Yuval Adam | יובל אדם

Yuval Adam


Hello. I'm Yuval.
I turn abstract ideas into sequences of 1's and 0's.

My technical interests span the entire stack: distributed systems and protocols, wireless mesh networks, software defined radio and embedded development on microcontrollers. If I am not working on technology that has political significance or that is a vehicle for social change, something is wrong.

I publish code on Github, and you can also find me on Stack Overflow. Various ramblings in prose are on my Blog. All the music I've been listening to since 2004 is on last.fm. You can find me on Twitter, but Mastodon is so much better.

I am also a licensed amateur radio operator, my callsign is 4X5UV.

Some current projects I'm involved with, or otherwise just <3 - Tel Aviv Makers Hackerspace, postmarketOS, Arch Linux, CryptoParty, RTL-SDR, Django Girls, Rust TLV, Domain Name Hack Club.

Email is the best way to contact me, my address is helloaddda@yuv.algmail.com . To contact me securely, please encrypt your message using GPG and my public key with fingerprint

55E3 6E28 5352 22E2 A206  2848 B75B 5FC2 FA1A FE15

You can find me on nostr, my public key is


My identities are signed on Keybase.