Kazakhstan protests: government resigns amid rare outbreak of unrest | Kazakhstan | The Guardian Skip to main contentSkip to navigationSkip to navigation
Protests erupt in Kazakhstan over fuel price rise – video

Kazakhstan protests: government resigns amid rare outbreak of unrest

This article is more than 2 years old

President appoints acting prime minister after earlier declaring a state of emergency to tackle widespread demonstrations over rising fuel prices

Kazakhstan’s president has accepted the resignation of the government, hours after he declared a state of emergency in large parts of the country in response to a rare outbreak of unrest.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has appointed Alikhan Smailov as acting prime minister, the president’s office said early on Wednesday. Smailov was previously the first deputy prime minister.

The political moves follow protests, sparked by rising fuel prices, that began in the west of the country over the weekend and have spread quickly.

On Tuesday evening, video footage from Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city, showed lines of riot police and numerous crowd control vehicles massed in the centre of the city.

Police used stun grenades and teargas after crowds refused to disperse, AFP reported, estimating there were more than 5,000 people present. Later, there were unverified reports of police cars on fire in Almaty, and videos from a number of other cities appeared to show protesters braving subzero temperatures and a large presence of security forces.

⚡В Алматы полетели светошумовые гранаты!!! pic.twitter.com/C8YP3qGltL

— ДАМА с ПЕРЕГАРОМ (@aperegarom) January 4, 2022

Mobile internet was down and messaging apps were blocked across large parts of the authoritarian Central Asian nation.

“All calls to storm or attack government buildings are absolutely illegal,” Tokayev said in a video address on Tuesday evening.

In a tweet, Tokayev blamed the protests on “destructive individuals who want to undermine the stability and unity of our society”. In an attempt to quell the unrest, however, he said the government would meet on Wednesday to discuss “the socio-economic demands” of protesters.

Late on Wednesday, he imposed a state of emergency covering Almaty and the western Mangystau province, which is due to last for two weeks.

The protests began over the weekend in the oil city of Zhanaozen, the same place where, in December 2011, police fired on protesters killing at least 16 people.

The initial spark for outrage was the sharply rising price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), used by many to power their cars, particularly in the west of Kazakhstan. The price doubled in a matter of days.

Riot police in central Almaty, where more than 5,000 people reportedly joined protests. Photograph: Vladimir Tretyakov/AP

Tokayev said the government would introduce a price cap of 50 tenge (about 8p) a litre on LPG, roughly half the current market price, in Mangystau province.

Speaking to acting cabinet members, Tokayev ordered them and provincial governors to broaden the LPG price controls to gasoline, diesel and other “socially important” consumer goods.

He also ordered the government to develop a personal bankruptcy law and consider freezing utilities’ prices and subsidising rent payments for poor families.

He said the situation was improving in protest-hit cities and towns after the state of emergency was declared which included a curfew and movement restrictions.

Tokayev is the handpicked successor of Nursultan Nazarbayev, a Soviet-era Communist boss who became Kazakhstan’s first leader after independence and ruled for nearly three decades until he stepped down in 2019. The 81-year-old still wields enormous power behind the scenes, and the country’s capital city was renamed Nur-Sultan in his honour in 2019.

Under Nazarbayev and his successor, a small elite have amassed enormous wealth, while life for many ordinary Kazakhs is still hard-going, particularly in the resource-rich west of the country. Rare protests have been ruthlessly crushed, and the regime faces no real opposition in parliament.

Separately, the interior ministry said that in addition to Almaty, government buildings were attacked in the southern cities of Shymkent and Taraz overnight, with 95 police officers wounded in clashes. Police have detained more than 200 people.

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