See How The Times Gets Printed and Delivered - The New York Times
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Employees work toward deadline in The New York Times’s headquarters in New York City.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times

See How The Times Gets Printed and Delivered

The Times is printed at 27 locations and takes a trip — by truck or by plane, sometimes thousands of miles — to get to you. Timing is everything.

Times Insider delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how news, features and opinion come together at The New York Times.

On a Tuesday in late June, a moment in the news cycle was sealed in ink, as it is every night, for the first national edition of The New York Times.

If a reporter missed a deadline, or an editor in Manhattan hesitated with a headline, the newspaper might not reach readers — some of them thousands of miles away.

The day’s top story was the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Trump administration’s travel ban. It was placed on the front page alongside a 4,700-word investigation by Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsythe into how the management consulting firm McKinsey became embroiled in a South African corruption scandal.

Felix Butler attaches A1 print to a machine for the next day’s edition of The New York Times, printed at The Courier-Journal’s press in Louisville, Ky.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times
The New York Times is printed at the Courier-Journal plant.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times

“It was just the regular crazy breaking stuff we were expecting,” said Amy Kelsey, deputy director of news design.

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