Large majority of Swiss reject bid to rein in immigration from EU, says exit poll

Large majority of Swiss reject bid to rein in immigration from EU, says exit poll

The Swiss People's Party had pushed for tighter immigration control using rhetoric utilised by pro-Brexit politicians

Marco Chiesa, SSVP President, takes part in the day's vote
Marco Chiesa, SSVP President, takes part in the day's vote Credit: PETER SCHNEIDER /Keystone 

Swiss voters overwhelmingly rejected a Eurosceptic party’s attempt to restrict immigration from the EU in a referendum yesterday (on Sunday) seen as a key test of attitudes towards foreigners.

The Swiss People’s Party (SVP) called the referendum on scrapping a mutual free movement agreement with the EU. 

Echoing some of the arguments for Brexit, the Right-wing populist party pushed to take back control of immigration, which it said had become “uncontrolled and excessive”.

Switzerland’s population of about 8.2 million includes some 1.4 million EU citizens. About half a million Swiss nationals live in the EU.

The SVP, Switzerland’s largest parliamentary party, proposed to give Swiss nationals preferential access to jobs and welfare benefits over citizens of the 27-nation bloc that surrounds the prosperous Alpine country, which is not an EU member-state.

Its proposal was defeated 63 per cent to 37 per cent, according to projections by the SRF broadcaster, based on partial results. The initiative was opposed by the government, business leaders and all other political parties out of fear that it would jeopardise Switzerland’s close ties with the EU.

The SVP had painted a bleak picture of older Swiss workers being replaced by younger immigrants. It blamed foreigners, who make up a quarter of the country’s population, for rising housing costs and overcrowded schools and public transport.

Marco Chiesa, SSVP President, speaks to journalists in Rothrist
Marco Chiesa, SSVP President, speaks to journalists in Rothrist Credit: PETER SCHNEIDER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock /Shutterstock

Opponents of restricting EU immigration argued that the move would have deprived businesses of skilled workers and undermined agreements granting Switzerland privileged access to the EU single market.

Switzerland frequently holds referenda under its system of direct democracy and the government would have been forced to withdraw from the free movement pact had a majority voted in favour of curbs.

A “guillotine” clause would have toppled a number of the country’s other agreements with the EU in sectors including land and air transport, trade and scientific research.

Céline Amaudruz, a leading SVP MP, said: “It’s the guillotine clause that won. Citizens were scared. We were alone against everyone.” The party, she said, would continue its campaign “to ensure that we don’t enter the European Union little by little”.

Like Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, Switzerland belongs to the European Free Trade Association, and is the EU’s fourth largest trading partner after the US, China and the UK.

The Swiss government still has to face its biggest foreign policy headache: stalled negotiations for a treaty aimed at cementing ties with the EU. Critics say it infringes on Switzerland’s sovereignty.

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