Gaston Browne Is Antigua's New Opposition Leader | RJR News - Jamaican News Online

Gaston Browne is Antigua's new Opposition Leader

Gaston Browne is the new leader of the Opposition in Antigua and Barbuda.

His elevation to the post follows Lester Bird's resignation as Opposition Leader on December 1, after Mr. Browne defeated him in the party's leadership race.

Mr. Bird, the former ALP leader has written to Governor-General Dame Louise Lake-Take stating he would like to demit office with immediate effect.

A statement from the Antigua Labour Party cited communication from six other Parliamentarians to the Governor-General indicating their full support for the new leader.

Gaston Browne defeated Lester Bird by a 213-180 margin on November 25 to take control of the main opposition party; it is the first time in the party’s 66-year history that it is not being led by a member of the Bird family.

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