:13 PM
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  128. 'Progressive' = antisemite hypocrite

    Posted By: Facts | March 08, 2011 at 06:14 PM
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  129. Racist is the regulation bit it is not the tool to use to get money, specially to get the high duty. Wake up and think about it is too old and need to be reform. Hahaha

    Posted By: Bui Nga | March 08, 2011 at 06:17 PM
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  130. Talk about getting OUTTED! No more tax $$ to these LIARS. hee hee hee

    Posted By: Har De Har Har | March 08, 2011 at 06:26 PM
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  131. 'Grammer' wrote: "Tally up the grammatical errors in this comments section along with political opinion and you come up with the same conclusion. Right=uneducated Left=Good grammar" ******************************** Firstly, 'Grammer,' your last sentence was not done in proper sentence form. Secondly, your on-screen name (the latest in a long string you've used on this thread) was also not spelled correctly. Third, you're only congratulating yourself, since you've posted most of the liberal comments on this blog under different names. Fourth, you are a hypocrite, because you'd have thrown a hissy fit if a conservative-leaning owner had betrayed their true colors to such an extent, to a LIBERAL imposter (kind of like that phony phone call that Governor Walker took, in Wisconsin). Fifth, there IS no such thing as an 'educated' liberal...only an indoctrinated one. And lastly, you are also a flaming antisemite, since you openly support Hamas and Hezbollah being on NPR courtesy of our confiscated tax dollars. You're the exact opposite of what you claim to be, 'Grammer' -- which makes you especially insidious. Now, back to your pattern of commenting under yet another assumed name, as if nothing's been said to you. But we're onto you, here...and you'll only be proving me 1000% right, by doing so...and I don't care about you anyway. I've already moved on and won't even SEE any of your passive-aggressive responses. I've got a job and a life, and, happily, I'm the majority of this country. You aren't -- and have nothing. See ya later!

    Posted By: Reality Majority | March 08, 2011 at 06:30 PM
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  132. Ok, I'll allow the president his 57 states if you'll allow a grammatical or typing error or two.

    Posted By: Tit for tat | March 08, 2011 at 06:32 PM
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  133. What a shock, Politico buries this story at the bottom of the page, and makes no mention of the anti-Semetism by NPR. Why am I not surprised?

    Posted By: Journolist Politico | March 08, 2011 at 06:38 PM
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  134. the tea party is racist and scary and uniformed. i didn't really hear anything here that isn't true. funny when the worst thing you can say about a news org is that they have eyes and a brain. show me evidence that they distort and falsify news on the level of fox then we might have something to talk about.

    Posted By: ? | March 08, 2011 at 06:43 PM
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  135. What a stupid stupid man.

    Posted By: Huff | March 08, 2011 at 06:46 PM
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  136. NPR did not take the money and Schille is no longer with NPR. When Juan was fired from NPR for expressing his opinion, the right rallied to his defense, defending his freedom of speech. Schille "took off his NPR hat" and expressed his opinion, exercising his freedom of speech. Why is the right not defending him? NPR was consistent with treatment of employees. The right however, is taking a complete opposite stance with Schille vs. Juan. In addition, I don't see how the opinion of a fund raiser reflects on NPR - Schille is not a journalist. Further, Schille, like Juan, was an at-will employee, he can be fired for any reason, no reason, or a bad reason - even expressing his opinion. This is true of any employee at any company without a contract...NPR reports objectively and this does hurt republicans in many cases. It makes sense republicans are trying to break unions and make it more difficult for young students and minorities to vote by forcing voters to get a photo ID card - these groups largely vote for Democrats. It also makes sense that NPR is under attack - objective journalism leads to informed voting, which often does not favor Republicans. NPR, like the BBC is objective. NPR is not left, right or balanced - these terms are used to describe opinion reporting. NPR is now running a story on obama's reversal decision for guantanamo - he ran on closing guantanamo and just authorized trials to begin again. He lied! - really this time...NPR ran the story objectively (i.e. no one was called a pinhead and no opinion was made). NPR's public funding is not provided for 92 percent of programming. It's intended to cover mostly electoral coverage...Lastly, defunding NPR may impact rural areas with small populations, but NPR and local affiliates have more than enough members to keep programming going. In fact, defunding NPR my encourage listener's who are not members to become members, resulting in even more money for NPR programming and more outstanding news and shows.

