How to create a Twitter List (and join others) - The Verge
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How to create a Twitter List (and join others)

How to create a Twitter List (and join others)


An easy way to clean up your Twitter feed

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Many Twitter users follow thousands of other accounts, and seeing all of those accounts in one chaotic timeline can be overwhelming. If you’ve ever wished you could see a limited Twitter timeline made up of only your family’s tweets, the hottest comedians, or fans of your favorite sports team, then Twitter Lists are for you.

A Twitter List is essentially a separate Twitter feed made up only of accounts you’ve selected. If you use Twitter for work, they can also be a useful way to separate colleagues and personal friends into different feeds.

Twitter Lists can be public or private. If you create a public list, other users can see it on your profile and can subscribe to it if they’re also interested in the topic. Only you can see private lists.

Create a Twitter List in the iPhone or Android Twitter app

  • Tap your profile’s avatar in the upper-left corner. A menu will pop out. Select “Lists.”
  • Tap the icon with the plus sign in the bottom-right corner
  • Enter the name of your list and a brief description. If you want to make the list private, toggle that option on (in iOS) or check the box that says “Private” (in Android).
  • Click on “Save” (in Android) or “Create” (in iOS)
  • In iOS, you can immediately search for users to add to your list. Press the “Add” button
  • In Android, you will be brought back to the “Lists” page. To add members to your list, go to their profile page, tap the three dots on the top right corner, and select “Add to List.” You can then select which list you want to add them to (if you have more than one).
  • To edit your list at any time, go back to the Lists tab. In iOS, select the list, and tap “Edit List.” In Android, select the list, tap the three dots on the top right, and tap “Edit List.”


Create a Twitter list from your desktop

  • From the menu on the left side, click “Lists”
  • Click the icon with the plus sign in the top right
  • Enter the name of your list and a brief description. If you want to make the list private, check the box labeled “Make private.” Select “Next.”
  • Search for the users you want to add to your list, and click on their names. You’ll see a checkmark next to the ones you’ve selected, and their names will appear on top. When you’re finished, click on “Done.”
  • To edit your list at any time, go back to the Lists tab, select the list you want to edit, and tap “Edit List.”


Subscribe to others’ Twitter Lists

You can also see and subscribe to other people’s Twitter lists, as long as they’ve made them public. The process is the same on desktop and mobile apps.

On another user’s profile, tap the three dots in the top-right corner and select “View Lists.” You’ll see all of the public lists that user has created, and you can subscribe to one by clicking on it.


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