The Office | Bureau des ÃŽles Anglo-Normandes
Old pier at La Salerie, St Peter Port, Guernsey

The Office

The Bureau des Îles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN) represents the Governments of Guernsey and Jersey in France. It has been operational since June 2014 and operates under the authority of Guernsey’s Policy and Resources Committee and Jersey’s Ministry for External Relations. It is responsible for ensuring the continuity of relations between the Islands and the French authorities, as well as promoting political, economic, cultural and educational exchanges.

At the time of its creation Guernsey’s Chief Minister, Deputy Jonathan LE TOCQ, said: “This is a hugely constructive step which we and our colleagues are taking together. I know this is a development that will be warmly received in France”. Jersey’s Minister for External Relations, Senator Sir Philip BAILHACHE, said: “Our objective remains to further develop mutually beneficial links with our French neighbours and this new partnership will also help us build stronger relationships with government in Paris.”

Sea kayaking at Archirondel, Jersey

The team


Aurélie LEROY


Aurelie Leroy joined BIAN in August 2015 and has an excellent knowledge of the Channel Islands and Normandy.
After International Business Studies, Mrs. Leroy worked in a Chamber of Commerce and at the Bureau de Jersey established in Caen. It is then the desire to live in Jersey that led her to spend 10 years on the island, and gain a very thorough understanding of the islands. After an experience in the tourism industry, Aurélie led the Maison de Normandie et de la Manche for 9 years, becoming over time the Norman ambassador. It is now based in Normandy that Aurélie works to represent the Channel Islands.


Elise Meerpoel


A French national, Elise previously lived in the Channel Islands where she worked in tourism and recruitment. Having worked for both Jersey and Guernsey companies, she knows the Islands well and is perfectly placed to further develop relations with French interlocutors.