Mujib Mashal Promoted to South Asia Bureau Chief | The New York Times Company
October 14, 2021

Mujib Mashal Promoted to South Asia Bureau Chief

A talented journalist, Mujib recently showed extraordinary leadership as he guided many of our Afghan colleagues and their families to safety. Read more in this note from International’s leadership.

Mujib Mashal made sure that we never lost sight of the everyday people whose lives were upended by the endless war in Afghanistan.

He introduced us to Malay Khan, who lost two of his six children in an explosion after coming home from burying another relative, a police officer killed by the Taliban.

Mujib took us on a peace march with Zaheer Ahmad Zindani, who lost his father to an American airstrike and his sister and eyesight to a Taliban bombing. But his most grievous wound was a broken heart: Blinded, he could not marry the love of his life.

Mujib never accepted that life was cheap, and he made sure that we, his readers, did not either.

Then Kabul fell to the Taliban, and we all saw another side to Mujib: He demonstrated extraordinary leadership as he helped guide many of our Afghan colleagues and their families to safety.

“I’ve been an admirer of Mujib’s reporting and writing for many years but rarely have I been so awed by a show of leadership,’’ A.G. Sulzberger wrote recently as he honored Mujib with a special Publisher’s Award.

So it is with great pleasure that we are naming Mujib our next South Asia bureau chief based in New Delhi.

It’s hard to imagine our Afghanistan coverage over the past decade without Mujib.

Born and raised during the country’s civil war, he was still in college when he began his career in journalism at our Kabul bureau in 2010. He reached out to Alissa Rubin, the bureau chief at the time, to ask about internships; Alissa told him they don’t really have interns in war zones, but offered a temporary role as a fixer/translator.

Five years later, after a stint with Al Jazeera English in Doha and a run as a contributor to Time, Harper’s, The Atlantic and other outlets, Mujib came back to The Times in Kabul — this time as a reporter.

He covered some of the bloodiest stretches of the fighting at a time when the war was making few headlines, but he and his dedicated colleagues were determined that the world take notice of the toll the unending cycle of brutality was taking on Afghans.

A journalist with the soul of a poet, Mujib also brought readers moments of joy in the midst of adversity, with dispatches on a barber who rapped his way to the top of an Afghan music competition and a 6-year-old refugee who was inseparable from his parrot.

This is how Doug Schorzman, a deputy international editor, puts it:

“Mujib is the total package as a correspondent, and as a colleague. I don’t know of anyone who commands as much respect — generals and militant leaders, warlords and government officials, poets and day workers, they all talk to him about everything, and he is seemingly without fear in holding them to account. His leadership, his cogent analysis and his emotional savvy all come out in his beautiful writing.”

As the South Asia bureau chief, Mujib, who has been a correspondent in Delhi since the beginning of the year, will work with another extraordinary group of journalists in a vast and diverse region that is home to a quarter of the world’s population.

Mujib’s new role is a natural outgrowth of his education years ago at Columbia University, where he graduated with a degree in South Asian history and also studied global literature, including Urdu poetry. Living in New York City also allowed him to pursue his love of cricket, playing in the Bronx with diaspora lovers of the sport from India to the West Indies.

By his own account, Mujib may have played the game with more passion than skill. But when it comes to journalism, he has both beyond measure.

— Michael, Greg, Adrienne and Carlos

