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Every engineer is also a writer.

This collection of courses and learning resources aims to improve your technical documentation. Learn how to plan and author technical documents. You can also learn about the role of technical writers at Google.

Learn to write clearly by taking the same technical writing courses that Google engineers take.
Access additional technical writing resources such as style guides.
Learn about the role of developer technical writers at Google.

Are these courses for me?

We've aimed these courses at people in the following roles:

  • professional software engineers
  • computer science students
  • engineering-adjacent roles, such as product managers

You need at least a little writing proficiency in English, but you don't need to be a strong writer to take these courses.

You will find these courses easier to understand if you have at least a little background in coding, though you don't need to be an expert coder.

These courses focus on technical writing, not on general English writing or business writing.

What format do these courses take?

Technical Writing One and Technical Writing Two consist of two parts:

  • pre-class lessons
  • in-class lessons with a facilitator and other students

The pre-class lessons provide a solid educational experience, which the in-class lessons enhance. That said, the pre-class lessons on their own are still valuable.

Ordinarily, we expect organizations (universities, software companies, and so on) to facilitate the in-class lessons. However, Google occasionally provides free in-class lessons to everyone. For details, see Announcements.

Where can facilitators find information about teaching the in-person lessons?

You can find facilitator guides and related resources for each of the courses on this site.