Congo Children Trust | Support Street Children in D.R Congo
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Supporting street children in The Democratic Republic of Congo

A few of Kimbilio's children.JPG

A Journey of Hope and Transformation for D.R. Congo Children

Congo Children Trust is a UK based charity which is mobilising a grass roots international network to support the Kimbilio project, who support the needs of children living on the streets in D.R. Congo. Through Kimbilio, our partner in D.R. Congo, the Congo Children Trust non-profit has been working hard to support street connected children in Lubumbashi, the largest city in the former Katanga province and the second largest in D.R. Congo, and the wider region. ​Our chairty mission is simple yet profound: to protect, nurture, educate, and empower the most vulnerable children in D.R. Congo.


Through education, healthcare, and vocational training, the D.R. Congo charity strives to transform lives and create brighter futures. Since our inception in 2009, our journey has been one of relentless commitment and impactful change. From the bustling streets of Lubumbashi to the remote mining areas, we've touched the lives of thousands of children, offering them safety, education, and a path to a better life.

kimbilio logo

Your Support, Their Hope: Join Us in Uplifting D. R. Congo's Children


of former street children educated at Kimbilio Primary School.


vocation and learning centers opened.

Over 7,000

children currently supported annually.

14 Years

of transformative action since our inception in 2009.

Help Combat Child Poverty in D.R. Congo

We are reliant on gifts from individuals, schools, churches and organisations to continue to provide assistance to the Kimbilio children. As the charity is striving to support children towards a better future and to expand our services to reach out to more children in need we welcome all gifts and donations.

Global Giving

Check out our fundraising projects.


A popular choice for community fundraising campaigns.

Social Good Fund

 Kimbilio's 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor in the US.

Discover our projects and sponsored events in the D.R. Congo

Kumi Consulting

Kumi is a sustainability consultancy that specialises in sustainable
sourcing. Kumi's services help clients to understand social and
environmental risks in complex supply chains, implement management
controls and improve their performance. Headquartered in London and
operating globally, Kumi's work is shaping international regulation,
guiding industry compliance standards and helping major global clients
drive systemic change through their supply chains. As a company actively
working with companies operating in the DRC, Kumi is proud to partner
with Congo Children Trust and support its work and the Kimbilio project.


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