The Initiative – Moldova For Peace

The Initiative

Moldova for Peace (MPP) is a civic initiative created to provide assistance to refugees following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The MPP brings together people who recognize and understand the difficulties faced by those who have left their homes and loved ones behind in order to reach safety.

Since the beginning of the war, we have contributed to the efforts to manage the flow of migration from the neighboring country. We work in several directions:

  • Providing kits with products (food, hygiene, for children) through the platform and the “Moldova-Film” warehouse.
  • Providing free transport for refugees through Chisinau and from the capital to other regions of the country.
    Identification of accommodation in Chisinau and other districts of the country, through a system of connecting requests from refugees with accommodation offers from Moldovan families. We are also participating in the process of creating a strategy for identifying safe, individual and adequate housing for medium and long term.
  • Protection of human rights. We monitor the protection of refugee rights, facilitate the provision of basic services to vulnerable groups and promote good practices and human rights-based policies in managing the refugee crisis.
  • Volunteer management. We establish mechanisms for the involvement, communication and monitoring of people who offer free help. Almost 4,000 registered volunteers, grouped into categories, depending on the type of help they mentioned they are willing to offer – transportation, accommodation, services, volunteering at warehouses, customs, etc. There are 11 Viber groups in which volunteers communicate with and between MPP department coordinators. There are also 3 channels (Center, North and South) where requests for volunteers are placed.
  • Services. On there are requests in the field of consular, legal, psychological, medical or education. We provide information, assistance and redirect to the responsible institutions.
  • Monitoring the crossing border point – Palanca;
  • Providing accurate, verified and up-to-date information, etc., through the Facebook page and by moderating the Facebook group of 91,400 people.
  • Conceptualizing and opening a Community Center that will become a space for socialization and integration for refugees.

“Moldova for Peace” is a non-partisan, non-profit movement that operates under the legal umbrella of several NGOs of which we are part. We work with central and local authorities to identify solutions for the integration of Ukrainian refugees.

In the first month, all those involved worked on a voluntary basis, every day, for 12-14 hours. Subsequently, we identified several donors who helped us, initially, to cover the expenses related to the product packages, and from April to ensure the salaries for tens of people involved in the initiative. We are going to hire many other people.

Our international partners include Plan International, UNHCR, Khalsa Aid, Unicef and many others who support us.

So far, we have collected almost 100,000 euros through crowdfunding, most of the money being spent on the needs of refugees and a small part on those of volunteers.