
New cases involving Apple, Inc.

Last Updated: 10 years, 1 month ago
" + [row.statutes_additional] .filter(function (x) {return x;}) .map(function _clean_statutes(x) { var statutes = ''; for (var i = 0; i " + x[i] + "
"; } else { statutes += "
" + x[i] + "
"; } } statutes += ""; return statutes; })); } if(row.plea) { var pleas = [row.date_plea, row.plea].filter(function (x) { return x;}); lines.push('Plea: ' + pleas.join(' - ')); } if(row.disposition) { var dispos = [row.date_disposition, row.disposition].filter(function (x) { return x; }); lines.push('Disposition: ' + dispos.join(' - ')); } if(row.sentences) { lines.push('Sentences: ' + [row.sentences]); } // Filter and merge down. lines = lines.filter(function (x) {return x && x.length;}) .map(function (row) {return "
  • " + row + "
  • ";}) return [""]; }) : ""; const sentence_table = sentences_js ? create_html_table(sentences_js, ['Sentences'], function (row) { return [""]; }) : ""; let html = ''; if (charge_table) html += '
    ' + charge_table + '
    '; if (sentence_table) html += '
    ' + sentence_table + '
    '; return html; }); });
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