‘A cabinet that looks like Canada:’ Justin Trudeau pledges government built on trust Skip to main content
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‘A cabinet that looks like Canada:’ Justin Trudeau pledges government built on trust

New prime minister promises that his government would be one based on trust and teamwork that delivered “evidence-based policy.”

3 min read

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his newly sworn-in cabinet ministers arrive on Parliament Hill.

Justin Trudeau beamed as he explained why he felt the need to put together Canada’s first cabinet with an equal number of male and female members.

“It’s an incredible pleasure for me to be before you today … to present a cabinet that looks like Canada,” Trudeau said on Wednesday afternoon in his first statement as Canada’s 23rd prime minister.

Peter Edwards

Peter Edwards is a Toronto-based reporter primarily covering crime for the Star. Reach him via email: pedwards@thestar.ca

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