Super Joystiq Podcast Special: Gamescom 2014 Day 1


The Super Joystiq Podcast specials train is firing up again. Gamescom 2014 is about to kick-off and we have an amazing pre-show group of guests. Tune in to hear Mike Bithell talk a bit about his forthcoming game Volume and the business of indie development, Brenda Romero discusses her history of educating about gender issues and analog game development, and John Romero breaks some serious news at the end. Maybe you've already heard, it went something a little like "I haven't made a shooter since 2000, so..."

We'll be back every day with a new special from Gamecom 2014, so stay tuned.

(Pardon the minor audio issues on this first Gamescom special. People were fired.)

Listen to the Super Joystiq Podcast:


Relevant links are available after the break.

Listen to the MP3

Show Breakdown
Hosts: Alexander (@Sliwinski), Ludwig (@LudwigK), Jess (@JessConditt), Sinan (@sinankubba), Thomas (@T_Schulenberg)
Guests: Brenda Romero (@br) & John Romero (@Romero) - Loot Drop, Mike Bithell (@mikeBithell) - Thomas was Alone & Volume

  • 00:00:00 // Intros

  • 00:19:30 // Volume & publisher/contracting model

  • 00:32:40 // Gender & sex issues in games history

  • 00:46:10 // Takeaways from GDC Europe

  • 01:02:30 // John Romero says new shooter is on the way

Theme Music: Satsuma Audio and Whitaker Blackall – "A Basstastic Undertaking"

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Breaking News and Features

Podcast Production

Jonathan Downin (@jonathandownin)
