Minister announces new name for National Strategy for Sustainable Development

Government News

Issue No. 01/2020 – Monday, 30 November 2020 (Kitiona Tausi)

The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Hon Seve Paeniu was excited and pleased to publicly announce today for the first time the new name for the Tuvalu National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) to replace the name ‘Kakeega”.

The new name is “Te Kete” which everybody in Tuvalu, adults and children are quite familiar and understand as it is a domestic traditional container woven from green or brown coconut leaves.

Hon Paeniu revealed the new name during a cheque of money presentation ceremony held this morning at the Minister’s office which coincided well with the purpose of the cheque presented by the Taiwan Embassy to the Minister.

In explaining the new name “Te Kete”, Hon Paeniu said it literally a “basket” for storing food for the use of the family in bad as well as in good times. Symbolically, it has biblical significance in referring to the basket or the cradle that saved the life of Moses and Moses later saved the Israelites from the Egyptians.

“It is also significant in the birth of Jesus Christ when he was laid in a cradle in a manger which Tuvalu has great faith in their God whom they depend to save them from all kinds of calamities like COVID-19 virus and climate change.

So “Te Kete” is a symbol of the plan that saves the generation and the people of Tuvalu from all kinds of adverse situations.

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