Buy domain .CO.UA. Domain registration .CO.UA | NIC.UA

Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyryllic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information on peculiarities of private registration of domain names see the regulations: Domain rules .CO.UA

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The price of domain depends on the discount you have accumulated. The bigger your personal discount, the more profitable your purchase. Additionally, you can use the accumulated bonuses and pay for the purchase in NIC.UA. Become partners of an affiliate program to increase your bonuses.

Sign in to know the prices including your personal discount.
Period Price Total Economy
1 year 279.99 ₴ 279.99 ₴
2 years 278.59 ₴ 557.18 ₴ 2.80 ₴
3 years 277.19 ₴ 831.57 ₴ 8.40 ₴

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