New York Times Hires First Newsroom Leader Focused on Artificial Intelligence - WSJ

New York Times Hires First Newsroom Leader Focused on Artificial Intelligence

Quartz co-founder Zach Seward tasked with establishing principles for how the Times will and won’t use generative AI

Dec. 12, 2023 10:30 am ET

The New York Times has begun allowing newsroom staff to apply for the opportunity to experiment with AI tools. Photo: Shannon stapleton/Reuters

The New York Times has hired an editorial director of artificial-intelligence initiatives, signaling a significant commitment to the new technology as major news organizations explore its potential capabilities and risks. 

The Times has tapped Quartz co-founder Zach Seward to work with newsroom leadership in establishing principles for “how we do and do not use generative A.I.,” Executive Editor Joe Kahn and Deputy Managing Editor Sam Dolnick said in a note to staff Tuesday morning. 

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