
Update: Download link is once again working

This morning we reported on the rumor that Instagram is coming to Windows Phone, but as a possible limited exclusive to Nokia Lumia devices. That information is now somewhat betrayed by the release of #2InstaWithLove app from none other than Nokia.

The app allows you to take photos using “the classic polaroid filter” and then automatically adds the hashtag #2InstaWithLove to the photo, for sharing on your favorite social network.


According to Nokia

 “Many of you have asked when Instagram will be coming to Windows Phone, and the #2InstaWithLove app was created as a way for you to have your voice heard…It's all about showing Instagram just how passionate the Windows Phone community is - so be creative, have fun and be sure to share your favorite photos with us using a social network of your choice.”

To us that doesn’t sound like Nokia has a deal locked-up with Instagram but rather are themselves ratcheting up a campaign to put pressure on the fledgling company to get on board.

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Either way, the app won’t install on our Lumia 620, Lumia 900 or Lumia 920 as there is a “this app is not available for your phone” disclaimer. We’re not sure if that’s a Store error or we’re missing something but this whole situation is certainly unorthodox to begin with.

As of 6PM ET, we can now download this app to our Lumias.

You can attempt to download the app from the Nokia Collection right here.

QR: #2instaWithLov

Via: WindowsPhoneApps.es

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