Italy History - History of Italy - World Wide Web Virtual Library - Italian History Index - Home Page
[Click Here for WWW VL History Index] [Click Here for WWW VL Italian History Index] [VL Italian History Index: Immagine dei Tre Stati della Rivoluzione Francese] [Click Here for the European University Institute] [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index]
Italy History - Italian History Index

[WWW VL Header Image]
Created in April 1995. Last updated: 1 March, 2010

[ Reference : Gateways | E-Teaching | Journals | Archives/Sources | Historical Societies/Institutions | Lists | E-Historiography/Bibliographies ]
[ Geographical : Northern Italy | Central Italy | Southern Italy and Islands ]
[ Chronological : Ancient | Medieval | Renaissance-Modern | Contemporary ]
[ Topical : Biography | Demography | Social | Women | Science | Cultural | Political | Diplomatic | Urban | Economic | Religious | Anthropological | World Wars/Holocaust/Military ]
[ Other : [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index] Best of Italian History | Italian Search Engines | Libraries and Publishers | Italian Institutions | Maps/Historical Maps ]

[Click Here for the European University Institute] European University Institute Departmental Profile

[Red Arrow Image]Postgraduate Fellowships for EU citizens.
[Red Arrow Image]Postdoctoral Fellowships for all countries: Jean-Monnet Fellowships and Marie-Curie Fellowships.

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About the Italian History Index
[Immagine dei Tre Stati della Rivoluzione Francese]

© Legal protection of databases: The Italian History Index asserts its rights to database rights in addition to its rights under copyright, trademark, and other legislations. The European Union, Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases provides protection for the intellectual creation that is a database, plus protection for the "sweat of the brow" effort of making such databases (that is also for the non-intellectual effort).

[Red Arrow Image]The Italian History Index is made of different pages which are always under construction. You will find here Virtual Resources produced in Italy together with other world-wide Resources that deal with the history of Italy. The Index has and editorial board to select the "Best of the Italian History Index" and specific maintainers: "Medieval Italian History" is maintained by Prof.Pietro Corrao, University of Palermo and Prof.Roberto Delle Donne, University of Naples; "Anthropological Italian History" is maintained by Alessandra Guigoni, University of Cagliari, "Military History" is maintained by Elena Sodini, University of Verona, "E-teaching/e-learning" is maintained by Prof.Angelo Gaudio, University of Udine. In the future, new maintainers will contribute to the development of other categories in the Index.
[Red Arrow Image] The URL of this page is [Index.html].
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index is a joint project between the European University Institute's Library and the History & Civilisation Department
[Red Arrow Image]The Italian History Index was created in April 1995 and became part of the WWW VL History Network in May 1999.
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index is sending a logo to the best Italian History Sites: [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index]
This page consists of a list of web-sites which we think are the best Italian History sites on the Internet made in Italy. Non-Italian sites on the history of Italy are part of The Italian History Index but are not yet part of this selection. To be elegible for this list of scientifically-evaluated sites, all web-sites should also be accessible totally and freely to a world-wide public without any kind of restriction. The Best of the Italian History Index has an Editorial Board.

About the WWW VL and the WWW VL History Network

[Red Arrow Image] The World Wide Web Virtual Library was founded in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web. The WWW Virtual Library is a collection of subject related Websites maintained by institutions throughout the world, each administering a different subject. For more information on the History Network Project, go to

About the Maintainers

[Red Arrow Image] The site is managed by Serge Noiret [], (Ph.D. in Contemporary History, European Unversity Institute, Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9, I­50016 San Domenico (FI), Tel.: +39-0554685-348 - Fax +39-0554685-283), Click here for his Home Page.
Please direct your notices of new URL's or inoperative links to him here.
[Red Arrow Image] Medieval History is maintained by Prof.Pietro Corrao, University of Palermo, e-mail, home page, (Professore Ordinario di Storia Medievale, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Dipartimento di Studi Storici e Artistici, Via G.Pascoli 6 - 90144 Palermo (Italia), tel. **/39/91/6956217, fax **/39/91/6956203). and by Prof.Roberto Delle Donne, University of Naples, e-mail, home page, (Professore associato di Storia medievale, Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche "Ettore Lepore", tel. 0812536301-2536562 - fax: 0812536343)
[Red Arrow Image] Anthropological History is maintained by Dottssa.Alessandra Guigoni, Home Page: [], Email: [].
[Red Arrow Image]E-Learning and E-Teaching Italian History through Internet is maintained by Prof.Angelo Gaudio, Professore ordinario di Analisi dei sistemi educativi , SSD M-PED/02, Università degli studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Via Petracco 8, 33100 Udine, Home Page: [], Email: [].