babelmark3 | Compare Markdown Implementations
')); var groupContentBodyHtml = $("
", {class: "row"}); groupHtml.append(groupContentBodyHtml); $('#results').append(groupHtml); var groupNames = $("
", {class: "four columns result-names"}); group.elements.sort(function(a, b) { return ( + a.version).localeCompare( + b.version); }); // output names for (var j = 0; j " + escapeHtml( + " " + escapeHtml(json.version) + "" + json.lang + "" + (json.cmark?" " : "") + "")); } groupContentBodyHtml.append(groupNames); // output results var groupResult = $('
'); groupContentBodyHtml.append(groupResult); if (group.text === '') { groupResult.append(getInfoDiv("Warning, result is empty", "warning")); } else if (group.error) { groupResult.append(getInfoDiv(group.text, "error")); } else { var preElement = $('
      var codeElement = $('' + escapeHtml(group.text) + "' + group.text_safe + '
')) Prism.highlightElement(codeElement[0]); } } } function getInfoDiv(message, type) { return $("

" + message + "

"); } xhrid = 0; function clearResults() { // Clears the actual results globalResults = []; $('#results').html(""); } function sendRequestFromInput() { sendRequest($('#markdown').val(), true); } function sendRequest(markdownText, shouldPushHistory) { clearResults(); // Update browser query if (!markdownText || markdownText === '') { $('#markdown').val(''); if (shouldPushHistory || markdownText === '') { history.pushState(markdownText, '', '/'); } return; } // Update the input box if ($('#markdown').val() != markdownText) { $('#markdown').val(markdownText); } if (shouldPushHistory) { history.pushState(markdownText, '', "?" + $.param({text: markdownText})); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() $('#query-spin').show(); xhr.timeout = 30000;"GET", "" + encodeURIComponent(markdownText), true) xhrid++; var xhrid_copy = xhrid; xhr.onload = function() { $('#query-spin').hide(); } xhr.onprogress = function () { if (xhr.readyState != 2 && xhr.readyState != 3 && xhr.readyState != 4) return; if (xhr.readyState == 3 && xhr.status != 200) return; // If we have already another request going on, don't do anything, not super reliable if (xhrid_copy != xhrid) { return; } // Because I haven't been able to find a correct way to seek into the correct // chunk position (unreliable), we reparse all results from the beginning // This is not a big issue, as we have to re-display all of them anyway // Accumulate results locally var localResults = []; var slice = xhr.responseText; var textResults = slice.split("\n\n"); for(var i = 0; i ", {class: "row"}); var divColumns = $("
", {class: "twelve columns"}); divRow.append(divColumns); divColumns.append(getInfoDiv("An unexpected error occured when trying to contact babelmark-proxy. Reason: " + escapeHtml(xhr.responseText ? xhr.responseText : (xhr.status === 0 ? "timeout" : "unknown" )) + ", Error status: " + escapeHtml('' + xhr.status), "error")); $('#results').append(divRow); $('#query-spin').hide(); }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { // If we have already another request going on, don't do anything, not super reliable if (xhrid_copy != xhrid) { return; } var divRow = $("
", {class: "row"}); var divColumns = $("
", {class: "twelve columns"}); divRow.append(divColumns); divColumns.append(getInfoDiv("The request has timeout", "warning")); $('#results').append(divRow); $('#query-spin').hide(); }; xhr.onabort = function() { // If we have already another request going on, don't do anything, not super reliable if (xhrid_copy != xhrid) { return; } $('#query-spin').hide(); }; xhr.send() // jsonpipe.flow('', { // "success": function(data) { // console.log(data); // $('#results').append("

" + + "

"); // } // }); } window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { sendRequest(event.state, false); }, false); $( document ).ready(function() { sendRequest($.QueryString.text, false); $('#markdown').keydown(function (e) { if ((e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) && e.ctrlKey) { sendRequestFromInput(); } }); }); //var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({ element: document.getElementById("markdown"), spellChecker: false });