    Posted By: NPR did not take the money and Schille is no longer with NPR. When Juan was fired from NPR for expre | March 08, 2011 at 06:47 PM
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  137. When we have our civil war the CS!! Will be the first one eliminated!

    Posted By: William | March 08, 2011 at 06:52 PM
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  138. The government funds NPR.....NPR spouts racist bs......why do they get any funding?

    Posted By: The government funds NPR.....NPR spouts racist bs......why do they get any funding? | March 08, 2011 at 07:12 PM
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  139. Who paid for the lunch?

    Posted By: David R. Zukerman | March 08, 2011 at 07:24 PM
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  140. Schiller was simply agreeing with the people who were proposing to give him 5 million dollars. Of course he's going to say he agrees with whatever they say! He wants to get the money. It doesn't necessarily mean he or anyone else at NPR *really* believes it. First rule of fundraising at a non-profit: You coddle your would-be benefactors and don't say anything that would **** them off or cause them to take their money away. Schiller was simply doing his job. If a conservative were offering 5 million dollars, he'd tell them what they wanted to hear, too. Schiller got a bum rap here.

    Posted By: Keith G | March 08, 2011 at 07:37 PM
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  141. why are people surprised that some liberals think some conservatives are uneducated ..... because obviously some conservatives think some liberals are ###### NPR makes a better attempt at being balanced than Fox does but then again I'm a liberal and find way too many things on FOX to be offensive so... no surprise. This liberal has a good income and pays a large chunk in taxes and believes she has a right to see some of those taxes support organizations she agrees with - just as surely as conservatives feel they should have the same rights...

    Posted By: trueblue | March 08, 2011 at 07:39 PM
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  142. Since when pointing out to racism became racism itself? You GOPers become more and more Orwellian.

    Posted By: Since when pointing out to racism became racism itself? You GOPers become more and more Orwellian. | March 08, 2011 at 07:50 PM
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  143. I agree with Schiller. In NPR's defense Schiller is leaving for another job and obviously doesn't care about saying what he really thinks. You can't fault an organization for the opinions of one already-on-the-way-out employee.

    Posted By: I agree with Schiller. In NPR's defense Schiller is leaving for another job and obviously doesn | March 08, 2011 at 07:54 PM
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  144. I don't understand what is so controversial about this. The Tea Party IS xenophobic and anti-intellectual. Republicans DO take advantage of uneducated voters by playing on their fears. When did truth become controversial?

    Posted By: Peter Voth | March 08, 2011 at 08:01 PM
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  145. The funny thing is I have relatives from other countries(non-muslim) and if I had to explain the Tea Party to them I'd pretty much say the exact same thing.

    Posted By: Kevin | March 08, 2011 at 08:06 PM
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  146. Fraudulent Organization! Now that is the pot, callin the kettle black YALL.

    Posted By: Fraudulent Organization! Now that is the pot, callin the kettle black YALL. | March 08, 2011 at 08:09 PM
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  147. The teaparty in general is not racist but a racist will feel the most comfortable in the teaparty...

    Posted By: Teaparty for Supremacy | March 08, 2011 at 08:26 PM
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  148. What a scam....PBS, NPR, Most Unions, High percentage of Scholarship Grants at Universities, & Tax-Exempted Groups (exempted from property taxes) And you wonder why most people are mad?? Our local PBS ceo receives over $135,000.00 per year(in a small market) What a Scam!!!

    Posted By: peterwoohoo | March 08, 2011 at 08:32 PM
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  149. What a scam....PBS, NPR, Most Unions, High percentage of Scholarship Grants at Universities, & Tax-Exempted Groups (exempted from property taxes) And you wonder why most people are mad?? Our local PBS ceo receives over $135,000.00 per year(in a small market) What a Scam!!!

    Posted By: peterwoohoo | March 08, 2011 at 08:52 PM
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  150. Its tough not to agree with EVERYTHING Schiller said. Its sad that Americans are so uneducated, and as a group, glorify the uneducated

    Posted By: tootrue | March 08, 2011 at 09:04 PM
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  151. every tea party member i've met is extremely racist. sorry. its true.

    Posted By: me | March 08, 2011 at 09:04 PM
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  152. What's with all of the edits? Are people really that stupid to believe parsed sound bites?

