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This much I know

This article is more than 17 years old
Interview by Michael Odell
Melanie C, singer, 33, London

Sometimes you just can't see the wood for the trees. I ignored my eating disorder in the Spice Girls. I was thin and over-exercising. Then in 2000 I was bingeing on cereal and bread - I craved carbohydrates to sedate myself. It was a relief when my doctor said: 'You're depressed.'

Sometimes I wish my mum and dad would apologise to me about getting divorced when I was two. I blamed myself. They both got happily remarried and had more children. I was their only child and I felt like a spare part. But it made me determined and self-sufficient.

I'd have settled for being a dancer in the theatre. But the jobs weren't coming and I thought: 'I ain't working on no cruise ship.' Then in the college cafeteria this guy gave me a flyer: 'Are you energetic?' and 'Do you want to be a star?' I said to my friend: 'This is it, make or break.'

Sindy isn't as damaging as Barbie. I couldn't stand Barbie because she had these in-your-face American boobs. In terms of her body, Sindy seemed more British and less hung up about her bod. I've still got eight of them at home.

Girls can be terrible bullies, worse than blokes. The Spice Girls were crazy. There was a lot of bullying and bitching. Your insecurities could be exploited by others to bolster their self-esteem. But we've all said sorry now.

I'm quite vulnerable. The criticism got through. When someone calls you Sumo Spice, it's one person's stupid joke - but if it catches you at a bad moment, it can feel like the whole world is against you.

You've got to go there to come back. After the Spice Girls, I needed help re-entering society. I rediscovered ordinary stuff: supermarkets, watching telly, going to the pub. Funny, it was too normal before. I wanted to be a star. Now I love it.

I spent a day with Victoria in Madrid. I'd forgotten what it's like being stalked by paparazzi and the state of your fringe being world headline news. I thought: 'This would be fun for about a week.' But it's exhausting. Of course she doesn't have to cook or clean or do a supermarket shop, but it's like people living in your head.

I feel very proud to be British. Especially when I'm working abroad. And I feel proud to be a part of pop culture, as much as we got slagged off.

Seeing someone on the tube and thinking 'I wouldn't mind a bit of that' gets you through the day. I think lust is important in anyone's life.

I've always been faithful. But I don't believe in working at a relationship. If it needs working at, then it's probably broken. Don't kid yourself: you can't change people. Go for someone who you can really talk to.

I definitely want to be a mum. But I got so thin when I wasn't eating that my periods stopped and my bones became very fragile. I may have done some permanent damage. But I hope I'm still in with a chance.

Tattoos are such a ridiculous thing to do to yourself. I have 10. It's not quite self-harm, but now I see it's odd to mark yourself forever. They look nice if you're toned and tanned and fabulous. But when I put on weight they looked awful. I haven't had one since 2000.

If I see Liverpool Cathedral and the Liver buildings, I feel quite emotional. Some people think: 'Well fuck off back there then.' But the Scouse gene is something you carry with you.

I don't tell many stories. I stay in the background. I'm a failed extrovert.

· Melanie C's album This Time is released on Red Girl Records on 2 April

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