Verizon Expands Deal for NBA Games - WSJ

Verizon Expands Deal for NBA Games

Besides streaming league play, Verizon and the NBA will develop original programming to complement coverage

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Lebron James, right, of the Cleveland Cavaliers is one of the biggest stars in the NBA, which has expanded its agreement with Verizon. Photo: Getty Images

Verizon Communications Inc. has struck a wide-ranging agreement with the National Basketball Association that extends the telecommunications giant’s relationship with the league beyond streaming games and into content creation as well as virtual and augmented-reality fan experiences.

As part of the deal, Verizon will now be able to offer the NBA’s “League Pass” subscription package of more than 1,100 regular season games on all its platforms through its Yahoo Sports. Verizon’s price tag for the package is $99 a season, 50% less than what it costs to buy it through a traditional pay-TV distributor. Verizon also receives some ad inventory to sell.

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