    Posted By: What's with all of the edits? Are people really that stupid to believe parsed sound bites? | March 08, 2011 at 09:07 PM
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  153. So Schiller told the truth...I don't see why NPR should apologize at all. The agnotologic mindset of these idiots is not half as mystifying as the so-called "liberal" MSM's fascination with them. They keep giving them a pedestal to act upon. You can't fix stupid, but you should be able to ignore it and the MSM doesn't learn.

    Posted By: Mildotmaster | March 08, 2011 at 10:02 PM
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  154. So the FOX Republican News Channel just runs w/ any video given to them by James O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart Is it responsible journalism to take your cues from two conservative activists, or is that more opinion journalism?

    Posted By: CowboyJack | March 08, 2011 at 10:21 PM
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  155. So basically the outcome of this great "sting" was that Schiller was caught saying what the rational portion of this country already thinks about the unhinged tea party movement?

    Posted By: Uncomfortable_Truth | March 08, 2011 at 10:22 PM
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  156. So loving freedom, liberty, the constitution and country makes us scary racists? Wow. This man is a seditious criminal.

    Posted By: Mick Russom | March 08, 2011 at 10:35 PM
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  157. Anyone notice that the pukegressive left are the most racist, bigoted, and intolerant wastes of oxygen in this country??? They MANIPULATE the plight of the poor and minorities with money and programs. They have done this in the inner cities in this country for decades with TRILLIONS spent on HOOKING the poor and minorities onto the Government teat so in the end, these poor unfortunate human beings have no choice but to elect pukegressive scum so they can continue to receive the government heroin going into their veins. Liberals are beyond being reprobates.

    Posted By: and the sheep go bahahahaaahhhhhaaaa! | March 08, 2011 at 10:46 PM
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  158. "So loving freedom, liberty, the constitution and country makes us scary racists?" Nope -- being race-baiting whackjobs who threaten everybody who holds a dissenting viewpoint and labels their actions "seditious" does, however. ;)

    Posted By: Uncomfortable_Truth | March 08, 2011 at 10:46 PM
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  159. Thank god we have a word with a generally positive connotation but has been turned into a derogatory statement. Because without the word liberal we would actually have to know something about what we are attacking. But since most of us barely have a high school education and lack the mental capacity to tie our own shoes, we will can keep parroting what Faux News tells us to say and not have to use our brains because they have pretty much turned to chewing tabacco anyway.

    Posted By: Teabagger | March 08, 2011 at 10:53 PM
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  160. I like NPR, and I am having a hard time finding fault with most of the statements Schiller made, though I do understand they will be awkward for NPR. I do not agree NPR will be better off wo/federal funding though. In spite of may peoples' opinions, NPR is pretty balanced. Fed Funding helps keep it that way. One could wish journalists in general would do a more aggressive job of ferreting out the real dirt. NPR works harder than TV, for instance!

    Posted By: Stephen | March 08, 2011 at 11:20 PM
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  161. The tea parties are called tea parties for a reason. It is, at its heart, an anti-tax movement.

    Posted By: 808 | March 08, 2011 at 11:24 PM
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  162. I like NPR, and I am having a hard time finding fault with most of the statements Schiller made, though I do understand they will be awkward for NPR. I do not agree NPR will be better off wo/federal funding though. In spite of may peoples' opinions, NPR is pretty balanced. Fed Funding helps keep it that way. One could wish journalists in general would do a more aggressive job of ferreting out the real dirt. NPR works harder than TV, for instance! Finally, I have been reading more of the comments below. There are many that claim Schiller expressed rascism!?!? What? Where was that? I think he expressed the opposite, in fact. These comments columns are the most puzzling things I have ever read.

    Posted By: Stephen | March 08, 2011 at 11:33 PM
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  163. Truth hurts, doesn't it Tea-Baggers. You don't have to be a liberal to see the truth for what it is. All independents and moderates are seeing the light, especially after the Scott Walker attacks on the blue-collar work force. A lot of tea party puppets have cut their strings lately and come to the side of humanity verses the side of corporate power.

    Posted By: Truth hurts, doesn't it Tea-Baggers. You don't have to be a liberal to see the truth for what it is. | March 09, 2011 at 07:25 AM
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  164. Truth hurts, doesn't it Tea-Baggers. You don't have to be a liberal to see the truth for what it is. All independents and moderates are seeing the light, especially after the Scott Walker attacks on the blue-collar work force. A lot of tea party puppets have cut their strings lately and come to the side of humanity verses the side of corporate power.

