Channel Islands students to pay same university fees as UK counterparts | ITV News Channel

Channel Islands students to pay same university fees as UK counterparts

University library with students studying
The updated regulations will come info affect from 1 August 2021. Credit: ITV Channel TV

Students in the Channel Islands are to pay the same university fees as their UK counterparts.

Both Jersey's and Guernsey's governments have welcomed the announcement by the UK's Education Secretary.

While the majority of higher education providers currently charge Channel Island students the same as those from the UK, the previous UK legislation did not cater for the interest of the Crown Dependencies.

Previously, local students have been charged international fees, adding tens of thousands of pounds to the cost of a university place.

The updated regulations will come info force from 1 August 2021.

Jersey's Chief Minister says the changes will allow students to have "more certainty over their future goals".

Jersey's Acting Education Minister says it will "greatly assist Jersey students achieve their aspirations in reaching the highest levels in their chosen subjects".

Meanwhile Guernsey's Chief Minister says it will "provide certainty for Bailiwick students who want to attend higher education courses in England".

Guernsey's President of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture has also welcomed the change in regulation.