Islamic State Gained Strength in Libya by Co-Opting Local Jihadists - WSJ

Islamic State Gained Strength in Libya by Co-Opting Local Jihadists

Group’s central leadership sent out word in December to focus on domestic attacks

Updated ET

An ISIS affiliate's mass execution of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya has turned the country into an emerging front in the fight against Islamic State.

Last summer, Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent close associates to Libya to explore closer cooperation with local jihadists.

Once there, they found al Qaeda-aligned groups were already starting to cooperate to take advantage of Libya’s unique cocktail of chaos and a diffuse weapons arsenal. Instead of fighting rival jihadists as it had done in Syria, Islamic State decided to co-opt them and to bring the fight to Libya, said a security official with knowledge of Libyan jihadist groups.

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