    Posted By: Truth hurts, doesn't it Tea-Baggers. You don't have to be a liberal to see the truth for what it is. | March 09, 2011 at 07:27 AM
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  165. Calling people involved with the Tea Party racist is laughable, because it's the most diverse and friendly bunch you'd ever want to meet. Calmly calling for smaller government, less government spending and less taxation is what scares the left.

    Posted By: DrLove | March 09, 2011 at 08:01 AM
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  166. Really shows you the sick denial the liberal mindset lives in. Relativism, Humanism and in the end it won't save them. All I heard from that guy was reverse racism, fear and resentment. What a healthy fellow.

    Posted By: Jeff | March 09, 2011 at 09:46 AM
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  167. Soo... What exactly was the problem with the comment again? The federal funding comment wasn't a good look though. Maybe "racist"was too strong of a word but everytjing else seemed right on point.

    Posted By: TBoston | March 09, 2011 at 10:18 AM
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  168. The tea party is just a bunch of racists. Not sure why the truth is a problem.

    Posted By: The tea party is just a bunch of racists. Not sure why the truth is a problem. | March 09, 2011 at 11:05 AM
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  169. Boy, Schiller must be an uneducated ignoramus to be caught in such an obvious sting.

    Posted By: Boy Wonder | March 09, 2011 at 11:30 AM
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  170. I love how the left becomes so outraged when they get caught showing their true thoughts and agenda. There is no group in this Nation or maybe even the world that is as bigoted and racist as the American Liberal Left. The leaders of the Left make groups like the KKK and Hitlers SS look like fine upstanding organizations, yet at least the KKK and the SS stood up in public and admitted to what they believe the left is too cowardly to do so. Here is a simple rule of thumb when dealing with liberals.. What ever they are accusing another group of is what they themselves are

    Posted By: Martin Fee | March 09, 2011 at 01:03 PM
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  171. the tea party supporters I have met ARE racist and xenophobic. They can't define Sharia law but are against it. Many are birthers and others are fundmentalist who believe that Jesus rode dinosaurs. NPR didn't take the money and Schiller is entitled to his views which he did not say were those of NPR. Listen to Fox, Beck and Limbaugh. This is where the tea party gets its "news". I am a Republican and resent the tea party for making conservatives look racist and stupid.

    Posted By: terry | March 09, 2011 at 03:05 PM
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  172. 1- Schiller shouldn't have said those things and it's good she's gone from NPR for that reason. 2- Schiller wasn't far-off. The Tea Party does have a lot of racists and Islamaphobes. Of course not all Tea Partiers are, but go on any Tea Party forum and you'll see bigots are more than tolerated. This video plays on that Islamaphobia. 3- NPR did not accept the check. 4- O'Keefe is a fraudster, there's good record of that. 5- NPR is only partially tax-payer funded. 6- NPR and PBS alike provide far higher quality news that any other news outlet-- MSNBC, Fox, CNN are all pretty crappy in comparison.

    Posted By: DC | March 09, 2011 at 03:33 PM
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  173. You are bearing false witness, Terry. I will pray for you.

    Posted By: You are bearing false witness, Terry. I will pray for you. | March 09, 2011 at 06:17 PM
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  174. If I had any say in the matter of even 1 cent going to NPR out of my tax dollars, it would be with a bull horn yelling NO. I applaud James O'Keefe for his video on these elitists who think they know what I want to see and hear. Hats off to O'Keefe!

    Posted By: mountain jane | March 09, 2011 at 07:21 PM
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  175. Go right wing fools continue to vote against your economic interests. If you make less than 75 grand the right wing will run the bus over you when they are done. The tea baggers will learn this soon enough lmao at the fools.

    Posted By: gators11 | March 09, 2011 at 09:46 PM
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  176. Unions will be back the arrogance of the right wing will sink them as it always does. When the little techie dweebs who have never sweat in their lives work 50-60 hours a week,have no benefits and see what the 1920's were like they will whine their little twittwers of. Just ask the Wisconsonites how happy they are lmao

    Posted By: Unions will be back the arrogance of the right wing will sink them as it always does. When the littl | March 09, 2011 at 10:05 PM
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  177. What I don't understand is what is the big deal? They are racist. They are scary. Is it because he leads NPR? So what, you right wing nutjobs have said far worse with your birther comments and liberal this or liberal that. NPR gets your tax dollars? More like tax pennies. You idiots can have your nickel back so he can speak his mind.

    Posted By: Andrew | March 10, 2011 at 04:07 PM
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