Tuvalu to create a digital replica of country as it faces impacts of climate change - ABC Pacific
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Tuvalu to create a digital replica of country as it faces impacts of climate change

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Tuvalu's Foreign Minister Simon Kofe spoke at the COP27 climate summit in front of a virtual island submerged by water.(
Supplied: Simon Kofe (YouTube)

Tuvalu plans to build a digital version of itself, replicating islands and landmarks and preserving its history and culture as rising sea levels threaten to submerge the Pacific nation.

Tuvalu's Foreign Minister Simon Kofe told the COP27 climate summit it was time to look at alternative solutions for his country's survival.

This included Tuvalu becoming the first digitised nation in the metaverse — an online realm that uses augmented and virtual reality to help users interact.

"Our land, our ocean, our culture are the most precious assets of our people and to keep them safe from harm, no matter what happens in the physical world, we will move them to the cloud," he said in the video that sees him standing on a digital replica of an islet threatened by rising sea levels.

Minister Kofe grabbed global attention at last year's COP26 when he addressed the conference standing knee-deep in the sea to illustrate how Tuvalu is on the front line of climate change.



Tuvalu, Egypt, Pacific, Climate Change, Virtual Reality