New York Times cooks up recipe app to expand digital subscriptions

New York Times cooks up recipe app to expand digital subscriptions

Newspaper steps up effort to sell content online

The New York Times has put several journalists  on producing acres of newsprint detailing the impact of the story on British politics, on News Corp's stock price, on London police - It is in America that Rupert Murdoch faces ruin
The New York Times has 760,000 digital-only subscribers Credit: Photo: GETTY IMAGES

The New York Times is planning to capitalise on the success of its online ‘paywall’ by introducing a range of cheaper services, including a news digest app and a recipe app, to seek new revenues from readers who won’t pay for a full digital subscription.

Denise Warren, head of the New York Times’ digital products, said the expansion into new apps and services would represent an “unbundling” of the newspaper.

Three new subscriptions will be introduced, each with a new mobile app, within months.

The first, NYT Now, will offer access to the main news of the day, introduced via a feed of short blog posts. They will be written specially for the new app in a more colloquial style than the main news articles themselves, in a bid to catch the attention of readers browsing on their smartphones.

The two other new subscriptions, to be launched shortly after and as-yet-unnamed, will offer access to the New York Times’ opinion articles, or to its food and recipe pages.

The move will be closely watched by the news industry, which is seeking to replace advertising and circulation revenues lost to the decline of print readership.

Pricing for the new subscriptions has not been announced, but they will cost significantly less than the $15 per month minimum price of access to the full digital New York Times.

Media companies have previously seen the unbundling driven by digital technology as a threat. For instance in the music industry, record labels have found digital consumers often only pay for one or two tracks online rather than the whole CD album they may have bought in a shop. Ms Warren said the New York Times would unlock new revenue streams by unbundling its content, however, rather than threaten existing ones.

The newspaper was among the first major general interest titles to introduce a ‘metered paywall’, or ‘freemium’, model for its digital publications. It allows readers to view a certain number of articles for free per month before they are asked to subscribe.

The idea has proved successful, attracting more than 760,000 digital-only subscribers. They were worth $141.9m in revenue to the New York times Company last year, a third more than in 2012.

Other newspapers, including The Telegraph, have introduced similar metered systems.

Ms Warren said the new lower-tier packages would not “cannibalise” its main subscription revenues.

She said: “We want to serve demand from more consumers. These are people who are more price sensitive.”

She said market research had shown a “big proportion” of those who currently pay nothing to read the New York Times online would be willing to pay something for their favourite sections.

The newspaper also plans to introduce a premium digital subscription that will offer access to more content than a standard full subscription, such as behind-the-scenes blogs, and invitations to events.