Melanesian Pidgin and the oceanic substrate (Book, 1988) []
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Melanesian Pidgin and the oceanic substrate Preview this item
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Melanesian Pidgin and the oceanic substrate

Author: Roger M Keesing
Publisher: Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, (c)1988.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats

Topics in this volume include: interlingual contact in the Pacific to the mid-19th century; the Sandalwood period; the Tok Pisin language; oceanic Austronesian languages; structures and sources of  Read more...


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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Roger M Keesing
ISBN: 0804714509 9780804714501
OCLC Number: 17383715
Language Note: Includes text in Tok Pisin.
Description: viii, 265 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Contents: Grammatical abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Interlingual contact in the Pacific to the mid-nineteenth century; 3. The Sandalwood period; 4. The labor trade; 5. The Tok Pisin language; 6. oceanic Austronesian languages; 7. Substrate, superstrate, and universals; 8. Structures and sources of pidgin syntax; 9. The pidgin pronominal system; 10. Subject-referencing pronouns and the 'predicate market'; 11. The developmental of Solomons pidgin; 12. The Solomons pidgin pronominal system; 13. Calquing: pidgin and Solomons languages; 14. Conclusion; Appendix; Index.
Responsibility: Roger M. Keesing.


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