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Apple CEO defends tax tactics at Senate hearing

Apple CEO Tim Cook went to Washington on Tuesday and calmly defended the tech giant from a scathing Senate panel's report that concluded the company, famed for its iPhones and iPads, had become similarly infamous for corporate tax avoidance.

Cook, Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer and Phillip Bullock, the company's head of tax operations, were sworn in shortly before noon as star witnesses testifying in a public hearing showdown with the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

"We pay all the taxes we owe, every single dollar," said Cook, who also insisted that Apple doesn't rely on tax "gimmicks" and doesn't "stash money on some Caribbean island."

Cook also sketched a proposal for a revenue-neutral simplification of federal tax laws that would lower corporate tax rates to roughly 25% and create a "single-digit" percentage tax on foreign earnings that multinational U.S. firms bring home to use for job creation

and economic investment. On paper, U.S. corporations are taxed 35% on worldwide income. But levies on overseas income are deferred until the funds are brought back to the U.S.

Such a change "would likely result in an increase in Apple's U.S. taxes," said Cook, who noted that the company's $6 billion federal tax payment last year likely made it America's largest corporate tax payer.

The testimony came in response to the Senate panel's Monday report that said Apple avoided tens of billions of dollars in U.S. taxes on its income by shifting the funds through a global web of offshore entities — including three that had no tax residency in any nation.

The three entities were run by some of Apple's top executives but were located, on paper, in Ireland, though they in some cases had no employees. One reported $30 billion in net income for 2009-2012, yet filed no corporate tax return and paid no income taxes to any government during those years, according to the report.

Another affiliate received $74 billion in sales income over four years, but paid taxes "on only a tiny fraction of that income," the report said.

Apple also transferred economic rights for some of its intellectual property to its offshore affiliates in low-tax jurisdictions, saving tens of billions of dollars in levies, the Senate panel concluded in its latest look at corporate tax avoidance tactics.

The company then went a step further by using U.S. tax loopholes to avoid federal taxes on $44 billion in otherwise taxable offshore income from the intellectual property rights during the past four years, the report said.

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., the subcommittee chairman, called Apple's quest for lower corporate taxes "the Holy Grail of tax avoidance."

"Apple is an American success story. Its products are justifiably well known and used throughout the world. Just like millions around the world, I carry an iPhone in my pocket," said Levin in the hearing's opening statement. "The company's engineers and designers have a well-earned reputation for creativity. What may not be so well known is that Apple also has a highly developed tax avoidance system — a system through which it has amassed more than $100 billion in offshore cash in a tax haven."

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the panel's ranking Republican, praised Apple as a tech giant and major U.S. corporation and taxpayer. But, McCain added, "in my view, Apple has violated at least the spirit (of federal tax laws) if not the letter of the law." McCain also said Congress was at fault for not simplifying the tax code.

Igniting the hearing's first political flash point, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the subcommittee should "apologize" for "bullying" one of the greatest U.S. business success stories. "This problem is solely created by the awful tax code," said Paul, who added that "Congress should be on trial."

"What we're talking about is what every company in America does, and that's minimizing their tax," said Paul, stressing that Apple has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

Signaling tacit agreement, Cook testified he did not consider Apple's tax strategies "to be a sham or abuse in any way." Cook said he and the other Apple executives appeared voluntarily to give the company's tax views, and did not feel harassed.

In written testimony filed with the subcommittee on Monday, Apple said "in accordance with U.S. law," the firm "pays U.S. corporate income taxes on the profits earned from its sales in the U.S. and on the investment income of its controlled foreign corporations."

In the statement, Apple said it does not move intellectual property to offshore tax havens and use that structure to sell products in the U.S., thereby ducking domestic taxes. The company, which reported $102.3 billion of its $145 billion in cash was held in offshore affiliates as of March 30, said it has that much money overseas "because it sells the majority of its products outside the U.S."

J. Richard Harvey, a tax expert at Villanova University School of Law, testified Tuesday that "I suspect that what Apple has done is within the bounds of what's acceptable in international tax law." But Harvey also said he nearly "fell off my chair" when he read an Apple statement to the Senate panel that insisted the firm did not rely on tax gimmicks.

Tax-avoidance techniques are commonly used by many large U.S.-based global firms as a legal way to reduce government levies at home and abroad. In a separate study last fall, the Senate panel reported that two other domestic tech giants, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, used such strategies to avoid billions in federal taxes.

In its Apple study, the Senate panel reported that Apple for the past decade has operated in Ireland with a specially negotiated tax rate of less than 2%, well below the country's 12% statutory rate.

Apple has several Ireland subsidiaries, including Apple Operations International, its top-tier offshore affiliate, and two sub-affiliates called Apple Operations Europe and Apple Sales International.

Incorporated in 1980, AOI "has no physical presence" in Ireland "or any other address" and doesn't have any employees, the Senate report said. Its board meetings have almost always been held in the U.S., and its assets are managed by an Apple subsidiary in Nevada.

"According to Apple, AOI's net income made up 30% of Apple's total worldwide net profits from 2009-2011, yet Apple also disclosed to the subcommittee that AOI did not pay any corporate income tax to any national government during that period," the report said.

Apple said in written replies to the committee that it had not determined whether AOI was managed and controlled in the U.S., which would make its profits taxable, the report said, noting that the subsidiary hadn't filed a corporate tax return in the past five years.

But Cook and other Apple executives testified Tuesday that AOI is functionally controlled and directed from Apple operations in the U.S.

AOI is a holding company to manage the financial operations and income of much of Apple's international sales, said Cook. Lower-tier foreign subsidiaries pay taxes on the sales at the rates charged by the countries in which they operate, and Apple pays U.S. tax on investment income generated by the money that flows to AOI, he said.

"The way I look at this is I see no shifting (of tax responsibility) going on," Cook said.

McCain questioned whether Apple's ability to take advantage of lower taxes in other countries where its products are sold gave the tech giant a financial advantage over domestic U.S. firms with no foreign operations.

"I don't see it as being unfair," Cook said.

The Senate panel has recommended strengthening the federal tax code to eliminate incentives for U.S. multinational firms to transfer intellectual property rights to offshore affiliates in low-tax areas.

In other recommendations, the panel called for reforming "check the box" tax rules and imposing current U.S. tax on income earned by any overseas affiliate managed and controlled in the U.S.