Moldova and the EU: EU is preparing mission to Moldova to make it more resistant to hybrid threats, - Borrell (22.03.23 11:57) « World | Censor.NET
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EU is preparing mission to Moldova to make it more resistant to hybrid threats, - Borrell

News Censor.NET World


The EU is planning a special civilian mission to Moldova, the purpose of which will be to increase the country’s resilience to hybrid threats.

The chief diplomat of the European Union, Josep Borrell, said this in a speech at the Defense and Security Forum named after Schuman in Brussels, Censor.NET reports with reference to European Pravda.

Borrell briefly mentioned the plans to create an EU civilian mission for Moldova, talking about the adaptation of the EU civilian mission model in general and giving examples mainly from Africa.

"We want to apply the train-and-equip model more systematically, rather than just offering training. This approach has shown good results in Niger and Somalia. Now we are preparing a new mission - for the Republic of Moldova, to strengthen the country's ability to counter hybrid threats," Borrell said, without giving any other details.

He also added that the EU wants to put more emphasis on its mission of preventing crisis situations, instead of reacting after the problem has appeared.

Already at the beginning of March, Moldovan publications paid attention to the publication of Welt am Sonntag - journalists learned from sources in diplomatic circles that the EU is planning to create a civilian security mission for Moldova and that it could become operational as early as the beginning of summer.

European experts from the police, customs service, justice, specialists in the fight against cyber attacks and disinformation will advise the Moldovan colleagues.