Grace Deletion - Domain Tasting and Returns | Dynadot

Grace Deletion

Not sure about the domain you just purchased? No problem. We want to support you in building the strongest portfolio possible, which is why we support domain tasting (a strategy to try out a domain name and test its traffic) with grace deletions. Get a sense for how well your domain is likely to perform, and if it's not for you, you can "return" the domain by submitting a grace deletion request.View TLDs
circles moving backwards to signify returning a domain

How it works

Use the chart below to get more information on grace deletions for our supported TLDs. Most grace deletions are processed within a few minutes unless there is a maximum deletion rate or a wait list for that domain extension. Please note that if you're placed on the waitlist, your grace deletion will only be processed if the current rate is reduced before your domain's grace period is over. If your grace deletion is not processed, you will have to keep the domain. A few things to keep in mind:

Grace Period

Most domains can be grace deleted within 5 days of registration.

Deletion Fee

If a domain has a grace deletion fee it will be taken out when we credit your account.

Max Rate

Some domains have a limited grace deletion rate that is regulated by ICANN and the central registries.

Current Rate

This rate is based on how many domains we register per month versus the number of domains we grace delete per month.

Wait List

If our "Current Rate" is close to the "Max Rate" you will be placed on our wait list.

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