Metro’s New City Hall Bureau Chief | The New York Times Company
October 17, 2019

Metro’s New City Hall Bureau Chief

Emma Fitzsimmons, a masterful reporter who has dominated Metro’s transportation beat, is taking her sharp eye and vivid writing to Room 9. Read more in this note from Cliff Levy and Dean Chang.

We’re thrilled to announce that Emma Fitzsimmons, a masterful reporter who has dominated Metro’s transportation beat, will become our new City Hall bureau chief.

Emma will take her sharp eye and vivid writing to Room 9, where she will lead our coverage of the end of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s tenure, the growing prominence and independence of the City Council, and the ramp-up to the mayoral election in 2021.

On transportation, Emma has chronicled the meltdown of the subway and the public backlash against Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other elected officials over poor service. She’s traveled to London, Toronto and Moscow to see how those cities are improving their subways. She’s written memorable features on the scourge of manspreading and at least two pieces on dogs in bags.

And Emma already is familiar with Mayor de Blasio — she spied on him at the Prospect Park YMCA to assist in documenting his daily 11-mile pilgrimage for a leisurely workout among friends, resulting in a story that has helped to define his administration.

She covered New York City’s first-in-the-nation cap on Uber vehicles and a series of taxi driver suicides for an episode of “The Weekly.” She won the beat reporting award from the Newswomen’s Club of New York in 2017 and was part of a team that won a Sidney Award for its investigation of why the subway fell into crisis.

Emma grew up in Houston and graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. She started at The Times as a freelancer in the Chicago bureau and worked as a local reporter at The Chicago Tribune, where she covered President Barack Obama’s 2008 election night victory rally in Grant Park.
